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GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION Scope and Limitations of Taxation

Definition, Concept and Purpose of Taxation A. INHERENT LIMITATIONS
Taxation is the power exercised by the sovereign through 1. Territoriality - limited only to persons, property
its law-making body to raise revenue for the expenses of or businesses within the jurisdiction or territory
government. 2. Public purpose
3. International comity
Nature and Characteristics of Taxation 4. Non-delegability of taxing power
 The power to tax is inherent but constitutional 5. Tax Exemption of the government
provisions limit the exercise thereof. Its two-fold
nature is its being inherent and legislative; B. CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS
1. Tax measures must originate from the House of
 enforced and not voluntary; Representatives;
2. Tax must be uniform and equitable;
 exacted pursuant to law (must originate from the 3. Progressive system of taxation;
House of Representatives); 4. President has delegated legislative power to
impose tariff rates, import and export quotas,
 exaction is always pecuniary; tonnage and wharfage dues and other duties or
 taxes are personal and cannot be transferred or 5. Charitable institutions, churches and personages
transmitted but the burden can be shifted (in or convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-
case of indirect taxes like VAT); profit cemeteries and all lands, buildings and
improvements, actually, directly and exclusively
 for public purpose; (ADE) used for religious, charitable or
educational purposes are tax exempt;
 levied by authority which has jurisdiction over 6. Grant of tax exemption must be approved by
the following person, property, transaction, majority of ALL members of Congress;
rights and privileges (which is the extent of 7. Tax collected for a special purpose shall be
coverage/scope of powers). dedicated only for that purpose;
8. All local government units may impose tolls (ex.
Power of Taxation as distinguished from Police use of roads), charges (ex. special assessment for
Power and Power of Eminent Domain certain activities) and fees (ex. building permits,
The 20% senior citizen discount and tax deduction business permits) in line with the principle of
scheme are valid exercise of police power of the State local autonomy; and
absent a clear showing that it is arbitrary, oppressive or 9. Taxes not subject to set-off or compensation.
confiscatory. The discount is intended to improve the
welfare of the senior citizens who, at their age, are less Stages or Aspects of Taxation
likely to be gainfully employed, more prone to illnesses
and other disabilities, and thus, in need of subsidy in  Levy – Congress determines the persons,
purchasing commodities. (Manila Memoraial Park, Inc. property or exercises to be taxed, amount to be
v. Sec. of DSWD and DOF, 2013, DEL CASTILLO) raised, rates to be imposed and manner of
Theory and Basis of Taxation
 Necessity Theory – existence of government is a  Assessment and Collection – The executive
necessity, therefore it has the right to compel branch administers and implements all tax laws
citizens and property to pay taxes; and enforces the levy.

 Benefits – Protection Theory – payment of taxes  Payment and/or Exercise of Remedies –

allows a citizen to enjoy benefits in an organized Payment but failure thereof will allow the
society; and government to exercise both administrative and
judicial remedies.
 Life Blood Theory – taxes constitute the lifeblood
of the country and support the operations of Requisites of a Valid Tax
government and the public services extended to the 1. Should be for a public purpose
people. 2. Shall be uniform
Principles of a Sound Tax System - FAT 3. That either the person or property taxed be within the
1. Fiscal Adequacy – sufficiency to meet jurisdiction of the taxing authority
government expenditures and other public 4. That the assessment and collection of certain kinds of
needs. taxes guarantees against injustice to individuals,
especially by way of notice and opportunity for hearing
2. Administrative Feasibility/ Convenience – be provided
capability of being effectively enforced. 5. The tax must not impinge on the inherent and
Constitutional limitations on the power of taxation
3. Theoretical Justice/ Ability to Pay Theory –
based on the taxpayer‘s ability to pay; must be Sources of Tax Laws
progressive. 01. Statutes
02. Presidential Decrees


03. Executive Orders If no return is filed or the return filed is false or

04. Constitution fraudulent - within 10 years from discovery of the
05. Court Decisions omission, fraud or falsity.
06. Tax Codes
07. Revenue Regulations  Collection - within 3 years from date of
08. Administrative Issuances assessment. In case of omission to file or if the
09. BIR Rulings return filed is false or fraudulent - within 10
10. Local Tax Ordinance years from discovery without need of an
11. Tax Treaties and Conventions assessment.

Construction and Interpretation of Tax Laws b.) Tariff and customs code, as amended by CMTA
It does not express any general statute of limitation;
1. Public purpose is always presumed. When articles have entered and passed free of duty or
final adjustment of duties made, with subsequent
2. If the law is clear, apply the law in accordance to its delivery, such entry and passage free of duty or
plain and simple tenor. settlement of duties will, after the expiration of one (1)
year, from the date of the final payment of duties, in the
3. A statute will not be construed as imposing a tax absence of fraud or protest, be final and conclusive upon
unless it does so clearly, expressly and unambiguously. It all parties, unless the liquidation of import entry was
cannot be extended by implication. merely tentative.

4. In case of doubt, it is construed most strongly against c.) Local Government Code Local Taxes, fees, or
the Government, and liberally in favor of the taxpayer. charges
 Assessment - within 5 years from the date they
6. Tax laws operate prospectively unless legislature became due. In case of fraud - within 10 years
expressly gives retrospective effect. from discovery of the fraud.

7. Tax laws are special laws that prevail over a general  Collection - within 5 years from date of
law. assessment

Tax exemptions and Exclusions Double Taxation

Tax exemptions are strictissimi juris. Indeed, taxation is It is taxing the same property twice. Double taxation is
the rule and tax exemption the exception. Tax not prohibited in the Philippines. There is no
exemptions should be granted only by clear and constitutional prohibition against double taxation. It is
unequivocal provision of law on the basis of language too not favored but permissible.
plain to be misunderstood. (BIR VS MANILA HOME
TEXTILE, 2016, DEL CASTILLO) Escapes from Taxation
a) Shifting of Tax Burden – the process by which the tax
Non-Retroactivity of BIR Rulings burden is transferred from the statutory taxpayer
GR: Not retroactive if prejudicial to taxpayer. (impact of taxation) to another (incident of taxation).
1. Taxpayer deliberately misstates material facts in his b) Tax Avoidance – the use of legally permissible
return. alternative tax rates or methods of assessing taxable
2. Facts submitted in the request for a ruling is materially property or income, in order to avoid or reduce tax
different from actual facts. liability.
3. Taxpayer acted in bad faith.
c) Tax Evasion – use by the taxpayer of illegal or
Doctrines in Taxation fraudulent means to defeat or lessen the payment of the
1. Prospectivity of Tax Laws - Operate prospectively tax.
unless the purpose of the legislature to give retrospective
effect is expressly declared or may be implied from the Doctrine of Equitable Recoupment
language used. A tax presently being assessed but which has already
prescribed may not be recouped against an overpaid tax
2. Imprescriptibility of Taxes (Doctrine of the refund of which is also barred by prescription. This is
Imprescriptibilty) As a rule, taxes are imprescriptible as against public policy since both the taxpayer and the
they are the lifeblood of the government. However, tax government are guilty of negligence.
statutes may provide for statute of limitations, as
follows: Compensation and Set-off
GR: Tax is NOT subject to compensation or set-off for
a.) National Internal Revenue Code the following reasons:
 Assessment - within 3 years from the last day
prescribed by law for the filling of the return or if 1. lifeblood theory
filed after the last day, within three years from 2. taxes are not contractual obligation but arise out of
date of actual filling. duty to the government


3. the government and the taxpayer are not mutually Kinds:

creditors and debtors of each other 1. Calendar period - 12 consecutive months starting on
January 1 and ending on December 31.
XPN: When both obligations are due and demandable as
well as fully liquidated and all the requisites for a valid 2. Fiscal period - 12 months ending on the last day of any
compensation are present, compensation takes place by month other than December.
operation of law.
3. Short period - Instances when the taxpayer may have a
Compromise and Tax Amnesty taxable period of less than twelve (12) months:
 Compromise - A contract whereby the parties 1. When the corporation is newly organized and
avoid litigation or put an end to one already commenced operations on any day within the
commenced by reciprocal concessions. year
 Tax Amnesty - Partakes of an absolute waiver of 2. When the corporation changes its accounting
the government of its right to collect. period
3. When a corporation is dissolved
Taxpayer’s Suit - one is allowed to sue by asserting that 4. When a Commissioner of Internal Revenue, by
public funds are illegally disbursed or that there is a authority, terminates the taxable period of a
wastage of public funds through the enforcement of an taxpayer
invalid or unconstitutional law. 5. In case of final return of the decedent and such
period ends at the time of his death
As distinguished from a citizen's suit, the person
complaining must allege that he has been or is about to KINDS OF TAXPAYERS
be denied some right or privilege to which he is lawfully A. Individuals
entitled or that he is about to be subjected to some 1. Resident Citizens (RC)
burdens or penalties by reason of the statute or act 2. Non-Resident Citizens (NRC)
complained of. A citizen’s suit may also be made in 3. Resident Aliens (RA)
representation of minors or generations yet unborn to 4. Non-Resident Aliens (NRA)
enforce rights or obligations under environmental laws. 5. Engaged In Trade Or Business Within The Phils.
The Court retains the broad discretion to waive the 6. Not Engaged In Trade Or Business Within The
requirement of legal standing in favor of any petitioner Philippines (NRANETB)
when the matter involved has transcendental
importance, or otherwise requires a liberalization of the B. Corporations
requirement. 1. Domestic (DC)
2. Resident Foreign Corporation (RFC)
NATIONAL TAXATION 3. Non-Resident Foreign Corporation (NRFC)

Income Tax is tax on all yearly profits arising from C. Estates - An estate refers to the mass of properties left
property, possessions, trade or business, or as a tax on a by a deceased person.
person‘s income, emoluments, profits and the like. D. Trusts - A trust is a right to the property, whether real
or personal, held by one person for the benefit of
Income Tax systems another.
E. Partnerships
 Global Tax System – all items of income
subjected to a single set of income tax rate. When income is taxable
 Existence of income – gain not mere return of
 Schedular Tax System – different types of capital
incomes are subject to different sets of graduated or  Recognition of income - Recognition of income is
flat income tax rates. dependent upon the Accounting
Method used by the taxpayer:
 Semi-Schedular or Semi-Global Tax System – 1. Cash Method – only income actually received shall
the compensation income, business or professional be recognized and that only expenses actually paid
income, capital gain and passive income not subject to shall be claimed as deductions.
final tax, and other income are added together to arrive
at the gross income, and after deducting the sum of 2. Accrual Method – income is recognized only when
allowable deductions from business or professional earned, regardless of whether it has been received
income, capital gain and passive income not subject to and expenses are allowed as deductions only when
final tax, and other income, in the case of corporations, incurred regardless of whether it was actually paid
as well as personal and additional exemptions, in the
case of individual taxpayers, the taxable income is Tests on Taxability of Income
subjected to one set of graduated tax rates. 1. Flow of Wealth Test – The determining factor for the
Taxable period - the calendar year or the fiscal year imposition of income tax is whether any gain was
ending during such calendar year, upon the basis of derived from the transaction.
which the net income is computed for income tax
purposes. 2. Realization Test - unless the income is deemed
"realized," there is no taxable income.


4. Income from business - refers to income derived

3. Economic-Benefit Principle Test - flow of wealth from merchandising, mining, manufacturing and
realized is taxable only to the extent that the taxpayer is farming operations.
economically benefited.
5. Income from dealings in property - Gains derived
Classification of income from dealings in property means all income
1. Gross income and taxable income from sources within derived from the disposition of property
the Philippines whether real, personal or mixed. It is the
2. Gross income and taxable income from sources difference between the proceeds of the sale or
without the Philippines exchange and the acquisition value of the
3. Income partly within or partly without the Philippines property disposed by the taxpayer.

GROSS INCOME means all income derived from 6. Passive investment income - refers to income
whatever source, including but not limited to the derived from any activity on which the taxpayer
following items: has no active participation or involvement.

01. Compensation for services in whatever form paid, Passive incomes that are subject to final tax under
including, but not limited to fees, salaries, wages, the NIRC:
commissions and similar items
1. Interests, royalties, prizes and other winnings
02. Gross income derived from the conduct of trade or 2. Cash and/or property dividends
business or the exercise of a profession 3. Capital gains from sale of shares of stock not traded in
the stock exchange
03. Gains derived from dealings in property 4. Capital gains from sales of real property
04. Interests
05. Rents
06. Royalties REPUBLIC VS. SALVADOR, GR NO 205428, JUNE 7,
07. Dividends 2017(DEL CASTILLO)
08. Annuities
09. Prizes and winnings Respondents are registered owners of a parcel of land,
10. Pensions and 83 square meters of which was subjected to
11. Partner’s distributive share from the net income of expropriation proceedings by the DPWH. Respondents
the general professional partnership received two checks from the DPWH representing the
100% of the zonal value of the subject property as just
“Income from whatever source” includes all income compensation. In the expropriation case, the RTC
not expressly excluded or exempted from the class of directed the Republic to pay the respondents
taxable income, irrespective of the voluntary or consequential damages equivalent to the value of the
involuntary action of the taxpayer in producing the capital gains tax and other taxes for necessary for the
income transfer of the subject property in the Republic’s name.
Republic did not agree. The Court agreed with the RTC
Gross income vis-à-vis net income vis-à-vis taxable and held that capital gains tax is a consequence of the
income expropriation proceedings. The Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR) in BIR Ruling No. 476-2013 has
Net income - All pertinent items of gross income constituted the DPWH as a withholding agent tasked to
specified in the NIRC, less the deductions withhold the six-percent final withholding tax in the
expropriation of real property for infrastructure projects.
Taxable income – Net income less personal and Thus, as far as the government is concerned the capital
additional exemptions gains tax in expropriation proceedings remains a liability
of the seller, as it is a tax on the seller’s gain from the sale
Classification of income subject to tax of the property.

1. Compensation income - includes all

remuneration for services rendered by an 7. Annuities, proceeds from life insurance or other
employee for his employer. types of insurance

2. Fringe benefits - is any good, service or other Annuity - refers to the periodic installment payments
benefit furnished or granted by an employer in of income or pension by insurance companies during
cash or in kind in addition to basic salaries, to an the life of a person or for a guaranteed fixed period of
individual employee, except a rank and file time, whichever is longer, in consideration of capital
employee. paid by him. The portion representing return of
3. Professional income - refers to the fees received premium is not taxable while that portion that
by a professional from the practice of his represents interest is taxable.
profession, provided that there is no employer-
employee relationship between him and his 8. Prizes and awards - refers to amount of money in
clients. cash or in kind received by chance or through


luck and are generally taxable except if Income derived by the Government or its political
specifically excluded. subdivision is exempt from gross income only if the
source of the income is from any public utility or from
9. Pensions, retirement benefit or separation pay - the exercise of any essential governmental functions.
It refers to amount of money received in lump
sum or on staggered basis in consideration of Exclusions under the Tax Code
services rendered given after an individual 01. Gifts, bequests and devises
reaches the age of retirement. Pension being part 02. Life insurance proceeds
of gross income is taxable to the extent of the 03. Amount received by insured as return of premium
amount received except if there is a BIR 04. Retirement benefits, pensions, gratuities, etc.
approved pension plan. 05. Income exempt under treaty
06. Compensation for injuries or sickness
10. Income from any source whatever 07. Miscellaneous items.

Forgiveness of Indebtedness a. 13thmonth pay and other Benefits;

b. Prizes and awards
1. When cancellation of debt is income. If an individual c. Prizes and awards in sports competitions
performs services for a creditor, who in consideration d. Income derived by foreign government
thereof, cancels the debt, it is income to the extent of the e. Income derived by the government or its political
amount realized by the debtor as compensation for his subdivisions
services. f. GSIS, SSS, Medicare and other contributions
g. Gains from the sale of bonds, debentures or other
2. When cancellation of debt is a gift. If a creditor merely certificate of indebtedness
desires to benefit a debtor and without any consideration h. Gains from redemption of shares in mutual fund
therefore cancels the amount of the debt, it is a gift from
the creditor to the debtor and need not be included in the Exclusions under special laws
latter’s income. The creditor is subject to donor’s tax. Personal Equity and Retirement Account (PERA) R.A.
9505 refers to the voluntary retirement account
3. When cancellation of debt is a capital transaction. If a established by and for the exclusive use and benefit of
corporation to which a stockholder is indebted forgives the Contributor for the purpose of being invested solely
the debt, the transaction has the effect of payment of a in PERA investment products in the Philippines. All
dividend income earned from the investments and reinvestments
of the maximum amount allowed herein are tax exempt.
4. An insolvent debtor does not realize taxable income Maximum annual PERA contribution allowed are as
from the cancellation or forgiveness follows:

5. The insolvent debtor realizes income resulting from If the contributor is single - P100,000 or its equivalent in
the cancellation or forgiveness of indebtedness when he any convertible foreign currency at the prevailing rate at
becomes solvent. the time of the actual contribution

Recovery of Accounts Previously Written Off-When If the contributor is married - Each of the spouses shall be
Taxable/When Not Taxable (Tax Benefit Rule or entitled to make a maximum contribution of One
Equitable Doctrine of Tax Benefit) hundred thousand pesos (₱100,000) or its equivalent in
It is a principle that if a taxpayer recovers a loss or any convertible foreign currency.
expense that was deducted in a previous year, the
recovery must be included in the current year's gross If the contributor is an OFW - Double the allowable
income to the extent that it was previously deducted. maximum amount

Exclusions from Gross Income - refer to the removal of Deductions from Gross Income - refer to items or
otherwise taxable items from the reach of taxation amounts authorized by law to be subtracted from
pertinent items of gross income to arrive at the taxable
There are exclusions from the gross income either income.
because they:
1. Represent return of capital; Itemized deductions
2. Are not income, gain or profit; 1. Charitable and other contributions
3. Are subject to another kind of internal revenue tax; 2. Research and Development
4. Are income, gain or profit that is expressly exempt 3. Expenses (Ordinary and Necessary)
from income tax under the Constitution, Tax treaty, Tax 4. Depreciation
Code, or general or a special law. 5. Depletion of Oil and gas wells and mines
6. Bad Debts
Taxpayers who may avail of the exclusions 7. Interest expense
All kinds of taxpayers – individuals, estates, trusts and 8. Taxes
corporations, whether citizens, aliens, whether residents 9. Losses
or non-residents may avail of the exclusions. 10. Pension trust contributions

Exclusions under the Constitution


Optional Standard Deduction (OSD) - a fixed increase the value of any property or estate – these are
percentage deduction which is allowed to certain capital expenditures added to the cost of the property
taxpayers without regard to any expenditure and is in and the periodic depreciation is the amount that is
lieu of the itemized deduction. The OSD is an amount not considered as deductible expense.
3. Any amount expended in restoring property or in
1. 40% of the gross sales or gross receipts of a qualified making good the exhaustion thereof for which an
individual taxpayer; or allowance is or has been made (Major Repairs;
Considered asset)
2. 40% of the gross income of a qualified corporation
4. Premiums paid on any life insurance policy covering
It should be emphasized that the “cost of sales” in case of the life of any officer or employee, or of any person
individual seller of goods, or the “cost of service” in case financially interested in any trade or business carried on
of individual seller of services, is not allowed to be by the taxpayer, individual or corporate, when the
deducted for purposes of OSD. taxpayer is directly or indirectly a beneficiary under such
Personal and Additional Exemptions
5. Interest expense, bad debts, and losses from sales of
1. Basic Personal Exemption – the amount subtracted property between related parties (Related Party
from gross income which is allowed for the theoretical Transactions)
personal, family, and living expenses of an individual
taxpayer regardless of status, whether single or married 6. Losses from sales or exchanges of property
individual judicially decreed as legally separated with no
qualified dependents or head of the family; ₱50,000 for 7. Non-deductible interest
each individual taxpayer regardless of whether he is
single, head of the family or married. 8. Non-deductible taxes

2. Additional Exemptions – exemptions in addition to the 9. Non-deductible losses

basic personal exemptions that are granted to certain
individuals who have qualified dependents; ₱25,000 for 10. Losses from wash sales of stock or securities
each “qualified dependent” not exceeding four (4).

Health and Hospitalization Insurance Premium- not to INCOME TAX ON INDIVIDUALS

exceed ₱2,400 per family or ₱200 a month per family
a) Income Tax on Resident Citizens, Non-resident
 Only an individual taxpayer may claim health Citizens and Resident Aliens
and hospitalization insurance expenses as
deduction. 1. RC - taxable on all income derived from sources within
and without the Philippines;
 Individual taxpayers whether earning purely
compensation income during the year or earning 2. NRC - taxable only on income derived from sources
business income or in practice of his profession, within the Philippines;
whether availing of itemized or optional 3. RA/NRA - taxable only on income derived from
standard deductions during the year. sources within the Philippines.
 In the case of married taxpayers, only the spouse
claiming the additional exemption for Taxation on compensation income
dependents shall be entitled to this deduction. Included in compensation income:
a. Regular salary/wage
 Conditions in order to avail said deduction b. Separation pay/retirement benefit not otherwise
1. The health and/or hospitalization was c. Bonuses, 13th month pay, and other benefits not
taken by the taxpayer for himself, exempt
including his family; and d. Director’s fees (If also an employee of the company
2. Said family has a gross income of not where he is also a director)
more than ₱250,000 for the taxable year.
Excluded from compensation income:
Items not deductible 1. Fringe benefit subject to FBT
In computing net income, no deduction shall in any case 2. De minimis benefit
be allowed in respect to: 3. 13th month pay and other benefits and payments
specifically excluded from taxable compensation income
1. Personal, living or family expenses – these are (P82,000)
personal expenses and not related to the conduct of
trade or business. Examples of Fringe Benefits under the law
1. Housing
2. Any amount paid out for new buildings of for 2. Expense account
permanent improvements, or betterments made to 3. Vehicle of any kind


4. Household personnel such as maid, driver and others within the Philippines. It shall be liable for a 30% income
5. Interest on loans at less than market rate to the extent tax on their income from within the Philippines
of the difference between the market rate and the actual
rate granted 1. Normal Corporate Income Tax (NCIT) – also
6. Membership fees, dues and other expenses borne by applies to RFCs.
the employer for the employee in social and athletic
clubs or other similar organizations 2. Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) also
7. Holiday and vacation expenses applies RFCs.
8. Expenses for foreign travel
9. Educational assistance to the employee or his 3. Branch Profit Remittance Tax Branch - In general,
dependents profits remitted abroad by a branch office are
10. Life or health insurance and other non-life insurance subject to a 15% tax rate, based on the total profits
premiums or similar amounts in excess of what the law applied or earmarked for remittance, without any
allows deduction for the tax component thereof.

De Minimis Benefits - facilities or privileges furnished A. International carriers doing business in the
or offered by an employer to his employees that are of Philippines - Gross income within the Phil @ 2 ½%
relatively small value and are offered or furnished by the of Philippine gross billings
employer merely as a means of promoting the health,
goodwill, contentment and efficiency of his employees. B. Off-shore banking units - Gross income within the
The 13th month pay and other benefits are excluded Phil @ 10%
from gross income, provided that they do not exceed
₱82,000. Any excess thereof is considered part of the C. Resident depository banks (foreign currency
compensation income of an individual, hence, subject to deposit units)- 15% of remittances
income tax.
D. Regional or Area Headquarters and Regional
Individual Taxpayers Exempt from Income Tax Operating Headquarters of Multinational
1. Senior citizens provided considered a MWE Companies - both tax-exempt
2. MWE They shall be exempt from the payment of
income tax on their income, holiday pay, Income Tax on Non-Resident Foreign Corporations
overtime pay, night shift differential pay and (NRFC) – 30% GROSS INCOME within the Philippines
hazard pay
3. Exemptions granted under international INCOME TAX ON SPECIAL CORPORATIONS
Domestic Corporations
Income Tax on Domestic Corporations (DC) 1. Proprietary educational institutions and hospitals -
Section 69 of the old NIRC allows unutilized tax credits to Net taxable income 10%
be refunded as long as the claim is filed within the
prescriptive period. This, however, no longer holds true St. Luke’s Medical Center remains a proprietary non-
under Section 76 of the 1997 NIRC as the option to carry- profit hospital under Section 27(B) of the NIRC as long as
over excess income tax payments to the succeeding it does not distribute any of its profits to its members
taxable year is now irrevocable. (BELLE CORPORATION and such profits are reinvested pursuant to its corporate
vs CIR, 2011, DEL CASTILLO) purposes. As a proprietary non-profit hospital, it is
entitled to the preferential tax rate of 10% on its net
Taxes imposed on Domestic Corporations (DC) income from its for-profit activities. (CIR v. ST. LUKE'S
1. Normal corporate income tax (NCIT) - 30% of
taxable income from all sources within and without the 2. Non-profit hospitals - Net taxable income 10%
3. Government-owned or controlled corporations,
2. Minimum corporate income tax (MCIT) - 2% of gross agencies or instrumentalities - Net taxable income
income, if MCIT applies 30%

3. Gross income tax (Optional corporate income tax) - 4. Depository banks (foreign currency deposit units)
15% of gross income, if qualified
Exemptions from Tax on Corporations
4. Improperly Accumulated Earnings Tax (IAET) - 10%
of improperly accumulated earnings The following organizations shall not be taxed in respect
to income received by them as such:
5. Final tax on passive income
1. Labor, agricultural or horticultural organization, not
Resident Foreign Corporation (RFC) - refers to a organized principally for profit;
corporation organized, authorized, or existing under the 2. Mutual savings banks and cooperative banks
laws of any foreign country, engaged in trade or business
3. Fraternal Beneficiary Society, Order or Association


for profit, such income derived from those properties is

4. Cemetery Companies subject to tax.

5. Religious, Charitable, Scientific, Athletic or Cultural If religious, charitable or social welfare corporations
Corporations derive income from their properties or any of their
activities conducted for profit, income tax shall be
Requisites for exemption: imposed on said items of income irrespective of their
a. Organized and operated for one or more specified
purposes; However, in case of non-stock, non-profit educational
institution, as long as the income is actually, directly and
b. No part of the net income inures to the benefit of the exclusively used for educational purpose, such income is
any private stockholder or individual exempt as provided for in Art. XIV, Sec. 3 of the 1987

6. Business, Chamber of Commerce, or Board of Trade Other corporations exempt from income tax under
Special Laws
7. Civic league
1. Cooperatives under R.A. 6938, the Cooperative Code of
Requisites for exemption: the Philippines

a. Not organized for profit but operated exclusively for 2. Foundations created for scientific purposes under Sec.
purposes beneficial to the community as a whole. In 24 of R.A. 2067, an Act to Integrate, Coordinate, and
general, organizations engaged in promoting the Intensify Scientific and Technological Research and
welfare of mankind; Development and to Foster Invention

b. Sworn affidavit filed with the BIR showing the Tax on other Business Entities: General Partnerships,
following: General Professional Partnerships, Co-ownerships,
Joint Ventures and Consortia
i. Character of the league or organization
ii. Purpose for which it was organized General partnerships are taxable like corporations
iii. Actual activities while General Professional Partnerships (GPPs) are not
iv. Sources of income and disposition thereof, and subject to income tax because they are mere “pass-
v. All facts relating to the operation of the through”entities.
organization which affects it right to exemption.
vi. The copy of articles of incorporation, by laws and Filing of Returns and Payment of Income Tax
financial statements should be attached to the sworn
affidavit Period within which to file Income Tax Return of
Individuals and Corporations
8. Non-stock, Non-Profit Educational Institutions;
For individuals - on or before April 15th day of each
9. Government Educational Institutions; year covering income for the preceding taxable year.
However, individuals who are self-employed or in
10. Mutual Fire Insurance Companies and like practice of a profession are required to file and pay
Organizations estimated income tax every quarter as follows:

11. Farmers, Fruit Growers or like Associations 1. First Quarter - April 15

2. Second Quarter - August 15
Income of whatever kind and character of the 3. Third Quarter - November 15
foregoing organizations from any of their properties, real 4. Final Quarter - April 15 of the following year
or personal, or from any of their activities conducted for
profit regardless of the disposition made of such income, For corporations – within 60 days following the close
shall be subject to tax imposed under the NIRC. of the taxable quarter for quarterly income tax returns.
For annual income tax return, on or before April 15 if
The foregoing exempt corporations have common calendar year, and on or before the 15th day of the fourth
requisites for exemption: month following the close of the fiscal year.

1. Not organized and operated principally for Profit; Persons liable to file Income Tax Returns
2. No part of the net income Inures to the benefit of any Individual taxpayers
member or individual; 1. Resident citizens receiving income from sources
3. No capital is represented by Shares of stock; and within or outside the Philippines
4. Educational or instructive in character.
a. Individuals deriving compensation income from 2 or
The moment they invest their income or receive more employers, concurrently or successively at
income from their properties, real or personal conducted anytime during the taxable year;


b. Employees deriving compensation income creditable against the income tax due of the payee for the
regardless of the amount, whether from a single or taxable quarter year
several employers during the calendar year, the
income tax on which has not been withheld correctly c. Withholding of Business Taxes (VAT and Percentage)
resulting to collectible or refundable return;
d. Withholding Tax on Government Money Payments –
c. Employees whose monthly gross compensation withheld by government offices and instrumentalities,
income does not exceed 5,000 or the statutory including government-owned or controlled corporations
minimum wage, whichever is higher, and opted for and local government units, before making any payments
non-withholding of tax on said income; to private individuals, corporations, partnerships and/or
d. Individuals deriving non-business, nonprofessional
related income, in addition to compensation income TRANSFER TAXES - imposed upon the privilege of
not otherwise subject to a final tax; passing ownership of property without any valuable
e. Individuals receiving purely compensation income
from a single employer, although the income of which Kinds of Transfer Taxes under the NIRC
has been correctly withheld, but whose spouse is not 1. Estate tax
entitled to substituted filing 2. Donor’s tax

2. Non-resident citizens receiving income from sources Estate Tax - an excise tax imposed upon the privilege of
within the Philippines transmitting property at the time of death and on the
privilege that a person is given in controlling to a certain
3. Citizens working abroad receiving income from extent the disposition of his property to take effect upon
sources within the Philippines death. It is based on the laws in force at the time of death.

4. Aliens, whether resident or not, receiving income from It is not a tax on property because their imposition does
sources within the Philippines not rest upon general ownership but rather they are
Substituted filing - when the employer‘s annual return privilege tax since they are imposed on the act of passing
may be considered as the substitute Income Tax Return ownership of property
(ITR) of an employee, inasmuch as the information
provided in his income tax return would exactly be the Purposes in Imposing the Estate Tax
same information contained in the employer‘s annual
return. 1. To generate additional revenue for the government
2. To reduce the concentration of wealth
Conditions for the substituted filing of ITR 3. To provide for an equal distribution of wealth
4. To compensate the government for the protection
1. Employee receives purely compensation income, given to the decedent that enabled him to prosper and
regardless of amount, during the taxable year accumulate wealth
2. He receives the income only from one employer
3. Income tax withheld is equal to income tax due Time and transfer of properties
4. Employer filed information return showing the income The properties and rights are transferred to the
tax withheld on employees compensation income successors at the time of death. The statute in force at the
time of death of the decedent governs the imposition of
WITHHOLDING OF TAXES the estate tax. The estate tax accrues as of the death of
the decedent. The accrual of the tax is distinct from the
Concept of withholding taxes obligation to pay the same which is 6 months after the
Taxes imposed or prescribed by the NIRC are to be death of the decedent.
deducted and withheld by the payor-corporations
and/or persons for the former to pay the same directly to Classification of decedent
the BIR. Hence, the taxes are collected practically at the
same time the transaction is made or when the taxable 1. Resident decedent
transaction occurs. It is taxation at source. a. Resident citizen
b. Non-resident citizen
Kinds of Withholding Taxes c. Resident alien
1. Withholding of final tax on certain incomes;
2. Non-resident decedent
2. Withholding of creditable tax at source a. Non-resident alien

a. Withholding Tax on Compensation - tax withheld from Gross estate and net estate
individuals receiving purely compensation income; tax Gross estate is arrived at after adding all those included
withheld from income payments to individuals arising and deducting the exclusions while net estate is arrived
from an employer-employee relationship at after subtracting the allowable deductions from the
gross estate.
b. Expanded Withholding Tax – a kind of withholding tax
which is prescribed only for certain payors and is Items to be included in the gross estate


1. Decedent's interest Losses are allowed as deductions from the gross estate
2. Transfer in contemplation of death of a Filipino citizen whether resident or non-resident and
3. Revocable transfer resident alien are allowed provided that they:
4. Property passing under general power of appointment
5. Proceeds of life insurance 1. Were incurred during the settlement of the estate;
6. Prior interests 2. Arise from fire, storm, shipwreck, or other casualties,
7. Transfers of insufficient consideration or robbery, theft or embezzlement;
3. Are not compensated by insurance or otherwise;
Deductions and exclusions from estate 4. Are not claimed as deduction in the ITR of the estate
1. Expenses, losses, indebtedness, and taxes (ELIT): at the time of the filing of the return; and
5. Occur not later than the last day prescribed by law
a. Funeral expenses - The amount deductible is the lower or any extension thereof for payment of the estate tax.
between actual funeral expenses or 5% of the gross
estate but not exceeding P200,000. 2. Property previously taxed (Vanishing Deductions) -
Vanishing Deduction is the deduction allowed from the
b. Judicial expenses for testamentary or intestate gross estate of citizens, resident aliens and non-resident
proceedings estates for properties which were previously subject to
donors or estate taxes. The purpose of vanishing
Examples of judicial expenses: deduction is to lessen the harsh effects of double
1. Fees of executor or administrator taxation.
2. Attorney’s fees
3. Court fees 3. Transfers for public use
4. Accountant’s fees
5. Appraiser’s fees Requisites for deductibility:
6. Clerk hire
7. Costs of preserving and distributing the estate a) The disposition is in a last Will and testament;
8. Costs of storing or maintaining property of the estate b) To take effect after Death;
9. Brokerage fees for selling property of the estate c) In favor of the Government of the Philippines or
any political subdivision thereof;
c. Claims against the estate - are debts or demands of a d) For exclusive Public purposes; and
pecuniary nature which could have been enforced e) The value of the property given is Included in the
against the deceased in his lifetime and could have been gross estate.
reduced to simple money judgments.
4. The Family home (not applicable to NRA)
d. Claims against insolvent persons included in the gross
estate It is the dwelling house, including the land where it is
situated where the married person or an unmarried head
Requisites for deductibility: of the family and his family resides.

1. The full amount of the receivables be included first in It is deemed constituted on the house and lot from the
the gross estate; and time that it is constituted as a family residence and is
2. The incapacity of the debtors to pay their obligation is considered as such so long as any of the beneficiaries
proven not merely alleged. actually resides therein.

e. Unpaid mortgages or indebtedness upon the property 5. Standard deduction (not applicable to NRA) – P1M

Requisites for its deductibility 6. Medical expenses (not applicable to NRA)

1. The value of the property to the extent of the Requisites for deductibility:
decedent’s interest therein, undiminished by such
mortgage or indebtedness is included in the gross estate; 1. Medical expenses incurred by the decedent;
and 2. Incurred within one (1) year prior to the decedent’s
2. The mortgage indebtedness was contracted in good death;
faith and for an adequate and full consideration in money 3. Must be substantiated with receipts; and
or money’s worth. 4. Shall not exceed 500,000 whether paid or unpaid.

f. Unpaid taxes- Taxes which have accrued as of the death 7. Amount received by heirs under R.A. No. 4917
of the decedent which were unpaid as of the time of (Retirement Benefits of Employees of Private Firms) (not
death are deductible. applicable to NRA) - R.A. 4917 is an Act providing that
the retirement benefits of employees of private firms
g. Losses incurred during the settlement of the estate shall not be subject to attachment, levy, execution, or any
tax whatsoever. It provides that retirement benefits
Requisites for its deductibility received by officials and employees of private firms,
whether individual or corporate, in accordance with a
reasonable private benefit plan maintained by the
employer shall be exempt from all taxes and shall not be


liable to attachment, garnishment, levy or seizure by or Estate tax return - is filed within 6 months from the
under any legal or equitable process whatsoever except decedent’s death
to pay a debt of the official or employee concerned to the
private benefit plan or that arising from liability imposed Donor’s Tax - an excise tax imposed on the privilege of
in a criminal action. The retiring official or employee has transferring property by way of a gift inter vivos based
been in the service of the same employer for at least ten on pure act of liberality without any or less than
(10) years. He should not less than fifty years of age at adequate consideration and without any legal
the time of the retirement. compulsion to give.

Requisites for deductibility: Requisites for a gift to be taxable:

1. Amounts received by the heirs from the decedent’s 1. Capacity of donor to donate (which shall be
employer; determined as of the making of the donation)
2. Received as a consequence of the death of the 2. Donative intent
decedent-employee; and 3. Acceptance by the donee
3. Amount is included in the gross estate of the 4. Actual or constructive delivery of gift
Transfers Which May Be Constituted As Donation
8. Net share of the surviving spouse in the conjugal or
community property. 1. sale/exchange/transfer of property for
insufficient consideration - The property is
The net share of the surviving spouse is not included transferred for less than adequate and full
in the net estate of the decedent. After deducting the consideration in money or money’s worth; FMV
allowable deductions pertaining to the conjugal or minus the consideration = taxable gift
community properties included in the gross estate, the
net share of the surviving spouse must be removed to 2. condonation/remission of debt
ensure that only the decedent’s interest in the estate is
taxed. Classification of Donor Liable to Pay Donor’s Tax

Tax Credit for Estate Taxes Paid to a Foreign Country 1. Taxable within and outside Philippines:
a. Resident citizen
Estate Tax Credit is a remedy against international b. Non-resident citizen
double taxation to minimize the onerous effect of taxing c. Resident alien
the same property twice. Only the estate of a citizen or a d. Domestic corporation
resident alien at the time of death can claim tax credit for
any estate taxes paid in a foreign country. 2. Taxable only within the Philippines:
a. Non-resident aliens
Exemption of Certain Acquisitions And b. Foreign corporation
Determination of gross gift - All property, real or
Transmissions exempted from the payment of estate tax personal, tangible or intangible, that was given by the
donor to the donee by way of gift, without the benefit of
1. The merger of usufruct in the owner of the naked title any deduction

2. The transmission or delivery of the inheritance or Real property - the fair market value as determined by
legacy by the fiduciary heir or legatee to the the CIR at the time of donation or the value fixed by the
fideicommissary assessor, whichever is higher.

3. The transmission from the first heir, legatee or donee Tax Credit for Donor’s Taxes Paid to a Foreign
in favor of another beneficiary, in accordance with the Country
desire of the predecessor The donor’s tax imposed by the Tax Code upon a donor
who was a citizen or a resident at the time of donation
4. All bequests, devises, legacies or transfers to social shall be credited by/ lessened with any donor’s taxes
welfare, cultural and charitable institutions. imposed by a foreign country.

Filing of notice of death - filed Within 2 months (60 days) Persons Liable
after the decedent’s death or within the same period Any person making a donation is required to file donor’s
after qualifying as executor or administrator. It is filed by tax return unless the donation is specifically exempted
the executor, administrator, or any legal heir. under NIRC or other special laws. He is required for
every donation to accomplish under oath a donor’s tax
Notice of death required when: return in duplicate.

1. Transfers subject to tax Tax basis

2. Even if exempt from tax, if gross value of estate 1. Where the donee is a relative – The donor is taxed
exceeds P20,000. according to graduated tax rates


2. When the donee is a stranger - The donor is taxed at

30% of the net gifts Tax Base of Importation

VALUE-ADDED TAX (VAT) The tax base shall be based on the total value used by the
VAT as an Indirect Tax; it can be shifted or passed on to BOC in determining tariff and customs duties (Landed
the buyer, transferee or lessee of the goods, properties or Cost) plus customs duties, excise taxes, if any, and other
services. VAT is a Regressive tax; not based on ability to charges to be paid by the importer prior to the release of
pay. such goods from customs custody. Landed cost consists
of the invoice amount, customs duties, freight, insurance
Value Added Tax is an indirect business tax imposed and and other charges
collected on every:
(a) sale, barter, or exchange of goods or properties (real Transfer Of Goods By Tax Exempt Persons
or personal),
Consequence if a tax exempt person would transfer
It refers to the sale, barter, exchange and/or lease of imported goods to a non-exempt person: The purchaser
goods or properties, including transactions deemed or transferee shall be considered as an importer and
sale and the performance of service for shall be held liable for VAT and other internal revenue
consideration, whether in cash or in kind. tax due on such importation (Technical Importation)

(b) lease of goods or properties (real or personal) or On services

(c) rendition of services in the course of trade or Transactions Deemed Sale

business, and
a) Transfer, use or consumption not in the course of
It means the performance of all kinds of services in business of goods/properties originally intended for
the Philippines for others for a fee, remuneration or sale or use in the course of business
b) Distribution or transfer to shareholders, investors
(d) importation of goods (whether or not in the course of or creditors
trade or business).
c) Consignment of goods if actual sale is not made
Importation is an act of bringing goods and within 60 days from date of consignment
merchandise into a country (Philippines) from a
foreign country. d) Retirement from or cessation of business with
respect to inventories on hand
Impact and Incidence of Tax
The impact (levy or imposition) of VAT is on the seller Change or Cessation of Status as VAT-Registered
upon whom the tax has been imposed. He is considered Person which are Not Subject To VAT
as the statutory taxpayer who can avail of a tax refund.
The incidence (payment) of VAT is on the final consumer. 1. Change of control
The tax is shifted to the buyer of the goods, properties, or 2. Change in the trade or corporate name
services as part of the purchase price. 3. Merger or consolidation

Tax Credit Method Zero-Rated and Effectively Zero-Rated Sales of Goods

“Destination Principle” or the “Cross Border or Properties
Doctrine” – The destination of the goods determines
taxation or exemption from tax. Goods and services are Zero-rated sale of goods or properties by a VAT-
taxed only in the country where they are consumed. registered person is a taxable transaction for VAT
Hence, Exports - either exempt or zero rated; Imports - purposes but the sale does not result in any output tax.
are subject to VAT. However, the input tax on the purchases of goods,
properties or services related to such zero-rated sale
Exception: A zero percent VAT rate for services that are shall be available as tax credit or refund.
performed in the Philippines, "paid for in acceptable
foreign currency and accounted for in accordance with VAT-exempt transactions - refers to the sale of goods
the rules and regulations of the BSP." or properties and/or services and the use or lease of
properties that is not subject to VAT (output tax) and the
Imposition of VAT seller is not allowed any tax credit of VAT (input tax) on
When the intent of the law is not apparent as worded, or purchases. Input tax is considered as an expense.
when the application of the law would lead to absurdity
or injustice, legislative history is all important. We are Input and Output tax
convinced that the legislature never intended to include Input Tax - the VAT due on or paid by a VAT-registered
cinema/theater operators or proprietors in the coverage person on importation of goods or local purchase of
of VAT. (CIR v. SM PRIME HOLDINGS, INC. 2010, DEL goods, properties or services, including lease or use of
CASTILLO) properties, in the course of his trade or business. It shall
also include the transitional input tax and the
On Importation of Goods presumptive input tax.


brought about by its transition from being a non-VAT

Sources of Input Tax taxpayer to VAT. The Court disagreed with the CIR and
1. Purchase or importation of goods allowed the claim arguing that to avail of the 8%
2. Purchase of real properties transitional input tax credit, all that is required from the
3. Purchase of services taxpayer is to file a beginning inventory with the Bureau
4. Transactions deemed sale of Internal Revenue (BIR). Sec. 105 provides that:
5. Presumptive input tax
6. Transitional input tax SEC. 105. Transitional input tax credits.—A person
who becomes liable to value-added tax or any person
who elects to be a VAT-registered person shall, subject
Output Tax - the VAT due on the sale or lease of taxable to the filing of an inventory as prescribed by
regulations, be allowed input tax on his beginning
goods or properties or services.
inventory of goods, materials and supplies equivalent to
registered person shall, subject to the filing of an
Determination of the Output Tax and VAT Payable inventory as prescribed by regulations, be allowed
and Computation of VAT Payable or Excess Tax input tax on his beginning inventory of goods, materials
Credits and supplies equivalent to 8% of the value of such
inventory or the actual value-added tax paid on such
VAT Payable - excess of output tax over the input tax at goods, materials and supplies, whichever is higher,
the end of any taxable quarter. which shall be creditable against the output tax.

Substantiation of Input Tax Credits Furthermore, the Court held that a transitional input
tax credit is not a tax refund per se but a tax credit.
1. Input Tax on imported goods - Import entry or Logically, prior payment of taxes is not required before a
other equivalent document showing actual taxpayer could avail of transitional input tax credit. A tax
payment of credit is not synonymous to tax refund. Tax refund is
defined as the money that a taxpayer overpaid and is
2. Input taxes on domestic purchases of goods or thus returned by the taxing authority. Tax credit, on the
properties– VAT Invoice other hand, is an amount subtracted directly from one’s
total tax liability. It is any amount given to a taxpayer as a
3. Input tax on purchases of real property - Public subsidy, a refund, or an incentive to encourage
instrument (i.e., deed of absolute sale, deed of investment
conditional sale, contract/agreement to sell, etc.)
together with the VAT invoice for the entire Refund or Tax Credit of Excess Input Tax
selling price and non-VAT Official Receipt for the Who may claim for refund/apply for issuance of tax
initial and succeeding payments. Public credit certificates
instrument and VAT Official Receipt for every 1. Any VAT-registered person, whose sales are zero-
payment rated or effectively zero-rated

4. Input tax on domestic purchases of service – VAT 2. A VAT-registered person may apply for the issuance
Official receipt of a tax credit certificate or refund of input taxes paid
5. Transitional input tax - Inventory of goods as on capital goods imported or locally purchased, to the
shown in a detailed list to be submitted to the extent that such input taxes have not been applied
BIR against output taxes.

6. Input tax on “deemed sale transaction” - 3. A person whose registration has been cancelled due
Required invoices to retirement from or cessation of business, or due to
changes in or cessation of status
7. Input tax from payments made to non-residents
(such as for services, rentals, or royalties) - Period to file claim/apply for the issuances of tax credit
Monthly Remittance Return of Value Added Tax certificates - 2 years after the close of the taxable quarter
Withheld (BIR Form 1600) filed by the resident when the sales were made.
payor in behalf of the non-resident evidencing
remittance of VAT due which was withheld by CIR vs. AICHI FORGING COMPANY OF ASIA, INC.,
the payor. (2010) - DEL CASTILLO
Aichi filed a claim for refund of input VAT with the CIR
8. Advance VAT on sugar - Payment order showing
and CTA for the period July 1, 2002 to September 30,
payment of the advance VAT
2002 with the CIR on the same date, September 30, 2004.
The CIR held that the claim should have been filed on or
before September 29, 2004. Hence, the claim was filed
beyond the reglementary period and thus must be
dismissed. The Court did not agree with the CIR and
ruled that the claim was timely made as the
FBDC purchased from the national government a portion
reglementary period should be reckoned from the close
of the Fort Bonifacio reservation. It now claims for a
of the taxable quarter when the relevant sales were made
refund for overpaying its VAT liability for failure to take
pertaining to the input VAT regardless of whether said
into consideration its transitional input tax credit
tax was paid or not as provided under Sec. 112 (A) of the


NIRC. However, the claim was nonetheless dismissed for services and importation of goods and capital equipment
being premature. The administrative (CIR) and the which are attributable to zero-rated sales. However, the
judicial (CTA) claims were simultaneously filed on CTA denied the claim for failure of Silicon to indicate the
September 30, 2004. Obviously, respondent did not wait ATP. The Court partly agreed with the CTA saying that
for the decision of the CIR or the lapse of the 120-day the ATP need not be reflected or indicated in the invoices
period in violation of Section 112(D) of the NIRC, which or receipts because there is no law or regulation
provides that, the CIR has "120 days, from the date of the requiring it. But while there is no law requiring the ATP
submission of the complete documents in support of the to be printed on the invoices or receipts a claimant for
application for tax refund/credit," within which to grant unutilized input VAT on zero-rated sales is required to
or deny the claim. In case of full or partial denial by the present proof that it has secured an ATP from the BIR
CIR, the taxpayer’s recourse is to file an appeal before the prior to the printing of its invoices or receipts. Without
CTA within 30 days from receipt of the decision of the the ATP, the invoices or receipts would have no
CIR. However, if after the 120-day period the CIR fails to probative value for the purpose of refund.
act on the application for tax refund/credit, the remedy
of the taxpayer is to appeal the inaction of the CIR to CTA Filing of Returns and Payment
within 30 days. Monthly VAT Declaration – file and pay within 20 days
The burden of proving entitlement to a tax refund rests following the close of the month
on the taxpayer. Sec. 6 of the EPIRA provides that the
sale of generated power by generation companies shall Quarterly VAT return – file and pay within 25 days
be zero-rated. In this case, TPC failed to present a following the close of each taxable quarter
Certificate of Compliance from the ERC during the trial.
(CIR v. TOLEDO POWER COMPANY, 2015, DEL CASTILLO) Withholding of Final VAT On Sales To Government
The Government or any of its political subdivisions,
In this case, the administrative and the judicial claims for instrumentalities or agencies, including government
refund/credit of unutilized input VAT were owned or controlled corporations (GOCCs) shall, before
simultaneously filed. Obviously, respondent did not wait making payment on account of its purchase of goods
for the decision of the CIR or the lapse of the 120-day and/or services taxed at 12% shall deduct and withhold
period. The premature filing of respondent’s claim before a final VAT of 5% of the gross payment.
the CTA warrants a dismissal inasmuch as no jurisdiction
was acquired by the CTA. (COMMISSIONER OF
ASIA, INC., 2010, DEL CASTILLO ) by any person or entity whose sale of goods or service is
not covered by the VAT system.
Invoicing Requirements
Courts are bound by prior decisions. Thus, once a case CIR VS SM PRIME HOLDINGS INC. 2010 – DEL CASTILLO
has been decided one way, courts have no choice but to BIR issued PANs to SM Prime and First Asia, which were
resolve subsequent cases involving the same issue in the then consolidated into one at the behest of SM Prime
same manner. We ruled then, as we rule now, that failure reasoning that it is a majority stockholder of First Asia,
to print the word "zero-rated" in the invoices/receipts is assessing VAT deficiency on cinema ticket sales relative
fatal to a claim for credit/refund of input VAT on zero- to the activity of showing cinematographic films. The
rated sales. (NB. RA 9337 amended Sec. 113 of the NIRC, Court held that showing cinematographic films is not a
mandating the seller to write or print prominently on the service covered by VAT. The gross receipts of proprietors
invoice or receipt the term “zero-rated sale” if such sale or operators of cinemas/theaters derived from public
is subject to 0% VAT. (J.R.A. PHILIPPINES, INC. v. CIR, admission are not among the services subject to VAT;
2010 – DEL CASTILLO) Only lessors or distributors of cinematographic films are
included in the coverage of VAT.
Consequences of Issuing Erroneous VAT Invoice or
VAT Official Receipt
1. In case of non-VAT registered person who issues a VAT EXCISE TAX - apply to taxes on goods manufactured or
invoice/receipt shall be held liable to: produced in the Philippines for domestic sale or
consumption of for any other disposition and to things
a. payment of percentage tax if applicable; imported, which tax shall be in addition to the value-
b. payment of VAT without input tax; added tax. Excise taxes imposed and based on weight or
c. 50% surcharge on tax due; and volume capacity or any other physical unit of
d. the purchaser shall be allowed to recognize an input measurement shall be referred to as “specific tax”; while
tax credit provided that the invoice/official receipt excise tax imposed and based on the selling price or
contains the required information. other specified value of the goods shall be referred to as
“ad valorem tax”.
2. In case of VAT-registered who issues a VAT
invoice/official receipt for a VAT-exempt sale without Basically an indirect tax, excise taxes are directly levied
the words “VAT Exempt Sale” shall be held liable to pay upon the manufacturer or importer upon removal of the
12% VAT. taxable goods from its place of production or from the
customs custody.
Silicon filed a claim for tax credit or refund representing DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX (DST) - is a tax on
VAT input taxes on its domestic purchases of goods and documents, instruments, loan agreements, and papers


evidencing the acceptance, assignment, sale or transfer of Subsequently, realizing that it should not have paid
an obligation, right or property incident thereto. A DST is DST, Respondent filed with CIR a claim for tax refund
in the nature of an excise tax levied on the exercise by representing the DST allegedly erroneously paid on the
persons of certain privileges conferred by law for the occasion of the merger.
creation, revision, or termination of specific legal
relationship through the execution of specific Issue: Whether the transfer of real property on occasion
instruments. DST also applies on documents not exempt of a merger is subject to DST?
by law even if they are in electronic form.
Held: No. The Court ruled that Section 196 of the NIRC
does not include the transfer of real property from one
PRUDENTIAL BANK V. CIR, GR NO 180390, JULY 27, corporation to another pursuant to a merger. In a
2011 - DEL CASTILLO merger, the real properties are not deemed "sold" to the
Prudential Bank was assessed deficiency DST on its surviving corporation and the latter could not be
Savings Account Plus (SAP) product with the Bangko considered as "purchaser" of realty since the real
Sentral ng Pilipinas. It contends that its SAP is not properties subject of the merger were merely absorbed
subject to DST because it is not included in the list of by the surviving corporation by operation of law and
documents under Section 180 of the NIRC and that its these properties are deemed automatically transferred to
SAP is evidenced by a passbook and not by a deposit and vested in the surviving corporation without further
certificate. However, the Court upheld the assessment act or deed. Therefore, the transfer of real properties to
and ruled that SAP is subject to DST. the surviving corporation in pursuance of a merger is not
subject to documentary stamp tax. As stated at the
The DST is imposed on certificates of deposit. A outset, documentary stamp tax is imposed only on all
certificate of deposit is defined as a written conveyances, deeds, instruments or writing where realty
acknowledgment by a bank or banker of the receipt of a sold shall be conveyed to a purchaser or purchasers. The
sum of money on deposit which the bank or banker transfer of real property to respondent was neither a sale
promises to pay to the depositor, to the order of the nor was it a conveyance of real property for a
depositor, or to some other person or his order, whereby consideration contracted to be paid as contemplated
the relation of debtor and creditor between the bank. under Section 196 of the Tax Code. Hence, Section 196 of
the Tax Code is inapplicable and respondent is not liable
A certificate of deposit need not be in a specific form; thus, for documentary stamp tax.
a passbook of an interest-earning deposit account issued
by a bank is a certificate of deposit drawing interest.
Does the transfer of real property on occasion of a
A document to be considered a certificate of deposit need merger is subject to DST?
not be in a specific form. The fact that the SAP is
evidenced by a passbook cannot remove its coverage No. The Court ruled that Section 196 of the NIRC
from DST. A passbook issued by a bank qualifies as a does not include the transfer of real property from one
certificate of deposit drawing interest because it is corporation to another pursuant to a merger. In a
considered a written acknowledgement by a bank that it merger, the real properties are not deemed "sold" to
has accepted a deposit of a sum of money from a the surviving corporation and the latter could not be
depositor. considered as "purchaser" of realty since the real
properties subject of the merger were merely
CIR vs. LA TONDENA DISTILLERS, INC. (LTDI [now absorbed by the surviving corporation by operation of
GINEBRA SAN MIGUEL], G.R. No. 175188, July 15, 2015 law and these properties are deemed automatically
The transfer of real property to a surviving corporation transferred to and vested in the surviving corporation
pursuant to a merger is not subject to Documentary Stamp without further act or deed. Therefore, the transfer of
Tax. real properties to the surviving corporation in
pursuance of a merger is not subject to documentary
Respondent La Tondeña Distillers, Inc. entered into a stamp tax. As stated at the outset, documentary stamp
Plan of Merger with Sugarland Beverage Corporation tax is imposed only on all conveyances, deeds,
(SBC), SMC Juice, Inc. (SMCJI), and Metro Bottled Water instruments or writing where realty sold shall be
Corporation (MBWC). As a result of the merger, the conveyed to a purchaser or purchasers. The transfer of
assets and liabilities of the absorbed corporations were real property to respondent was neither a sale nor
transferred to respondent, the surviving corporation. was it a conveyance of real property for a
Respondent requested for a confirmation of the tax- consideration contracted to be paid as contemplated
free nature of the said merger from the Bureau of under Section 196 of the Tax Code. Hence, Section 196
Internal Revenue (BIR). Then, the BIR issued a ruling of the Tax Code is inapplicable and respondent is not
stating that pursuant to Section 40(C)(2) and (6)(b) of liable for documentary stamp tax.
the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), no gain
or loss shall be recognized by the absorbed corporations
as transferors of all assets and liabilities. However, the
transfer of assets, such as real properties, shall be subject TAX REMEDIES UNDER THE NIRC
to DST imposed under Section 196 of the NIRC.
Consequently, respondent paid to the BIR said Tax evasion is deemed complete when the violator has
Documentary Stamp Tax (DST). knowingly and willfully filed a fraudulent return with
intent to evade and defeat a part or all of the tax.


Corollarily, an assessment of the tax deficiency is not Jeopardy Assessment - a tax assessment which was
required in a criminal prosecution for tax evasion. assessed without the benefit of complete or partial audit
However, in Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court by an authorized revenue officer grounded on the
of Appeals, we clarified that although a deficiency reasonable belief that the assessment and collection of a
assessment is not necessary, the fact that a tax is due deficiency tax will be jeopardized by delay because of the
must first be proved before one can be prosecuted for tax taxpayer’s failure to comply with the audit and
evasion. (BIR v. CA G.R. No. 197590, November 24, 2014, investigation requirements.
Prescriptive Periods for Making Assessments of
Tax remedies refers to the actions and processes that Internal Revenue Taxes
the Government may undertake to enforce the collection 1. Three (3) years from the last day within which to
of legitimate taxes and those that taxpayer may take or file a return or when the return was actually
pursue in order to resist the payment of what he filed, whichever is later;
considers are unlawful taxes.
2. Ten (10) years from discovery of the failure to
There are two remedies provided in the NIRC: file the tax return or discovery of falsity or fraud
in the return;
1. The remedies of the Government, and
2. The remedies of the taxpayer 3. Within the period agreed upon between the
government and the taxpayer where there is a
The Code provides the Government with TWO remedies: waiver of the prescriptive period for assessment.

1. Assessment, and Grounds for Suspension of the Running of

2. Collection Prescriptive Periods
1. CIR is prohibited from making the assessment or
Assessment Notice - is a computation prepared by the beginning the distraint or levy or proceeding in
BIR of the alleged unpaid taxes, plus interests, penalties court.
or surcharges, if any.
2. Taxpayer requests for a reinvestigation granted
Requisites of Valid Assessments by the CIR.

1. Pre-assessment notice (PAN) sent to the 3. Taxpayer cannot be located in the address given
taxpayer. by him in the return
2. The taxpayers shall be informed in writing of the 4. When the warrant of distraint or levy is duly
law and the facts upon which the assessment is served, and no property is located.
3. Assessment must be made within the 5. Taxpayer is out of the Philippines.
prescriptive period.
Surtaxes or Surcharges (aka civil penalties) are the
Kinds of Assessment amounts imposed in addition to the tax required to be
paid for failure to pay the correct tax on or before the
1. Self-assessment- tax is assessed by the taxpayer due date. They shall be at 25% for late filing or late
himself. The amount of tax is reflected in the tax payment and 50% willful neglect or fraud surcharge.
return that is filed by him and the tax assessed is
paid at the time he files the return. Known as the Compromise Penalty – the amount agreed upon
“pay-as-you-file” system. between the taxpayer and the Government to be paid as
a penalty in cases of a compromise.
2. Deficiency assessment- made by the tax assessor
himself whereby the correct amount of the tax is Outline of Tax Remedies of a Taxpayer and the
determined after an examination or investigation Government Relative to Assessment of Internal
is conducted. Revenue Taxes

3. Illegal and void assessment- the tax assessor has 1. The taxpayer files his tax return.
no power to act at all.
2. A Letter of Authority (LOA) is issued authorizing
4. Erroneous assessment- the assessor has the BIR examiner to audit or examine the tax return
power to assess but errs in the exercise of the and determines whether the full and complete
power. taxes have been paid.

Tax Delinquency as Distinguished from Tax 3. If the examiner believes that proper taxes should
Deficiency be assessed, the CIR or his representative shall
Deficiency is the amount still due and collectible from a then notify the taxpayer of the findings in the
taxpayer upon audit or investigation while delinquency form of a pre-assessment notice (PAN). The pre-
is the failure of the taxpayer to pay the tax due on the assessment notice requires the taxpayer to
date fixed by law or indicated in the assessment notice or explain within fifteen (15) days from receipt why
letter of demand.


no notice of assessment and letter of demand for

additional taxes should be directed to him.
4. If the taxpayer ignores the pre-assessment 175097. FEBRUARY 5, 2010 - DEL CASTILLO
notice, a final notice of assessment and a letter of The CIR must indicate clearly and unequivocally to the
demand (FLD/FAN) is issued. This should be taxpayer whether an action constitutes a final
issued within a period of three (3) years from the determination on a disputed assessment. A careful
time the tax return was filed or should have been reading of the Formal Letter of Demand leads us to agree
filed whichever is the later. Where the taxpayer with petitioner that the instant case is an exception to
did not file a tax return or where the tax return the rule on exhaustion of administrative remedies, i.e.,
filed is false or fraudulent, then the estoppel on the part of the administrative agency
Commissioner has a period of ten (10) years concerned. In the Formal Letter of Demand with
from discovery of the failure to file a tax return Assessment Notices, respondent used the word "appeal"
or from discovery of the fraud within which to instead of "protest", "reinvestigation", or
issue an assessment notice. "reconsideration". Although there was no direct
reference for petitioner to bring the matter directly to
It must contain the facts, law and jurisprudence the CTA, it cannot be denied that the word "appeal"
relied upon by the Commissioner. Otherwise it under prevailing tax laws refers to the filing of a Petition
would not be valid. for Review with the CTA.

The taxpayer may file an administrative protest

by filing a i) request for reconsideration or ii) Presumption That Flows From a Taxpayer’s Failure
reinvestigation within thirty (30) days from to Protest an Assessment
receipt. There is no need to pay under protest. If Tax assessments by tax examiners are presumed correct
not seasonably filed, the assessment becomes and made in good faith (notatu dignum). The taxpayer
final and collectible; hence, administrative and has the duty to prove otherwise. In the absence of proof
judicial remedies in collecting the tax may be of any irregularities in the performance of duties, an
resorted to. assessment duly made by a Bureau of Internal Revenue
examiner and approved by his superior officers will not
In a Request for Reinvestigation, all relevant be disturbed. All presumptions are in favor of the
supporting documents should be submitted correctness of tax assessments.
within sixty (60) days from filing of the protest,
otherwise the assessment shall become final and Two Types of Protest
collectible. 1. Request for reconsideration - refers to a plea for re-
evaluation of an assessment on the basis of existing
5. If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is records without need of additional evidence.
not acted upon within one hundred eighty (180)
days from the submission of documents, the 2. Request for reinvestigation - refers to a plea for re-
taxpayer adversely affected by the decision or evaluation of an assessment on the basis of newly-
inaction may appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals discovered evidence or additional evidence that a
within thirty (30) days from receipt of the taxpayer intends to present in the investigation.
adverse decision, or from the lapse of the one
hundred eighty (180) day period. A request for reinvestigation suspends the running of
the statute of limitations for collection of the tax. When a
6. A decision of a division of the CTA adverse to the taxpayer demands a reinvestigation, the time employed
taxpayer or the government may be the subject in reinvestigation should be deducted from the total
of a motion for reconsideration or new trial, a period of limitation.
denial of which is appealable to the CTA en banc
by means of a petition for review. Undoubtedly, a reinvestigation, which entails the
reception and evaluation of additional evidence, will take
7. If the decision of the CTA en banc affirms the more time than a reconsideration of a tax assessment
denial of the protest by the CIR, the taxpayer which will be limited to the evidence already at hand;
must file a petition for review on certiorari with this justifies why the former can suspend the running of
the Supreme Court within 15 days from notice the statute of limitations on collection of the assessed
of the judgment on questions of law. tax, while the latter cannot.

Requirements for the Validity of a Formal Letter of Requirements for the Validity of a Taxpayer’s Protest
Demand and Assessment Notice
1. It must be filed within the reglementary period
1. There must have been previously issued a pre- of 30 days from receipt of the notice of
assessment notice; assessment.
2. The taxpayer must show the statement of the
2. It must have been issued prior to the prescriptive facts, the applicable law, rules and regulations, or
period and shall state the facts, the law, rules and jurisprudence on which the taxpayer’s protest is
regulations, or jurisprudence on which the based.
assessment is based.


3. Within 60 days from filing of the protest, the the income tax return. Furthermore, FEBTC also failed to
taxpayer shall submit all relevant supporting present all the Certificates of Creditable Tax Withheld at
documents. Source – the document evidencing taxes withheld by
payors - to prove entitlement to all the claimed withheld
Procedure for Suspension of Collection of Taxes taxes by payors.
Where the collection tax by means of levy, distraint or
sale of property of the taxpayer may jeopardize the Section 10 of Revenue Regulation No. 6-85, as
interest of the government or the taxpayer, an interested amended, reads:
party may file a motion for the suspension of the
collection of the tax liability with the CTA. “Section 10. Claims for tax credit or refund.—
Claims for tax credit or refund of income tax
Recovery of Tax Erroneously Paid deducted and withheld on income payments
The right of a withholding agent to claim a refund of shall be given due course only when it is shown
erroneously or illegally withheld taxes comes with the on the return that the income payment received
responsibility to return the same to the principal was declared as part of the gross income and the
taxpayer. (CIR v. Smart Communication, Inc. GR 179045- fact of withholding is established by a copy of the
46, Aug. 25, 2010, Del Castillo, J.) statement duly issued by the payer to the payee
(BIR Form No. 1743.1) showing the amount paid
Difference between Tax Refund and Tax Credit and the amount of tax withheld therefrom.”
Tax refund - return of the sum erroneously paid by the
Tax credit - application of the reimbursable amount Judicial Remedies Available To Taxpayer
against the amount collectible from the taxpayer
1. Appeal to the CTA Division within 30 days from
Conditions for the Grant of a Claim for Refund of receipt of decision on the protest or from the
Creditable Withholding Tax lapse of 180 days due to inaction of the CIR
2. Appeal to the CTA en Banc within 15 days from
1. The claim is filed within the two-year period the receipt of the decision of CTA decision via
from the date of the payment of the tax. petition for review.
3. Appeal to the SC within 15 days from the receipt
2. It is shown on the return that the income of the decision of the CTA under Rule 45.
payment received was declared as part of the 4. By way of Special Civil Action under Rule 65
gross income; and 5. Action to contest forfeiture of chattel, at any time
3. The fact of withholding is established by a copy before the sale or destruction thereof.
of a statement duly issued by the payee showing 6. Action for damages gainst RO by reason of any
the amount paid and the amount of tax withheld act done in the performance of his office.
therefrom (Creditable Withholding Tax 7. Injunction to be issued by the CTA if the
Certificates) collection may jeopardize the interest of the
government or the taxpayer.
Decision of the Collector of Customs
Belle Corp had an overpayment of income taxes in the 1. Decisions of the Collector of Customs in protest
year 1997 and signified in its 1997 Annual Income Tax and seizure cases are appealable to the
Return is option to carry over the same to the succeeding Commissioner of Customs within 15 days from
year. However on April 12, 2000, it filed an receipt of notice of the written decision. The
administrative claim for refund covering excess income appeal is done by simply notifying the Collector
tax payments for the year 1997. The Court held that Belle of the taxpayer’s desire to have the matter
Corp is not entitled to refund because once the option to reviewed by the Commissioner; the Collector
carry over and apply the excess quarterly income tax then forwards the records to the Commissioner.
against income tax due for the taxable quarters of the No hearing on this appeal is required.
succeeding taxable years has been made, such option
shall be considered irrevocable for that taxable period 2. From the decision of the Commissioner, the
and no application for tax refund or issuance of tax credit taxpayer may file with the CTA a petition for
certificate shall be allowed therefor. review within the 30-day reglementary period.

Remedy Available To Challenge an Adverse BIR

COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE VS. FAR EAST Ruling - request the Secretary of Finance to review the
FEBTC filed a claim for refundable income tax. The Power to Review Compromise Agreements by the
refundable amount consists of taxes withheld by FEBTC’s Court of Tax Appeals
payors of rental and sales of real property. The Court
ultimately denied FEBTC’s claim for its failure to prove The authority to compromise vested in the CIR should be
that income derived from rentals and sale of real exercised upon his sound discretion, and courts have no
property were included in the gross income reflected in power to compel him to exercise such discretion one way


or another. If this discretion is abused, the CTA and not own sources of revenues and to levy taxes, fees and
the Court of Appeals, may correct such. It must be noted charges subject to such guidelines and limitations as the
that a compromise is considered as other matters arising Congress may provide, consistent with the basic policy of
under the NIRC which vests the CTA with jurisdiction local autonomy. Such taxes, fees and charges shall accrue
which could be directly appealed to the Supreme Court. exclusively to the local governments.”

2. Sec. 129 of the LGC. “Each local government unit shall

exercise its power to create its own sources of revenue
Conditions That Must Be Complied With Before the and to levy taxes, fees, and charges subject to the
Court of Tax Appeals May Suspend the Collection of provisions herein, consistent with the basic policy of
Taxes local autonomy. Such taxes, fees, and charges shall accrue
exclusively to the local government units.”
The CTA may suspend the collection of internal
revenue taxes if the following conditions are met: Authority to grant local tax exemptions - Local
government units may, through ordinances duly
1. The case is pending with CTA; approved, grant tax exemptions, incentives or reliefs.

2. The collection will jeopardize the interest of the

Government and/or the taxpayer; and Withdrawal of exemptions

3. The taxpayer is deposits the amount being GR: Tax exemptions or incentives granted to or enjoyed
collected with the court or files a surety bond for by all persons, whether natural or juridical, including
not more than double the amount of the tax. government-owned or controlled corporations are
hereby withdrawn upon the effectivity of the LGC.
Effect of Taxpayer’s "Waiver of the Statute Of
Limitations" XPNs: Those exemptions or incentives conferred to:

The waiver of the statute of limitation executed by a 1. Local water districts

taxpayer is not a waiver of the right to invoke the defense 2. Cooperatives duly registered under R.A. 6938
of prescription. The waiver of the statute of limitation is 3. Non-stock and non-profit hospitals
merely an agreement in writing between the taxpayer 4. Educational institutions
and the BIR that the period to assess and collect taxes
due is extended to a date certain. If the said waiver is Authority to Adjust Local Tax Rates
invalid, the taxpayer can still raise prescription as
defense. LGUs have the power to adjust local tax rates provided
that the adjustment of the tax rates as prescribed herein
CTA’s Authority to Pass on the Constitutionality or a should not be oftener than once every five (5) years, and
Revenue Regulation (RR) or Revenue Memorandum in no case exceed 10% of the rates under the LGC.
Circular (RMC) issued by the BIR
The CTA can now rule on the validity or constitutionality Residual Taxing Power of Local Governments
of a revenue regulation or revenue memorandum
circular but only if it is involved in a tax assessment case LGUs may exercise the power to levy taxes, fees or
or claim for tax refund. charges on any base or subject NOT otherwise
specifically enumerated herein or taxed under the:

LOCAL TAXATION 1. Local Government Code;

Fundamental principles 2. National Internal Revenue Code; or
1. Taxation shall be uniform in each local government 3. Other applicable laws.

2. Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall: Requisites of a Valid Tax Ordinance

a. equitable and based on ability to pay; 1. The procedure applicable to local government
b. for public purposes; ordinances in general should be observed, to wit:
c. not unjust, excessive, oppressive, or confiscatory;
a. Necessity of a quorum
3. Collection shall not be let to any private person; b. Submission for approval by the local chief executive
c. The matter of veto and overriding the same
4. Collections shall inure solely to the benefit of the LGU; d. Publication and effectivity
2. Public hearings are required before any local tax
5. Evolve a progressive system of taxation. ordinance is enacted.
Source of Taxing Power
3. Within 10 days after their approval, publication in full
1. Art. X, Sec 5 of the 1987 Constitution. “Each local for 3 consecutive days in a newspaper of general
government unit shall have the power to create their circulation. In the absence of such newspaper in the


province, city or municipality, then the ordinance may be 6. Taxes, fees or charges on agricultural and aquatic
posted in at least two conspicuous and publicly products when sold by marginal farmers or fishermen;
accessible places.
7. Taxes on business enterprises certified to by the Board
Taxing Powers of Provinces of Investments as pioneer or non-pioneer for a period of
six (6) and four (4) years, respectively from the date of
1. Tax on transfer of real property ownership (Local registration;
Transfer Tax)
2. Tax on business of printing and publication 8. Excise taxes on articles enumerated under the NIRC, as
3. Franchise tax amended, and taxes, fees or charges on petroleum
4. Tax on sand, gravel and other quarry services products;
5. Professional tax
6. Amusement tax 9. Percentage or value-added tax (VAT) on sales, barters
7. Tax on delivery truck/van or exchanges or similar transactions on goods or services
except as otherwise provided herein;
Taxing Powers of Cities
10. Taxes on the gross receipts of transportation
The city, may levy the taxes, fees, and charges which contractors and persons engaged in the transportation of
the province or municipality may impose. passengers or freight by hire and common carriers by air,
land or water, except as provided in this Code;
Taxing Powers of Municipalities
11. Taxes on premiums paid by way or reinsurance or
Municipalities may levy taxes, fees, and charges not retrocession;
otherwise levied by provinces.
12. Taxes, fees or charges for the registration of motor
1. Tax on business vehicles and for the issuance of all kinds of licenses or
2. Fees and charges on business and occupation permits for the driving thereof, except tricycles;
3. Fees for sealing and licensing of weights and measures
4. Fishery rentals, fees and charges 13. Taxes, fees, or other charges on Philippine products
actually exported, except as otherwise provided in the
Common revenue raising powers LGC;
1. Service fees and charges
2. Public utility charges 14. Taxes, fees, or charges, on Countryside and Barangay
3. Toll fees or charges Business Enterprises and cooperatives duly registered
under R.A. No. 6810 and the "Cooperative Code of the
Philippines" respectively;

15. Taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National

Community Tax - a poll or capitation tax imposed upon Government, its agencies and instrumentalities, and local
residents of a city or municipality. government units.

Common limitations on the taxing powers of LGUs 13. Collection of business taxes Paid at the beginning of
LGUs cannot impose: the year as a fee to allow the business to operate for the
rest of the year.
1. Income tax, except when levied on banks and other
financial institutions; Tax Period and Manner of Payment

2. Documentary stamp tax; Tax Period for the Collection of Taxes - based on
calendar year
3. Taxes on estates, inheritance, gifts, legacies and other
acquisitions mortis causa, except as otherwise provided Manner of payment of the taxes - may be paid in
under the LGC; XPN: tax on transfer of real property quarterly installments

4. Customs duties, registration fees of vessel and Accrual of Tax - Accrues on the 1st day of January of
wharfage on wharves, tonnage dues, and all other kinds each year.
of customs fees, charges and dues except wharfage on
wharves constructed and maintained by the local Time of payment - Within 20 days of January or of each
government unit concerned; subsequent quarter (i.e. Jan. 20, Apr. 20, Jul. 20, and
Oct. 20)
5. Taxes, fees, and charges and other impositions upon
goods carried into or out of, or passing through, the Penalties on Unpaid Taxes, Fees or Charges
territorial jurisdictions of local government units in the
guise of charges for wharfage, tolls for bridges or 1. Surcharge - 25%
otherwise, or other taxes, fees, or charges in any form 2. Interest - not exceeding 2% per month of the unpaid
whatsoever upon such goods or merchandise; taxes including the surcharge until the amount is fully


paid but in no case shall the total interest exceed 36 1. Direct tax whose burden could not be shifted by the
months one who pays to other persons
2. Ad valorem tax based on the assessed value of the
Taxpayer’s Remedies property
3. Local tax
Periods of Assessment and Collection of Local Taxes 4. Imposed on use and not ownership
5. Progressive in character pending to a certain extent
Assessment – within 5 years from the date they became on the use and value of the property
due. In case of fraud, within 10 years from discovery. 6. Indivisible single obligation

Collection - within 5 years from the date of assessment Exemption from Real Property Taxes
1. Real property owned by the Republic of the
Philippines or any of its political subdivisions except
Protest of Assessment when the beneficial use thereof has been granted for
consideration or otherwise to a taxable person.
1. Taxpayer has 60 days to file a written protest
with treasurer from receipt of notice of 2. Charitable institutions, churches, parsonages, or
assessment. convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-profit or
religious cemeteries, and all lands, buildings, and
2. If Local Treasurer denies the protest wholly or improvements actually, directly and exclusively used
partly, taxpayer has 30 days from receipt of the for religious, charitable, or educational purposes.
denial of the protest or from lapse of the 60 day
period prescribed to appeal with RTC. 3. All machineries and equipment that are actually,
directly and exclusively used by local Water utilities
3. If adverse decision from RTC, appeal to CTA and government-owned or controlled corporations
Division if RTC exercised original jurisdiction engaged in the supply and distribution of water and/or
and to CTA En Banc if RTC exercised appellate generation and transmission of electric power.
4. All real property owned by duly registered
Claim for Refund of Tax Credit for Erroneously or Cooperatives as provided for under RA 6938.
Illegally Collected Tax, Fee or Charge
5. Machinery and equipment used for Pollution control
Procedure for the refund and environmental protection.

1. A written claim for refund or credit is filed with the Appraisal and Assessment of Real Property Tax
local treasurer. Rule on appraisal of real property tax at fair market
2. A claim or proceeding is then filed with the court of value – should be appraised at the current and fair
competent jurisdiction (depending upon the market value prevailing in the locality where the
jurisdictional amount) within two (2) years from the property is situated
date of the payment of such tax, fee, or charge, or from
the date the taxpayer is entitled to a refund or credit. Unpaid realty taxes attach to the property and are
chargeable against the person who had actual or
REAL PROPERTY TAXATION beneficial use and possession of it regardless of whether
or not he is the owner. To impose the real property tax
Fundamental principles on the subsequent owner which was neither the owner
1. Real property shall be appraised at its Current and nor the beneficial user of the property during the
FMV. designated periods would not only be contrary to law but
also unjust.
2. Real property shall be classified on the basis of its
actual use. Declaration of Real Property
It shall be the duty of all persons, natural or juridical,
3. Real property shall be assessed on the basis of a owning or administering real property, including the
uniform classification within each local government unit. improvements therein, within a city or municipality, or
their duly authorized representative, to prepare, or cause
4. The appraisal, assessment, levy and collection of real to be prepared, and file with the provincial, city or
property tax shall not be let to any private person. municipal assessor, a sworn statement declaring the true
value of their property, whether previously declared or
5. The appraisal and assessment of real property shall be undeclared, taxable or exempt, which shall be the current
equitable. and fair market value of the property, as determined by
the declarant.
Nature of Real Property Tax
Real property tax is a direct tax on ownership of lands Actual Use of Property as Basis of Assessment - refers
and buildings or other improvements thereon not to the purpose for which the property is principally or
specially exempted, and is payable regardless of whether predominantly utilized by the person in possession
the property is used or not. thereof. The basis of taxing real property is actual use,


regardless of where located, whoever owns it, and

whoever uses it. a. Exercise of lien on the property subject to tax
b. Levy on the real property subject of the tax
Collection of Real Property Tax c. Distraint of personal property
1. RPT shall accrue on the first day of January.
2. Judicial action
2. Collecting authority - City or municipal treasurer.
Nevertheless, the Treasurer may deputize the Refund or Credit of Real Property Taxes
barangay treasurer to collect all taxes on real property
located in the barangay, provided that: 1. Taxpayer files a written claim for refund or
credit with the treasurer within 2 years from the
1. The barangay treasurer is properly bonded for the date the taxpayer is entitled to such reduction or
purpose: provided, further, adjustment
2. The premium on the bond shall be paid by the city
or municipal government concerned. 2. Provincial or City Treasurer should decide the
claim within 60 days from receipt of the claim.
3. Periods within which to collect -Within five (5) years
from the date taxes become due or within 10 years 3. In case of denial, appeal to the LBAA within 30
from discovery in case of fraud. days as in protest case.

Special Rules on Payment 4. Appeal to CBAA within 30 days if LBAA gives an

a) Payment of real property taxes in installments RPT adverse decision.
may be paid in 4 equal installments (on or before Mar.
31, Jun. 30, Sept. 30, Dec. 31. Payment of Real Property Tax Under Protest

b) Interests on unpaid real property taxes is at 2% per 1. File protest with local treasurer
month until the delinquent tax shall have been fully paid 2. Appeal to the LBAA
but in no case shall exceed 36 months. 3. Appeal to the CBAA
4. Appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA)
c) Condonation of real property taxes - The sanggunian 5. Appeal to the Supreme Court (SC)
by ordinance passed prior to the first (1st) day of
January of any year and upon recommendation of the TARIFF AND CUSTOMS CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES, as
Local Disaster Coordinating Council, may condone or amended by the CUSTOMS MODERNIZATION AND
reduce, wholly or partially, the taxes and interest thereon TARIFF ACT (effective on June 16, 2016)
for the succeeding year or years in the city or
municipality affected by the calamity. Tariff - is the list or schedule of articles in which a duty is
imposed upon the importation into the country with the
Remedies of LGUs for Collection of Real Property rates at which they are severally taxed. It is the system of
Taxes imposing duties or taxes on the importation of foreign
a) Issuance of Notice of Delinquency for real property tax merchandise. It includes customs duties, toll or tribute
payment to be posted at the main hall and in a publicly payable upon merchandise to the general government;
accessible and conspicuous place in each barangay of the rate of customs; or list of articles liable to duties.
LGU concerned. It shall also be published once a week for
two (2) consecutive weeks, in a newspaper of general Customs Duties - is the name given to taxes on the
circulation in the province, city, or municipality. importation and exportation of commodities

b) Local government’s lien They are used interchangeably.

Guidelines in the exercise of local government lien Kinds or Classification of Duties

1. A legal claim on the property subject on the real
property tax as security for the payment of tax a) Ordinary/Regular tariff or customs duties - these are
obligation. taxes imposed or assessed upon merchandise from, or
2. It is constituted on the property subject to the tax exported to, a foreign country for the purpose of raising
from the date the RPT accrued, i.e., first day of revenues.
3. It is superior to any lien, mortgage, or encumbrance 1. Ad valorem - Customs duties computed on the
of any kind whatsoever. basis of value of imported article
4. It is enforceable by administrative or judicial action. 2. Specific - Customs duties computed on the basis
5. It may be extinguished only upon payment of the tax of dutiable weight of good i.e. a unit of measure
and related interests and expenses. such as per kilogram, per liter, etc.

REMEDIES IN GENERAL b) Special duties - are additional import duties imposed

Remedies of the LGUs for the Collection of Real on specific kinds of imported articles for the protection
Property Tax of consumers and manufacturers, as well as Philippine
products from undue competition posed by foreign made
1. Administrative action products.


(1) Dumping duties – are imposed on imported goods 6. Lottery and Sweepstakes tickets advertisements
which are likely to be sold in the Philippines at a price thereof and list of drawings therein.
less than its fair value.
7. Any article manufactured in whole or in part of gold,
(2) Countervailing duties – equals the amount of the silver or other precious metals or alloys thereof, the
subsidy granted by the foreign country on the stamps, brands or marks or which do not indicate the
production, manufacture, or exportation into the actual fineness of quality of said metals or alloys.
Philippines of any article likely to injure an industry in
the Philippines. 8. Any adulterated or misbranded articles of food or any
adulterated or misbranded drug in violation of the
(3) Marking duties - imposed on an ad valorem basis provisions of the “Food and Drugs Act”.
imposed for improperly marked articles. (e.g., failure to
indicate “Made in xxx”) 9. Marijuana, opium, poppies, coca leaves, heroin or any
other narcotics or synthetic drugs which are or may
(4) Retaliatory/discriminatory duties - imposed on hereafter be declared habit forming by the President of
imported goods of the country that discriminates against the Philippines, or any compound, manufactured salt,
the commerce (products) of the Philippines. derivative, or preparation thereof.
(5) Safeguard Measures – imposed upon goods or
products imported in increased quantities 10. Opium pipes and parts thereof, or whatever material.

Flexible Tariff Clause - this clause provides the authority 11. All other articles and parts thereof, the importation of
given to the President to adjust tariff rates. which is prohibited by law or rules and regulations
issued by competent authority.
Accrual and Payment of Tax and Duties
Period for filing import entry - Imported articles must be De Minimis Importations (Small Value Importations)
entered in the custom house at the port of entry within
30 days, which shall not be extendible, from the The CMTA acknowledges the e-commerce trend of
discharge of the last package from the vessel or aircraft. increasing number of small value consignments and thus,
retained the provision on de minimis values (small value
Taxable Importations - All articles when imported from a importations) below which no duties and taxes will be
foreign country including those previously exported collected and with minimal clearance procedures,
from the Philippines are subject to duty unless otherwise including data requirements.
specifically provided for in the Tariff and Customs Code.
The de minimis threshold value has now been
PROHIBITED IMPORTATIONS increased to Php10,000. Thus, if the value of an
importation does not exceed Ph10,000, there will be no
1. Dynamite, gunpowder, ammunitions and other duties and taxes that will be collectible by the BoC.
explosives, firearms, and weapons of war, and parts
thereof. Conditionally-Free and Duty-Exempt Importations

2. Written or printed articles in any form containing any 1. Personal and household effects by “returning
matter advocating or inciting treason, or rebellion, residents” (nationals who have stayed in a
insurrection, sedition, or subversion against the foreign country for a period of at least 6 months)
Government of the Philippines, or forcible resistance to - importation is duty and tax-free, Provided:
any law of the Philippines, or containing any threat to
take the life of, or inflict bodily harm upon any person in a) Should neither be of commercial
the Philippines. quantity nor intended for barter, sale or
3. Written or printed articles, negatives or
cinematographic film, photographs, engravings, b) For those who have stayed in a foreign
lithographs, objects, paintings, drawings, or other country for a period of at least 10 years,
representation of an obscene or immoral character. the Free on Board (FoB) or Free Carrier
Arrangement (FCA) value shall not
4. Articles, instruments, drugs and substances designed, exceed P350,000 and that the privilege is
intended or adapted for producing unlawful abortion, or not availed of within 10 years prior to
any printed matter which advertises or describes or the returning resident’s arrival;
gives directly or indirectly information where, how or by
whom unlawful abortion is produced. c) If the stay is at least 5 years, the FCA or
FOB value shall not exceed P250,000 and
5. Roulette wheels, gambling outfits, loaded dice, marked that the privilege is not availed of within
cards, machines, apparatus or mechanical devices used in 5 years prior to the returning resident’s
gambling or the distribution of money, cigars, cigarettes, arrival.
or other when such distribution is dependent on chance,
including jackpot and pinball machines or similar d) If the stay is less than 5 years, the FCA or
contrivances, or parts thereof. FoB value shall not exceed P150,000 and


that the privilege is not availed of within or balance thereon as well as to a 20% interest per
6 months prior to the returning annum computed from the date of final assessment.
resident’s arrival.
After payment of duties and taxes, the importer will
2. Returning Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) then have a non-extendible period of 30 days to claim the
shall have the privilege to bring in tax and duty goods from customs custody.
free home appliances and other durables
(limited to one of every kind) once in a given Provisional Goods Declaration
calendar year accompanying them on their
return or arriving within a reasonable time (not If, at the time of importation, an importer does not
exceeding 60 days after every returning OFWs have all the information or supporting documents
return). required to complete a goods declaration, the CMTA now
allows the lodging of a provisional goods declaration
3. Residents of the Philippines, OFWs or other (PGD). The PGD is a new concept that importers can use
Filipinos, while residing abroad or upon their particularly in instances where additional information
return to the Philippines, are also allowed to and/or collateral documents are required to be
bring in or send to their families or relatives in submitted at the border. Under this concept, an importer
the Philippines “balikbayan boxes” (containing would have to execute an undertaking to complete the
personal and household effects only) duty and necessary information or submit the supporting
tax-free, provided that the FCA value shall not documents within 45 days (extendible for another 45
exceed P150,000 and the items are not in days) from the lodging of the PGD. Goods under PGD may
commercial quantities or intended for barter, be released upon posting of a security equivalent to the
sale or for hire. This can be availed up to 3 times amount ascertained to be the applicable duties and taxes.
in a calendar year.
An assessment by the BoC at the border of a PGD shall
Any amount in excess of the above threshold values shall, be deemed tentative and shall be completed upon final
however, be subject to duties and taxes. readjustment and submission of the additional
information or documentation required to complete the
Filing of Goods Declaration declaration.
All imported goods will be subject to the lodgment of a
goods declaration (commonly known as entry Amendment of Goods Declaration
declaration), which may be for consumption, for If an importer needs to amend a goods declaration
warehousing, for admission, for conditional importation already filed, the CTMA, for valid reasons and with the
or for customs transit, depending on the purpose. approval of the BoC, also permits the filing of an
amended goods declaration. The amendment, however,
As a general rule, goods declarations for consumption must be done prior to final assessment or examination of
are cleared though a “formal entry” process, except in the the goods by the BoC.
following instances where goods may be cleared through Misdeclaration, Misclassification, and
“informal entry”: Undervaluation in Goods Declarations

(i) goods of a commercial nature with Free on Board or Misdeclaration - when the discrepancy pertains to
Free Carrier Arrangement (FCA) value of less than Php quantity, quality, description, weight, or measurement of
50,000; or the imported goods.

(ii) personal or household effects or goods, not in Misclassification - when insufficient or wrong
commercial quantity, imported in passenger’s baggage description of the goods or use of wrong tariff heading
or mail. was declared resulting in a discrepancy.

A goods declaration must now be lodged within 15 Undervaluation is present when:

days from a BoC notice (sent through electronic or
personal service) informing the importers of the date of • The declared value fails to disclose in full the price
discharge of the last package from the vessel or aircraft, actually paid or payable or any dutiable adjustment to
extendible for another 15 days (upon request by the the price; or
importer based on valid grounds). Once lodged, the BoC, • When an incorrect valuation method is used; or
after its examination, shall issue a notice of assessment • The valuation rules are not properly observed.
(of duties and taxes payable). The importer has a period
of 15 days from receipt of said notice within which to pay Any misdeclaration, misclassification or
the corresponding duties and taxes. In effect, this is also undervaluation of imported goods resulting in a
the period within which the importer may contest the discrepancy will be subject to a fixed surcharge rate of
assessment issued by the BoC at the border. Otherwise, 250% of the duty and tax due
the assessment will be deemed final after the lapse of the
15-day period. The failure to pay duties and taxes within Surcharge, however, will not be imposed when:
the 15-day period shall result in the imposition of a 10%
surcharge (increased to 25% if delinquency lasts for • The discrepancy in duty is less than 10%; or
more than one year) based on the total assessed amount • The importer’s declared value and/or tariff


Relied on an official government ruling; or

• Is rejected in a formal customs dispute settlement a) Protest
process involving difficult or highly technical questions
relating to the application of customs valuation rules 1. Any importer or interested party - if dissatisfied with
and/or tariff classifications. published value within 15 days from date of
publication or within 5 days from date the importer is
If the misdeclaration, misclassification or entitled to refund in case payment is rendered
undervaluation is intentional or fraudulent (such as erroneous or illegal by events occurring after the
when a false or altered document is submitted or when payment.
false statements or information are knowingly made), a
500% surcharge (of the duty and tax due) will be 2. Taxpayer - within 15 days from assessment.
imposed on the importer and to those who willfully Payment under protest is necessary.
participated in the fraudulent act. The imported goods
will be subject to seizure regardless of the amount of the b) Abandonment - Claim to goods deemed waived by
discrepancy. failure to file an import entry within 30 days from the
discharge of goods; or Having filed an entry fails to claim
There is prima facie evidence of fraud if the within 15 days but it shall not be so effective until so
discrepancy (in duty and tax to be paid) amounts to more declared by the collector.
than 30%.
c) Abatement and refund - It is the reduction or non-
Unlawful Importation or Exportation imposition of custom duties on certain imported
Smuggling is the fraudulent act of importing any goods materials as a result of:
into the Philippines, or the act of assisting in receiving,
concealing, buying, selling, disposing or transporting 1. Damaged incurred during voyage;
such goods, with full knowledge that the same has been 2. Deficiency in contents of packages;
fraudulently imported. It likewise includes the 3. Loss or destruction of articles after arrival; or
exportation of goods in any manner contrary to law. 4. Death or injury of animals.

Outright smuggling - refers to the act of importing JUDICIAL REMEDIES - Jurisdiction of the CTA
goods into the country without complete customs-
prescribed importation documents, or without being 1. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over civil tax cases
cleared by customs or other regulatory government
agencies. In this case, imported goods are not registered a) Cases within the jurisdiction of the court en banc
at all with the BoC or other government agencies.
1. Decisions or resolutions on motions for
Technical smuggling - refers to the act of importing reconsideration or new trial of the Court in Divisions in
goods into the country by means of a fraudulent, falsified the exercise of its exclusive appellate jurisdiction over:
or erroneous declaration of the goods as to its nature,
kind, quality, quantity or weight. In other words, a. Cases arising from administrative agencies –
technical smuggling takes place through undervaluation, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Bureau of Customs,
misclassification or underdeclaration of the goods Department of Finance, Department of Trade and
shipped. Industry, Department of Agriculture;

The difference between outright smuggling and b. Local tax cases decided by the RTC in the
technical smuggling lies in the use or non-use of legal exercise of their original jurisdiction; and
trade channels when bringing the goods into the country.
Outright smuggling bypasses the usual and normal c. Tax collection cases decided by the RTC in the
procedure and process of clearing the cargo at the BoC, exercise of their original jurisdiction involving final
while technical smuggling involves fraudulent acts and executory assessments for taxes, fees, charges
during the processing and releasing of the goods. In both and penalties, where the principal amount of taxes
instances, however, the ultimate objective is to evade the and penalties claimed is less than P1million;
payment of the prescribed taxes, duties and other
charges. d. Criminal offenses arising from violations of the
NIRC or the Tariff and Customs Code and other
REMEDIES laws administered by the Bureau of Internal
1. Government Revenue or Bureau of Customs

a) Administrative/extrajudicial 2. Decisions, resolutions or orders on motions for

reconsideration or new trial of the Court in Division in
(1) Search, seizure, forfeiture, arrest the exercise of its exclusive original jurisdiction over:
(2) Authority of the Commissioner to make
compromise a. tax collection cases
b. involving criminal offenses arising from
b) Judicial violations of the NIRC or the Tariff and Customs
Code and other laws administered by the Bureau of
2. Taxpayer Internal Revenue or Bureau of Customs;


other laws administered by the BIR or Bureau of

3. Decisions, resolutions or orders of the RTC decided Customs, where the principal amount of taxes and
or resolved by them in the exercise of their appellate fees, exclusive of charges and penalties, claimed is
jurisdiction over: less than 1 million pesos or where there is no
specified amount claimed; 3. Exclusive jurisdiction
a. local tax cases over tax collections cases, to wit:
b. tax collection cases
c. criminal offenses arising from violations of the a. Original jurisdiction in tax collection cases
NIRC or the Tariff and Customs Code and other involving final and executory assessments for
laws administered by the Bureau of Internal taxes, fees, charges and penalties, where the
Revenue or Bureau of Customs. principal amount of taxes and fees, exclusive of
charges and penalties, claimed is 1 million pesos
4. Decisions of the Central Board of Assessment or more; and
Appeals (CBAA) in the exercise of its appellate
jurisdiction over cases involving the assessment and b. Appellate jurisdiction over appeals from the
taxation of real property originally decided by the judgments, resolutions or orders of the Regional
provincial or city board of assessment appeals. Trial Courts in tax collection cases originally
decided by them within their respective
b) Cases within the jurisdiction of the court in divisions territorial jurisdiction.

1. Exclusive original or appellate jurisdiction to review

by appeal the following: CE CASECNAN WATER AND ENERGY COMPANY, INC., et
al. vs. THE PROVINCE OF NUEVA ECIJA, et al. G.R. No.
a. Decisions of the Commissioner of Internal 196278, June 17, 2015 - DEL CASTILLO
The Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) has exclusive jurisdiction
b. Inaction by the Commissioner of Internal over a special civil action for certiorari assailing an
Revenue; interlocutory order issued by the Regional Trial Court
(RTC) in a local tax case.In filing an action for injunction
c. Decisions, resolutions or orders of the RTC in to restrain collection, petitioner was in effect also
local tax cases decided by them in the exercise of challenging the validity of the RPT assessment. Simply
their original jurisdiction; because the action is an application for injunctive relief
does not necessarily mean that it may no longer be
d. Decisions of the Commissioner of Customs in considered as a local tax case.
cases involving liability arising under the Customs
Law or other laws administered by the Bureau of
Judicial Procedures
e. Decisions of the Secretary of Finance on customs In order for the CTA En Banc to take cognizance of an
cases elevated to him automatically for review appeal via a petition for review, a timely motion for
from decisions of the Commissioner of Customs reconsideration or new trial must first be filed with the
adverse to the Government under Section 2315 of CTA Division that issued the assailed decision or
the TCC; and resolution. Failure to do so is a ground for the dismissal
of the appeal. The same rule applies to an amended
f. Decisions of the Secretary of Trade and Industry, decision issued by CTA Division. (Asiatrust Dev’t Bank,
in the case of non-agricultural product, commodity Inc. v. CIRm GR Nos. 201530 & 201680-81, April 19, 2017,
or article, and the Secretary of Agriculture, in the Del Castillo, J. )
case of agricultural product, commodity or article,
involving dumping and countervailing duties, and
February 01, 2016 – DEL CASTILLO
safeguard measures, where either party may
appeal the decision to impose or not to impose said
Spouses Trayvilla filed a case for specific performance
duties; and damages against Sejas before the RTC praying among
others the reconveyance of a parcel of land which Sejas has
2. Exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving criminal previously sold to them but over which Sejas, by fraud and
offenses, to wit: deceit, reasserted his ownership. Sejas moved for dismissal
a. Original jurisdiction over all criminal offenses of the case, claiming that that the Spouses case was not for
arising from violations of the NIRC or TCC and specific performance but was in reality a real action or one
other laws administered by the BIR or the Bureau involving title to and possession of real property, in which
of Customs, where the principal amount of taxes case the value of the property should be alleged in the
and fees, exclusive of charges and penalties, complaint in order that the proper filing fee may be
claimed is 1 million pesos or more; and computed and paid. Since the value of the land was not
alleged in the Complaint, the proper filing fee was not paid,
b. Appellate jurisdiction over appeals from the and for this reason the case should be dismissed.
judgments, resolutions or orders of the RTC in
their original jurisdiction in criminal offenses Does the RTC acquired jurisdiction over the case?
arising from violations of the NIRC or TCC and


No, the RTC did not acquire jurisdiction over the case. correct amount of taxes, prompting the Department of
Spouses’ aim in filing the case was to secure their claimed Justice to file a criminal complaint for tax evasion.
ownership and title to the subject property, which qualifies
their case as a real action. Since the subject case is a real The Supreme Court ruled that, the CTA En Banc erred
action, the Spouses should have observed the requirement in dismissing the Petition due to nonpayment of the
under Rule 141 of the Rules of Court, as amended by A.M. required docket fees since mere failure to pay the same
No. 04-2-04-SC and Supreme Court (SC) Amended at the time of the filing of the Petition does not
Administrative Circular No. 35-2004 which provides that automatically cause the dismissal of the case even if the
the FAIR MARKET value of the REAL property in litigation
same is jurisdictional as long as the party had no
intention to defraud the government and the same are
paid within reasonable period of time. On the issue of tax
THERE IS NONE, THE STATED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY type which the Petitioner should be subjected, the court
IN LITIGATION OR THE VALUE OF THE PERSONAL found that the proper remedy is to remand the case to
PROPERTY IN LITIGATION AS ALLEGED BY THE CLAIMANT the CTA First Division to conduct a full-blown trial where
shall be the basis for the computation of the docket fees to both parties are given the chance to present evidence of
be paid. Since the value of the subject property as stated in their respective claims. The Petition for Review is
the Complaint is just P6,000.00, then the RTC did not have partially GRANTED. The case is remanded back to the
jurisdiction over Spouses’ case in the first instance; hence, it CTA 1st Division to conduct further proceedings in CTA
should have dismissed Civil Case No. 4633-2K5. But it did Case No. 8503 and to ORDER the Clerk of Court to assess
not. In continuing to take cognizance of the case, the trial the correct docket fees. Petitioner Mariano Lim Gaw, Jr.,
court clearly committed grave abuse of discretion. is likewise ORDERED to pay the correct docket fees
within ten (10) days from the receipt of the correct
CLAIMANT shall be the basis for the computation of the 222837, JULY 23, 2018]
docket fees to be paid. Since the value of the subject
property as stated in the Complaint is just P6,000.00, SUPREME COURT PARTIALLY UPHELD
then the RTC did not have jurisdiction over Spouses’ case CONSTITUTIONALITY OF RMO 23-2014 ON TAXABILITY
in the first instance; hence, it should have dismissed Civil OF ALLOWANCES & OTHER BENEFITS OF
Case No. 4633-2K5. But it did not. In continuing to take GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
cognizance of the case, the trial court clearly committed
grave abuse of discretion. The Petitioners filed a Petition for Prohibition and
RECENT JURISPRUDENCE ON TAXATION Mandamus, imputing grave abuse of discretion on the
part of the Respondent Commissioner of Internal
DOCKET FEE IS JURISDICTIONAL BUT FAILURE TO PAY Revenue in issuing Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO)
THE SAME DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY CAUSE THE 23-2014. They argued that RMO 23-14 classified the
DISMISSAL OF THE CASE Petitioner’s allowances and bonuses as taxable
compensations, which are considered by law as non-
The Petitioner Macario Lim Gaw, Jr., filed a Petition for taxable fringe benefits and de minimis. Also, they argued
Review on Certiorari assailing the Decision and that the imposition of withholding taxes on theses
Resolution of the CTA En Banc in the CTA EB Criminal allowances and bonuses violates the prohibition on non-
Case No. 26 where the latter dismissed the Petition for diminution of benefits under Article 100 of the Labor
failure of the Petitioner to pay docket fees. Code. Likewise, they argued that the issuance of RMO
constitutes abuse of legislative power and diminishes the
Petitioner acquired 10 parcels of land through a Short delegated power of local government units as it defines
Term Loan Facility from Banco De Oro. Petitioner then new offenses and prescribes penalty particularly upon
entered into an Agreement to Sell with Azure local government officials. Further, it violates their right
Corporation for the sale and transfer of real properties to to due process of law and the equal protection clause of
Eagle I Landholdings, Inc., a joint venture company. Upon the Constitution as it discriminates against government
transfer, the Petitioner requested the BIR RDO No. 52 for officials and employees by imposing fringe benefit tax
the respective computations of the tax liabilities due on upon their allowances and benefits as opposed to the
the sale of the lands. In accordance with the One Time allowances and benefits of employees of the private
Transactions (ONETT) Computation sheets, Petitioner sector.
paid Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and Documentary Stamp
Tax (DST) and was issued the corresponding Certificates Aside from the relief sought, the Petitioners also pray
Authorizing Registration and Tax Clearance Certificates. for the issuance of a writ of mandamus ordering
Two years later, Respondent Commissioner of Internal Respondent to upgrade the ceiling of the 13th month pay
Revenue (CIR) opined that Petitioner was not liable for and other benefits.
the 6% CGT but for the 32% Regular Corporate Income
Tax (RCIT) and 12% VAT, on the theory that the On the other hand, Respondent countered that the
properties sold were ordinary assets and not capital Petitions are barred by the doctrine of hierarchy of
assets resulting to the assessment of deficiency RCIT and courts since the Petitioners failed to present any special
VAT up to the issuance of FDDA. In addition, Respondent and important reasons or compelling circumstances to
also found that the Petitioner misdeclared his income, justify direct recourse to the Supreme Court. Further,
misclassified the properties and used multiple Tax RMO 23-14 is a mere reiteration of the Tax Code and this
Identification Numbers to avoid being assessed of the does not require the approval and signature of the


Secretary of Finance as this merely provides for

instructions in the implementation of stated policies of The Petitioner, upon filing its annual Income Tax
the Bureau. Return (ITR) for the fiscal year 2007, exercised its carry-
over option of unutilized creditable income tax for the
In resolving the Petition, the Supreme Court partially year 2006. Subsequently, it amended its ITR reflecting
ruled in favor of the Respondent noting the Petitioners’ the removal of excess tax credits for the year 2006 and
non-exhaustion of administrative remedies and violation instead filed a claim for refund or issuance of TCC.
of the rule on hierarchy of courts. Non-exhaustion of
administrative remedies pertains to the filing of appeal In resolving the Petition, the Court ruled that the
granted to the taxpayer within thirty (30) days from Petitioner, having constructively chosen the option of
receipt of adverse ruling to file with the Office of the carry-over the excess tax credits in its ITR, is already
Secretary of Finance a request for review in writing and barred from claiming a refund or TCC. In addition, the
under oath which the Petitioners failed to do. irrevocability rule is limited only to the option of
carrying-over, with this a taxpayer is still free to change
Moreover, Petitioners violated the rule on hierarchy of its choice to carry-over if it first chosen refund or TCC of
courts as the Petition should have been initially filed with its excess tax credit. The Petition is DENIED for lack of
the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) which has exclusive merit. [UNIVERSITY PHYSICIANS SERVICES INC.-
jurisdiction to determine the constitutionality or validity MANAGEMENT, INC. VS. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL
of tax laws, rules and regulations, and other REVENUE, G.R. NO. 205955, MARCH 27, 2018]
administrative issuances of the Respondent.

The Court went further in saying that the assailed

sections particularly Sections III, IV and VII of RMO 23-14
are consistent with the Tax Code and does not charge any
new or additional tax. Furthermore, the Court stated that
the equal protection clause, fiscal autonomy and the rule
on non-diminution of benefits are not violated since the
RMO was issued to simply reinforce existing taxes
applicable to both private and public sector.

However, with Section VI of RMO 23-14, the Court

finds that the Respondent overstepped the boundaries of
its authority to interpret existing provisions of the Tax
Code in so far as it designated persons required to
withhold and remit taxes which are not among those
under the Tax Code.

As regards the prayer for the issuance to compel the

Respondent to increase the ceiling of 13th month pay
and other benefits, the same has already been considered
moot and academic, meaning, it ceases to present
justiciable controversy by virtue of supervening events
wherein the declaration on the issue would be of no
practical value or use given the enactment of TRAIN Law
increasing the tax exempt threshold to Php 90,000.00.
Consequently, the Petitions are PARTIALLY GRANTED.
Section VI of Revenue Memorandum Order 23-2014 is
declared NULL AND VOID insofar as the additional
designated persons that are not included in the Tax Code.
Sections III, IV and VII declared VALID. Finally, Petition
for increase of ceiling of 13th month pay and other
benefits is hereby DENIED on the ground of mootness.
G.R. 213658, JULY 03, 2018]



The Petitioner University Physicians Services

Incorporated-Management Inc. filed a Petition for
Review seeking the reversal of the earlier decision and
resolution of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) denying the
application for tax refund or issuance of Tax Credit
Certificate (TCC) of its excess unutilized creditable
income tax for the taxable year 2006.




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