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Engineering Education Programs at Master Level

Accredited by JABEE, As of 3 March, 2017

Engineering Education Programs at Master Level

Accredited by JABEE
Last updated: 3 March, 2017

JABEE has accredited engineering programs at Master Level since 2007. Listed here are engineering
education programs of postgraduate study/education at Master Level, and accredited by JABEE. The
institutions have voluntarily requested that specific engineering programs be evaluated.

Programs are listed under higher education institution and in alphabetical order of program titles. The year
indicated after each program title is the academic year when the programs were first accredited by JABEE.
Programs discontinued as well as programs whose accreditation validity has expired are identified by showing
a final school year of accreditation. Comprehensive review visits are normally conducted at six-year intervals.
Students are deemed to have graduated from an accredited program providing they graduate from the program
within its validity period of accreditation.

Program Title, Period of Accreditation Division, Graduate School

Kogakuin University

Systems Engineering, 2012- Graduate School of Engineering

Systems Design Program
Ryukoku University

Materials Chemistry and Engineering, 2007- Division of Materials Chemistry

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Shizuoka University

Chemical Engineering, 2007-2015 Materials Science and Chemical Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

1 | Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education

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