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Talkshow Script

(Background sounds)

2 Hosts: Hello Philippines and hello world!

Bruce: I am Bruce Roger Tejano.
Nat: And I am Nathaniel Migallos.
2 Hosts:Welcome to ________________.
Bruce: Today, we have prepared something special. We will be having 2 guests that talks about
their invention about two of the most popular windows accessories
Nat: Please welcome Mr. Villarreal and Mr. Ocon.

(Audience Clapping)

Bruce:Good afternoon! You two look great today.

2 Inventors : Thank you!
Nat: So, Let's talk about your invention first, Mr. Villareal. What did you invent that became
Evan:I invented the "Steps recorder".
Nat:What is "steps recorder"?
Evan: Steps recorder is a program that helps you troubleshoot a problem on your device by
recording the exact steps you took when the problem occurred. You can then send this record
to a support professional to help them diagnose the problem.
Nat:Does Steps recorder run in the background?
Evan:No, it's not. It also does not collect or send information to anyone automatically.
Bruce:So how to record and save steps on your computer?
Evan:It's very easy. To open Steps Recorder, the Start button, and then select
Windows Accessories > Steps Recorder (in Windows 10), or Accessories > Problem Steps
Recorder (in Windows 7 or Windows 8.1).
2.Select Start Record.
3.Go through the steps to reproduce the problem you’re trying to diagnose. You can pause and
resume the recording at any time.
4.When you’re done, select Stop Record.
5.Review the record of the steps you followed to make sure it shows what you want it to show.
Select Save, name the .zip file, choose where to save it, and then select Save. Now you can
attach and send this .zip file to the person helping you troubleshoot the problem on your PC. It
can be viewed in any web browser.
Bruce:Wow! That was a piece of cake.
Nat: For the last question, why Steps Recorder is important on computers?
Evan:With Steps Recorder, all of this is done automatically while the user is on their computer,
which means they don't have to worry about anything but starting and stopping Steps Recorder
and then sending the result.
Nat: Hmm... Your invention is amazing and useful as I see. Now, let's ask a question on our
Nat:(approaching MJ)
Nat: Hello, can I ask you a question regarding of Mr. Villareal's invention?
Nat:In a scale of 1-10,rate how useful the invention is?
Mj:I will rate it as 8.Its because without Steps Recorder, a user would have to explain in detail
each step they're taking to replicate the issue they're having. The best way to do this would be
to manually write out what they're doing and take screenshots of every single window they see.
Nat:I definitely agree in your answer. In steps recorder, it's very easy to know the steps in your

Bruce:Now let's move on to our 2nd inventor, Mr. Ocon.

Bruce:What windows accessories did you invent?
John:I invented the Disk Cleanup.
Bruce:What is Disk Cleanup?
John:Disk cleanup is a Microsoft software utility that allows users to remove files that are no
longer needed or that can be safely deleted. Removing unnecessary files, including temporary
files, can help to speed up and improve the performance of the hard drive and computer.
Bruce:Are photos, videos and music included to that?
John:Yes, it is included.
Nat:How to open and use it?
John:1.Press Windows key + X to open the Power User Task Menu.
2.In the menu, tap or click the Run option.
3.In the Run text field, type cleanmgr and press Enter.
Nat:Hmm...Seems like easy to use.
Bruce:What to do in Disk cleanup?
John:Once Disk Cleanup opens, the initial window will ask you which drive you want to clean
up. Select the appropriate drive and click OK. In the next window that opens, check each of the
boxes you want to clean up. To the right of each item is the disk drive space each of the items
are taking up on the hard drive.
Bruce:It's much like a phone manager in mobile phones right?
Nat:For the last question, What is the importance of "Disk Cleanup"?
John:Disk Clean-up is intended to free up disk space on a computer’s hard drive. It is a
computer maintenance utility. This tool can clean up unwanted programs and files infected by
virus. It’s main advantage is it maximizes the computer’s storage space therefore increases
speed and improvement on the functionality.
Nat:I like your invention Mr. Ocon. It is very useful.
Bruce:This time, let's ask some questions on our audience regarding Mr. Ocon's Invention.

(Bruce approaching Marco)

Bruce:Hello! What can you say about the disk cleanup?

Marco:I can say that the disk cleanup is one of the great inventions I've ever seen. It maximizes
your computer's storage space, increased and improvement of functionality. No wonder it's
Bruce:Thank you for your answer and I agree with it. It's very important in computers.
Nat:So for today, We had introduced to you the 2 of the most popular Microsoft accessories
which is the steps recorder and disk cleanup as well as the inventors.
Bruce:In summary, steps recorder and disk cleanup have different uses and roles in computer
but both are important to make things easy.
Evan:As an inventor, we are responsible in making the computer, science and technology
a better world
Johnnaire:And also a better future for the next generations.
Nat:Thank you for joining us today Mr. Villareal and Mr. Ocon. It was a pleasure to meet you
I hope that your inventions will be greatly successful.
Bruce:Once again, I am Bruce Roger Tejano.
Nathaniel:And I am Nathaniel Migallos.
All:Goodbye and see you next week here in___________________.

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