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Group :5

Member : ● Jaka Anzor → Reporter

● M. Fajri R → Cameramen

● Nawalia M → News reader

● Yunia Roza→ Script writer and uploader

Script :

Earthquake And Tsunami Hit Indonesia

The Indonesia government has called for international help to deal, with after-math of a
devastating series of earthquakes and a tsunami in the island region of Sulawesi that killed at
least 832 people.

President Joko widodo “authorised us to accept international help for urgent disaster-
response.” The government’s head of investment Tom Lembong said, as dozens of aid agencies
and NGO lined up to provide life-saving assistance and the government struggled to come to
terms with the sheer scale of disaster. The strong 7,5 magnitudo quake struck on Friday toppling
buildings and sending walls of seawater crasging into Palu a city of about 350.000

Exhausted survivors scoured makeshit morgues for loved ones and authorities struggled
of the devastation in more remote regions beyond Palu.

Rescuers raced against the clock and a lack of equipment to save those shill trapped in the
rubble, with up to go people feared to be under neath one Palu hotel alone.

Two survivors have been plucked from the rubble of the 80-room hotel roa-roa, the
search and resque agency said, and there could still be more alive.

The disaster agency said a tsunami warning system which, might have save lives, had not
work for six years due to a lock of money.

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