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I. Choose the right answer by crossing A, B, C, or D! Benny : “yes, sir.

1. Mr. Anton : “ ... , students. Good bye.” A. Clean, go C. Close, write
Students : “good bye.” B. Go, write D. Go, open
A. Look at me C. Time is up 7. Teacher : “Why are you late, Indra?”
B. Be quiet D. Speak to me Indra :“ … , mam, I come late.”
2. Nadia : “Hi, Dina. ... borrow your story book? Do you bring it?” Teacher : “It’s okay but don’t be late again.”
Dina : “yes, I do. Here it is.” A. Sorry C. Not yet
A. Would I C. Can I B. Okay D. Thank you
B. Can you D. May I 8. What does the sign mean? It means …. .
3. The student : “Can you tell me how to operate the computer?” A. No smoking C. No parking here
The teacher : “Of course. It’s simple ... the computer and choose the menu to start B. Don’t litter D. No stopping
typing.” 9. Ita : “ … your dictionary?”
A. turn off C. turn down Ika : “I’m sorry. I use it now”
B. turn on D. turn up A. May I help you C. May I borrow
4. Amir : “Do you have a ruller?” B. Can you help me D. Would you play
Indra : “Yup.” 10. Mother : “Do you mind … the floor because it is very dirty?”
Amir : “Can I borrow it?” Anita : “Sure, mom.”
Indra : “ Sure. ... .” Mother : “Thank you, my clear.”
A. Here it is C. I say thank you Anita : “You are welcome.”
B. I am sorry D. Alright, excuse me A. Swept C. Sweeps
5. Read this invitation in this side! B. Sweeping D. Sweep
The suitable information to complete 11. This is our bedroom. Look, the bedroom is very dark! My mother asks me to … .
Hi, friends come to my birthday party!
the invitation beside is ... . A. Clean the bedroom, please! C. Turn on the lamp, please!
A. 3 pm Date : Sunday, February 14th 2019
B. Turn off the lamp, please! D Open the bedroom, please!
B. Sunday Time : 4 pm.
C. February 2019 Place : ....
D. Jl.PanglimaSudirman 31 Batu
6. Teacher : “Ben, … to the blackboard and … your name!”

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12. Look at the map. Where is the library? It is … . 17. Nabila :“Mom, where is the Music Museum?”
A. Between the teacher office and laboratory class class class Randa :“It is … Batu.”
B. In front of class A. In C. On
C. Behind the teacher’s office ER’S
OFFICE 18. Santi :“Rosa, Could you … to bring these books, please! It’s too heavy.”
D. Beside the teachers office LABORAT
Rosa :“Of course.”
13. Mr. Anton : “ ... next week, Tedy?”
A. Take C. Help
Tedy : “Of course, sir. When will the camping be held?”
B. Buy D. Bring
Mr. Anton : “Maybe on last June next week.”
19. Rina: “ … you to operate your computer, Randy?”
Tedy : “alright, sir”
Randy : “sure.”
A. Would you join camping C. Would you join competition
A. May I take C. Can I drink
B. Would you join swimming D. Would you join climbing
B. Can I help D. May I operate
14. Ani :“ … to make a kite?”
20. The students are ... at the library.
Bima : “first, prepare the material then you can make kite that you want”.
A. playing C. reading

A. Why C. How B. going D. eating

B. Where D. When 21. Hasan : “ ... ?”

15. The post office – hotel – is – between – restaurant – and Husen : “ He is playing marble.”

The correct order is …. A. what is he doing C. Why is he doing

A. The post office is between restaurant and hotel B. where is she doing D. How is she doing

B. The post office and hotel is restaurant between 22. Sania :“May I ... your swimsuit, please?”

C. The hotel and post office between is restaurant Indri : “of course. Here you are.

D. The restaurant is between and post office hotel A. borrow C. send

16. Iwan is clever and diligent students. Last month he wins English competition in his B. help D. draw

school. 23. The correct sentence based on the picture is ... .

So every student says …. A. She is playing football

A. congratulation C. thank you B. They are making a line

B. never mind D. apologize me C. He is studying

D. They are reading

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24. 29. Gani : “ How to play hopscotch?”
Two week again we will have examination for students year one until six. Intan : “ Use chalk to .... a hopscoctch pattern on the ground.
After the examination, we will have holiday for a week. The school have .... a flat stone or similar object to land on square one.
outbond activity for one day at school. So, you can join the outbond if
Hop through the squares, skipping the one you have your
you want.
What kind of the text above? It is .... Marker on. ... the marker on your way back.
A. advertisement C. announcement Pass the marker on the next person.
B. notice D. invitation A. Draw, throw, take C. Throw, draw, pick up
25. B. Draw, throw, pick up D. Pick up, throw, draw
Dear my friend, The suitable answer for the
30. Randi and Toni are playing football.
please come to my birthday party on : blank is ....
Date : 11st January 2019 Randi : “ You must kick the ball quickly!
Time : _____ (in the morning) A. 9 a.m Toni : “ ... ! “
Place : KFC A. Let’s C. never mind
B. 8 p.m
Jl Diponegoro Batu
B. drink it D. ok
It would be nice if you wea blue clothes, Ok! C. 11st January
31. The correct setence based on the picture is !
Anjani D. Jl Diponegoro
A. hold the string
26. My Mother is Mrs. Joana. She cares the patients and helps the doctor. She always goes B. watering the flower
to C. planting the flowers
work Everyday by motorcycle. D. throw the garbage into the river
Where does she work? 32. Anita has get sick today. She is in the hospital now. What will you say to her?
A. at the farm field C. at the school A. I am proud of you C. I am happy to hear that
B. at the hospital D. at the office B. I hope you will get better soon D. I am glad to see you
27. Mr. Joko cultivates the rice. He is a farmer. Where is he? He is in the .... 33. Tanti : “ Do you want to eat a plate of fried potato?”
A. rice field C. restaurant Santi : “Of course. Hmm. It’s delicious. Did you make it by yourself?”
B. police office D. bank Tanti : “ sure.”
28. Anita helps her mother every morning. She is a … girl. Santi : “ .... how to make this fried potatoes?”
A. lazy C. diligent Tanti : “alright”
B. clever D. arrogant A. Can you explain C. Could you bring
B. Can make it D. May I borrow

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34. 37.
Complete the identity card beside!
March 12nd 2014
A. Saniyah, Semeru Street, May 18th
... 1) School : SD Al Irsyad
2002, reading
Class : VI
Give me a permission, that Selvi was not at school Name : ….
yesterday because she was at the hospital to see a dentist. She Date of birth : …. B. Semeru Street, Saniyah, May 18th
Adress : ….
has a ... 2) Hobby : …. 2002, reading
Thank you for your attention.
C. Saniyah, May 18th 2002, Semeru
The suitable 3) to complete a permission letter above is … . street, reading
A. Dear sir, headache, respectfully yours C. Dear sir, stomachache, your
Drs. Azzam D. Saniyah, Semeru Street, Reading, May
sincerely 38. Ria : “Let’s we play see saw!”
18th 2002
B. Dear sir, toothache, your sincerely D. Dear sir, fever, respectfully yours Hana : “of course. But Can I invite my sister to join?”
35. According to the picture beside, we should say …. Anjar :“ … . I will invite my cousin too.”
A. Congratulation for your win A. That’s a good idea C. I don’t think so
B. Have a nice party B. Have fun D. I dislike
C. Congratulation to for your graduation 39. The good statement for the picture is ….
D. Happy Idul Fitri A. The students english lesson studied in the library yesterday
36. You : “can you tell me where is your house?” B. English lesson the students studied yesterday in the library
Lina : “go ahead until second T junction and turn right. My house is your left.” C. The students studied in the library english yesterday lesson
In the picture Lina’s house is number …. D. The students studied english lesson in the Library yesterday
A. 1 1 2 40. now – my father – champion – watching – football – is
1 2 3 4 5 6
B. 2
A. 2 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 3 – 1 C. 2 – 6 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 1
C. 3
B. 2 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 1 D. 2 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 1
D. 4 3 4

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II. Answer the follow one, shell, button, etc. ing questions with the correct answers! 5. Complete the invitation card!
1. Arrange the following jumbled sentences into a good paragraph!
a. Then he sweeps the floor and the yard.
b. After that he takes a bath then he has breakfast with his family.
To : My friend
c. After getting up he cleans his bedroom. Hi friend
d. Every morning Fajar gets up at five o’clock. Come to my 12nd birthday party.
2. Fatimah : “What do you think about Jatim park 3? It will be held on :
Day : …..
Santi :“ … .”
Date : …..
Fatimah : “What can you see in the Jatim park 3?
Place : …..
Santi : “ … .”
Time : …..
3. Look at the picture! I am very happy if you wear pink clothes.
Fatan joined an English Championship yesterday. From
As the result he won as the fisrt winner. Intan
What should we say to him?
4. Read these story!
Once upon a time in West Java. There was a widow. Her name is Nyi Mas
Inten. She was very rich but she never gave anythings to poor people, so all her
neighbour hate her.
One day, there was a beggar. He asked for a meal but Nyi Mas Inten was
angry to him. The beggar prayed to God to punish her. Finally Nyi Mas Inten with all
her wealth drowned in the lake with all properties. The lake was called “Situ
Bagendit”. People believe Nyi Mas Inten is still alive as a leech.
What is the conclusion of the text above?

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KUNCI JAWABAN lake. (kebijakan guru)
TRY OUT BAHASA INGGRIS 2018/2019 45. Day : Sunday
Date : August 11th 2019
Place : Jl. Kh Agus Salim Batu
1 C 11 C 21 A 31 C Time : 4 p.m (in the evening)
(kebijakan guru)
2 D 12 B 22 A 32 B

3 B 13 A 23 C 33 A

4 A 14 C 24 C 34 B

5 D 15 A 25 A 35 C

6 B 16 A 26 B 36 D

7 A 17 A 27 A 37 C

8 B 18 C 28 C 38 A

9 C 19 B 29 B 39 D

10 B 20 C 30 D 40 C

41. d – c – a – b
- Every morning Fajar gets up at five o’clock.
- After getting up he cleans his bedroom
- Then he sweeps the floor and the yard.
- After that he takes a bath then he has breakfast with his family.
42. a. I think Jatim Park 3 is very amazing (kebijakan guru)
b. I can see music museum, etc. (kebijakan guru)
43. Congratulation Fatan you won English Championship and got first winner.
44. Nyi mas Inten is very rich but she never gave to poor people then the wealth drowned to
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