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Being a student nurse in SDC was a great experience for my sake and skills on
giving therapeutic care for special children who needs special needs. I’ve learn to give
advices somehow by talking to them and to mingle among them towards building a great
relationship. On our daily routine we pray and sing the national anthem then we used flash
cards to teach them about alphabet, words, days and months for reminding them that
education is really important in life even if some of them doesn’t even go to school at least
they are learning from us and the house parents. Those children in SDC are really special
with their smiling faces on just being happy seeing student nurse or visitors to take care of
them throughout the day, some are only there because they were caught in the supermarket
for selling somethings illegally or asking money on strangers passing by along the road
and some are using drug such as rugby which they are called “Rugby Boys” Also some of
them face abandonment issue in the family when their parents left them or lost them. I wish
for those children to have strong emotion and fate in god for each situation in their life and
still grow with or without their real parents. They have woken up in a young aged knowing
about the real struggles in life which they made really burden this experience and make
them stronger day by day. I can’t really compare my childhood life to them neither my life
today because it was really different from although I was also in a broken family growing
up with my grandparent but my parents never abandon us and still support financially. At
least the children’s in SDC have discipline and respect towards people taking care of them.
I can’t really believe the fact that their own parents abandon their child who her mother
carried for 9 months and ended up leaving them along and not knowing the reason why
they are alone now. Whatever we taught them about education, hygiene and life is surely
prioritize and I hopefully think they can still be happy every day in SDC even if they have
done something bad that are forgivable. In the end of the day, I didn’t lose anything from
those experience and learn about more about their special needs, special perspective in the
life because NURSING IS CARING.

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