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Ballard scoring

Hypoxia - seizures first 12h of life

At 1 yr of life wt 3x, length 50%, HC 10cm
Cong hypothyroidism - subtle sign wide spaced fontanels
Malrotation - bilous vomiting
Macrolide - hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

4 mo - lose tonic reflex, hatch socially
6 mo - head control
Familial short stature- bone age = actual age
Constitutional growth delay - bone age < actual age

Early adol - cognitive and moral concrete operations

Middle adol - peak height growth

Congenital rubella - SNHL deafness #1

Clindamycin - DOC for staphlococcal toxin med dse
S. pneumoniae - occult bacteremia
Enterococci - Resistant to cephalosporin
Tdap to prevent neonatal pertusis 27-36wk
INH - 9mos latent PTB only (+)PPD
Bronchiectiasis - High resolution CT scan
LTB - parainfluenze, steepe
TB Meningitis - high protein, lympho predom
Meningococcal - Meningitis better prog
Cavitary TB - cannot be given corticosteroids

Ceftriaxone - empirical for pyoneph for admission

Cefixime - pyoneph stable

Hep B - serum sickness, PAN

Hyperoxia test - to diff Cyanotic dse if heart or lung
PPHN - 2D ECHO most definitive dx test
TOF - degree of pulmonic stenosis determne severity of dse
Pulm HPN - low S2

Egg on side - TOGA

Boot shaped - TOF

SMR for peak height velocity
Fe 2-3, Male 4-5

hyperoxia-hyperventilation - persisten pulm HPN

Intusseuception - palpable mass, visible peristaltic waves

Systemic steroids not indicated in PSGN
Steroid resistant nephortic - FSGS
Low FeNa = prerenal
Nephrotic - proteinura and HPN
bArter (Ascending, acts like Loop diu), Inc excre of CaUrinary stones
Gitelmann (DISTALMAN, acts like thizide), Inc reaabs of Urinary Ca

AITP - large megakaryocyte on BM
Lymphohematopoeitic Ca> CNS > Embryonal tumors and sarcoma
CVID/Common variable immunodef - low IG GAM
SCID - Lack of tonsils and LN, AD like rash
Anemia of chronic dse - low serum iron
IVIG - raises the platelet levels of ITP most rapidly
Langerhan cell histiocytosis - DI, galactorrhea, poor growth
Tumor lysis syndrome - hyperPUK Phosphate, uric, K... hypoCa!!
Behcets - Pathergy test erythematous sterile pustule 24-48h after needle prick
Hodgkins - B symptoms Unexp fever>39, wt loss>10%, night sweats

Wegener - necrotixing gran vasculitis sinus, lungs, kidneys

Churg Strauss - nec extravascular gran in lungs, with EO!!
HSP - leukoclastic vasculitis e IgA depo in vessel wall

AML - Down syndrome

CML - lympho escape to blood
CLL - smudge cells

Kawasaki - affects med sized BV

Subacute phase - coronary aneurysm

Hypopit - 5 day old hypogly e cleft not responsibe to glu
HIE - spastic diplegic quadriplegic cerebral palsy
West - High voltage slow chaotic background multifocal spike
SIADH/DI - check serum Na
Extrapyramidal CP - Asphyxia
Langerhan histiocytosis - CD1a, Neurogenic DI

Atopic derm
Extenors affected in younger pts
Flexors affected in adol

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