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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region lll- Central Luzon
Tarlac City Schools Division
Tarlac South District B
Tarlac City


December 4, 2018

Head Teacher
Don Pepe Cojuangco Elementary School
Cutcut ll, Tarlac City


I, Remedios M. Cabilangan, Master Teacher l of Don Pepe Cojuangco Elementary School, am

currently working on an action research entitled “ An Analysis on Reading Difficulties of Intermediate
students of DPC E/S: Implication of Research for Reading Pedagogy.”

In line with this, I would like to seek for your approval to conduct my study in our institution
this third week of January 2019 and administer a survey questionnaire to selected Grade 4,5 and 6
students to help me accomplish the goals of my research.

Hoping for your kind approval.

Respectfully yours.

MT- l


Head Teacher
III. Generation of Alternative Solution:

In line with the stated concerns, the researcher desires to determine a variety of reading
problems that will give parents and teachers a better understanding of learning processes,
insights into difficulties and strategies for responding.

It is from this end that the researcher aims to conduct an analysis on reading difficulties of
intermediate students of Don Pepe Cojuangco Elementary School, Cutcut II, Tarlac City, so
that suggestions may be developed to improve reading pedagogy.

IV. Plan of Action

a. Objectives:

The researcher aims to analyse the reading difficulties of Grade 4,5 and 6 students in Don
Pepe Cojuangco Elementary School ( DPC E/S ). Specifically, the objectives this research are:

1. To determine the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age, and language
spoken at home.
2. To identify the respondents’ assessment of the reasons why they read that would
classify them as to deliberate, reluctant, and/ or remedial readers.
3. To recognize the respondents’ assessment of their reading difficulties in terms of
pronunciation, vocabulary, decoding, comprehension and retention.
4. To determine the study’s implications in reading pedagogy.

b. Time Frame
The researcher will be conducted during the first week of January 2018.

c. Target subjects
The target of the researcher will be selected Grade 4,5 and 6 students of DPC E/S.

d. Activities to be Undertaken:
In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the following activities will be
1. Ask permission to Conduct Research: The researcher will seek permission to
conduct the study from the principal or administrator of the school.
2. Obtain Number of Respondents. Upon the approval of the school head, the
researcher will acquire 50% of the students from each grade level as subjects
of the research.
3. Administer Survey-Questionnaire. After arriving at the total number of
respondents, the researcher will administer the survey-questionnaire to the
students only during their remediation time in the afternoon.
4. Analyze Result. The collected data from the survey-questionnaires will be
analysed and interpreted in order to arrive at recommendation for reading

e. Evaluation Criteria:
In order to obtain a clearer view of the research so as to gauge its success, the
following is the process of the study:
Assessment on the
Respondents’ Self-assessment on
Reasons for Reading Reading Difficulties in
Terms of:
Respondents to be
classified as: 
 Age Pronunciation
 Gender  Vocabulary
 Deliberate
 Language  Reluctant and  Decoding
spoken at  Remedial  Comprehension
home Readers  Retention

Collection and Analysis of Survey Results

Implications of Research for Pedagogy

f. Research Designs:
The researcher will mainly analyze the reading difficulties of Grade 4,5 and 6 students
in DPC E/S. The descriptive method of research will be utilized since the researcher’s
primary concern is to describe the present condition and situation of the students in
terms of reading.
1. The Subjects. The subjects will be selected using pure random sampling
procedure or the raffle type of sampling. The researcher will obtain 50% from
each grade level from grade 4,5 and 6 to come up with the total population of
the study.
2. Data Collection. In order to obtain answers to the objectives specified in the
study, the researcher will administer the survey- questionnaire instrument
which is composed of three parts namely:

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

This part aims to determine the respondents’ profile in terms of age, gender and
language spoken at home.

Part II. Assessment on the Reason for Reading

This part seeks to know the reasons why the respondents read and based on their
assessment, the researcher will classify them as to deliberate, reluctant and remedial

Part III. Self-Assessment on Reading Difficulties

This part aims to obtain the respondents’ assessment of their reading difficulties in terms of
pronunciation, vocabulary, decoding, comprehension, and retention.

3. Statistical Analysis. Frequency will be used to get the number of the

responses for each item in the survey-questionnaire. On the other hand,
percentage will be used to compute responses on an equitable basis. It will be
used to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender and
language spoken at home; respondents’ assessment on the reasons why they
read; and self-assessment on the reading difficulties encountered by the
respondents. The formula for the percentage is:

% = f x 100 %

Where: % = Percentage
F = frequency
N = Total Number of Respondents

Weighted Mean will be used to compute the average responses for the
reading difficulties experienced by the respondents. The formula is:

X = fw


X = Weighted Mean
fw = Sum of Frequency multiplied by Weight
n = Total Number of Respondents

A five-point scale will be used to obtain the responses also for the reading
difficulties experienced by the respondents.


5 Almost always 4.5 – 5.0
4 Usually 3.5 – 4.49
3 Sometimes 2.5 – 3.49
2 Seldom 1.5 – 2.49
1 Almost never 1.0 – 1.49

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