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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City

Final Examination
(Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person)
SY 2018-2019
Name: __________________________________________Score: ___________
Grade & Section:______________________ Date: ___________
Read the following statements and choose the letter of the correct answer. USE
1.It is the ability of a person to act out of his/her own free will and self - determination.
A. Voluntariness B. Freedom
C. Responsibility D. Psychological
2. It is the freedom that upholds human dignity and goodness; and if violated, could lead
to dehumanization.
A. Moral Freedom B. Voluntariness
C. Physical Freedom D. Psychological
3. Dante’s teacher approached him if he could assist in the clean-up drive scheduled on
Saturday morning. If you were Dante, how would you response to your teacher?
A. I will say yes expecting an additional points to my grades.
B. I will say no because weekend is family time.
C. I will say yes not expecting of additional points.
D. I will say yes because it is a worthy cause.
4. Your parents keep on reminding you to concetrate first in your study before anything
else,sad to say they were able to discover that you have a relationship with the opposite
sex.Your parents want you choose between your study or your boyfriend,what will you
do? A. I will choose my boyfriend because we love
each other.
B. I will choose my studies because I am still under the care of my parents.
C. I will elope wilth my boyfriend and study later.
D.I will break up with my boyfriend and obey my parents.
5. I really wanted to be on top of our class no matter what it cost.But most of my
classmates are equally competitive like me.What will I do to be the number 1 in our
class? A. I will spend all
my free time in studying
B. I will make friends with my teachers to get favor
C. I will cheat during examinations to get high scores.
D. I will not inform my classmates regarding our assignments and performance task.
6. The following show responsible use of freedom, except –
A. Recognize one’s reasonable limits.
B. Uphold the freedom of others.
C. Show regard for knowledge and truth.
D. Feel free not to make a choice.
7. The following are indicators of genuine dialogue, EXCEPT –
A. When two persons truly acknowledge each other
B. When people engage in “seeming” behavior
C. When two persons “open up” to each other
D. When individuals accept each other’s uniqueness and differences
8. According to Thomas Aquinas justice is giving each one what is “due.” What does
this mean?
A. that which is proper to be given
B. that which is good to be given
C. that which is beneficial to be given
D. that which one asks for
9. You are about to graduate in Senior High School and you already decided what
course to take in college. You are very eager and looking forward for your college life
but the problem is your parents told you to stop because they can't afford to send you to
school anymore. What are you going to do?
A.I will pursue my dreams and look for scholarship grants so that I can proceed with my
college education.
B. I will stop and marry a man who can uplift me to poverty.
C. I will just accept that this is my fate.
D. I will look for a job and run away.
10. You and your girl/boyfriend are having a lover’s quarrel about a third party.How will
you solve the problem?
A. I will break up with my girl/boyfriend
B. We will try to talk about the problem
C. I will talk to the third party
D. I will let my girl/boyfriend decide
11. As a being who is free to make choices and decisions, a person also becomes
accountable. EXCEPT ONE.
A. Responsible B. Ready to face consequences
C. Own one’s mistake D.Adventurous
12. Freedom is exercised through our –
A. rights B. power C. choices D. behavior
13. John Rawls’ definition of justice is fairness. What is fair is that which can contribute
to the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people. In making decisions, it
means choosing the one which contributes to the –
A. common good B. needy majority
C. least and the last D. welfare of some
14. Everybody must be involved and take unto him/herself the responsibility of taking
care of society. This means that our duty as citizens is –
A. to participate in politics B. to share opinions
C. to vote the officials who will lead the people D. get out of our private space
15. According to Arendt, public identity is what defines one’s immortality. This means
that public officials who do their work well will be –
A. rewarded with high salaries
B. remembered for their contributions long after they are gone
C. holding their positions for a long time
D. extolled in society
16. 1. Which of the following is NOT part of the nature of self-determination?
A. It determines the kind of person one becomes.
B. It upholds human dignity and freedom.
C. It is impulsive and erratic.
D. It entails certain possibilities.
17. Which of the following situations shows responsible practice of freedom?
A. Posting in social media using an anonymous account.
B. Attending classes to acquire knowledge.
C. Not coming to class on time because many are late anyway
D. Doing the minimum work that will enable one to get a passing grade
18. You heard that one of your classmates will not be able to graduate. How are you
going to boost his/her morale?
A. I will encourage him/her to change his/her ways and to study hard.
B. I will mock him/her for not graduating on time
C. I will do nothing at all and feel sorry for him/her.
D. I will encourage him to continue what he/she is doing.
19. Why do people live together?
A. For economic survival
B. For companionship and association
C. For spiritual and physical aspect
D. For security and protection
20. Aling Norma is a poor vendor who earns roughly P100/day. She was recently
approached by a barangay official to vote for someone as Brgy. Captain whom she
does not know in the upcoming Barangay elections. With the promise of a P500
reward, if you were Aling Norma,what is the best thing that you will do?
A. I will get the cash and not vote for the Brgy. Captain.
B.I will get the cash and vote for the Brgy. Captain.
C. I will check the background of the said candidate and vote for him even without the
cassh. D.Report the said candidate to the
COMELEC for vote buying.
21. What is the mutual recognition of other as persons?
A. Discrimination B. Intersubjectivity C. Freedom
D. Totalization
22. In which of the following given situation can you consider a person to be empathic?
A. Give comfort during a friend’s difficult experience.
B. Tapping the shoulder of a friend who failed in the interview.
C. Share your friend’s grief when her parent had died due to an accident.
D. Parents taking pride in their child’s achievements during graduation.

23. In restaurant, you might have heard a customer berating the serving staff and even
insulting them for committing a mistake. Which of the following concepts of
intersubjectivity is most likely to be applied?
A. empathy B. ethics of care C. availability D. alienation

24. Which of the following is an important aspect of intersubjectivity that entails the ability to
share emotions?
A. availability B. ethics of care C. voluntariness D. empathy

25. Sharon cries every time she watches sad movies. She displaced an intersubjectivity of
which of the following?
A. empathy B. ethics of care C. availability D. alienation

26. What action refers to the way a person presents him or herself when dealing with others
and is considered a natural and often unconscious act?
A. seeming B. empathy C. dialogue D. availability
27. This refers to a state when a person ceases to view the other as a distinct and
authentic person, but merely an object that can satisfy personal interests or desires.

A. Alienation B. Availability C. Empathy D. Dialogue

28. The following are indicators of genuine dialogue, EXCEPT one.
A. When two persons “open up” to each other.
B. When people engage in “seeming” behaviour.
C. When two persons truly acknowledge each other.
D. When individuals accept each other’s uniqueness and differences.
29. Genuine Dialogue occurs in the following situation, EXCEPT one.
A. Awareness of each other’s presence a true person.
B. Acceptance of each other’s uniqueness and differences.
C. Interacting with other people just to make a good impression
D. When persons are willing to share themselves with one another.

30. Which of the following situations does authentic relationship and dialogue begin?
A. Acknowledging each other’s presence.
B. Choose the people you will treat with respect
C.. When two individuals begin to view each other as another.
D. Welcome opportunities to meet new people without knowing them better.

31. Which statement below best describe the famous saying : “No man is an Island”

A.Man is interdependent with other people

B.Man can survive alone

C. Man is a social animal

D.Society need a man

32. The following are the major functions of Society to Human Persons, Except-

A. Provides avenue for socialization

B. Caters basic needs of each members
C. Regulates and controls people’s behaviour
D. Actively participates in marital arrangement

33. PNP chief Bato Dela Rosa ordered to intensify “Tukhang Operation” against illegal
drugs. What major function of society has been met by this action?

A.Provides avenue for socialization

B.Caters basic needs of each members

C.Regulates and controls people’s behaviour

D. Offers mutual support to the members

34. It is a group of people living together in a definite territory, having a sense of

belongingness, mutually independent of each other, and follow a certain way of life.

A. Culture B. Community C. Nation D. Society

35. Which of the following is NOT a theoretical concept and evidence found by
archaeologists and palaeontologists about the early beginnings of man and society?

A. Fossils of man like human skeletons, such as his height, posture, shape and
capacity of the skull
B. Formation of the earth which occurred at gradual rates such that the earth is
over a million years old
C. Early humans gathered and collected foods through hunting and fishing
D. Evidence of fire, types of animal bones, evidence that once a cave was
occupied over a period of time.

36. Where does our present society belong based on evolutionary view?
A.Doubly Compound Society
B. Militant Societies
C. Industrial Society
D. Post-Industrial Society

37. The following are the characteristics of society, EXCEPT

A. Society is a social system
B. Society is relatively small
C. Society holds its members through a common culture
D. Society endures, produces and sustains its members for generations

38. It refers to those activities or situations performed by the individual in a certain

physical and social environment to be able to achieve a goal.
A. Context B. Goal C. Norms D. Motive

39. Children, adolescent and adults emulate the characteristics and behaviours of the
people whom they appreciate, admire and use as a frame of reference through
A. Cooperation B. Imitation C. Observation D.

40. Jose and Manuel belong to the same barangay, what basis of organizing or joining
groups it is?
A. Physical Proximity
B. Similarity of interests
C. Common Ancestral Relationship
D. Similarity in body characteristics
41. How does establishing dialogue with others benefit a person?
A. To compare your achievements to other people
B. Persons interact with other persons for self-interest.
B. Means by which persons are able to boast and bragged about themselves.
D. Whenever a person speaks he or she expresses a personal interiority and
communicates this part of himself or herself into another person.

42. This period is characterized by the use of machines as means of production

A. Agricultural Societies B. Industrial Societies
C. Pastoral Societies D. Post- Industrial Societies
43. Why do people live together?
A. For economic survival
B. For companionship and association
C. For spiritual and physical aspect
D. For security and protection

44. This society features a large-scale and long term cultivation of crops and
domestication of animals.
A. Agrarian Society C. Horticultural Society
B. Feudal Society D. Pastoral Society

45. Man’s self is defined better by his peers in the public sphere. What does this
mean for public officials?
A. That they should listen to comments and suggestions for their
B. That this lousy because the public should respect their position in the
C. That they know themselves better than anyone else
D. That criticism against them are attempts at destabilization
46. It refers to the separation of the soul and the body.
a. death b. pain c. suffering d. happiness

47. Which of the following is not part of the nature of self-determination?

A. It determines the kind of a person ones become.
B. It upholds human dignity and freedom.
C. It is impulsive and erratic.
D. It entails certain possibilities.

48. It is the primary essence of freedom.

A. Self-determination C. self-preservation
B. Self-less giving D. self-centeredness
49. Which among the three kinds of good is pursued for its own sake?
A. Pleasurable good B. noble good C. goodness D. useful good

50. The following show responsible use of freedom, EXCEPT–

A.Recognize ones reasonable limits.
B.Uphold the freedom of others.
C.Show regards for knowledge and truth
D.Feel free not to make a choice

Prepared by: Rosally M. Perlas Pavia NHS

Eden E. Subade Ed,D. Santa Barbara NCHS

Maricar Agon Tacuyong Sur NHS

Harlyn Marie P. Dato-on Pototan NCHS

Sharon Monsale Don Felix Serra NHS

Merlyn G. Artieda Tigbauan NHS (Maasin)

Moises Robert Olavides San Rafael NHS

Julie Anne A. Hate Estancia NHS

Arnel G. Mates Balasan NHS

Shaniley P. Honrado Carlos Lopez NHS

Zenith L. Corros Quipot NHS

Rose Eden C. Tinapas Batuan-Cadinglian NHS

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