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TW. Volume 01-09 Regd PB-23 26-01 JUNE 2018

R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Enchanting Pakistan 32

Price Rs 100

a weekly difference facebookpage:TheWeekender +92 315 553 7771 @TheWeekender786

T Caretaker round!
he race for getting positions in caretakers set up has been
going on for some time. One prospective candidate, who
held prestigious offices in the country and abroad, failed
to hold his drink and admitted to his intense lobbying for
the job. The assortment of candidates for the position of caretaker
PM is nothing but a bunch of opportunists who value this vacuous
office so highly that they are willing to go to any extent to get hold
of it. Some candidates are promoting themselves through the media
hoping that their mention for the top slot in newspaper reports will
Lull before storm in Kashmir facilitate them in their other ventures. Unfortunately, no one in the
Page 3 land appreciates the waste of resources that the dissatisfying exer-
cise of installing a toothless top executive comprising of people with
peripheral experience of real governance will bring about. It is also

Ranikot Fort
not realised that the caretaker experience has singularly failed in
Pakistan as was amply illustrated by four months of dharna against

2013 elections held under the ‘vigilant’ supervision of caretakers.
Repeating a failed exercise without realising the intense folly inher-

ent in it speaks volumes about the lack of capacity of all elements
associated with governance. The caretakers will have their two
months of glory in which they will pay attention to everything but
the electoral process and the election itself.

Electoral Reform
mysterious edifice, Ranikot Fort is located at Jamshoro, home of the Page 16

Bundle of hopes or just rhetoric

University of Sindh, in district Dadu. An astonishing feat of ancient en-
gineering the fort is sandwiched between Lakki Mountain of Kirthar
Mountain Range, 30 km southwest of famous town of Sann. Reputed

to be the largest fort anywhere, Ranikot Fort spans an area of 26 kilometers in
circumference with fortification walls spread over 35 kilometers. It suddenly ap- TI has unveiled a Pandora’s Box in the shape of impossible
pears on the horizon astonishing passersby and visitor alike. promises that crisscrosses limits of intelligence and pru-
Built in an isolated area the fort does not appear to be a fortification designed dence. The party that is already acting as the winner of the
to protect anything. Equally enigmatic is the origin of the fort as its history is coming elections is being advised to dole out mouth-watering
shrouded in mystery. Historians speculate that it was built in ancient times by prospects to the electorate as it knows that the traditions entails that
Persians during Greek advance in the east. Some parts of the forts were added electoral promises are not to be kept. It has gone off the rocker while
by Mirs of Sindh in the 17th century particularly by Mir Karam Ali Khan Talpur Pakistan and its alliances with the US promising 10 million jobs that has even evoked humorous disgust
and his brother Mir Murad Ali at the cost of Rs.1.2 million. The fort constituted Page 6 from the general public. The party leadership appears to be carried
the last capital of Amirs of Sindh before they came under subjugation of the co- away by popular response to its rallies and it thinks that everything
lonial rule. is possible and deliverable. Like its predecessors, PTI does not believe
Since 1993 Ranikot Fort is on the list of tentative UNESCO World Heritage in the credibility of its proclamations and is convinced that the people
Sites. The large fortification walls are built with yellow sandstone that crisscross are attuned to accept anything rolled their way. This is the typical para-
over the stretched barren hills. 45 semi-circular bastions are installed at regular noia afflicting the political class of Pakistan. They willingly ignore that

. .
intervals of the walls that surround the fort on three sides. The northern side disappointment is the first level of public orientation and its sets much
is covered by hills that serve as a natural barrier. It is estimated that only 8 km before the end of the 100 days allocated for fulfilling the tall promises.
of the walls are man-made while the rest of them are surrounded by hills and It is however surprising to observe what on earth made the apparently
mountains. The fort spreads out in a zigzag form with four entry gates consti- sane top leadership of PTI that includes fairly experienced private-sec-
tuting entry gates in the shape of a rhomboid. Along with the main fort exits a tor guys to jump sky-high. Is it afraid that it may lose the electoral con-
fortress known as ‘Meeri’, reputed to be the residence of Mirs of Sindh. test unless it attracts people with unbelieavable rhetoric?
Gina Haspel
First woman to head CIA Page 25

Is Harry right?

f all the places he met her on a blind date! Very
surprisingly the wacky prince had been dating
beauties of his times but fell for an ugly duckling.
The 33 years old prince who is sixth in line to the
British throne was bowled over by 36 years old American
lady of not a great reputation and did not mind bringing this
The right royal wedding
mixed-race person into his royal family. Well, on the face of
Page 22
it the match sounds a great leveller but on the practical side
it smacks of something nutty in the ginger-haired royal stud.
He is said to have inherited the frivolous side of his mother
and is carried away often. It is also said that a stern hand
is required to keep him steady but the tacky world of royal

privilege is famous for off-balancing its inhabitants. The love
match also reflects that the British royalty has not lost its
fascination for American female species as this happening
mirrors a similar thing that happened 82 years ago but then
it was the king who lost his crown and Harry has no chance
of ever wearing a crown. So just chill!
The one and only Alam Lohar
Page 26
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Editorial 2 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Leisure 31

Things heating up Horoscopes

Aries Taurus
Mar 21 - Apr 19 Why not radically change the way you behave toward others, Aries? You’re in Apr 20 - May 20 This could be a good day to try relaxation techniques that are a little bit

the process of orienting yourself toward establishing relationships that are more solid and en- out of the ordinary. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even learn something from these unorthodox
he political temperature riching, with far fewer risks involved. This wasn’t the case before. When you don’t try so hard to methods. Why not explore shiatsu or polarity? These techniques can do wonders for restoring
in the country is going up seduce and impress, your audience claps louder. Just be yourself, and gain approval. your energy, an element that has been in short supply for you lately. Give it a try. As the good
as much as the mercury doctor said, “This won’t hurt a bit.”
that has roasted the peo-
ple of Pakistan in recent days who Gemini Cancer
are left to suffer as mostly state- May 21 - Jun 20 Currently, you are in the midst of some profound questioning about your emo- Jun 21 - Jul 22 If you find your companions a bit too stodgy, today is the day to jostle them
owned utility providing agencies tional attitudes. You’ll probably find yourself totally free of inhibitions, much to your delight. out of complacency. You may enjoy experimenting with a bit of naughtiness. For example,
have yet again demonstrated how It’s an opportunity to meet new people and perhaps become a bit more open-minded. You can how will the people around you react if you flout certain social taboos, such as talking openly
rotten they are. The governance expect lively events and much pleasure from love. about sex? Since you’re comfortable with the subject, why not have fun stretching the limits
structure is completely ignorant of of convention?
the welfare of the people as well
as the complications inherent in Leo Virgo
the electoral process and instead is Jul 23 - Aug 22 There is the likelihood that you’ve been a bit of a loner lately. It’s as though you Aug 23 - Sep 22 Is there some material need weighing on your spirit right now, Virgo? If you
wasting its energies on nomination decided to look at things differently from the rest of the world, rejecting the individualistic view- can’t see how to solve the problem alone, why not discuss it with your friends? They may have
of a caretaker government without point in favor of a more global one. Today, you may achieve a new phase in this process. You may some ideas. Today, the word “impossible” has been banished from the English language. Take
realising the futility of such a stop- attain some summit of consciousness from which you finally have the ability to forgive! advantage of the opportunity to look for solutions in unlikely places.
gap arrangement.
The political temperature usual-
ly rises as election time comes near- Libra Scorpio
er but this time the heat generated Sep 23 - Oct 22 Today’s prospects should suit the dynamic, idealistic being that you are, espe- Oct 23 - Nov 21 There’s an excellent day on the horizon, Scorpio. If you feel hemmed in by
is far above the expected levels of cially right now. There will be some criticism in the air, and you won’t miss an opportunity to fears or uncertainties in your love life, the day ahead will give you the courage to discuss
temperature. It is not just the elec- punctuate your comments with your famous irony. Your viewpoints on corporate rigidity and these matters with your mate. Even if more time is necessary to settle things completely, you
tion fever that is gripping the coun- conformist attitudes are well known, but today your sense of humor prevails and people listen should make good use of today’s clear communication channels. You won’t be disappointed
try but it is the divergence of prior- to you with pleasure! (and neither will your mate).
ities of political groupings that are
causing temperatures to go high. It Sagittarius Capricorn
is not only PMLN that has taken an Nov 22 - Dec 21 You can expect to be more and more interested in new technologies these days, Dec 22 - Jan 19 For a while now, a certain number of planetary configurations have been
aggressive stance against the state Sagittarius. What you once considered very progressive now seems much closer to reality. You’ll continually pushing you to become aware that you live on a whole planet and not just in a city
institutions but also populist eth- notice to what an extent it is now crucial for you to align yourself with the cutting-edge technol- or neighborhood. You’re becoming more aware of society at large, Capricorn. This means that
nic and religious outfits that are, in ogy that surrounds you. Don’t hesitate. You are by definition a pioneer, so full speed ahead to you may be increasingly attracted to large-scale movements. Now is the time to get involved!
their own ways, contributing to in- these new frontiers!
creasing heat.
To begin with Pakistani political Aquarius Pisces
system had never been subjected er’s peregrinations but it appears associated with it is waiting in the Jan 20 - Feb 18 The current configuration of the planets will make you the bearer of a new phi- Feb 19 - Mar 20 You may feel that you’ve made real progress in your relationships, Pisces.
to divergent strategies of the party that he is fast reaching the end of the wings to pounce on its politicos pre- The socio-political atmosphere in the losophy, Aquarius. This doesn’t mean that you’ll be New Age, but more precisely that you’ll have
ideas that evolved from it. It’s easy to imagine you attending conferences given by the leading
And you’re right to feel this way. “Evolution” best defines the path you’re on right now. You can
be proud of yourself, because the work you do on an individual level is the best way for you to
in power and such a development tether as his cohort is getting jittery paring for the electoral contest. The
is unique in its nature. The vigor- by the day. The significant question ferocity of competition between country is a powder-keg waiting to minds of the day. Most assuredly, you’re searching for answers. Be careful about being too easily contribute to the development of society. This way of taking action is no less important than
ous public meetings organised by for PMLN election campaign will be various factions of MQM will create explode. It appears difficult for the convinced by any “truth” that comes your way. the work done by global organizations.

Crossword Maze
Nawaz Sharif throughout Punjab that what posture it will take on the a fire of its own.
authorities to come to grips with this
are not only adding to the confu- campaign trail. It will be very ugly Adding to the turmoil is the
sion but also indicate the growing to see the party cadres being pulled resurgence of ethnic forces that electric environment as they lack a
chances of confrontation between in different directions. now have sprung from the north- strong central guidance 1. Anteater (8)
status-quo oriented Punjab govern- On the other hand PTI is prac- ern parts of the country and could
4. Parts of a play (4)
ment whose chief minister has a lot tically gloating over its impending prove dangerous in the long run.
to lose once Nawaz Sharif’s singular success though the proverb there is The insistence of such groups to on its basis. In recent bye-elections add to the problems as its bigwigs 8. Unfathomable (7)
crusade gets nasty. Shahbaz Sharif a lot of slip between the cup and the make the country aware of their the performance of these groups will become immediately busy in 10. Declare invalid (5)
may get along with his elder broth- lip specifically is meant for political protestations with a view to carve surprised skeptics and they are pursuing their own agendas as was 11. Permit (5)
unpredictabilities. The party also out a niche in the mainstream polit- quite capable to repeat it. witnessed in the past. The tentative 12. Mariner (7)
suffers from lack of coordination at ical arena has not only worried the The socio-political atmosphere nature of their job otherwise does
13. Denunciation (6)
all levels and particularly its high state-apparatus but has also ran- in the country is a powder-keg wait- not allow them necessary leeway
To begin with level often shows the visible cracks. kled the fears of ethnic groups in KP, ing to explode. It appears difficult and they usually resign to their 15. Polar region (6)
Pakistani political Its one point agenda of damning ev- Balochistan and rural Sindh. for the authorities to come to grips fates. 19. Amalgamated (7)
eryone else in the fray is a sure reci- The most unpredictable factor with this electric environment as The need for a strong guiding 21. Publish (5)
system had never pe for adding fuel to already well-lit in the current heat is the extreme they lack a strong central guidance. spirit is there as in the case of Pa- 23. Din (5)
been subjected to fires. right factor that apparently has not The regular official agencies have kistan more democracy is not the
24. Aromatic herb (7)
PPP and its allies are busy trying given satisfactory description of hardly a clue about how to handle ultimate panacea. The democratic
divergent strategies to capitalise on the support they its political strategy. The most po- the situation as is evident by the process needs a strong hand to save 25. Hazard (4)
of the party in power rendered during the senate elec- tent of these groups belong to the laid-back attitude of the Election it from itself. The history of Paki- 26. Edible snail (8)

and such a stan implores us to realise that left
tions and expect that some form religious sect most followed in the Commission that is still not been
of political engineering will be un- country and it holds the most cred- able to dispose of all petitions re- to political forces the temperatures
development is dertaken to benefit them. The MQM ible mosque factor in the land. Such garding delimitation of constituen- invariably reach the boiling point 1. Intransigent (7)
unique in its nature fracas will not put water on burning groups have normally shown the cies. and the pot often bursts. Some-
2. Majestic (5)
logs but will add to their potency as tendency to emphasise the basic The appointment of a caretaker thing should be done before it is too
the extremist element of the groups ideological premise and seek votes administration is surely going to late. 3. Gusto (6)
5. Devise or invent (7)
6. Storage towers (5)
The Weekender C-150 Block 2 Clifton Karachi Pakistan 75600. 021 35834116; Fax: 021 35836074 Website: 7. Cab (4)
Patron: Ayaz R.Qaisar Managing Editor and Publisher: Asrar Raouf
9. Darned (5)
Editor: M Ali Siddiqi Consulting Editor: Saud Mirza Features Editor: Abdul Basit
Correspondents: Noor Israr (Islamabad) Fahad Ali (Karachi) Khuram Ayaz (Lahore) Columnists: Dr. Tahseen Mahmood Aslam , Manaksha Memon, Nabeel Zafar, Shahmir Kazi, 14. Dried grapes (7)
Zoya Ansari, Nida Faraz 16. Salary increase (5)
Feature Writers: Kausar Fatima, Izay Ayesha, Talha Shahbuddin, Ashraf Ali, Rao Tashfeen, Roohi Junaid, Izzat Hyat 17. Cigar (7)
Graphics: Zeeshan Khan Computer Operator: Raees Muhammad 18. Detestable (6)
Marketing Manager Fahad Ali (0300-8282558) Assistant Marketing Manager M. Rais (0345-2924162)Circulation Manager: Javed Ansari (0321-2946101)
19. Relating to an arm bone (5)
Printed by MAS Printers 3 E/3 Ahmed Ali Habib Square Nazimabad No 3 Karachi Phone 021-366-14447
20. Notion (4) Last week’s solution
22. Vernacular (5)
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Social roundup 30 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Opinion 3

Lull before storm in Kashmir

Muhammad Rafique is concerned about
the plight of the Kashmiri Muslims

he Indian government capitalised
on the religious observance of
Ramzan that is dawn-to-dusk effort
undertaken by the Muslims to seek
the munificence of Almighty Allah. The Mus-
lims prefer observing the fast and keeping
themselves devotedly busy in religious offer-
Meeting between Punjab University and Arizona State University ings throughout the day and most of the night.
Rabia Anum & Sami Khan hosting Geo TV’s special Ramzan
Transmission in Lahore The Indian government does not realise
that the lull witnessed during Ramzan in the
freedom campaign launched by Kashmiri
freedom fighters also results in a renewed
Sanam Baloch vigour in them for their cause and that they
do not take Indian proclamation of ceasefire
as a specific concession given to them but
treat it as the opportunity to focus on acquir-
ing the God’s will and assistance for their
struggle. Accordingly the resistance has is-
sued no comment on Indian offer indicating
that it does not feel bound by it.
The violence in Kashmir is gradually wors-
ening as the first five months of this year
saw a loss of 115 lives and April proved to
be worst month as casualties exceeded the Naeem Fazli at his son Esa Fazli’s funeral

Students of VIP Public School Hyderabad Meeting between Punjab University and Arizona State University
high mark of 50. Violence in the valley is Kashmiris were also revealed when Naeem gap between Muslims and Hindus and that
India should also be aware
indiscriminate and the bullets prone to hit Fazli, principal of a government school an- such a gap cannot be bridged.
in Lahore anyone. The unfortunate demise of Dr Rafi nounced the martyrdom of his son, Esa Fazli Pakistan is emerging as a strong constitu- that fierce and bloody
Bhat assistant professor of sociology at the on Facebook and led his funeral prayers with- ency in Kashmir more so because the insur- resistance cannot be
University of Kashmir whose bullet-riddled out shedding a tear. This incident is a mas- gency is indigenous in nature and the Kash-
body was found out of town in Shopian indi- sive proof of the involvement of all Kashmiris miris have given their blood to show that they
contained by engaging
cates a growing alienation from Indian rule. irrespective of their age and gender in the do not want to live with India. Their inclina- with political and social
The professor repeatedly showed his anger at freedom struggle and that they consider it as tion towards Pakistanis is the natural reac-
leaders who have little
the hard line attitude taken by Indian military the ultimate form of achieving independence. tion of the repressive policies of followed by
in Kashmir. Such feelings are simply irrepressible and it is India in Kashmir. The situation has come to a control over their armed
Urwa Hocane The grit and icy determination of the futile to suppress them. pass where no reversal is possible and no one cadres
Pakistan is emerging as The arrogant and stymied policies of BJP seems to have a remedy for it. Already an en- up to the reality of the situation and should
government have done more harm to the In- tire generation has fallen prey to the violence initiate dialogue sooner than later.
a strong constituency in dian cause as toughening up the security has and the need for solution is urgent. It is very clear that the Kashmir problem
Kashmir more so because given rise to incessant violence that has bred New Delhi is widely accused of violating cannot be solved through coercive means.
alienation. The blind-alley Indian government human rights in Kashmir and the growing in- History dictates that long-term conflicts re-
the insurgency is finds itself in has made Pakistan to emerge as ternational murmur has compelled the Indi- quire engagement with affected groups so
PTCL’s Hike Trip in Islamabad indigenous in nature and a stakeholder despite the maximum attempts an government to engage All Parties Hurriyat that their demands are met. In case of Kash-
KGS student wins ESUP public speaking competition the Kashmiris have given of successive Indian governments to preclude Conference (APHC) and through it to estab- mir the writing on the wall is very clear. The
such a possibility since seven decades. Keen lish a dialogue with Pakistan. Up till now the resistance has proven its merit and it is not
their blood to show that observers of the situation now have started situation in the valley aggravated due to the going to go back unless its basic demands are
they do not want to live conceding that Two-Nation theory was in ac- no-dialogue approach of the Indian govern- met.
tual fact the correct depiction of the widening ment. The Indian government needs to wake India should also be aware that fierce and
with India bloody resistance cannot be contained by en-
gaging with political and social leaders who
have little control over their armed cadres. It
may be possible that the current political ven-
ues in Kashmir have become redundant for
the major part of the resistance movement.
Any dialogue with such interlocutors will
prove meaningless as the freedom fighters
will not accord recognition to them.
The Kashmir freedom movement has ex-
Peshawar Zalmi launches first ever school cricket league Seminar on critical perspectives of art and education Mountain Dew’s extreme biking tremely recognisable signs and it should be
appropriate to engage with it directly. Pa-
kistan can very well facilitate the dialogue
process and can assist in providing conducive
environment for parleys. Though Pakistan is
not a direct party but the majority of the re-

sistance movement has shown willingness to
Pakistan’s participation in the dialogue. The
resistance movement has made it explicitly
clear that it considers Pakistan to be the via-
ble stakeholder and it would welcome it to be
included in the process.

Muhammad Rafique is associated with

trade and industry
Funfair hosted at Sukkur Three days exhibition Blue Fair in Multan Sindh Madarsatul Islam students visit Pakistan Monument in Islamabad Dr. Rafi Bhatt
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Viewpoint 4 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Grandstand 29

FATA imbroglio The indefatigable Roger Federer

Umair Jalali about the tennis legend of
Nabeel Zafar draws attention towards an modern times

issue that needs urgent solution
he balletic grace with which Roger

Federer flits around the length and
ederally Administered Tribal Areas breadth of a tennis court belies his
(FATA) is a small speck in the vast age. For the 36 years old Federer,
territorial space of Pakistan but its 25 is the new 36! He always responds to the
turbulence since the last decade has reverential banners festooned by his sup-
kept it on top of the news in the country. The porters “Quiet! Genius at Work,” and never
territorial area FATA occupies is 10,510 sq lets them down by sheer dint of his playing
miles and it is considered an unsettled area in virtuosity. He burst on the international cir-
the parlance the British used while describ- cuit in 2001 by beating all time favourite Pete A child prodigy
ing the extremities of north-western parts Sampras and never looked back though he
that Pakistan inherited from them. The small experienced travails inherent in maintaining
territorial region is littered with difficult ter- number one position.
rain and at some points it is considered im- Born to Swiss father and South African
passable. mother in Basel Switzerland, Federer was a
The areas considered parts of FATA com- child sports prodigy as he showed proficiency
prise of seven tribal agencies and six frontier in tennis from the tender age of 8 and was rat-
regions directly administered by the federal ed among the top three junior tennis players
government that in itself is quite an anoma- at 11. He practiced regular six hours a week,
The rejuvenated champion
ly as rest of the adjacent province of Khyber spent three hours at conditioning and played
Pakhtunkhwa (KP) is an autonomous entity three tournaments a month. He adored his ray and Novak Djokovic are four to five years
of the country run by a provincial administra- heroes, Boris Becker and Stefan Edberg. younger, an eternity in elite sport.
tion. FATA, on the other hand, is given to the Federer became national junior champion Federer’s long stay at the helm is also
The region
provincial governor of KP to administer cre- in Switzerland and joined the Internation- surprising from the point that so much has
ating a dyarchy in the governance system that al Tennis Federation junior tennis circuit in changed about men’s tennis since he came
probably is the basis of most of the troubles July 1996 gaining his first sponsorship at 16. to fore in 2001. Technology has made rack-
emanating out of the region. Just before turning pro in 1998 he won junior ets resemble a weapon and the huge power
The most disturbing feature of FATA is re-
The vastness of Wimbledon title and the Orange Bowl and they generate also requires extraordinary
lated to its archaic draconian criminal laws discretionary powers was recognized as the ITF World Junior Ten- all-round fitness and flexibility to control ball
coded in the shape of Frontier Crimes Regula- made available to the nis champion of the year. laden with intense of topspin. The rallies to
tion (FCR) that were framed by the British in At his first big splash Federer caused a win a point are much more demanding than
1901 to penalise the recalcitrant tribals who PA is evident by his sensation by beating reigning singles champi- they were in old times.
With his parents
were not willing to abide by normal regula- sole authority to on Pete Sampras in the fourth round in Wim- Roger Federer is, to some extent, quite
tions. Since its inception FCR was termed as bledon in 2001. 2003 proved is big year as he unique in the annals of tennis. His revival is
‘black law’ that since more than a century has
decide the rate of the became the first Swiss man to clinch Wimble- symptomatic of sweeping changes in men’s
wrought havoc on successive generations of tax and its don crown. Victories followed fast: in 2004 tennis. His longevity stands in stark con-
people inhabiting FATA. collection mechanism he won Australian Open, the U.S. Open, ATP trast to legends such as Bjorn Borg and John
The inexplicable delay in bringing FATA Masters and retained the Wimbledon singles McEnroe who quit top-level game by their
into national mainstream has caused tremen- title. He was ranked No. 1 in 2005 and his mid-twenties and Sampras retired at 31.
dous disturbance in Pakistan. Currently FATA successes that year included third successive There are signs that Federer’s winning ways
is run by the governor of KPK through Politi- made available to the PA is evident by his sole Wimbledon singles title and the U.S. Open. epitomise a transition in sport to a robustly
cal Agents (PA) operating on ground and oth- authority to decide the rate of the tax and its He was relentless in his playing pursuits healthy middle age: the current top five male
er personnel managing the FATA Secretariat. collection mechanism. All items of daily use and retained his No. 1 ranking from 2004 to The young champion players are 30 and older and four of them are
A small speck
The arbitrary nature of governance has given like flour, vegetables, and cement etc entering 2008. During this time in 2006 and 2007 he fathers. Bio-regulation and Gerontology has
rise to high levels of corruption. The FATA FATA from KP and neighbouring Afghanistan The huge advantage hidden in managing already given rise to organisations such as won Australian Open, Wimbledon and the U.S. Grand Slam and his victory at Wimbledon allowed pushing their bodies so hard and
Development Fund, recently abolished by the are made taxable and the taxes are arbitrari- FATA has resulted in the post of PA fetching Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement who have tak- Open. In 2008, Federer beat Andy Murray at Beginning as a player beat Sampras’ for a record 15th Grand Slam revolutionary changes in training regimens
government, gave discretionary powers to ly collected by the PA. The proceeds of such Rs.300 to 500 million in bribes enriching the en the merger issue through a narrow ethnic the U.S. Open - his fifth win. But the heavy toll At his first big splash Fed- singles title. Federer’s career went up again have undoubtedly played a part. The secret
the PA to impose taxes on people to meet ex- taxes are never entered in official logs and no exclusive secretariat of FATA headed by the streak. A quick merger will surely dampen the on him played its part as he lost to Rafael Nad- in 2012 when he won record-tying seventh to Federer’s longevity may partly come down
penditure incurred on administration. receipts for the collections are given and this provincial governor. The income generated popularity of such movements. al both the French Open and Wimbledon and
erer caused a sensation by Wimbledon singles title. 30 year old Feder- to the regime that he has followed off-court
The vastness of discretionary powers head of account is not audited. through other means such as widespread The tribal areas have remained a hub of lost to another young rival Novak Djokovic beating reigning singles er retained his No 1 ranking and established for the past two decades that emphasises im-
smuggling also adds to the advantage of turbulence owing to the faulty political and the 2008 Australian Open losing his number champion Pete Sampras in a record with a total of 302 weeks atop the portance of agility training and a lightweight
running FATA. The massive opportunities of administrative measures prevalent there 1 ranking after four years. world rankings. regime to keep him injury-free.
plunder are the major cause of lingering on since more than a century. It has been ob- Federer came back with a bang in 2009 the fourth round in From 2013 Federer’s career took a nose- Federer possesses aggression, swagger
with the final solution of the issue as a large served that FATA people want to join Paki- winning French Open and completing career Wimbledon in 2001 dive as he struggled to win matches. In 2014 and ruthlessness in equal measure. He began
segment of federal and provincial bureaucra- stani mainstream and want to live like any he lost all major tournaments and the same by playing classic serve-and-volley tennis
cy stalls prospects of a solution. other Pakistani. They freely move within the thing happened in 2015. After laying off for before becoming a more habitual baselin-
The government has finally agreed to con- country and settle anywhere where they are six months in 2016 Federer came back to win er, combining today’s power tennis with the
sider the merger of FATA with KP. It has abol- engaged in productive activities. Their be- Australian Open as his 18th Grand Slam title. deft touch of the bygone era associated with
ished FATA Development Fund and has prom- coming part of KP will encourage more move- In 2017 Federer set a new record by winning wooden rackets. Federer’s longevity is also
ised holding local elections in October this ment on their part that will augur well for the his eighth Wimbledon title as the oldest play- due to his uncanny ability to brush off pres-
year. It has also decided to draw appropriate country. er to win it ever at the age of 35. Federer kept sures of life as the premier sportsman. He re-
legislation for giving cover to all adminis- FATA is a very beautiful region made in- on his victory track by winning Australian markably discharges his responsibilities as a
trative actions. All these developments are accessible by negative activities of a bunch Open in January 2018 extending his record to sports star and very competently negotiates
enveloped however by ambiguity as prime of extremists who have been controlled by an astounding 20 Grand Slam singles champi- the trappings of celebrity. His dealing with
minister created doubts regarding elections the armed forces after a protracted struggle. onships. Additionally, the victory gave him a the media and his relations with tournament

in FATA for the provincial assembly of KP. In Bringing the region in the national main- record-tying six Aussie titles. organisers are full of sincerity and affection.

addition, CM KP Pervaiz Khattak announced stream will open up good opportunities for Federer does not do anything by half as Lately, he joined tournament staff for dinner
that FATA would be merged with KP in 2019. development of tourism that will help bring is evident from his children: two twin girls in their canteen and joked with them. His fans
Nevertheless allowing representation to prosperity to the region. It should be borne and two twin boys! Astonishingly he started are usually subjected to his affectionate atti-
the people of FATA in KP Assembly is the first in mind that in isolation FATA had become a performing miraculously well after birth of tude and he comes off as a noble and serene
step towards the merger process. It is import- national problem but an open FATA will be his twin sons. He is considered to be playing character.
ant to ensure that the impending merger is become a matter of national pride. magnificently well than he was in his prime
not made controversial by bureaucratic con- 12 years ago. This is despite the fact compe-
tent controlling the area currently. The lack tition at the top is tougher than it was ever Umair Jalali teaches in KASB University
Nabeel Zafar works in the private sector and is an avid sports fan
Natural beauty of organised administrative apparatus has before. His primary rivals Nadal, Andy Mur-
R 26-01 JUNE 2018
Book Reviews 28 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 In-step 5

Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan

he recent storm over the state-
ment given by former PM Nawaz
Sharif hinting involvement of Paki-

for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS)

stani non-state actors in Mumbai
terrorist attacks of 26 November 2008 has
shifted the onus back toward the book writ-
ten by Elias Davidsson who paints a different
picture about the events of that fateful day.
Mumbai attacks began on 26 November 2008
and lasted till 29 November 2008 resulting in Schehram Siddiqi hopes that Pak-Afghan will work for will be that Pakistan would sup-
a death toll of 164 people and wounding at relations are on the right track port the Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace

least 308. This outrage was widely reported and reconciliation. The second principle un-
internationally and took Indo-Pak relations to akistan Afghan relations have been dertakes that both two countries would un-
the rock bottom as India routinely shifted the a cause of concern regionally as well dertake effective actions against fugitives and
blame towards Pakistan. as internationally. An extremely de- the irreconcilable elements posing security
The lack of objective reporting of the event stabilised Afghanistan has been a threats to either of the two countries. This is
by the Indian government and media prompt- constant worry for Pakistani policy makers one of the basic reasons of discord and ad-
ed many dedicated individuals to retrace the who had been the direct affectees of nev- dressing it would remove a major irritant.
sequence of events and provide some an- er-ending power struggle in Afghanistan that The third principle pertains to yet another
swers to the mysterical contents of a barrage has a history of spilling over into Pakistan. Af- difficult issue that has negatively impacted the
of reportage the incident provoked. The au- ter a hectic series of parleys Pakistan and Af- relationship and it states that both countries
thor suggests that the event netted a bonanza ghanistan have recently agreed to operation- would deny use of their respective territory
of funds for Mumbai police and resulted in a alise a substantial mechanism for dialogue by any country, network, group or individuals
21 percent hike in Indian military spending. aimed at bilateral comprehensive engage- for anti-state activities against either country.
The author mentions that both Pakistan ment on key issues including actions against This point recognises the most contentious
and Lashkar-e-Taiba denied responsibility of irreconcilable elements in both countries. issue hampering good relationship and aims
having anything to do with the atrocity and A long-awaited breakthrough came during to rectify the situation. The fourth principle
draws the conclusion that that they did so a recent meeting between Pakistani prime concerns placement of a joint supervision,
for good reason. In a well argued conclusion minister and Afghani president that decided coordination and confirmation mechanism
he leaves it to the readers to assess separate- to start working on Afghanistan-Pakistan Ac- through liaison officers for realisation of the
ly the actual attacks and the Indian state’s tion Plan for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS), agreed actions.
investigation of the attacks. He is very clear a joint action effort for cooperation in all The fifth principle relates to initiating and
when he says that it is ‘highly plausible that areas concerned with mutual security. The following territorial and aerial violations of
major institutional actors in India, the United States and possibly Israel, were complicit in conceiving, planning, directing and executing two war-weary neighbours finally decided to each other’s territory and doing their utmost Heads of Pakistan and Afghanistan’s foreign ministries
the attacks of 26/11’. The author focuses on “deny use of their respective territory by any to avoid such actions. This again is a very diffi-
He goes on to mention that the evidence
three recurring themes country, network, group or individuals for an- cult point in the Afghan-Pakistan relationship the plan that it enjoys the backing of both Chi- APAPPS eventually
of a deceptive investigation is even stronger: ti-state activities against either country.” and often creates hurdles to peace and amity. na and the United States.
‘The first definite conclusion of this book is and the first deals with APAPPS recently became operational with The sixth principle merits special attention as APAPPS eventually highlights the issue of highlights the issue of
that India’s major institutions, including the
the fact that if both sides hoping that its implementation it agrees that there would be no public blame recalcitrant elements that are continuously recalcitrant elements that
Central government, parliament, bureaucra- would contribute to promoting peace in the game and instead APAPPS cooperation mech- engaged in sabotaging peace between both
cy, armed forces, Mumbai police, intelligence officialdom is aware of region. After a meeting between Pakistan’s anisms would be utilised to respond to mu- neighbours. It provides for the space to take
are continuously engaged
services, judiciary and media, have deliber- the identity of the foreign secretary Tehmina Janjua and Afghan tual issues of contention and concerns. The action against all such elements operating on in sabotaging peace
ately suppressed the truth regarding 26/11
perpetrators it will
deputy foreign minister Hekmat Khalil Kar- seventh principle undertakes to put in place both sides of the border and inside the re- between both neighbours
and continue to do so. I could discover no hint zai a joint statement by foreign ministries of working groups and necessary cooperation spective countries. It also brings to fore the
of a desire among the aforementioned parties hammer this both countries stated: “Both sides agreed that mechanism under the guidelines and auspic- fact that it is not just Pakistan that is blamed solutions for them. The best part of the plan is
to establish the truth on these deadly events’.
The inference drawn from the analyses of
information for general effective and full implementation of APAPPS
would contribute towards the common objec-
es of APAPPS.
To oversee the proper implementation of
for inciting negative elements to refuse to join
the peace process and acknowledges that it is
that it has earmarked specific working groups
for each of the principle as they would be pro-
the author clearly points out to a deceptive in- consumption that will tives of eliminating terrorism and achieving the initiative both sides have operationalised actually such elements themselves who fol- vided with opportunities to sit face-to-face to
vestigation aimed at obscuring facts. It must ultimately aid in peace, stability, prosperity and development six working groups, including the ones on se- low their own agenda. share concerns and find out a solution. This
be borne in mind that cover-up is a crime of the people of the two countries.” curity and intelligence cooperation. It must The appreciable aspect of APAPPS is that important step will help in bridging the trust
and that those covering up a crime implicate cover-up The APAPPS framework will revolve be borne in mind that APAPPS is a Pakistani it is essentially bilateral in content and re- gap.
themselves in the original crime. If they were around seven guiding principles agreed be- initiative speaking volumes about the positive veals the willingness of both countries to Perhaps the most important agreement
not directly involved in the commission of the tween both the countries and they cover all attitude Pakistani policy-makers bear for mu- solve issues on their own instead of soliciting is the tacit acknowledgement of the fact that
crime, they are at least accessories to it. claims that they were exhaustively used. The important areas of friction. The first task they tual relationship. It however augurs well for regional and international assistance to find Afghan conflict could not be resolved through
The author focuses on three recurring bodies of the Israeli citizens were whisked military means. APAPPS is clearly indicative of
themes and the first deals with the fact that if away to Israel citing religious reasons along the lessons both sides have learnt pertaining
officialdom is aware of the identity of the per- with a large safe found at the crime scene. to the fact that the solution to the apparently
petrators it will hammer this information for Additionally the surviving alleged terror- intractable problems lies in devising a politi-
general consumption that will ultimately aid ist had no public trial and no transcript of cal approach. It is widely acknowledged that
in cover-up. During Mumbai attacks the Indi- his secret trial was released. One lawyer who peace in Pakistan is interminably linked to
an PM repeatedly implied that the terrorists agreed to defend the accused was removed peace in Afghanistan and Pakistan would do
were supported by Pakistan. by the court and another was assassinated. everything possible to help achieve it. More-
The author expresses grave doubts about Members of an elite Indian commando unit over, peace in Afghanistan has its own divi-
the recurrent theme of incompetence at- that showed up with between 475 and 800 dends to pay as it is also crucial to regional
tached with the investigations and he takes members to battle eight terrorists were not connectivity and will enormously contribute
it as a deliberate attempt to wrong-foot skep- allowed to testify in court. Despite tall claims to the success of CPEC in which Pakistan has
tics. He specifically mentions plenty of in- of extensive CCTV footage, very little was re- the highest stakes. Any view to the contrary is
congruence about investigations that could leased. a negation of the ground realities.
simply not be attributed to just incompetence The author expresses surprise at the ten- Pakistan is sincerely well placed to of-
and rather smack of deliberate attempts to or of the investigation and equates it with the fer peace initiative to Afghanistan as it has
mask them as the consequence of incompe- kind done in police states and not in ‘the larg- proved its worth in waging a successful war
tence. est democracy’ in the world. The excessive in- on terror whose tentacles were spread over
During the trial process there was no terest FBI took in the event is also highlighted Afghanistan. Pakistan has exhibited strong

timeline given for the events related to the by the author. FBI was provided with remark- commitment to peace and its credentials in
sole surviving suspect. Key witnesses were able access to the arrested suspect and eye- this context are hard to ignore. A peace desire
not called to testify. Contradictions were not witnesses. coming from Pakistan carries real weight and
sorted out as one victim was brought from the The 900 page saga produced by Davidsson it is good fortune of both Afghanistan and Pa-

dead to testify against Pakistan. A second vic- is rich in detail and asks more questions than kistan that the process of peace has started to
tim died in two different places while a third provides answers. It is a chronicle of pro- roll.
died in three places! The number of terrorists found deceptions commonly detected in cur-
kept on changing and the crime scenes left rent process of war on terror. The motifs and
unexamined. Forensics of the events failed fictions manifested in the book may open up Schehram Siddiqi ia an industrialist based
to produce a single AK-47 bullet despite the many hitherto guarded vistas of reality. Parleys in Lahore
R 26-01 JUNE 2018
Analysis 6 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Cinepage 27

Pakistan and its alliances Bina Ashraf is spellbound by a story told

with panache
A Quiet Place
with the US D
irector Krasinski’s (of The Office
fame) extraordinary told tale has
raised a unique challenge to hu-
man psyche that it has to remain
quiet to avert disaster. Termed as a “smart,
Asrar Raouf on shifting sands of rangement dubbed as Baghdad Pact formally wickedly frightening good time” its sequel
Pakistan’s alignments with the US known as Central Treaty Organisation (CEN- is currently in development. The film de-
TO) along with Iran, Iraq and Turkey. picts an unprecedented mental tip-toeing

The pacts elicited help of US military and over dangerous eggshells while brimming
akistan came into being two years economic aid assisting the badly equipped with anxiety. It is a remarkable exposition of
after the end of Second World War Pakistan army. However, US military weap- the self-containment as the film breaks new
in a power vacuum created by the onry the US supplied to Pakistan consisted ground and brings to fore a prospect that may
withdrawal of British power from of weapons systems rendered surplus after become reality in some weird circumstances.
the region. America was the growing power Korean War and declared obsolete owing to The film is set in a post apocalyptic waste-
post-Second World War and it effortlessly slid advancement in weapon technology. In actual land that could be applicable to any place irre-
into the void created by British leaving the fact, for America the weapons transfer had lit- spective of the specific attributes of its locale.
scene. Since the US practised the same gover- tle financial impact but for Pakistan the arms This sci-fi thriller brings to bear upon human
nance principles as the British did the change significantly enhanced its war fighting poten- mind something very unconventional. On the
was quite a natural shift. tial. other hand, it may be conceded that the appli-
The end of War gave rise to strife between The initial alliance with America held cability of the concept of keeping mum to save
two superpowers in shape of Cold War that good for ten years but imposition of Ameri- oneself is nothing new to human existence.
gripped the globe for the next 45 years till the can sanctions on export of American military Written by horror specialists Scott Beck
dissolution of the Soviet Union. Despite being hardware on both India and Pakistan during and Bryan Woods and directed by John Kra-
surrounded by communist regimes, China the 1965 India-Pakistan war dealt a mortal sinski who developed the screenplay with
and Soviet Union, it appeared quite natural blow to the alliance. While the sanctions had them and stars of the movie particularly his
that Pakistan, as the legatee of British system, little impact on India as its reliance on US wife Emily Blunt the movie portrays intense
The movie
would not consider communism conducive to military weapon systems was minimal, for Pakistan and the US fear of the survivors of some sort of ecological
its way of thinking. Moreover, Pakistan was in Pakistan, whose armed forces were primarily disaster who have to remain silent to avoid sound. It asks the question whether silence
a double bind as its existence was contested dependent on US weapons, the severance of left a very bitter taste in the mouth of Paki- attack by giant reptile predators who stalk is a workable natural mode that humans may
by India whose leadership vociferously de- weapons supply hurt the nation’s war logis- stani policy makers. In addition, Pakistan’s The other cumbersome the land. The predators are blind but possess somehow adapt to. It raises the spectre of
fined it as a short term aberration that was tics so badly that it had to agree to a ceasefire alliance with USA was viewed as a hostile act effect Pakistan faced extraordinary sense of hearing so a hyper-si- developing a quiet way of life that may be a
expected to return soon to the wider fold of three weeks after the conflagration began. by the Soviets during the Cold War and not lence by the survivors is required to stay un- saner way to circumvent difficulties. It also in-
the subcontinent. Pakistan therefore natural- The total military aid disbursed to Pa- surprisingly USSR aligned itself with India
during its alliance with the molested. vites attention to the fact that by internalizing
ly tilted towards America and it was a matter kistan by USA during the period was in the and threatened vetoing UN Resolution 47 on US in Afghan struggle was Krasinski and Blunt play a couple who are one’s fears the efficacy of a serene existence
of time before it entered into formal alliances region of slightly more than $4 billion in ad-
dition to around $15.7 billion as economic
holding a plebiscite on Kashmir.
Pakistan-US relations remained dormant
the emergence of trying to survive in a place where law and or- becomes manifold.
with it. der is completely broken down. The children The family has developed a habit of joining
After initial parleys focused predominant- assistance (figures adjusted to their current for almost 15 years when the unexpected So- extremist religious outfits of the couple are well prepared for the new hands before they eat their meals indicating
ly on security concerns, Pakistan entered a value). In return, Pakistan provided an air viet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 brought that were particularly soundless, wordless discipline but they are that they invoked divine approval for their ac-
security umbrella aimed at containing com- base from where US spy planes flew recon- both countries together again. The next major aided in the effort by the fact that one of them tions. But it also represents that suppressing
munism but in actual fact its emphasis was on naissance missions over Russia and China. military cooperation between Pakistan and
encouraged by Saudi is hearing impaired and the family already noise makes them yearn for it that it depicts
obtaining defence cover as well as arms and Pakistan drew a lot of Soviet flak when an USA lasted from 1981 to 1990. The belea- Arabia, the other partner knows how to communicate in sign language. by pressing flesh. The undeniable faculty of
ammunition for safeguarding its territorial American U-2 spy that took off from US-op-
erated Badaber airfield was shot down inside
guered government of Gen Ziaul Haq joined
hands with the US to ‘save’ Afghanistan from
in the alliance But the family faces a problem because Em- communicating through sound is repeated-
integrity. To the advantage of Pakistan India ily is pregnant and they all wonder how she ly stressed by its complete absence and it
refused to play ball with America and decided Soviet Union. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev communist influence. The decade of cooper- is going to have the baby without modern appears to be draining the human soul for a
to form a separate non-aligned block that was drew a red circle around Peshawar as a possi- ation witnessed USA as the principal arms abling Pakistan to acquire this vital facility. anaesthetic and without making a sound. A meaningful existence.
apparently soft towards Communist Block ble target of retaliation. provider with funds provided by Saudi Arabia But on the negative side Pakistan was sub- world of horror is on the way. The film is superbly simple in its treat-
but steered clear of super power rivalry. Since the primary objective of Pakistan for ousting Soviets from Afghanistan. In the jected to a never-ending influx of Afghan ref- A Quiet Place provokes the curious feeling ment and it is fascinating to see such a com-
After a highly meaningful visit of General joining the US alliance was to shield itself process Pakistan became the supply conduit, ugees whose maintenance cost Pakistan very that is it possible that life be lived without plex concept dealt with in plain but pithy The message
Ayub Khan, Pakistan’s first indigenous army from any military offensive of India, the US training ground and launching pad for Af- dear not only in financial terms but also gave
commander, to America, Foreign Minister Sir weapons embargo in the midst of life-and- ghan Mujahedeen in an asymmetric warfare rise to social issues. The drugs and gun cul- scenes. It probably was the only way to deal
Zafarullah Khan successfully negotiated a US death struggle defeated the very purpose of against the conventional Soviet military. Pa- ture that accompanied Afghan refugees as- with such an unusual aspect of human life.
– Pakistan military alliance titled Mutual De- Pakistan’s military association with the US. kistan paid a very heavy price for its involve- sumed grave proportions for Pakistan and it The director is very careful not to depict the
fence Assistance Agreement (MDAA) and by Although the US justified its decision quot- ment in Afghan war and is still unable to extri- is still grappling with them. The true cost in monsters in typical big-bang style and reveals
virtue of this agreement, Pakistan became a ing the fine print of the agreements but Pa- cate itself from the imbroglio. life, limb and resources because of the Afghan their ferocity through a cleverly conceived ex-
member of Southeast Asia Treaty Organisa- kistan treated such an action as a perfidious The Soviet campaign against the Afghan refugee factor was horrendous and almost treme close-up of the beast’s hideous, undu-
tion (SEATO). Pakistan, a year later, joined maneuver of its closest ally. In the end Paki- resistance crumbled owing to the solid assis- impossible to calculate. lating ear. The eerie portrayal very effectively
the wider US communist containment ar- stan repulsed Indian attack but the conflict tance rendered by Pakistan in martialling rag- The other cumbersome effect Pakistan convinces the audience about the actual com-
tag Afghan elements and turning them into a faced during its alliance with the US in Afghan plexity of the situation.
highly disciplined and motivated force. USSR struggle was the emergence of extremist re- The film has helped start a conversation
lost its will to fight in 1988 and after pro- ligious outfits that were particularly encour- and people who watch it are earnestly com-
tracted parleys, resulting in Geneva Accords, aged by Saudi Arabia, the other partner in the menting on it. It is called as the early front-
withdrew from Afghanistan. The financial alliance. The strategy actively promoted the runner for the sparsely intellectual horror
woes experienced by an unmanageable Soviet concept of Islamic Jihad against the infidel So- movie of the year that provokes intense curi-
Union coupled with its humiliating defeat in viets that mushroomed into Al Qaeda, Taliban osity and encourages provision of answers to
Afghanistan hastened its dismemberment in and a host of splinter groups inside Pakistan some basic questions of human existence. The
1991. With the end of Soviet Union America and internationally that used violence to jus- film though giving the impression of a silent
became the only superpower of the world and tify their ends resulting in 9/11 attacks on the film is actually not a silent venture but it is
an era of unipolarity began. twin towers in New York spinning a chain of the first of its kind within the modern horror
The US owed its victory to the efforts of events that brought about the third phase of genre for how little spoken dialogue it actual-

Pakistan as, despite spending a massive for- Pakistan-US relations. ly has. The rare moments of dialogue actually
tune in its communism-containment policy, The third and most controversial of US-Pa- help give depth to the movie. A Quiet Place
its efforts brought about a stalemate till Paki- kistan alignment kicked off immediately after raked in $50 million on its opening weekend
stan entered the fray. The financial cost to the 9/11 terrorist attacks on mainland USA. In and it proved very successful at the box office
US of neutralising the communist threat was this case Pakistan was coerced into support- grossing $293 million to date. It is praised by
$3 billion given to Mujahedeen and $9.2288 ing the US when it launched Operation En- critics for its originality and substance.
and $3.855 billion in economic and military during Freedom as a string of reprisal attacks
assistance respectively. against the Taliban government in Afghani-
The only positive advantage coming the stan which it blamed was harbouring foreign Bina Ashraf has reasonably good
Pakistan way was the ambivalent US stance elements responsible for carrying an out- experience of retail trade and is a cinema
Presidents Ayub Khan and Johnson towards Pakistan’s nuclear programme en- rage against it. A wide air corridor through Stay quiet buff
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Presentation 26 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Analysis 7

The one and only Alam Lohar

Noor Israr on the folk legend
Alam Lohar was widely

known in Punjab as
lam Lohar was known to be acci-
dent prone. He was involved in Sher-e-Punjab’ or ‘Heer-
many accidents but always came ah’ and he was feted for
out lucky till the final disaster
struck him. His prescient composition, ‘wajan
his extraordinary
mariaan bulaya kayi waar mein kisi ne meri contribution to folk
gal na suni’ came eerily true when he met an music
accident and died on the road before receiv-
ing medical help. His incredible stamina while performing in-
Alam Lohar was an ace folk singer with a tricate nuances of classically composed folk
distinct style and his voice had an amazing tunes was greatly admired. In his childhood
range that overcame everything in its way. he was very good in rendering Sufiana Ka-
Born in a family of blacksmiths in village Aach laam, Punjabi folk stories and would perform US Pakistan relations since September 2001 Mujahedeen in first Afghan war in 1980s
Goach of district Gujrat he opted to sing in- for gatherings of elders.
stead of following the family trade. Blessed His rural performances were ultimately tive consequences for Pakistan. was a key player in the dismemberment of kistan the scapegoat for failure of the US mil-
with a prodigal talent and retentive memory noticed and he was recognised as a folk prod- America has still not been able to extricate USSR thus promoting USA as the sole super- itary strategy in Afghanistan may pass-on the
he honed his singing skills and rendered cen- igy. His unusual style, profound rendering and In the comparative itself from the Afghan imbroglio. Its NATO al- power of the world and in the current span blame but it will not solve the essential issue.
turies old folk lore. He gained renown when
he rendered Heer Waris Shah’s in 36 styles
unmistakable stamp of veracity gave him an
added advantage. Subsequently his perfor-
analysis American lies have considerably distanced themselves
in the process. Estimates about the cost of
of its cooperation with the US it had proved
instrumental in uprooting the Taliban gov-
Successive US administrations were con-
ditioned to exploit weaknesses of Pakistani
With his vinatge Chimta
and forms and his performance was rated mance was internationally lauded in 1970s campaign in Afghanistan America’s longest military engagement vary ernment and letting the US prevent chaos in leadership that allowed it to forge military re-
second to none. He is known to have recorded when during British Queen’s Jubilee celebra- has cost Pakistan from $841 billion given by Anthony Cordes- that country as well as securing its mainland lationship with the latter that overwhelming-
his first album at the age of 13 and his musical tions he participated in a singing competition man to $2 trillion provided by Neta Crawford. from terrorist attacks from non-state actors. ly favoured the former. Pakistan today is still
output has outsold all other singers in Paki- in the UK between all Commonwealth coun- enormously in financial From 2001 to 2013, Pakistan was reimbursed In return Pakistan has received not a great vulnerable on many fronts but it is under ex-
stan according to records of HMV Pakistan in tries in which Alam Lohar won the award of terms and it is estimated an amount of $25.91 billion under the heads deal of financial compensation and that too treme public pressure to call American bluff.
Alam Lohar dominated folk singing genre
best performance and was also presented
with a gold medal.
that it has incurred loss of economic assistance, military aid and Coa-
lition Support Fund. Since then financial as-
On the flip side Pakistan’s alignment with
The enunciation of full spectrum nuclear de-
terrence has given confidence to policy mak-
from 1930s till his untimely demise in 1979. Alam Lohar was widely known in Punjab of over $120 billion in sistance started to tone down and it was com- the US in the 1950s antagonised the Sovi- ers that the US will deter from following pol-
His folk singing was unique in its content as Sher-e-Punjab’ or ‘Heerah’ and he was fet- revenue under various pletely stopped in 2018. et Union whose veto threat prevented any icies it followed in Iraq and Syria. With CPEC
and rendition. His high tenor voice suited to ed for his extraordinary contribution to folk In the comparative analysis American meaningful solution to the Kashmir dispute. on the anvil Pakistani policy makers feel con-
mesmerize his large audiences. He pioneered music. Alam Lohar was also a poet and wrote heads campaign in Afghanistan has cost Pakistan Moreover, the US abandoned Pakistan during fident enough to forge regional alliances and
singing with the typical ‘Chimta’ that added many of his songs himself that were marvels enormously in financial terms and it is esti- its existential war with India in 1965. Paki- shun any future strategic collaboration with
lustre to his inimitable performance. of simplicity and poetic pathos. He also had Pakistan was provided to the US air force to mated that it has incurred loss of over $120 stan’s social fabric was badly fractured in America in future.
Alam Lohar was very active on stage and another quality that he used books of Sufi conduct offensive air raids against Taliban in billion in revenue under various heads. The the 1980s due to its support of Afghan Mu- The history of Pakistan – US military al-
hogged attention all the time he was perform- saints and stories and brought them in song Afghanistan. In addition, two airfields were most painful aspect of armed conflagration jahedeen and the burden of hosting 3 million liances is full of unconventional turns and
ing. He was adept at keeping a grip on his format which gave his songs a lyrical content made available for logistics support and as has been the loss of lives of over 80,000 cit- Afghan refugees badly mauled its financial tribulations. The relationship has brought to
audience by incessantly moving on the stage. which could make people cry and exclaim emergency recovery bases for American com- izens that include about 8,500 security per- viability. In hindsight it appears that Pakistan fore the asymmetry of entering into a sub-
with joy at the same time bat fleet of airplanes participating in the op- sonnel in terror related attacks. Pakistan has would have been better-off not cooperating ordinate alliance with a superpower. It has
As the pioneer of introducing the writings erations. Additionally, the US was given full endured more losses than gains in its alliance with the US in the first Afghan war. exposed the vulnerabilities of both Pakistan
of Saiful Malook and Mirza Shabaan in song His unique style access to Karachi for movement of logistics. with the US as the estimated quantum of fi- Historical precedents suggest that the US and the US and has convinced policy mak-
format Alam Lohar could sing all night long After removing Taliban government from nancial emoluments provided to it by Ameri- legislators and administration should have ers that an unequal association brings more
and sometimes without music. Once famous and he did not need much apart from that Alam Lohar died in an power and ferociously using air power to an- ca since 1947 comes out to about $86 billion heeded Pakistan’s viewpoints on internation- harm than advantage. It is time now to review

he organised a full-fledged theatre compris- because his audience would insist on hearing nihilate Taliban strongholds the US deployed whereas just the financial cost to the nation al relations more carefully. Historical review the dubious advantages of a lopsided alliance
ing of orchestra and budding singing talent. his popular numbers. His famous numbers
accident near Sham ki “boots on ground”. US spent $3 billion in the since 2001 amounts to $120 billion. suggests that the US policy makers would as existed between the US and Pakistan and
He along with his entourage toured all over are Dharti Panj Daryavan Di, Dil wala dukhra Bhaitiyan on July 3, 1979 first three months of the campaign and was The fact of the matter is that Pakistan al- have benefitted from Pakistani advice provid- develop ties on the basis of a limited mutual
Punjab for religious and seasonal festivals nahin kisse noon sunayee da, Saiful Malook, and was laid to rest in Lala very ably assisted by intelligence surveillance ways delivered on all counts during its three ed they came down the lofty pedestal of their cooperation that is always better than a larger
and was one of the first Pakistani singer to Qissa Hazrat Yousaf, Mar ke modha hauly jaye carried out by Pakistan. The US provided phases of alliance with the US but has never invincibility. The current mantra of ‘do more’ alliance that turns a state into a client instead
sing internationally in almost all countries sorry akh gaye, Bol mitti diya bawiya, Jugni, Musa, the town made $4.681 billion as economic and military assis- been appropriately reciprocated. In the first is symptomatic of high-handed American per- of a partner.
where Pakistanis reside. Mirza, Qissa Karbala, Kalam Baba Bulleyh famous by Malika-e-Mau- tance during 2001 to 2004 which was a paltry 15 years of its alliance with the US it helped ception about smaller countries like Pakistan
His singing repertoire was extremely rich Shah and Sohni Mahiwal. sum compared with a very risky venture Pa- prevent the spread of communism east of Af- whom it considers to be incompetent in deal-
Jugni seeqi Roshanara Begum kistan entered into having far reaching nega- ghanistan; in the second decade of alliance it ing with international issues. By making Pa-
Asrar Raouf is a former civil servant
His outstanding rendition that acquired
international popularity was Jugni that he
sung in different modes. He created and de-
fined his Jugni differently as a symbol of so-
cial awareness and happy tidings for people.
Jugni is now a recognised folk addition sung
by many artists in the length and breadth of
the country. It is the strength of Alam Lohar’s
performance that Jugni is not only confined to
rural areas but is very popular in urban towns
and cities.
Alam Lohar died in an accident near Sham
ki Bhaitiyan on July 3, 1979 and was laid to
rest in Lala Musa, the town made famous by
Malika-e-Mauseeqi Roshanara Begum. His

contribution was recognized and feted by
the government of Pakistan by posthumous-
ly awarding him the Pride of Performance
medal. Alam Lohar and his contribution will
always remain a part of Pakistani folk lore
which he so painstakingly embellished.

Noor Israr has a discerning taste in music

and he is a trained singer
Shahnama-e-Karbala His final resting place
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Opinion 8 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Profile 25

What will be there for caretakers

Zoya Ansari encapsulates the career of
top American sleuth

to take care of ? G
ina Haspel is the first female chief
of CIA in 71 years of the existence
of the organisation. She is the first
American woman ever to occupy
this central position in the murky world of
Abdul Basit looks at the possible aspects
the caretaker administration will espionage and counter-insurgency. Never-
concentrate on theless, Gina Haspel, 61, will not be the first
woman to head an intelligence agency as in

Britain not only one but two women, Stella
akistani democratic process is quite Rimington and Eliza Mannjingham-Buller
unique as it requires an interim set- headed the very effective British intelligence
up to supervise the crucial electoral service MI5 and it is also widely expected cur-
process required for determining rently that a female professional will be head-
the future course of governance. This anom- ing the more potent British intelligence outfit
aly has been so deeply rooted in the political MI6 that was created in 1909.
system of Pakistan that no one shows any A native of Kentucky, Haspel was raised as
skepticism about it anymore. Pakistanis are an ‘army brat’ and grew up around the world
sheepishly given to accept any fait accompli as the daughter of an air force serviceman.
they are subjected to without releasing a sigh She worked undercover for nearly all her
of protest. three decades at the CIA in Africa, Europe and
The caretaker administration comes with classified locations around the globe. Once
all the paraphernalia of governance and in- nominated, she received strong backing from
tense lobbying is undertaken to join its ranks. former intelligence, diplomatic, military and
It is a misnomer that it is installed for ac- national security officials. Among those who
complishing a specific task as its installation supported her nomination were six former
provides it an opportunity to do everything it CIA directors and three former national intel-
considers essential during its limited tenure. ligence directors.
In the ultimate analysis it is therefore not just Western intelligence operatives normally
a mechanism to ensure smooth transition of serve with discretion and avoid controversy
Gina Haspel
power but its very position entails its dab- to any extent possible though, after quitting

Gina Haspel
bling into all aspects of governance. their positions, many of them get their tales
The first task the caretaker government printed for hefty monetary packets. Within
will face is related to the economic situation Are they the only ones to decide the discreet atmosphere of intelligence op-
currently prevalent. The economic prospects the caretakers emphasise the less than sat- er governments that provided financial data terests of Pakistan. The disrupting signs have erations Gina Haspel generated quite a bit of

First woman to head CIA

are gradually showing signs of being man- isfactory performance of their predecessors to IMF that revealed ‘figure-fudging’ tactics of started emerging as is evident by escalating controversy during her more than three de-
aged on ad hoc basis by the current PMLN and try to discredit them by presenting a the government they replaced. Such a tactic level of violence in the country. Additionally, cades old career. Her contentious initiatives
government. The most problematic situation negative picture of their days in power. There could be done in the name of ensuring trans- the caretaker government will be expected to and associations, particularly her involve-
pertains to the external account where the are strong chances that the caretakers will parency in national monetary affairs although control electoral activity-related violence that ment in the torture of Al-Qaeda detainees,
current account deficit is estimated to run employ this tactic to denigrate the supposed it may be used for any other purpose than the has the potential to massively erupt as polit- were reflected in the split in the US Congress
to a whopping $15-16 billion that is equiva- economic strides PMLN government had con- one described officially. ical temperatures in the country are running Intelligence Committee that approved her ap-
lent to almost 5 per cent of GDP. The direct sistently propagated. It seems quite certain that the caretaker high. pointment by 10-5 vote. The senate accord- their party and supporting the controversial viewed by the Republican Senator John Mc-
offshoot of this difficultly will lead to further The caretakers may adopt a different ap- set-up will add to its credibility by present- The familiar spectre of catering to the de- ingly stamped the decision by 54-45, with Haspel’s nomination. Cain who suffered torture as a prisoner in Haspel had twice served as
accumulation of foreign debt as remittances, proach for handling the circular debt of the ing all financial implications of CPEC trans- mand of elements of ‘entitlement’ that have half a dozen opposition Democrats bucking It is generally acknowledged that in Haspel Vietnam War and he tried to stop her endorse-
imports/exports and FDIs are showing un- power sector that may result in improved parently to the chagrin of their predecessors been neglected by PMLN government will what you see is what you get. Not surprisingly ment on the pretext that Haspel had refused London-based chief of
tenable signs and do not appear to be calcu- power supplies castigating the performance who tried hard to keep them under wraps. once again raise its head. If the previous ex-
Western intelligence her entire professional career is built around to acknowledge that the brutal interrogation European operations and
lated with a degree of certainty.
The caretaker government’s performance
of the government they have replaced. They
may also revise the pattern of provincial cash
The caretakers will clarify CPEC loans and im-
ports in their realistic perspective.
perience of similar caretaker administrations
is taken into consideration then the prospects operatives normally serve
fighting terrorism as her period in CIA saw
America taking over as the sole superpower
methods used after the 9/11 attacks were
“immoral”. Haspel however reiterated her
during her assignments
therefore will be measured by the efficiency flows that may temporarily arrest the gallop- Apart from economic affairs, the focus of of many improper deals could not be waived with discretion and avoid that had to spread its intelligence tentacles opposition to the practice going forward in she learned both Russian
and vision of its economic team that would ing fiscal deficit. the caretakers will be on maintaining satisfac- off. It is quite obvious that the intense jock-
controversy to any extent
unbelievably wide. The US policy makers be- a letter stating “With the benefit of hindsight and Turkish languages
be entrusted with the job of minimising fiscal The caretakers may well repeat the trick tory law and order situation that will certain- eying for positions in the caretaker setup came aware that the American intelligence re- and my experience as a senior agency leader,
deficit and current account deficit. Usually followed by one of their predecessor caretak- ly be disrupted by all forces inimical to the in- is done with a very pressing object in mind. possible though, after sources had to be brought to the level where the enhanced interrogation programme is not
Unfortunately, there is no way to put a stop
to such practices that now are an accepted
quitting their positions, they became globally credible and devastat-
ingly potent. Considered a Russian specialist
one the CIA should have undertaken.”
During her confirmation hearings it was
assignments she learned both Russian and
Turkish languages. She was also credited with
phenomenon. many of them get their she spent her career in the clandestine ser- also brought to fore that she refused to de- nabbing two of the bombers of US embassies
Handling foreign affairs could be a chal- tales printed for hefty vice. classify the matters so as to protect her im- in Africa in 1998. Her profile also mentions
lenging task for any administration but not Fearing the imminent return of the neo- age. The tough scenario she was expected to the assistance she rendered to Mother Tere-
for the caretakers as they may not be given monetary packets cons, Haspel’s appointment was negatively encounter at one time compelled her to offer sa in efforts to get food for needy people al-
the leeway to take any effective steps about it. to withdraw her nomination but a host of though the destination where the help would
To conduct repairing deteriorating relation- Trump staffers led by Sarah Huckabee Sand- go was not made public.
ship with the Trump administration will re- ers, the White House spokeswoman scur- Haspel had quite an exotic career after
main out of their mandate and so the regional ried to discourage Haspel from withdrawing. joining CIA in 1985 as reports officer. In the
relationships. White House however prepared contingency beginning of her career she served on many
The main task of the caretakers will be to plans to replace Haspel’s nomination with undercover overseas assignments and gradu-
ensure their non-partisan actions during the that of Susan Gordon, the deputy director of ally progressed to become station chief. Her
election campaign, polling and election re- national intelligence. first field assignment was from 1987–1989
sults. In the past any controversy associated Despite her confirmation going through, in Ethiopia followed up by her stationing in
with the entire process was shifted on to the the clouds of controversy still hang over her Central Eurasia, Turkey and Europe. From
Election Commission but this time round it head as during her 33 years at CIA she over- 1996 to 1998, Haspel served as station chief

appears that the actions of the caretakers will saw a CIA overseas facility dubbed as “black in Baku, Azerbaijan. In Washington, she has
be very strictly scrutinised. The media has al- site” in Thailand in 2002 where harsh tech- held several top senior leadership positions

ready started focusing on the possible course niques were used for interrogating suspected including deputy director of the National
of action the caretakers will take and what terrorists. Haspel was also chief of staff to the Clandestine Service and deputy director of
strategies they will adopt to ensure not only director of the National Clandestine Service the National Clandestine Service for Foreign
a transparent transfer of power but also how in 2005 when the CIA tapes of interrogations Intelligence and Covert Action.
they perform and what they did during their were destroyed. It was reported that she was
limited stint in power. passed over for promotion during Obama ad-
ministration as CIA sought to distance itself
Zoya Ansari has a good deal of teaching
from the interrogation programme. experience and possesses a keen historical
Abdul Basit works in finance and industry Haspel had twice served as London-based sense
Intense lobbying and is well versed in commercial affairs Haspel’s confirmation hearings chief of European operations and during her
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Culinary delight 24 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Comment 9

The wonderful sandwich and

its variations

Izay Ayesha on mouthwatering snacks Club sandwich: A typical colonial snack this

multilayered dish is hugely consumed in
escribed as Britain’s biggest con- Pakistan. Its multiple layers contain a selec-
tribution to gastronomy, sandwich tion of grilled chicken, cheese, egg and salad
is now part of global snack mar- immersed in tasty mayonnaise that is often
ket in various shapes and forms. served with French fries..
It was a recipe conceived by John Montagu,
fourth Earl of Sandwich (1718-92) hailing
from Kent. He was a successful politician who
occupied many important offices of state. The
story associated with his originating the leg-
endary sandwich is that as a habitual gambler
who abhorred leaving the table for a meal No boots Important responsibility
during his long hours of play he would ask

Boots are not coming

his servants to bring him a piece of salt beef
between two slices of toasted bread. Soon his
boon companions took to this novel way of
eating and would order ‘same as sandwich’
giving the snack his name.
It is often said that prior to Earl Sand-
Club sandwich
wich’s invention the Arabs had already start- Brig (R) Shuja SH Khwarzami is dismis- The defence institutions are very mindful executive was politely nudged to refrain from
ed stuffing meat inside pita bread as a conve- sive of the rumour mills of Pakistan being subjected to disastrous gov- dilly-dallying and take appropriate action. The defence leadership is

nient snack particularly during long working ernance since the last decade and have exhib- The defence leadership is well aware of well aware of the
hours. The idea however branched out far and n an unraveling social structure rumours ited exemplary restraint despite tremendous the exigencies of situation and is very vigilant
wide with people getting fond of this form of are always a constant factor despite the pressures of public opinion exerted on them. to see that it prevents it from going out of con-
exigencies of situation and
fast food. From its humble beginnings, sand- The hamburger: fact that the current unraveling is point- They have consistently adhered to the desire trol. It is doing everything to maintain a bal- is very vigilant to see that
wich over the years has mushroomed into ing towards new pastures that are full that political affairs should be managed by ance in the region and is quietly goading Af-
it prevents it from going
countless varieties of fillings and breads. Ev- of promise. The oft-repeated mantra is re- political elements but they expect, like any ghanistan to parley with Pakistan for peaceful
erything from salami on rye to filet mignon The hamburger: The most popular form lated to the unfounded reports of a military other Pakistani that the management of the solution of problems as was witnessed by out of control
on ciabatta can claim the name “sandwich,” of sandwich was destined to be clinched by takeover because of the extremely below-par country is kept on an even keel. Like every beginning of Afghanistan-Pakistan Plan for
and are available for consumption during all the hamburger. The origin of this extreme- performance of the civil political forces that other Pakistani they are naturally perturbed Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS). It has con- they can keep things on the right track with-
hours of the day and night. Since it is not very ly tasty dish is in dispute as various parties has endangered the country. This impending when things go wrong and no effort is made tained the scourge of terrorism and has now out being overtly seen to be doing so.
rich in content it is considered easily digest- claim credit for it. The Menches brothers occurrence has become a standard format to put them back on the rails. embarked upon the process of re-building. While saying so it should also be empha-
ible and puts less pressure on stomach. The claim they started to sell hamburgers in with which the chattering classes of Pakistan It is a pity that things have come to the It therefore would not be advisable to sised that it is the responsibility of the people

bread content provides much needed rough- 1885 whereas 15-year-old Charlie Nagreen try to besmirch the intentions of its most lev- pass where national aspirations are yearning even consider the defenders taking any ex- of Pakistan to exercise their right of vote judi-
age very conducive in keeping digestive sys- of Wisconsin served his customers meatballs el-headed institution. for corrective measures. Unfortunately, the treme action that will not only harm them but ciously and keeping in view the performance
tem in order. stuffed between bread. The hamburger was Undoubtedly, Pakistan has a history of political sector is least pushed about the na- will also jeopardize the security of the coun- of their elected representatives. People have
The different forms of sandwich have first of its kind of sandwich that gained uni- military take-overs but that is a distant past. tional concerns and is engaged in internecine try. Their leadership is very clear in its mind a good deal of experience of the performance
gained currency world over with many tasty versal approval and became the hot replace- While not justifying the take-overs it should warfare not only harming itself but under- about what is required to be done and it is of political parties and personnel and should
variations added to it. Some of them are: ment of sandwich. also be kept in mind that the extreme ac- mining national interest in the process. conscientiously doing it. It has learnt from the be able to evaluate it objectively. They know
tions taken in the past were necessitated by Despite an untenable situation the ulti- mistakes of the past and is determined not to that on their voting ability rests the strength
selfish and incompetent political elements mate defenders of the state are abstaining repeat them. The worst lesson it learnt was of ruling dispensations therefore the ultimate
whose bad governance pushed the country from taking any untoward action. Their lead- that the quarters that urged it to come to the responsibility of electing incompetent repre-
The Reuben

to the edge of disaster. No military take-over ership is hopeful that things will improve and fore and take charge, completely disappeared sentatives solely rests on them.
The Reuben: In 1926, grocer Reuben Kulakofsky of Ontario tried corned beef sauerkraut sand- emerged out of the personal wish of the com- is doing its bit by advising political leadership once difficulties started arising as is bound to Though not a very appropriate decision
wich to provide as quick food to his fellow poker players. The dish was quickly picked up by manders and they acted extremely hesitating- to get its act together as happened in the case happen. The defenders are satisfied that they but the army has undertaken to protect vot-
restaurants as it was not only tasty but also very filling. The origin of this invention is disputed ly when they saw national interest in danger. of FATA’s merger with KPK where the political have devised a cogent process through which ing rights of the people but being vigilant and
by Reuben’s Restaurant and Delicatessen in New York City who fervently claim that it was their responsible is the duty of citizens themselves.
invention. The army cannot interfere in the laid down
framework and guidelines stipulated by the
election authorities that have repeatedly been
exploited. Army is held responsible for not
detecting wrong voters’ lists etc without real-
ising that such matters do not fall within the
domains of its duty. It is widely known that
votes are sold but army cannot do anything to
preclude this possibility.
It is mandatory on the people not to be
carried away by false promises and should
employ their native wisdom to assess the
credibility of their candidates. In this modern
age of free flow of information it is definitely
not difficult to verify credentials and records
of their candidates. They should always bear

in mind that the people they are voting for
will remain in power for five years and noth-
ing could be done to dislodge them from gov-
The chicken sandwich Bun Kabab ernance. It is always better to vote with con-

scientious care rather than voting wrongly

The chicken sandwich: Bun Kabab: The indigenous Pakistani version of sandwich is the traditional bun kabab that and then calling desperately for help.
This immensely popular version of sandwich was created by Atlanta restaurant owner Truett is held in great esteem and has not lost its lustre despite aggressive onslaught of hamburgers
Cathy in 1946. He put pieces of boneless chicken in a bun and named it the “Chick-fil-A.” But the and sandwiches. Its contents include beef patty with spicy chutney garnished with onion and
Brig (R) SSH Khwarzami had a
growth of its popularity made its inventors to change their slogan “We didn’t invent the chick- tomatoes stuffed between a soft bun. Its vegetarian version contains potato with same combi-
distinguished career in law enforcement
en. Just the chicken sandwich.” Chicken sandwich became the rage of the time as popularity of nation of spices as in the meat version..
now is a social activist
white meat gained ground that saw corresponding increase in usage of poultry.. Izay Ayesha is into linguistics Voters
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Comment 10 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Exposition 23

The uphill electoral count that will

ever the bride’s African-American roots were
reflected throughout that heightened the
sense of diversity.
The ceremony was subjected to the ener-

take Imran Khan up the hill

gy of the Chicago-born preacher, Bishop Mi-
chael Curry whose 14 minutes long oration
provoked contrary emotions as he evoked
the power of love with fist-pumping vitality,
invoking Martin Luther King Jr and the resil-
Dr Fahd Ali calculates the magical ience of faith during slavery. His performance
formula was certainly not a traditional royal fare end-

ing very unconventionally on “We gotta get
n the bid that entails winner-takes-all y’all married.”
the electoral count becomes supreme. A host of VIP guests added to the lustre as
The political scenario anywhere is com- actor George Clooney and lawyer wife Amal,
plex but not as unpredictable as it is in Oprah Winfrey, tennis star Serena Williams,
Pakistan where the determinants of the entire Idris Elba, Tom Hardy and Carey Mulligan
exercise change every few years. Usually elec- were spotted along with David and Victoria
toral contests are fought and won by men and Beckham and Sir Elton John. Harry’s former
women according to certain codes earmark- girlfriends Chelsy Davy and Cressida Bonas
ing association, purpose, future course of were also invited and the whole lot sat op-
action and electoral strategy but in Pakistan posite the Queen, Prince Philip and a full
nothing of the sort exists. Pakistani political brace of senior royals. The ceremony was
system is weaved around obtaining electoral brightened by ten bridesmaids and pageboys
numbers by any means possible therefore the including Prince George and Princess Char-
democratic process here retains its untenable lotte accompanying the bride as she walked
nature. through the 15th-century chapel. She took
Imran Khan emerged on the political scene the arm of Prince Charles acting as a last-min-
protesting against the inequities of the elec- ute stand-in to give her away in the absence
tion process and professed to change it com- of her father.
pletely. But as was expected he eventually Harry, his grandmother’s favourite, is also
Happy couple
succumbed to the exigencies of the electoral loved by Brits who have conveniently ignored
politics and is now assiduously counting his his bit of weed, Vegas nudes and a Nazi cos- package. She is a feminist, consummate me- with few of them sleeping overnight on the
numbers required to become prime minister tume since after he flew combat missions as dia performer who looks thoughtful and elo- street. As the carriage finally pulled into the The total list of invitees
of Pakistan. He is fast adding to his tally of so- The contest in Punjab a helicopter pilot in Afghanistan. Harry is ac- quent while describing her experiences and gated grounds of Windsor Castle, Harry ap-
called electables and expects that many pro- partner with almost 15 seats but the problem Grand Democratic Alliance is expected to pick at least two seats taking its tally to 16 seats. knowledged as the strong but sensitive type, proved herself more assured than her hand- peared to say to his new bride: “I’m ready for
came to 2,640 people who
spective politicos are waiting in the wings to is that MQM is now divided into as many as up four seats and join PTI in a coalition. Mov- PTI may additionally win one seat from Islam- a man who never shies away from talking some prince. She wore a five-metre-long silk a drink now”. were seated in the
jump on to his bandwagon. five blocks: MQM-London, MQM-Pakistan, ing over to the Punjab scenario PMLQ will be abad. about mental health on television shows. On tulle veil trimmed with hand-embroidered The royal wedding is estimated to have enormous grounds of
Imran Khan requires 137 out of the direct- MQM-Bahadurabad, MQM-Haqiqi and Pak a willing partner of PTI but it may not be able The most important factor in forthcoming his wedding he was dressed in the frock coat flowers from the 53 countries of the Com- cost about US$45.8 million or Rs.5.3 billion
ly elected 272 members of the National As- Sarzameen Party (PSP). to win more than three seats as the main bat- elections will be independents as they are ex- uniform of a major in the Blues and Royals monwealth. It was held in place by the Queen which registered an increase from Prince Wil- Windsor Castle, a
sembly to clinch the most coveted office in the With the chances of MQM-London not con- tle will rage between PMLN and PTI. pected to improve upon their 10 seats share regiment and displayed more nervousness Mary diamond-and-platinum tiara which the liam’s marriage in 2011 that cost an estimat- venue that has hosted
land. To begin with, he has created a problem testing elections the rest of the four will carve Many electables have joined newly-formed of 2013 elections and the share may go up to than his bride who looked very composed. queen specially lent for the occasion. ed $34 million including $8.7 million security
for himself by categorically declaring that he up the MQM vote bank. The general belief that Balochistan National Party and it is expected 20. The growing clout of PTI may be able to The mother of the bride, Doria Ragland, 61, After the service the couple made their way expenses and $4.9 million in overtime pay
royal weddings for more
will not enter into any post-election alliance whatever the composition of the MQM win- that it will muster 6 seats out of the total 16 attract at least 15 independents in its fold. a yoga instructor and social worker from Los through Windsor’s streets in an Ascot landau for the police. The British economy benefit- than 150 years
with PPP, PMLN and JUI. As is obvious, in the ning blocks it will be conveniently nudged to seats earmarked for Balochistan and since Punjab with its 141 seats holds the key to Angeles accompanied her to the church in the pulled by four Windsor grey horses and ac- ted financially by over 1 billion pounds (US$
absence of an alliance with the major politi- follow a particular course may prove wanting its bigwigs collaborated with PTI in getting a any electoral success. The breakdown of the bridal car and stayed glued to her chair with companied by a guard of the Household Cav- 1.346 billion or Rs155 billion) through tour-
cal parties Imran Khan has considerably nar- in the peculiar circumstances. For the sake of Balochi elected as Chairman Senate therefore NA representation in Punjab is that 95 belong a smile fixed on her face throughout the cer- alry, plumed and polished with breastplates ism, TV broadcast rights, retail sales and food that reportedly paid $4, 34,000 for dresses.
rowed his possible coalition partners. convenience we may assume that at least sev- they may support PTI. Imran Khan may be to North and Central Punjab and 46 are allo- emony. She was given a supporting hand by and helmets gleaming. Tens of thousands of and beverage. Royal family pays major chunk The total list of invitees came to 2,640
Imran Khan is wooing Karachi that con- enty percent winners will follow the lead and successful in winning one seat from Baloch- cated to South Punjab. The prediction is that Charles when she rose to witness the signing spectators lined the route along three miles of expenses. Meghan Markle bought her own people who were seated in the enormous
tains a bag of 21 seats according to the cur- that count finally comes to 15 MNAs willing to istan. PTI will be able to win 15 seats out of South of wedding registers. of bunting and thousands of flag-waving fans. exclusive double bonded silk dress that cost grounds of Windsor Castle, a venue that has
rent delimitation of constituencies’ formula. side with Imran Khan. On its own PTI is capa- PTI’s strongest support base is in KP from Punjab’s total tally. The bride, whom the British tabloids are Outside the castle grounds fans had travelled between $500,000 to $600,000 and was quite hosted royal weddings for more than 150
It is widely reported that MQM’s vote bank ble of winning one seat from Karachi. where it bagged 18 seats out of the total 39 Let’s count the probable numbers as have not quite sure what to make of, is the whole from France, Italy, Belgium and Switzerland expensive compared to Kate Middleton family years. The construction of St George’s Chap-
is holding strong in 12 seats and rest of the 9 It will be difficult for PTI to defeat PPP in seats allocated to the province in 2013 elec- been enumerated above: 15 Independents, el at Windsor was started in 1475 by Edward
seats may face tough competition. In addition, interior Sindh though it may be able to pro- tions. PTI is trying hard to repeat its perfor- 15 South Punjab, 15 Karachi, 16 KP, 6 BAP, IV and completed by Henry VIII in 1528. The
MQM may grab two seats from Hyderabad. On cure the fringe seats captured by Pir Pagara’s mance but as is usually the case with electoral 4 PMLF, 3 PMLQ, 1 Karachi and 1 Islamabad. town of Windsor, from whose the royal family
paper MQM looks to be a possible coalition PML-Functional which, in its new shape as contests it may come back with a reduction of The tally comes to 76 seats in all creating a draws its title, is situated 34 kilometers west
shortage of 61 seats to form government at of London and is full of history of the mon-
the centre. The question is whether PTI will archy.
be able to win a clean 61 seats out of the re- The ceremony was watched by an estimat-
maining 126 seats of South, North and Central ed global TV audience of 1.9 billion as the sun-
Punjab as it currently hold only 6 NA seats ny Windsor proved its money’s worth. A glib-
from Punjab. tongued commentator, Dickie Arbiter, former
While answering this question it may be press secretary to the queen hoped that Harry
kept in mind that the religious parties will and Meghan will be able to create a stable life
split vote particularly in Punjab. It should despite the surreal conditions of the environ-
also be remembered that PMLN has done well ment they exist in. At a reception after the
in Punjab and is also using its incumbency event hosted by Charles for 200 guests many
to dole out benefits to predominantly South present were brought to tears when he lov-
Punjab’s agricultural electoral belt. ingly described ‘my dear old Harry.’
Winning 61 seats out rightly from tightly Unfortunately, the bride’s father, Thomas
held Punjab may not be easy. PMLN as a par- Markle Sr. was thousands of miles away in a
ty has not been decisively broken as yet and hospital in Mexico recuperating from a heart
the chances are that it may maintain its unity illness and media-induced tension. He saw his

. .
even after the installation of the caretakers. daughter enter the chapel as Meghan Markle
PMLN’s vote bank also appears to be intact as and leave it as HRH Princess Henry of Wales,
was proven time and again through various the Duchess of Sussex, Countess of Dumbar-
by-elections that were thoroughly won by it. ton and Baroness Kilkeel carving her name
It is not easy for Imran Khan to climb to the in history. Who says there are no more fairy-
top. tales?

Dr Fahd Ali is prominent for looking after

interests of overseas Pakistanis in the USA Hoor Asrar Rauf has remained a
and has deeply studied Pakistani electoral swimming champion and is a budding
process entrepreneur
A powerful challenge The family
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Exposition 22 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Perception 11

The right royal wedding Political parties and distributive

Hoor Asrar Rauf delineates the
peculiarities of the marriage of Prince
nature of the whole drama, Prince Harry, 33,
and 36-year-old Ms Markle became engaged
Harry and Meghan Markle following a whirlwind 16-month romance af-

ter going on a blind date in London! Shahmir Kazi dwells upon the essential litical parties because only they possess the
ymbolism was writ large on the scin- The royal British family finally accepted responsibility of political parties capacity to channelize distribution of collec-

tillating royal wedding in London a divorcee as a royal bride after dethroning tive resources of a nation state. It is because
that was conspicuous for the fact King Edward VIII for intending to commit a s is the wont, accidental uncertain- of political parties that states became nation
that Prince Harry is in the direct line similar ‘sin’ when he insisted on marrying ty breeds great events of evolu- states. It was therefore natural that orga-
of succession (he is sixth in line) and that it twice-divorced American socialite Wallis tionary nature. The formation and nized political parties transform themselves
will be a long time before another prince of Simpson in 1936. This ostracizing principle growth of political parties is such into vehicles of political power. With the pas-
the line, Prince George, will get married in the worked both ways as Princess Margaret was an event. Prior to that, the venerated cradle sage of time their all pervasive presence has
same fashion. The marriage was also unique forced to give up her love affair with Group of democracy, Greece, had no political parties placed them at the top of institutional pyra-
in the way that the couple chose to do things Captain Peter Townsend, an equerry to her and although in the Roman Senate, the Patri- mid in a nation state. They are temperamen-
their own way. father, the King. And over half a century lat- cians representing nobles and the Plebeians tally different than any other congregational
Symbolism was also woven into almost er, Prince Charles was ultimately allowed to representing wealthy merchants as well as platform owing to their unique claim to prag-
every aspect such as the bride’s bouquet of marry his divorced long-term partner Camilla the middle class voted as factions but people, matism in a polity.
spring blooms contained several flowers from Parker-Bowles who however is not allowed to represented by organized platform, had little It is now widely argued that political par-
their garden handpicked by Harry himself. be anointed queen once Charles ascends the voice in politics. ties and their organization are more import-
Forget-me-Nots were included in memory of throne. It was the searing whiff of a rumor spread- ant in explaining democratic outcomes than
his mother, late Princess Diana. Myrtle, from a The intensity of not-marrying- a- divorcee ing through England in 1678 (Popish Plot) in- the levels of per capita income of a country
plant grown by Queen Victoria, was incorpo- principle emanates from the traditional role sinuating that Roman Catholics were plotting or the extent of inequality or a resource con-
rated as is traditional with royal brides. of the British monarch as Supreme Gover- to kill King Charles II that forced an alarmed straint because they preside over distribu-
The incongruence of this very traditional nor of the Church of England that historically Parliament to bar all Roman Catholics from tive mechanism. It is also becoming obvious
British royal event was evident in its very na- refused to bless the unions of anyone with a public office. Ironically the king viewed the that the relationship between class alliances
ture. In the process Meghan Markle became living ex-spouse. The church softened its po- action as Parliamentary challenge to royal and their link to political parties may well
Distributive justice
the first mixed race person in history to mar- sition in 2002 to allow divorced individuals to authority and struck back by dissolving Par- hold true in most countries. It is now quite
ry a British royal from direct line of succes- remarry under “exceptional circumstances.” liament. Those who urged the king to call a manifest that stable class alliances in asso- ing each country’s independence movement class was exploited by military rulers who
sion. She found fame in the US legal drama In 2005 Prince Charles tested the relaxation new Parliament, Petitioners, transformed into ciation with strong political understanding critically impacted its post-independence conveniently netted in corporate interests as
Suits playing the character Rachel Zane and a by marrying Camilla Parker-Bowles but the Whigs, who as later day Liberal Party repre- are pre-requisites to sustainable democratic regime type. These different social classes well as land owning classes thereby depriv-
number of her former co-stars including Pat- couple was not allowed to marry in a church sented ordinary people to have more rights process. created political parties which varied in their ing civilian political forces of the tools of re-
rick J Adams and Gabriel Macht, were there and tied its nuptials at Windsor Guildhall lo- The invite and control of government. Those who backed In this connection it is worthwhile to re- strengths and this strength was the most source distribution. Bereft of this essential in-
for her big day. To add to the extreme surreal cated outside the grounds of Windsor Castle. the king’s deed, Abhorrers (they abhorred any fer to the contemporary analysis delineating important explanation for each country’s re- gredient of governance, political forces were
attempt to control the king’s actions) devel- causes responsible for sustaining democratic gime stability upon independence. Resultant- easily marginalized and left with no recourse
It is very well known that oped into Tories, who as Conservative Party governance in India and its failure in Paki- ly in India the urban middle class made an but to play second fiddle to military regimes
advocated rule by a strong King. stan. The differing trajectories of develop- alliance with the dominant peasantry, India’s or to agitate against them. In the process the
royalty invented pomp, The transformation of hybrid monarchies ment in India and Pakistan were usually ex- ‘rural middle class’. military establishment carved out a corpo-
pageantry and gilded into nation states was due to the realization plained as the result of differential colonial Indian Congress managed a coherent dis- rate identity obtaining a powerful economic
spectacle that governance, as the primary distributive
system, uniquely encompassing all aspects of
inheritance, economic growth or income in-
equality, varying religious and ethnic factors
tributional coalition composed of members
of the middle class that shared an interest in
base to operate from.
Viewed in this backdrop the resurgence of
human existence, cannot function without po- and even international influences. But their more favourable treatment whereas the pre- democratic political activity in Pakistan saw
In this connection it is empirical bases and explanatory efficacy are dominantly aristocratic Muslim League elite, PMLN emerging as a dominant political force
Moreover, the Queen did not attend the cere- weak because the kinds of social classes lead- dependent on large Muslim landholders in willing to accommodate the converging inter-
mony because of her role as the head of the worthwhile to refer to the ing each country’s independence movement Punjab opposed to any economic redistribu- ests of the land owning elements and urban
Church of England, which frowns on divorce. The make-shift giveaway contemporary analysis and the strength of the dominant political tion not only failed to forge an alliance but middle class that provided sustenance to its
party at independence were the most import- also fell short of delivering on the promises electoral appeal. Despite political engineer-
But she and her husband Prince Philip did at-
tend a formal church blessing of the marriage dress designed by British designer Claire
delineating causes ant causes of India’s and Pakistan’s divergent of economic redistribution it made to Bengali ing of military regimes altering the inherent
after the ceremony. Interestingly three of the Waight Keller at the French fashion house responsible for sustaining democratic trajectories. peasant cultivators on whom it was equally representative landscape of Pakistan and
queen’s four children Charles, Princess Anne Givenchy. It was also reported that she would democratic governance It was the existence of stable class alli- dependent. This was an obviously unstable shrouded by militaralistic perceptions of the
and Prince Andrew have been divorced. be making a speech at the evening reception. ances and link with a strong political party alliance because the interests of these two polity, PMLN took root as dominant national
All such traditions were blown off when It is very well known that royalty invented in India and its failure in that explains why India democratized while groups were antithetical to one another. political presence. Contrary to oft repeated
Harry married Markle on Saturday as they pomp, pageantry and gilded spectacle. It was Pakistan Pakistan did not. The class interests dominat- The crucial failure of Pakistani political assertion it is the very cement of familial con-
were not only wed in St. George’s Chapel on evident throughout as the royal Ascot Landau trol that has kept PMLN afloat. This familiar
the grounds of Windsor Castle but the cer- carriage pulled by a pair of father-and-son pattern of organizational control in South
emony was performed by the archbishop Windsor Grey horses, Archbishop of Canter- Asian politics with its emphasis on well-knit
of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who leads the bury bedecked in his robes and the Choir of close fraternal connections suited indigenous
Church of England. The couple also sprung St. George’s Chapel belting out the choral an- social gravitational practices. Moreover it
many surprises as the bride chose her own thems to the rafters. In direct contrast how- provided for connection between politics and
society through the intercession of family
system so revered in South Asian societies.
Imran Khan and Co. precisely challenged
this familial hold underpinning distribu-
tive mechanism inherent in political party’s
raison d’être. His challenge is peripheral in
essence because he cannot avoid compul-
sions of distributive mechanism as has been
evident in his handling of government in KP.
By uprooting Nawaz Sharif the political spec-
trum has just removed the familial hold but

the reality of political party as a distributive
mechanism still holds ground. The earlier Pa-
kistani political class realises the importance
of this mechanism the better otherwise it will
be cornered by fissiparous forces already
challenging it.

Shahmir Kazi works in the private sector

Unveiling the bride Distributive network Politics is community and authority with interest in socio-political affairs
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Opinion 12 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Close-up 21

Pakistan’s services sector’s Mostly out of sight

Talha Mansoor comments on
superfluous governmental agencies

contribution to GDP W
hile a lot of fuss is raised
about cash guzzling white el-
ephants, Public Corporations,
but scarce attention is paid
to government departments that, although
subjected to official controls, are run inde-
Ashraf Ali comments on the crucial role abling Pakistan to request for seeking com- pendently. These entities perform important
played by IT in services sector mitments from the European Community, the preventive and punitive functions with far

USA, Saudi Arabia and other member coun- reaching national consequences but, except
akistani economy has done well in tries in four areas of activity mentioned above. self-serving periodic press releases they is-
services sector that is now rated to These requests pertained to liberalising trade sue from time to time, precious little is known
be contributing something like 50 in computers and related services, to the about their actual functional performance.
percent of the GDP of the country. movement of workers without the distinction Their hybrid existence reveals the classic
Not only that it substantially adds to the na- of skilled and unskilled persons, cross-border blurring of operational lines between civil
tional income but it also provides vast num- supply and Most Favoured Nation (MFN) ex- and military areas of governmental functions
ber of employment opportunities to people. emptions. The facilities sought through these that are required to be streamlined.
It is estimated that the services sector has requests provide ground-breaking opportu- There is no denying the fact that narcot-
performed exceedingly well in the valuable nities for Pakistan to increase its exports of ic production, usage and smuggling is a long
services provision whose international val- services. standing issue in Pakistan whose existence
ue is estimated to be responsible for netting The mainstay of Pakistan’s services growth and tremendously negative effects are usually
US$4.9 trillion in global terms. has been Pakistan’s IT industry in which the brushed under the carpet. The periodical cer-
As compared to global earnings Pakistan’s country excels due to the talent of its entre- emonial burning of narcotic hauls by Customs
trade in services amounts to $16.20 billion preneurs and natural ability of its workforce. and their occasional ‘discovery’ of it on trav-
that is off course very little in content but In the fiscal year 2016-17 Pakistani IT indus- elers to the Middle East are futile attempts as
reveals that there is enough vibrancy in the try generated revenue of $2.9 billion, and en- Pakistanis smuggling narcotics are regularly
sector to make its contribution felt strongly couragingly enough, 88 percent of this reve- apprehended and beheaded in Saudi Arabia.
in Pakistan. By the look of it services sector nue came from the export of IT and IT-related The fact of the matter is that no efforts are
in Pakistan is gradually gaining strength and services, a figure amounting to almost $2.55 ever made to realistically assess the extent of
it is expected that it will grow exponentially. billion. The robust performance of the IT in- the menace let alone devising a cogent strate-
The growth of services sector in Pakistan dustry of Pakistan is due to many factors that gy to eradicate it.
encouraged Pakistan to liberalise trade and have exceedingly contributed to its growth. Comparison All this happens under the very nose of DG ANF Maj Gen Mussarat Nawaz Malik
venture into areas that have tremendous po- To begin with IT and its related compo- Anti-Narcotic Force (ANF), a federal executive
tential for growth. The four areas where Pa- nents of services are independent of large- tecture, legal and engineering because of the agency mandated to combat narcotic produc- cies are also entrusted with narcotics preven-
kistan sought recognition and assistance are scale physical capital and infrastructure and availability of cheap labour and a large pool The additional drawback tion, usage inside the country and smuggling tion and eradication such as Airports Secu-
architectural services, construction and engi- depend are more upon the skills of human of professionals and engineers related to the faced by IT industry is abroad. The ANF is headed by a superseded rity Force, Pakistan Coast Guards, Customs,
neering services, energy related services and
environmental services. Pakistan solicited as-
workforce and the capacity for employing nat-
ural talent. Moreover, IT has an international
field of construction.
Though Pakistan finds itself placed itself in
related to unreliable two star general (Maj Gen Mussarat Nawaz
Malik (Arty)) although its regulations state
Provincial Excise and Taxation, to name a
few. This subject is a devolved subject and all
sistance during the Doha round of the World demand and it is not restricted by domestic favourable position but there still are hurdles telecom services that are that any competent person may be appointed federal and provincial agencies dealing with it
Trade Organisation (WTO) and requested demands. Additionally, the international mar- to overcome. The biggest hurdle in enhancing indifferently provided and its Director General. As civil law enforcement have made a hash of it. Furthermore, ANF is
countries to provide opportunity to Pakistani ket for IT is growing rapidly and nearly 500 this trade is the free mobility of labour for agency it has been granted policing powers a considerable drain on national exchequer as
services. IT related companies operating in this sector Pakistani nationals. Another important factor casually manned adversely but its predominantly military decision mak- it runs its own ANF Academy without produc-
The efforts undertaken proved fruitful en- belong to developing countries. These factors is a lack of access to export financing and a impacting outsourcing and ers have very little acquaintance with civil ing corresponding results.

The growth of services sec-

augur well for Pakistan’s IT industry and pro-
vide it with an unrivalled chance to carve out
lack of efficient infrastructure in the country.
Pakistani IT industry lacks enough financial
direct export potential laws and procedures.
To compound matters further, other agen-
Pakistan Coast Guards (PCG) is a para-
military uniformed law enforcement organ-
tor in Pakistan encouraged a niche in this field. sources to compete in international markets isation working under the civilian control of
Pakistan’s IT matrix is expected to be giv- as the banking sector and other financial in- vices that are indifferently provided and casu- Ministry of Interior headquartered at Karachi
Pakistan to liberalise trade en a huge boost by the CPEC connectivity stitutions provide export financing to only ally manned adversely impacting outsourcing and commanded by Brigadier Ateeq-ur-Rah-
and venture into areas that endeavours that will provide unprecedented those exporters who have enough securities and direct export potential. The unreliability man. PCG is entrusted with the task to protect
Pakistan Maritime Security Agency ANF Pakistan
have tremendous potential links to Pakistan’s IT industry. Pakistan also and resources to acquire new loans. of provision of energy also creates problems coastal areas of Sindh and Balochistan and it

has a comparative advantage in exporting The additional drawback faced by IT in- for this industry and so is the lack of transport also is supposed to be prepared for riverine Britten-Norman Defender aircrafts. The best appear very opaque in content. They resem-
for growth professional services like construction, archi- dustry is related to unreliable telecom ser- services. These adversities increase costs of warfare. these high sounding agencies frequently do ble the futility of ERRA in presence of fully
production of services and decrease the de- A similar organisation, whose functions is to haul hapless Indian fishermen fishing in fledged NDMA. The national exchequer of
mand for Pakistani services internationally. overlap with PCG, is Maritime Security Agen- Pakistani waters and publicise their plight on Pakistan requires reducing off extra burden
The lure and productivity of IT sector are cy (MSA) run by Pakistan Navy to defend television screens! MSA was headed by Rear and it could well do to reevaluate the need for
enough incentives to work hard to remove coastal areas and conduct military operations Admiral Jameel Akhtar who has since been these agencies.
the deficiencies experienced by this sector. to maintain maritime law enforcement. MSA elevated as Chairman KPT.
One way to overcome these difficulties is to is extravagantly equipped with four corvettes The existence of ANF, PCG and MSA looks Talha Mansoor is an Advocate
achieve specialisation in services and scaling ships, nine fast response boats and three not only superfluous but their operations also
up their production that will surely result in
achieving a higher growth rate. Furthermore,
there is a need to fundamentally revitalise
the trade-related services sector in Pakistan
by introducing efficiency enhancing reforms
through institutional changes, better human
capital and provision of technical education.
Pakistan’s services sector will do well by
imparting vocational training to meet the
growing demand of a skilled labour force.
The government is required to make large
investment in this sector that can work won-
ders for it. Notwithstanding all difficulties the

IT sector in Pakistan has shown remarkable
potential of growth that is evident from its
outstanding results. IT startups in Pakistan
have increased in leaps and bounds and are
providing this sector ample opportunity to

Ashraf Ali is with electronic media

IT bonanza in Pakistan DG Pakistan Coast Guards Brigadier Ateeq-ur-Rehman
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Expose 20 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Analysis 13

Growing Israeli violence What’s in CPEC for China?

Fahad Ali is concerned about incremental
increase in Israeli violent activity

he recent spate of violence, dubbed
as the worst single incident in the
region, saw 58 Palestinians lose with most advanced technological devices Raja Nazeem-ul-Ameen explore China’s
their lives and more than 2,700 sus- that constantly monitor it and in addition it is interest in the game-changing project

taining injuries when Israel used brutal state defended by an overwhelming Israeli military
force to repress the waves of protests that force. ven if CPEC is a gift of China to Pa-
have become a way of life there. The reason Israel treats this tract of land as an effec- kistan as vociferously proclaimed by
for protest was very legitimate as America tive and extensive Israeli buffer zone within Pakistani politicians holding office
has declared Jerusalem, an occupied territory the Gaza Strip and makes it sure to keep this since 2008 but a gift also contains in
in recognised international parlance, as Israe- area off-limits to Palestinians living there. The itself not only some obligations but a potent
li capital and has agreed to open up its diplo- besieged Palestinians number something be- but hidden quid pro quo. Gifts are a symbol of
matic legation there. tween 1.9 million and their population is pro- sustaining a relationship that is based on mu-
The occasion gave a very gory look as just jected to grow up to 2.1 million by 2020. With tual advantages and in which one’s advantage
a few miles away Israel and the US were en- the rise in population the area promises to is looked after by the other and vise-versa.
gaged in joyfully inaugurating the American become completely unlivable. Unemployment In economic terms gifts are associated with
embassy in Jerusalem. President Trump’s currently stands at 29 percent in the Pales- pro-rata sharing of windfalls.
bigoted and hard line Jewish son-in-law Jar- tinian Authority but it is above 44 percent in CPEC has interdependence stamped on it in
ed Kushner and his docile wife Ivanka Trump Gaza and well above 60 percent among the capital letters. It is a project that bears sig-
were photographed smiling along with Israe- youth, according to the World Bank. Around nificance both for Pakistan and China. Appar-
li PM Netanyahu at the ceremony and Jared 80 percent of the population relies on human- ently, the prospective delineation of CPEC is
Kushner remark uttered there tells the whole itarian aid to survive. tilted towards unprecedented opportunity
story: “those provoking violence are part of With tacit American help Israel is exploit- coming Pakistan’s way but the cooperative
the problem and not part of the solution.” ing the presence of Hamas in Gaza to kill in- process in it surely would have substantial
It is an unfortunate but regular feature of nocent civilians and is following a strategy advantages for China as well.
the international arena that Israel arbitrari- to occupy the land, force people out of their Worst inhumanity Up to now the Chinese side of the initiative
ly employs disproportionate military force homes and then build an illegal wall to contin- describes strategic considerations prompting
to put down the legitimate resistance of the ue the occupation. But despite brutal Israeli China to develop a corridor facilitating access
Palestinian population living in their own ter- actions the mass resistance movement by to the Indian Ocean via Gwadar Port. China
ritories that were forcibly occupied by Israel Palestinians in Gaza to demand the return for by opening up an extra door plans to avoid
in 1967. It is painful to observe that there ap- Palestinian refugees of 1948 and an end to the any prospective chances of getting blockaded
The scope
pears no end to the miseries of the subjugat- 12-year-blockade by Israel has been growing. in future keeping in view its ambitious BRI
ed Palestinians and there is no force to curb It is very strange to observe the 360- degree policy. China is developing BRI due to press-
Israeli streak of violence that has failed to turn in American policy that was once instru- ing domestic concerns dealing with creating the national economy. caused quite an anxiety in China. Its prox- stay its course and support CPEC as much as
abate. Even the Arab countries and the Mus- mental in putting enormous pressure on all new markets for Chinese goods. It also aims Chinese planners have given special atten- imity to Pakistani borderlands has also mo- it can.
lim world feel themselves powerless to pro- parties in the region to sign and implement at utilising the industrial overcapacity it has tion to Xinjiang and have categorised it as an tivated China to improve the economic lot of BRI is Chinese vehicle for regional domi-
vide succour to the ravaged Palestinians suf- successive peace accords. acquired during its economic dominance. essential hub to ‘open to the West’. They also the area. Recently China requested Pakistani nance whose tentacles are made to spread
fering at the hands of an intransigent Israel. However the US-Israeli nexus is heroically China is equally mindful of the growing want to exploit Xinjiang’s geographic location authorities to launch a crackdown on ETIM further as the time goes by. CPEC is a subsidi-
The plight of the Palestinians currently defied by the Palestinian youth against the in- prospects of slower growth, overcapacity, as a gateway to deepen communication and militants who threatened to harm Chinese ary vehicle that will test the waters for China
is witnessed in Gaza, a narrow strip of land, tolerable conditions they find themselves in. consumption- trailing investment and sat- cooperation with Central, South and West workforce connected with CPEC. in the region. China had dabbled in many in-
about 40 kilometers long and between six With each passing day protests along the bor- urating construction aspect that may prove Asian countries. They intend developing it as China takes Pakistan as a central part in frastructural projects elsewhere in the world
kilometers and 12 kilometers wide that is der over the past month have been peaceful harmful to it in the future. Moreover, China is a key transportation, trade, logistics, culture, its transition from regional to global power. but they were not of the level of CPEC. To Chi-
squeezed between Israel, Egypt and the Med- despite the lethal response by the Israeli De- keen to develop its various mainland regions science and education centre and a core area Pakistan has proved its credibility in a long nese planners both the credibility and capaci-
iterranean Sea. It is the third most densely fence Forces. Young Palestinians are fervently and cities spread across it and BRI will assist in the overall BRI. term relationship with China and it has never ty factors play crucial role in case of CPEC.
populated area in the world after Singa- defying the most advanced military force and in becoming a catalyst for inland development China does not say it publicly but the secu- faltered on any front where Chinese priorities China is quite sure that the returns from
pore and Hong Kong that is enclosed with- weaponry in the hands of trained snipers by Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump at opening of US Embassy in Jerusalem particularly its borderlands. The prominent rity concerns associated with Uyghur terror- are concerned. China is so confident of Paki- CPEC will be very valuable for it in the longer
in boundaries with over 5,000 people per
square kilometers crowding this small piece
flying kites across barbed-wire fences, at-
tempting to beat back tear-gas canisters with won’t be cowed by bullets even at the risk of
Israel treats this tract of area to derive advantage out of this policy is
Xinjiang Autonomous Region that the Chinese
ism where East Turkestan Islamic Movement
(ETIM), a Uyghur separatist movement is
stan’s well-meaning policy towards it that it
has virtually made it a junior partner in its
run as Pakistan will be economically viable a
place after CPEC is fully implemented to re-
of land. Israel has augmented the Gaza border tennis rackets or simply showing that they their own lives. land as an effective and government wants to integrate closely with active in pursuing a separatist agenda, have global enterprise. China expects Pakistan to turn the loans. China is also confident that the
extensive Israeli buffer security of its vast project will be adequately
maintained by Pakistan. It may be borne in
zone within the Gaza Strip mind that CPEC is the pilot project China is
and makes it sure to keep undertaking to increase regional and global
this area off-limits to connectivity and the success of the entire BRI
venture depends on the success of CPEC.
Palestinians living there The strategic leverage China will gain
while pursuing CPEC is hidden from no one.
Whatever the Israeli propaganda implies, China requires strategic cooperation with
its citizens have suffered no casualties and another nuclear-armed country in the region
even the soldiers operate safely whereas the to counter the designs of India that is openly
death toll among the Palestinians of Gaza is opposing CPEC and collaborating with Amer-
now well above 100 and more than 12,000 ica to contain the venture and thereby China’s
people have been left critically injured by live advance.
ammunition or tear-gas canisters that have China has surely worked out the short and
been lobbed on peaceful protesters. Pales- long-term social, environmental, financial
tinians rightly fear their ethnic cleansing and and geo-strategic aspects of not only CPEC but
will naturally do everything to avoid such also BRI. Chinese planners have very shrewd-
a fate. They expect that the complete turn- ly calculated the Pakistani potential of bring-
around of American policies is aimed at their ing CPEC to fruition. China also is aware of the
ultimate annihilation and Gaza is the first step massive mineral potential of Balochistan and
towards it. mountainous regions of Pakistan. The vast

Israeli subjugation of Palestinians is now shores of Pakistan are unexplored and are

considered the worst in human history and open to development that surely the Chinese
the historical irony is that it is perpetrated would have in mind. CPEC is no doubt a win-
by the people who continuously remind the win situation for China and it has persistently
world about the harrowing massacres they pursued the project despite difficulties inher-
faced during Nazi Germany’s domination of ent in an unraveling Pakistan.
Raja Nazeem-ul-Amin is Minister/Vice
Fahad Ali is associated with maritime Chairman Board of Investment
trade The advantages Gilgit-Baltistan
Inauguration plaque
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Review 14 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Focus 19

Uncertainty grips stock market The irrelevant Arab League

Kamal Ahmad Khan glances at the Malik Nasir Mahmood Aslam on the
current trends in stock market downfall of a premier organisation

hese are uncertain times for the he end of Second World War saw
national economy as the unpre- the rise of Arab nationalism after
dictability surrounding the im- the fall of Ottoman Empire liberat-
pending change of government has ed the areas inhabited by the Arabs
rendered everything untenable. At the onset in the Middle East and adjoining areas. The
of elections, widely predicted to result in a Arab nationalism was purported by Egypt,
hung parliament that would certainly bring Syria and Iraq that was essentially against
in more uncertainty, the economic cycle has the old world order represented by Ottoman
slowed down considerably. hybrid imperialism. The Arab nationalists,
Pakistan stock market showed tremen- however, could not isolate monarchical states
dous bullish tendencies for a long time but from the wider idea of Pan Arabism while
has recently been overtaken by bearish creating an Arab block. Resultantly, the Arab
trends and profit-taking. It is therefore the League was formed in 1945 in which Arab
third successive week that the stock market states of Arabia, North Africa and Horn of Af-
has witnessed reduction in its share values. rica were included. Initially it consisted of six
Consequently, the benchmark KSE-100 index members Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi
dropped to 1971 points, a fall of 4.5 pc that Arabia and Syria.
is taken as the biggest weekly loss in current Arab League was one of the first estab-
year. lished regional organisations that ultimately
The downward trend in stock trade is pre- consisted of 22 states with the aim to “draw
dominantly due to the changes in political closer the relations between member States
situation with the former prime minister ap- and co-ordinate collaboration between them,
pearing to mount an offensive political chal- to safeguard their independence and sover-
lenge that is interpreted to give rise to politi- eignty, and to consider in a general way the
Equity trade Arab League summit in Jordan
cal instability. The statement of Nawaz Sharif affairs and interests of the Arab countries”.
criticising the security establishment had an change of government that has held the reins meantime stock markets undergo technical Despite the earlier setbacks during the With the passage of time Arab League it altogether. The Moroccan statement about despite the opposition of Arab League. In all
unnerving impact on the stock trade circles of governance for five years. Such changes correction as they average out the trading week the trading volume rolled back by 31pc was often criticised for its failure to justify the matter was quite eye-opening: “Amid the probability American hegemony in the region
and it responded by losing 2.5 pc of its value affect equities throughout the world as mar- volumes. over the earlier week to 115 million shares the very premise of its existence as it was not lack of important decisions and concrete ini- has seen its best days as is evident by a resur-
by shedding 1,096 points right after trading kets hold their breath before such changes The stock trade in Pakistan is also appre- while the average daily traded value fell 22pc able to solve issues for it was created. Over tiatives to submit to the heads of states, this gent Iran and the breaking out of Arab Spring
began on Monday. The index eventually set- occur and watch the process of change very hensive about other economic indicators that to $44m.The week also saw one of the worst the years, Arab League’s unifying slogan “one summit will be just another occasion to ap- and subsequent policies of Arab states. Wash-
tled at 41,624 points. closely. If they view the political changes to are not showing healthy signs. The spectre of days in regard to investor participation when Arab nation with an eternal mission” has prove ordinary resolutions and to pronounce ington is gradually distancing itself from ac-
The fall in the market was although expect- benefit economic causes then they according- depleting foreign exchange reserves is also the traded value sank to 46-month low on steadily muted and it has lost its status as a speeches that give a false impression of uni- tive involvement in the region and is focusing
ed as it was bound to react at the impending ly react and resume the bullish trend. In the causing concern for investors who fear its Thursday. representative body and has lost approval of ty”. In a sad reflection of the organisation, in more towards Asia.
consequences. There occurred a $8.5 billion The maximum selling was reportedly done the Arab world. the end only seven of the league’s 22 leaders Despite the rather free space given to Arab
jump in the country’s external debt and lia- by foreigners who disposed off $20m worth The gradual degradation of the organi- attended the meeting subsequently held in League to fill-in the void it has been unable
bilities to reach $91.76bn in FY18 while the of stocks during the week, almost five times sation could be gauged from the fact that in Mauritania. to fill it in appropriately. The intra-League
State Bank of Pakistan’s reserves plunged their sell-off in the preceding week. The local 2016 Morocco initially postponed the annu- It is also observed that any subsequent rivalries have become its bane coupled with
3.26pc to $10.8bn. banks however absorbed all of the $20.2m al leader’s summit and then finally scrapped sessions of Arab League will fail to bridge the fact that its member countries suffer from The Arab League composition
The investor community is also worried equity sold by the foreign investors. In addi- the political divide as its role has become ir- internal sovereignty problems. The signifi-
about by foreign selling of local equities that tion selling was also reportedly done by mu- relevant in the ongoing crises in the Middle cant failure of the organisation pertains to its
is depleting the capital investment of the tual funds who sold shares valued at $16.8m. It also is obvious that East. It is usually assumed that League was ditching of Hezbollah denying the basic tenet
stock exchanges. The 2018 semi-annual re-
view by MSCI portrayed Pakistan’s market as
It was reported that commercial banks led
the spree of sector-wise selling along with
Arab League’s afflicted with paralysis since the 2000s and
that proved to the unprecedented aspect of
of its existence and subsequently failing to se-
cure a role in Jerusalem debate.
static and its weight in the emerging markets selling undertaken by foreign investors. Con- inefficiency is not the the organisation. It has been always subjected It also is obvious that Arab League’s inef-
index revealed no change. sequently cement decreased by 304 points, outcome of external to sporadic forays of unity usually spurred by ficiency is not the outcome of external factors
The current fall in the market is also fertiliser 273 points, exploration and pro- fierce opposition to Israeli actions and then as outside powers have a long history of shift-
caused by abysmally low participation of in- duction companies 229 points and oil and factors as outside falls into unending spurts of disunity owing ing loyalties in quest of their changing priori-
vestors as both individuals and institutions gas marketing companies 134 points. The powers have a long to internal squabbles within the states such ties. As a matter of fact the geopolitical factors
prefer to wait it out on the sidelines due to
absence of any positive triggers for enhanced
largest hit was taken by Lucky Cement that
witnessed its share value going down by 167
history of as Egypt in 1978 when Anwar Sadat visited
Israel ditching all other Arab states and Iraq’s
have a substantial role to play in the decline of
the League. With the demotion of Iraq, Syria
trading volumes. Moreover, the shortened points, Habib Bank 118 points, Engro Cor- shifting loyalties in invasion of Kuwait in 1990. and Egypt as major players in the region the

Sector-wise trade
trading hours in Ramzan do impact trading poration 117 points, Pakistan Petroleum 94 quest of their changing Actually a real geopolitical shift occurred pan-Arab politics has shifted decisively to-
flows as the market remains dull. points and Nestle 87 points. in 2000s when US power in the region wards the Saudi camp. Saudi forays into Ye-
Amid all doom and gloom, few rays of hope priorities reached its high point as it was seen des- men taken with the aim to counter growing
are clearly visible as it is expected that an perately bent upon destroying Iraqi regime Iranian influence in the region has changed Its logo
economist may head the caretaker set-up and
provide necessary incentives to stock mar- its dynamics altogether. The foreign powers
kets. Pakistani stock trade is usually amena- are averse to rebalance the region leaving it
ble to caretaker administrations and has to its own mechanics.
showed healthy financial returns during their Arab League’s continued existence de-
tenures. Going by the historical precedent it is spite it being unfanged is primarily due to
expected that stock markets will resume their the propensity of regional alliances to lin-
bullish tendency after the installation of the ger on irrespective of their relevance. It is a

caretaker government. The trade may also cumbersome task to dissolve a regional en-
have benefitted from early announcement of tity because it usually signifies the failure of

interim government and its delay has caused member nations about their intentions which
jitters. Similarly early announcement of spe- nation states do not like to admit. The notion
cific date for general election will encourage that Arabism is still a potent glue to hold Arab
the equities. nations together may be one of the reasons of
the existence of Arab League though the real-
istic scenario is fast making it redundant.
Kamal Ahmad Khan has over 32 years
experience as a Banker, treasurer, investor,
wealth manager, financial consultant/ad- Malik Nasir Mahmood Aslam is a seasoned
Current index visor and private fund manager Virtual paralysis social activist
Its irrelavance
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Perspective 18 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Opinion 15

Baqar Bilal Hussain assesses the feelings

of a large segment of population The expectations of The gradual fall of the MBA
he presence of youth is what makes
Pakistan an exceptionally viable Pakistani youth Dr. Tahseen Mahmood Aslam on an image
that is fast fading out
stakeholders in the business. The rise of this
professional class in Pakistan began in late

venue for change. Youth actually 1960s when PIA took the entire class of IBA
represents change because the tra- here is strong feeling amongst both Karachi graduates on its payroll. The result
ditions filter through young minds and often academics and economists that the was that the airline prospered to the degree
their essential attributes are altered. The days of MBA as the booster of busi- that it was able to proffer advice and training
change of perception enables the sociological ness firms are numbered. It was to nascent, inexperienced airlines started by
matrix to adapt to the altered variables and considered a marvel that was credited with the Gulf countries. It was however found out
usher in a modulated perspective about ev- advancing the science of management and that the regulation-laced business practices
erything a society stands for. helping economies to grow. But there is an were ill-suited to organisations with a larger
It is estimated that almost 63% of Paki- equally strong point of view that reviled it as sprawl involving various strata of stakehold-
stani population comprises of youth out of an expertise of little practical value that pro- ers.
which 58.5 million are 20-to-24-year olds duces intransigence instilled in its graduates The enterprising batches of MBA’s initially
while 69 million are aged under 15. The trou- considered harmful for business and com- produced in Pakistan acquired further spe-
ble with the youth bulge of Pakistan is that it merce. Like any dwindling academic disci- cialisation in respective fields. Pakistan saw
is the most stressed out segment of the popu- pline the critics of MBA more loudly proclaim the era of hold of MBA’s when one caretaker
lation of Pakistan. Though Pakistan is rated as its demerits than the hurrahs of its support- PM belonged to this group and a toady PM
the fifth largest country having a young pop- ers. Unfortunately the critics appear to be Shaukat Aziz also hailed from their ranks. The
ulation but its citizens between the ages of 18 winning the argument. rise of the MBA qualified banker in Pakistan
to 33 years are under tremendous socio-eco- It is generally believed that full-time MBA astonished the banking trade itself as mon-
nomic strain. There is no denying the fact degree has reached saturation point and it is ey managers were catapulted to positions of The actual idea
that if the millennials of youth are exposed to now being pursued by mediocres only who economic managers, an extremely diversified
stress it will be very harmful for the future of usually run the race when it reaches the and different field than regular money man-
the country. finishing line. The typical MBA is fast been agement.
In addition there are around 30% youth overtaken by highly focused Master in Man- The current scenario in this field relates
that is illiterate whereas almost 9% suffers agement that is not only cheap to acquire but to emphasis on management and is bereft of
from unemployment as it possesses no vo- is also extended to undergraduate students. instilling qualities of a business leader. The
cational training and technical skills. It is es- The overall acceptability of MBA has declined dogmatic procedures followed by such busi-
timated that 55 per cent of the youth live in hugely as non-MBAs now attract 35% of peo- ness managers actually work against the cor-
Punjab, 23 per cent in Sindh, 14 per cent in ple sitting for de facto business entrance ex- porate practices in vogue in Pakistan. To add
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and four per cent in Ba- amination GMAT. It is now known that when to the woes is the chronic shortage of teach-
lochistan. The remaining four per cent inhabit A blessing King’s College London launches a business ing faculties in business schools. The teaching
Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Kashmir and FATA. school in November, it will offer specialised faculties usually place undue emphasis on
Despite negativity surrounding all over, ty may change the political fortunes in 2018 Education has been a major drawback for Masters Courses but no MBAs. manuals written decades ago. Hiring teachers
the youth of Pakistan has not given up and general elections. Out of a voter count of be- the youth of Pakistan that has kept them be- Pakistani youth has shown In case of Pakistan the degree still holds with adequate experience and skill is usually
they are boldly expressing their aspirations. tween 135 and 140 million eligible to vote in hind in all spheres of activity. Pakistan’s expe- value but is gradually losing its shine. The beyond the financial means of many outfits
They have taken full advantage of the techno- the forthcoming elections, it is expected that rience of imparting education through state-
a marked tendency for emoluments offered to an MBA graduate are such as KASB that depends upon its former
logical advancements that have trickled into voters between the ages of 18 to 30 years will led apparatus has not been successful and acquiring education in the fast matched by non-MBA professionals in students to teach. Moreover, the extreme lack
Pakistan and are making their best use. Well constitute almost 50 million or 35% of the to- resultantly private enterprise has come into fields of science, various commercial and business fields. Ac- of doctoral faculty at business schools ham-
over one-half of the youth possess mobile tal voters. The involvement of Pakistani youth it. It is expected that private sector will keep cordingly many business colleges in Pakistan pers research projects that are essential for
telephones and though only 14 per cent have in national affairs is such that an estimated on catering for providing quality education to technology, engineering have started reviewing their policy of offering development of a business professional and
access to the internet, they are able to connect 90% male and 55% female young voters will Pakistani youth. and mathematics large-scale MBA programmes. The most po- administrator. Unfortunately, the research is
to the world by using the social media. The in- vote in elections 2018. Pakistani youth has shown a marked ten- tent chink in the armour of this once-infallible taught by former graduates and postgradu-
tense activity on social media is indicative of The UN Development Programme pre- dency for acquiring education in the fields of qualification is the initiation of four year BBA ates of the institution. Self-explanatory
the urge of Pakistani young men and women scribes three expectations for youth and that science, technology, engineering and math- ly modern sectors of the economy matters programme that is considered much more The main difficulty however pertains to
to be heard in the Pakistani mainstream. also hold true for Pakistani youth. They ex- ematics. Unfortunately the youth has not more. sharp-edged than piece-meal MBA. ever-widening gap between academia-indus- the underlying assumptions of a particular are no more worried about attending classes
The youth is already impacting the politi- pect quality education, gainful employment shown any interest in making careers in agri- It is noted that the youth is quite interest- The MBA was based on the premise of try linkages. The practice of inducting fresh business let alone the industry. or being part of any research process.

cal process of Pakistan with all major political and meaningful engagement. Any governance culture, retail commerce, transport and con- ed in the employment opportunities inherent a business professional handling manage- business managers as exhibited by PIA is The part-time opening of MBA courses has MBA is fast running its course and unless
groupings trying to woo them to their side. set up can no longer neglect the expectations struction as these fields are considered rather in CPEC as it is full of modern technological ment of it more appropriately then other sadly missing. The industry now considers cast a dark shadow over the entire business its decline is arrested quickly it will become
Their rising presence in political rallies point of young people of Pakistan and it has become backward forms of gaining employment. The skills particularly computerised operations. employing a stuck-up fresh graduate a waste management programme. Part-time facility a laughing stock of the education scale of the
out to their political awareness and this facul- mandatory to accord them due priority. lure of making prosperous careers in relative- The range of CPEC is vast and will enable In case of Pakistan the of time as he is quite unable to properly un- has badly eaten into the dedicated academic country with its qualifiers reduced to the po-
youth inhabiting both urban and rural areas
to take advantage of it. The Chinese assis-
degree still holds derstand the business techniques of Pakistani
industry. This pitfall opens up large vistas of
exercise that was thought to so gruelling in
content that it required full-time efforts of
sitions of glorified clerical accountants. It will
be sorry state to be in.
tance in this respect will be indeed fruitful as value but is gradually the nature of indigenous business practices pursuers. The degradation of the programmes
they have acquired an expertise in generating losing its shine that is often lacked by book-worms of MBA have reached an extent that students now ex-
Dr. Tahseen Mahmood Aslam is an
employment in modern sectors and they are courses. It has been found through a survey pect it to be a pursuit in which only cramming
educationist with wide experience
already bringing these skills to Pakistan. that in most of the cases MBAs did not know at the time of examination is required. They
The Pakistani youth desperately expects to
be recognised as a part of the governance ma-
trix. It expects that it will be given a deserving
role to play in the affairs of the state. They
expect political inclusiveness and would be
greatly disappointed if they are denied that.
It is a foregone conclusion that it will be the
youth of Pakistan that will control of the des-
tiny of the country and if it is not encouraged
to participate in national affairs then it will
not only be frustrated but will also become
prone to agitation.
The youth of Pakistan is a very valuable

commodity if its energies are channelized
purposefully and with sincerity. The youth
does not expect something out of the ordinary
but its expectations are very genuine and apt.
The youth has the potential to change things
the way it is required in Pakistan.

Baqar Bilal Hussain is a social activist Gradual decline

R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Analysis 16 WEEKENDE
R 26-01 JUNE 2018 Analysis 17

Electoral Reform
M Ali Siddiqi analyses various aspects of
electoral reform in Pakistan

lectoral process is the mechanism
through which peaceful and consen-
sual transfer of political power takes
place in a democratic polity. Political
parties, the vehicles of democratic political
power, are driven to governance through an
election mechanism. As with all exercises as-
sociated with power the electoral process is
also not free from manipulation. The predom-
inantly subjective nature of electoral process
further complicates the matter. The intense
pull of this subject has resulted in a pletho-
ra of electoral reform proposals forwarded Biometric verification Proposed elctronic voting
by countless organizations, specialists, com-
mentators and wide array of public. Since this electoral reform package.
The emphasis placed on
is a public welfare measure affecting all and While considering electoral reform it voter turnout should be
sundry therefore a vast input from a cross should be kept in view that adherence to
watered down. Democrat-
section of citizenry should always be encour- ‘winner-take-all’ Westminster electoral prac-
aged along with wide publicity accorded to tice complicates electoral process in Pakistan. ic polities often complain
this exercise. This method shuts out the loser from any about voter apathy but
Before proceeding further it may be men- share in state’s resources even if the winner
tioned that an electoral system is the only pro- gets minimum majority. Such radical loss for
accept it nevertheless
cess that determines allocation of parliamen- half a decade plays havoc in an agrarian soci- because their long
tary seats commensurate with voting strength ety like Pakistan where influence of familial
electoral experience has
of a party. The three systems generally in connection runs supreme. The impact of such
vogue are Plurality system, Majority system win-lose situation is widespread because it is taught them that it is the
and Proportional representation. Elections
The current position
estimated that almost 45% electoral repre- expression of average
in UK and Congress in USA, Pakistan, India, sentation is vested in political families. Since
Bangladesh etc. are held under Plurality sys- nomenon. All but 2 of 57 US Presidential elec- Richard Mawrey QC, to derisively comment the watershed year of 1970 ushering in the
General Will that counts
tem that follows first-past-the-post method tions since 1789 were decided by Electoral on ‘evidence of electoral fraud that would dis- It is imperative to first one man-one vote polls in the country, and not its level
(US Presidential election is a combination of College (1800 and 1824 elections were tied in grace a banana republic.’ 597 families collectively accounted for ap-
Plurality and Majority systems). In Majority Electoral College so House of Representative It is imperative to deliberate upon ge-
deliberate upon genetic proximately 3300 of the 7600-plus seats in current fast moving political environment.
system the electoral process moves forward made the final decision) till after more than netic composition, underlying assumptions, composition, underlying the National Assembly, four provincial assem- The British reduced tenure of Parliament
once candidates secure more than fifty per- 200 years USA encountered gross malpractice inherent limitations and supple variations assumptions, inherent blies and the Senate over the course of nine from 7 years to 5 in 1911 and are now debat-
cent vote to qualify in more than one ballot. in shape of ‘Chad’ controversy in Bush-Gore of electoral reforms in Pakistan so that they general elections (out of identified families ing it to make it 4 years fixed tenure (5 years
It is practiced in Russia, France, Austria, Af- contest necessitating judicial intervention. become all encompassing and considered le- limitations and supple 379 are based in Punjab, 110 in Sindh, 56 in is otherwise the maximum tenure). In UK,
ghanistan, Finland, Portugal etc. Proportional The Mother of Parliaments co-opted members gitimate by citizenry. They should be aimed variations of electoral Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 45 in Baluchistan and since 1979 four general elections were called
Representation allocates seats equivalent to to serve in parliament till 1801 when formal to assist an institutionalized democratic sys- 7 in FATA). after four-year parliaments, while three, in
number of votes secured. Although its appli- election process started evolving. Since then tem by consolidating the right to rule. More
reforms in Pakistan so A minimal change was recorded in per- 1992, 1997 and 2010, were called after five
cability is fraught with calculating difficulties UK went through 55 general elections under importantly, the electoral process should be that they become all centage of seats contested by political fam- years (Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly
yet it is practiced in Germany and it is also 9 monarchs but malpractices are reported in considered a continuous national exercise encompassing and ilies over successive electoral cycles, regis- and Northern Ireland Assembly follow four
employed with certain variations in many every one of them necessitating continuous irrespective of the fact that its occurrence is tering a minimum incidence of 37 per cent year tenures). Those parliaments running for
countries on different levels of public repre- reform of the system. The evidence of elector- periodic. One of its essential aims should be considered legitimate by in 1977 and peaking in 1993 at nearly 50 per five years were symptomatic of falling gov-
sentation. al malpractice in English elections during the to improve quality and equality of represen- citizenry cent. Although similar connections in polit- ernment popularity pushing it to go the full
Electoral malpractice is a universal phe- 2000s prompted the election commissioner, tation. It should also address manageability of ical arena are clearly found in industrialized length. Reduction in legislature tenures may
democracies but their impact there is mar- not adversely affect representative prowess experience has taught them that it is the ex- tention. Viewing this position in the back-
party system since it could not solely be done ginalized by intense pluralism ensuring dis- but may increase performance level. pression of average General Will that counts drop of cynicism prevalent in Pakistan since
through legislative measures construed wide- persal of equitable power to all stake holders. The emphasis placed on voter turnout and not its level. In Pakistan the urge for the last three decades whereby a majority
ly to favor political class only. The electoral The only relief granted in this respect could should be watered down. Democratic polities high voter turnout is directly proportional of occupants of high public office is mostly
reform should clearly draw lines between the be reduction in assembly tenure from 5 to 4 often complain about voter apathy but accept to rigging therefore it should be realistical- shunted out of office unceremoniously; (be
roles played by executive and judicial sectors. years. Five year’s tenure is rather long in the it nevertheless because their long electoral ly assessed, even curbed, if possible. A push it Chairman, PCB, PIA, WAPDA and the list is
The fragility of Pakistan’s democracy is to achieve higher voter turnout distorts the long) but the opprobrium faced by CEC is ex-
unique even in nascent democracies. It is due electoral picture, exposes it to manipulation ceptional. Barring the first 4 CECs who were
to an invisible arbitrary force that holds over- and increases election costs. It also attracts civil servants, rest of them were from judi-
riding clout in political domain and, to obtain smaller groups to resort to malpractices just ciary. The lip service paid to this office could
desired results, massively intervenes in elec- to prove their numerical influence. be well gauged from the fact that out of 24
toral process. The intervention is aggravated Continuous delimitation of constituencies incumbents, 8 worked on acting charge and
by the fact that the perception and goals of should be an essential ingredient of electoral three CECs remained in office during Zia’s
this arbitrary force are in direct opposition reform package. A fixed time frame for de- presidency doing nothing between 1977 and
to democratic ideals and practice. Therefore, limitation exercise may be initiated keeping 1985. Since 1973 the position is constitution-
contrary to electoral reform in established in view the relatively fast changing demo- ally allocated to judiciary. Keeping in view the
democracies where people value traditional graphics and population shifts in the country. limited members of higher judiciary the posi-
practices associated with electoral process, It is rather surprising to observe that Paki- tion may be opened to civil service also (In-
Pakistan requires a real and complete break stan with a population of 180 million elects dian CEC is traditionally a civil servant). The

with the past. It is easier said than done but a representative house composed of only 272 selection criteria of CEC should be specifically
any reform content is required to make it directly elected members. Pakistan’s typical and objectively laid down instead of governed
clear that any interference, overt or covert, political matrix may be better served if the ar- by practical considerations. The proceedings
in an election by anyone from outside the eas of representation are reduced increasing of parliamentary committee for confirmation
designated electoral machinery will be done number of representatives. Dispersal of polit- of CEC and members of Election may be tele-
under pain of punishment. This aspect should ical mandate paves way for not only maximiz- vised for maximum transparency.
be widely publicized and independent watch- ing representation but also accommodating
dogs, local and international, should be ex- disparate political ambitions.
M Ali Siddiqi is a writer who contributes to
horted to look into this aspect specifically. It The Chief Election Commissioner (CEC)
Federal Elections 1977 leading periodicals
Election Symbols should become a mandatory part of proposed in Pakistan has always been a bone of con-

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