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Name: ______________________________________ Grade/Section:____________ Score: ___________

I. Multiple Choice

The author, Anne Frank was a 13-year-old Jewish girl who chronicled her experiences in the secret
attic during the Second World War. She’s a Jew who was among those hunted by the Nazi during the
Holocaust – systematic killing of about six million Jews. The diary was found by friends and given to her
father after her death in a concentration camp.

________1. Given this information about the author and based on the author’s diary entry, what do you
think is the author’s purpose in writing her diary?
a. To strengthen her faith in God and to unify her family
b. To communicate her thoughts with friends, family, and the government
c. To keep her occupied during the times that she and her family were hiding
d. To share her thoughts and feelings about the strength of the human spirit and God’s
________2. “Animals have emotions and personalities.” How would you show politeness even though you
disagree about the issue?
a. “You’re wrong!”
b. “I respect you for that, but I do not agree with you.”
c. “You talk nonsense.”
d. “That is outrageous!”
________3. Do not compare yourself to others for there will always be lesser and greater persons than
you are – Desiderata. Take your stand and affirm with the statement.
a. “That’s absolutely correct!” c. “No doubt about it”
b. “I respect you for that, but…” d. Both A and C
________4. A story about a very touching and a reflection of nature’s beauty and wisdom of country
a. A Day In The Country c. What A Wonderful World
b. The Story Of Keesh d. Paraiso
________5. The little girl who was looking for Terenty to ask for help.
a. Danilka c. Fyokla
b. Keesh d. Akeela
________6. It is a word substitute to the absence of the noun.
a. adjective c. adverb
b. pronoun d. verb
________7. It is a speech to inform and intended to share new ideas and build perceptions.
a. Argumentative Speech c. Persuasive Speech
b. Extemporaneous Speech d. Informative Speech
________8. This speech tries to change the reader’s mind by convincing the reader to agree with your
point of view.
a. Argumentative Speech c. Persuasive Speech
b. Extemporaneous Speech d. Informative Speech
________9. It is a speech or wiring in praise not only about a person but also about things or animals
especially one recently dead or retired.
a. Argumentative Speech c. Persuasive Speech
b. Extemporaneous Speech d. Eulogy
________10. It is a great example of a classic that blends a great deal of individual effort pitted against
both natural and human elements.
a. A Day In The Country c. What A Wonderful World
b. The Story Of Keesh d. Paraiso

II. Cases of Pronouns (2pts. Each)

Directions: Underline the correct Case of Pronoun and identify the type - subjective, possessive,
_______________11. It's up to (us, we) geologists to warn the people of impending volcanic activity.
_______________12. The principal made Jayden and (I, me) repair the damage to the auditorium wall.
_______________13. The writers of the bylaws, Micki and (he, him) presented a report to the senate.
_______________14.If it were up to Marylynn and (I, me) the room would have been painted yellow.
_______________15. Josie, Mary, and (him, he) rode their bikes all the way to New Hampshire.
_______________16. The boss was worried that (we, us) secretaries wouldn't do the work without
additional compensation.
_______________17. The family's running out of money, but that's a secret between his mother and (he,
_______________18. I really don't appreciate (you, your) walking late into class every morning.
_______________19. The only students in the cafeteria this morning were Jayden and (I, me).
_______________20. I don't want anybody but (she, her) working on this project.

III. Demonstrative Pronouns

Directions: Write the correct Demonstrative Pronoun. (this, that, these, those)
________ 21.(Talking about a book in your hand) How could you buy something like ______?
________ 22. (With a bowl of cherries on your lap) _______ cherries are delicious!
________ 23. (During a long walk) I should have worn ______ shoes I bought in Greece last year;
_____have never been comfortable.
________ 24. Could you bring me ______ book I left in the garden?
________ 25. (From the marriage vows) To have and to hold from ______ day forward.
________ 26. I hate ______ books which tell you: " _____ is what you have to do to become rich.".
________ 27. (About a picture hanging on the wall) ______ are my children.
________ 28. (About a picture you've just taken from your wallet) ______ is my wife.

IV. Interrogative Pronouns

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the interrogative pronoun. (what, which, who,
31. ____________ wants to come with me?
32. ____________ do you want to meet?
33. ____________ did she say was the winner?
34. ____________ did you invite?
35. ____________ shall I give this to?
36. ____________ did he say?
37. ____________ do you think did this?
38. About _____________ were you talking?
39. ____________ do you mean?
40. To ____________ did you give the book?

V. Add an indefinite pronoun to complete each sentence.

(anyone, anybody) (someone, somebody)
(everyone, everybody) (no one, nobody)

41.I put my soda down on the table, but _______________________ moved it!
42.The party is going to be great! _________________________ will be there.
43.Does ___________________ have change for a dollar so I can buy a soda?
44.I was disappointed because _____________ that I invited came to the party.
45.Rachel was so popular that __________________ wanted to sit next to her.
46.___________________ left the freezer open and the ice cream melted.
47.The teacher said I could bring cupcakes for ________________ in the class.
48.Henry was surprised that _________________ sent him a birthday card in the mail, but did not sign the
49. That painting is so simple. _____________________ could have painted it.
50. The teacher passed the math tests out to ________________, and the room was suddenly quiet.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

- Nelson Mandela

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