BASIC RUBRIC For Argumentative Essay

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BASIC RUBRIC for Argumentative Essay

Exemplary Proficient Emerging Attempting Not Yet Demonstrated

5 Marks (A) 4 Marks (B) 3 Marks (C) 2 Marks (D) 0-1 Marks (E)

1.HIGHER ORDER Demonstrates a very Demonstrates a high Demonstrates a Demonstrates some Demonstrates little or no
THINKING high degree of critical degree of critical sound degree of degree of critical knowledge and
analysis: analysis: critical analysis analysis: Demonstrates understanding of the
Critical analysis, Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates a limited knowledge and relationships between
Understanding of detailed knowledge considerable degree of knowledge understanding of the texts and their social and
context, and understanding of knowledge and and understanding of relationships between cultural contexts
Insight and creativity the relationships understanding of the the relationships texts and their social Responds critically to
between texts and relationships between between texts and and cultural contexts; texts with minimal
their social and texts and their social their social and Responds critically to insight and creativity
cultural contexts; and cultural contexts; cultural contexts; texts with limited
Responds critically to Responds critically to Responds critically to insight and creativity
texts with a high texts with insight and texts with some
degree of insight and creativity insight and creativity

2.TECHNICAL SKILLS Employs sophisticated Sometimes employs Employs vocabulary Employs limited Employs basic vocabulary
vocabulary and syntax advanced vocabulary and syntax vocabulary and syntax; and syntax;
Knowledge of the Excellent oral skills; and syntax competently; Limited oral skills; Minimal oral skills;
language Displays a Highly competent oral Satisfactory oral skills; Displays some use of Displays minimal use of
Control of structure sophisticated use of a skills; Displays a highly Displays a satisfactory different forms and forms and structures;
Use of research and wide variety of forms competent use of a use of a variety of structures; Locates and records
reference skills and structures; variety of forms and forms and structures; Some Missing features appropriate information
Clean/complete MLA structures; Fair MLA formatting, in MLA formatting; with assistance;
formatting; Clean/complete MLA minimal misses. Intro (BG & Thesis St) Incomplete/Incorrect
Essay Components: formatting; Intro (BG & Thesis St) B1- Summary Oppon MLA formatting;
Intro (BG & Thesis St) Essay Components: B1- Summary Oppon Arg and Rebuttals Intro (BG & Thesis St)
B1- Summ Oppon Arg Intro (BG & Thesis St) Arg and Rebuttals B2- Transition Stmt and B1- Summary Oppon Arg
and Rebuttals B1- Summary Oppon B2- Transition Stmt Main Arg/Support and Rebuttals
B2- Transition Stmt Arg and Rebuttals and Main Arg/Support C- Revisit Thesis, B2- Transition Stmt and
and Main Arg/Support B2- Transition Stmt C- Revisit Thesis, Summary Argument Main Arg/Support C-
C- Revisit Thesis, and Main Arg/Support Summary Argument and Final Source Revisit Thesis, Summary
Summary Argument C- Revisit Thesis, and Final Source Argument and Final
and Final Source Summary Argument Source
and Final Source

3.APPROPRIATENESS Selects relevant and Selects relevant and Selects relevant ideas Selects simple ideas and Selects ideas and
sophisticated ideas detailed ideas and and information information (and/or information with
Appropriate selection of and information information Appropriately applies with assistance): assistance
material Appropriately applies Appropriately applies the language learned Applies the language Applies the language
Appropriate selection of the language learned the language learned in familiar and learned with limited learned with minimal
style in a wide range of in a range of contexts predictable contexts- understanding of understanding of
contexts and and purposes limited range of contexts and purposes contexts and purposes
purposes purposes




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