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Today, Uncle ____________ is coming to visit

Noun- name -1
Noun- Boy name
He is coming from _____________.
Noun- place1
“____________, Uncle____________ has a
Noun- Boy name Noun- name -1
surprise for you” says his Mum.
____________ is excited. He loves surprises from
Noun- Boy name
Uncle ____________.
Noun- name -1

Uncle ____________ has brought him many

Noun- name -1
He loves the ___________and the ____________.
Noun- thing1 Noun- thing2
But the best one is the ____________.
Noun- thing3
The robot can ____________ and ____________.
verb verb

He quickly runs to take a shower.

He is taking a shower and ___________________,

Verb + ing
because he is very excited.
CARZY THOUGHT : Lino’s Surprise Talkin English Tutor: António Lawrence Lópes Page 1
"___________, ___________ __________!
Noun- place1 Noun- place1 Noun- place1

Come from Texas…

__________, _________ bring me toys!"
Noun- place1 Noun- place1

I wonder what Uncle ____________ will bring for

Noun- name -1
me this time. I wonder what the surprise is.
Suddenly there is knock on the door: Tap! Tap!
“Uncle ____________ is here! Uncle
Noun- name -1
____________ is here!” ____________jumps out
Noun- name -1 Noun- Boy name
of the shower. He runs with a towel wrapped
around his ____________
Noun- Part of the body

He sees Uncle ____________at the door. But he

Noun- name -1
does not see a gift box. He is not alone. He is with
a lady. She is wearing a beautiful red dress. She is
smiling at ____________.
Noun- Boy name
CARZY THOUGHT : Lino’s Surprise Talkin English Tutor: António Lawrence Lópes Page 2
Who is she? ____________ wonders.
Noun- Boy name

“Hello ____________,” says Uncle ____________.

Noun- Boy name Noun- name -1

“Meet my wife, ____________. She is from Texas.

Noun- girl name
Do you like your surprise?”

____________stands quiet. He has no words to

Noun- Boy name
“This is a real surprise Uncle,” he says as he puts
on a ____________smile.

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CARZY THOUGHT : Lino’s Surprise Talkin English Tutor: António Lawrence Lópes Page 4

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