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Without a doubt, ICT is a valuable and an innovative teaching tool enhancing EFL

learning. The rapid growth of ICT has naturally influenced the every aspects of language

teaching process. Using technology has positive effects on teaching and learning English.

Technology can be applied to teaching practices to enhance and facilitate foreign language

learning. Computer, internet, smart boards, cell phones, video games, music players etc. are

used in the target language learning process to raise students’motivation and language

awareness (Altun, 2015). The implementation of ICT will lead to variety in English content,

contexts and pedagogical methods in teaching environment. ICT makes English language

environment interactive, flexible and innovative. (Qin and Shuo, 2011). The application of

computer technologies in language instruction provides a student-centred learning

environment. It enables course administrators and teachers to vary lesson presentation styles

to motivate students of varying interests, provides learning opportunities outside the

classroom, and is perceived to cater more for individual differences. Integrating technology
into language instruction reduces teacher-centred understanding and students’ language

learning anxiety, but encourages them to be risk takers to practice target language as they are

digital natives (Al-Mahrooqi and Troudi, 2014). Jayanthi and Kumar (2016) explain the

positive impacts of ICT on ELT under the basic headings such as: availability of materials,

students’ attitudes, learner autonomy, authenticity, helping teachers, student-centred, and self-

assessment. The availability of large body of authentic materials such as images, animation,

audio and video clips facilitate presenting and practicing language. As for students’ attitudes,

ICTs increase motivation. The students feel highly motivated to learn a language as they

displayed positive attitudes towards language learning as they use computer and learn in

stress-free learning environment. In addition, ICT fosters learner autonomy as ICT tools

provide learners to take responsibilities for their own learning. Students are free to choose the

material convenient for their learning styles. Furthermore, ICT provides authentic situations
and real life learning environment. As ICTs offer different types of facilities and availability

of teaching materials, EFL teachers only suggest and design these tools as complementary

teaching materials. Contrary to traditional learning environment, ICT supports student-centred

learning together with teacher-student interaction. As for assessment, with the ICTs both

receptive and productive skills are easily and effectively assessed. The teacher may decide

and design relevant materials to test students’ achievement in all skills. Additionally, the

following impacts seem to be the most obvious ones when using ICT to support foreign

language teaching:

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