Section A: Reading

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Section A: Reading

Spend 20 minutes on this section

Read the Text in the Insert and then answer questions 1-8.

1. “What a great fight it was! Crack! Crack! Thud! Crack”! (page 11)

What kind of figurative languages did the writer use to emphasize the fight between
John Little and Robin Hood?

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2. Explain in your own words how little John joined Robin Hood?



3. Give one word on page 16 describing the skill of John Little on Archery?

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4. “As it happened, Robin Hood stepped on it from one side just as John Little stepped
on it from the other”. (page 9)

Write one quotation in page 9 that shows that John little was secretly impressed by
Robin Hood’s determination and spirit.

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5. Why does Robin Hood become famous in over England?


Give a quotation or a line from the passage to support your answer.

6. Explain in your own words the meaning of each of the following, as it is used in the

(a) ‘Vowed’ (page 4)



(b) ‘Dauntless’ (page 6)



(c) ‘Underling’ (page 14)



7. Describe in two paragraph the characters of John Little and Robin Hood in the story.

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8. What is the moral of the story?

SECTION B: Writing

9. Write a story which begins with two people entering a dark alley.

You should consider:

 The people’s relationship with one another- are they friends, members of a
family or do they work together?
 The setting- where are they waiting?
 What happens as they walk deeper into the alley?

Space for your plan

Write your story on the next page










































Content and description /10

Spelling /3

Sequencing and organization /10

Sentence structure and punctuation /7


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