Soal Latihan UN Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas

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Listen to the tape, then fill in the blanks a. How are you?
while listening by choosing a or b. b. May, I help you?
Questions 1 to 6 are based on Text 1. Text 1 c. Is there anything I can do.
Dear Lula, d. Do you want to order?
How are you? I’m doing good here. One
week ago I (1....) to Batam island for 13. Receptionist: . A porter will carry your
business. I’m so sorry I could not (2....) to luggage. Have a nice holiday.
Jakarta, because it was only a (3....) visit. I Mr Tanaka : Thank you very much.
only stayed for one night. My colleague a. Yes, Sir
(4....) me up at the airport. Then, we (5....) b. Please, Sir
our journey to the hotel. It was a very hot c. Certainly, Sir
day. I remembered that I (6....) five cold d. All right, Sir
drinks in one hour. I also visited Nagoya,
Batam Centre and Galang Island. I didn’t
forget to go shopping there. OK, Lula. 14. Could I ask you some questions?
That’s enough for now. Don’t forget to write a. Yes, you could.
me soon. Love, Susan. b. Yes, I’m.
c. Yes, you can.
1. a. tent b. went d. No, you couldn’t.
2. a. come b. came
3. a. sort b. short Questions 15 to 29 are based on Text 2.
4. a. picked b. tick Text 2
5. a. continue b. continued
6. a. have b. had The Forest Ranger’s Dream I am a forest
ranger. Taking care of forests has been my
7. Lala : Are you sure that you will quit your job for fifteen years. I love it, even though
school next month? sometimes it can be very dangerous, I could
Dion : Definitely. Because my parents lose my life. In my duties, I rarely face great
asked me to go with them. problems, just small groups of illegal
The italicized words show. loggers and non-serious violations such as
a. certainty littering, grafting, and camping in illegal
b. uncertainty places. I had one bad experience that
c. agreement changed my life forever. It happened three
d. giving interesting news years ago, on a dark cold night....

8. go as soon as they have finished. I was so worried, the weather was hot and
a. Let us c. Let she there had been no rain for a long time. The
b. Let me d. Let them trees in the forest were dry as a bone. It
would just take a tiny spark to turn the
9. Dika : Have you heard that we will be whole forest into a raging sea of fire. Then,
going to Dunia Fantasi next holiday? in the afternoon from my watchtower high
Tina : Really? How wonderful! The first above the trees, I saw a thin spiral of smoke.
italicized phrase is an expression of
a. pleasure Fire! I yelled aloud. Fire fighters rushed to
b. happiness the blaze in trucks. Working as fast as they
c. giving interesting news could, the men battled against the blaze with
d. asking for information streams of water. They started to chop down
trees and dig up the ground to keep the fire
10. The second italicized phrase in the from spreading. Then, came the aeroplanes
dialogue in number 9 is an expression. dumping massive amounts of water treated
a. responding to pleasure with special chemicals to put off the blazing
b. responding to happiness forest. From other planes came men with
c. responding to interesting news parachutes. These men were fire fighters
d. giving information called smoke jumpers. They parachuted into
places that men on the ground cannot reach
11. He thanked her for what she (do). easily. This is very dangerous work because
a. have do c. had do no one can save them if they get into
b. have done d. had done trouble.

12. Waiter : Good afternoon, Miss. Finally, in six hours, the firemen had
Miss Aura : Yes, please. I have reserved stopped the spread of fire. Thousands of
one table for me and my friend. trees had become blackened stumps had

been saved. Then, I heard a terrible ringing d. Dry inside and outside
sound coming from inside of the trees. Oh
my God... it was a horrible dream. People in 23. What does “tiny spark” mean?
yellow everywhere, a great fire sparking, a. Tiny light. c. Tiny lamp.
aero plane engines were roaring over my b. Tiny fire. d. Tiny beam.
head. 24. A raging sea of fire means.

Since then, I am always be careful. a. large fire spreading

Especially when I check the camping area or b. fire like a sea
in the holiday season where many people c. expanding fire
come to the forest. Not one single active d. big fire
cigarette left or camp fire remains. I will not
let the forest fire in my dream come true. 25. Fire fighters rush to the blaze in trucks.
What does blaze mean?
Choose either a, b, c, or d for the a. Lighting. c. Fire.
correct answer b. Sparking. d. Battle.

15. What is a forest ranger? 26. What do they do to keep the fire from
a. A policeman. spreading?
b. A forest guard. a. Chop down the young trees and dig up the
c. A forest scientist. ground.
d. A police officer. b. Chop up the trees and dig up the ground.
c. Chop out the trees and dig up the ground.
16. What does a forest ranger do? d. Chop down the trees and dig up the
a. Watches from a tower in the forest. ground.
b. Takes care of the forest.
c. Stops any illegal logging. 27. Where do men with parachutes come
d. All the answers are correct. from?
a. Helicopter.
17. He has been working there for . b. Aero plane.
a. 14 years c. 16 years c. Other planets.
b. 15 years d. 25 years d. Parachutes.

18. In my duty, I rarely face any real 28. They parachute into places. What is the
problems. Rarely means. meaning of parachute here?
a. never c. almost never a. landing c. running
b. 15 years d. often b. jumping d. walking

19. Illegal logger is a. 29. What is the form of Text 1?

a. person that chops down trees illegally a. Descriptive. c. Narrative.
b. person that sells wood illegally b. Recount. d. Report.
c. person that steals wood
d. person that comes to the forest illegally Questions 30 to 40 are based on Text 3.
Text 3
20. The statements below are stated as no
serious violations in the text. But there is Recent Developments at the Post Office
one wrong statement. Which one is it? Source: The World Book Encyclopedia,
a. Throwing a plastic can. 2007 Post offices in industrial countries
b. Writing symbols on trees. have a policy to provide their customers
c. Throwing a dead leaf. with a better service. One of their better
d. Camping in forbidden areas. services is the handling of mail. Government
also takes part to increase the function of
21. What changed the writer’s life forever? post offices. Now, the postage rates have
a. Bad experience. risen. Private firms are not normally allowed
b. Horrible experience. to handle ordinary mail, although some
c. Horrible dream. private carriers have been increasingly in
d. Valuable dream. circulating catalogues, magazines, and
merchandise samples. Private parcel carriers
22. What is the meaning of “dry as a bone”? also compete with the post office.
a. Dry enough.
b. A half dry. The growth of electronic postal services has
c. Dry all over been a major development. In developing

countries, the postal service is being

extended to rural areas, and modernised into 37. What is the meaning of the phrase
new technological developments. Many “being extended” in paragraph 2 line 4?
small nations earn valuable income from the a. To be stopped.
stamp collectors. However, delivery of b. To be enlarged.
letters remains the main job of post officers c. To be continued.
and postal workers around the world. d. To be delayed.
Adapted from The World Book
Encyclopedia, 2007 38. An example of modernizing into new
technological developments of the post
Choose either a, b, c or d for the office is .
correct answer a. postmen driving cars
b. using pigeons
30. In what countries do post offices have a c. using web services
policy? d. using hotline services
a. Developing countries.
b. Modern countries. 39. What do small nations get from the
c. Industrial countries. stamp collectors?
d. a, b, and c are incorrect. a. Great money.
b. Invaluable income.
31. What is the policy about? c. Valuable income.
a. Better service. d. Earning income.
b. Customers only.
c. To provide better services for customers. 40. What is the main job of post officers and
d. To provide better service for everyone. postal workers?
a. Delivering mail.
32. In your opinion, how can they increase b. Delivering parcels.
their better services by handling of mail? c. Delivering money.
a. They don’t deliver mail on time. d. a, b, c are incorrect.
b. They handle it carelessly.
c. They handle it carefully.
d. They handle it foolishly.

33. How can the government increase the

function of post offices?
a. Funding
b. stricter laws.
c. Asking people to write many letters.
d. a, b, c are incorrect.

34. Why have the postage rates risen?

a. Because the private firms are not normally
allowed to handle ordinary mail.
b. Because the government is involved.
c. Because it has better service, now.
d. Because some private carriers have also
increased their services.

35. What competes with the post office?

a. Government.
b. Private firms.
c. Private carriers.
d. Parcel businesses.

36. What is the meaning of the phrase “a

major development” in paragraph 2 line 2?
a. Main development.
b. First development.
c. Single development.
d. Initial development.

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