A Critic OF The "Cause and Effect" Essay OF Maria Elianna Manzano and Kyla de Los Santos

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Maria Elianna Manzano and Kyla De Los Santos

Performance Task no.1


Merle, Eon Kurt Isaiah C.
Mendoza, Theresa Mae B.

Subject Teacher:
Miss Charo Mae B. Lampad
The essay gives an in-depth explanation of corruption and its effects. It briefly explains
the different effects of corruption and who or what starts a corruption, whether it be politicians,
administrations or companies. The essay tells how one misuse or abuse their situation to support
their own influence, status or riches.

The statements in the essay is obviously factual, though I would like the writers to state
more concrete examples to further support their statements, for example: the writers wrote that
“Many rulers in power use for private profits and dishonest implies.” As the reader, I would
like to see examples of how these rulers use their power for their private profits and how are
they being dishonest, but nonetheless their statements are very factual considering the
connection of the causes and effects of corruption.

As stated, this essay uses the pattern of development cause and effect. The writers wrote
that one cause of corruption is unemployment, yes it can be considered as a cause however, the
writers did not clearly explain how unemployment and corruption interconnects, rather they
only explained what unemployment is. Though there is still a good point on the statement and
the cause can still be easily understood.

They discussed the effects of corruption in this essay and on why or how is corruption
still going on. They made very good. The writers did a good job of making the essay relatable
because these effects they stated can be experienced or are currently being experienced by
people. The essay makes you realize how true these effects of corruptions are and somewhat
makes you think “Why is this still going on?” or “Why can’t the officials stop it?”.

Overall, the essay was very compact yet informative. The pattern of development “cause
and effect” was used precisely to make a clear point and to support their statements, though the
writers stated insufficient concrete or specific examples, the point they made is still very clear
and understandable.

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