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Coffee Shop and Urban Youngsters: A Study of Urban Culture in Bandar Lampung

Galuh Ningsuci Pramesti, 2Ni Made Yulianti, 3Oktavia Handoko
English Literature
Faculty of Arts and Education
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

There are a lot of trends that become famous in 2019 where youngsters talks about
movie, fashion, food, such as Avengers’: End Game, listening K-pop songs, even hangout
with their friends to spend their leisure time by doing certain activities, either it is positive or
negative. This is the current phenomena engage the behavior of the society where it becomes
part of urban or popular culture. Culture deals with community stereotype regarding to
intellectual and esthetic movement where it has a function to signify, represent and build
certain action more meaningful (Williams, 1983:90). William (1983:237) also state that pop
or popular itself has four meaning such as (1) many people enjoy it, (2) low-level type of
work, (3) the work done to please people, (4) A culture which made by people for
themselves. Pop culture or popular culture is cultural phenomenon cause by many aspects
such as entertainment, art, leisure, fashion, and music that are popular right now or in recent
history (Storey, 2003). Moreover, pop culture also describe the lifestyle and taste of
youngsters within how people communicate, spend their leisure time and relax (Urban
dictionary). This phenomenon become wider than before where mostly people only focuses
on traditional and old style, thus, culture also become something which being enjoy and like
it by many people which is the main concern of popular culture.

Nowadays, one of lifestyle that common in our society is coffee where mostly
consume by modern people. Coffee already exist in Indonesia since 1616 brought by Dutch
through trade route. In this millennial era, many people like to converge in coffee shop which
makes the demand for coffee will continue to increase every year. The consumption of coffee
in Indonesia are increase to 6,3 percent in the latest five years (detikFinance, 2018).
Moreover, the reason that makes coffee is famous in Indonesia because Indonesia is one of
the fourth biggest coffee suppliers in the world (International Coffee Organization, 2017).
This is become one of lifestyle that enjoying by many people where coffee can be obtained, it
can be filled it and enhancement the values of the coffee itself (Tucker, 2011).Therefore,
many city in Indonesia famous with its coffee shop and in the latest 2018, the development of
coffee shops in Lampung are increase and around twenty nine place are listed (Tribun
Lampung, 2018). Moreover, youngsters’ wants to visit the coffee shop because of certain
reason, it probably due to spend their money, time, etc (Prastijo and Ihalauw, 2005).

Thus, the present researchers have intention to discover the factors which make
youngsters visited coffee shop and to discover if the coffee shop constructed the identity of
the youngsters. Moreover, this research aims to see the correlation between urban youngsters
and coffee shop in field to construct and shape community identity.
Literary Study

Prasodjo (2016) with research title “A Lifestyle of Coffee Shop Consumers in Jember
regency”. The purpose of this research is to know and understand the lifestyle of the
consumers visiting coffee shop in urban area, Jember regency. Hence, this research focuses to
know and understand the lifestyle of the consumers which reflect on their activity, interest,
and opinion. This research used qualitative research and ethnographic approach, the research
data consist of primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained from the respondent while
data analysis using descriptive analysis. The finding of this research is the lifestyle of
consumers in visiting coffee shop in the urban area in Jember regency consists of 6 (six)
categories, such as: consumer lifestyles in buying atmosphere or location, consumer lifestyle
to socialize, consumer lifestyles to share and find information, consumer lifestyles for
products, consumer lifestyles that become consumer habits and lifestyles for recreation. The
consumers are satisfied with the purchases coffee shops because the consumers are more
concerned with the allocation of leisure time to chat with their friends to share information.
While the role of the location or atmosphere of the coffee shop also supports customer
satisfaction. As a result consumers feel satisfied and recommend to others.

Ompusunngu and Djawahir (2011) with the research title “A Lifestyle and
Phenomenon of Consumers Behavior toward Coffee Shop in Malang”. The objective of this
research is to understand and know the description of lifestyle and the consumers’ behavior
visiting coffee shop as a phenomenon in Malang. This research is focus on people lifestyle in
visiting coffee shop that shape behaviors and consumers characters in Malang. This research
is used phenomenologist qualitative research with 7 informants such as 3 owners of the
coffee shop and 4 are the consumers. The finding of this research is the phenomenon exists
because of the behavior of the consumers visiting coffee shops that always conducts
discussion activities, interactions, meetings, where the consumers of coffee shops can enjoy
the atmosphere without being limited by regulations. These have an impact on the purpose
and direction of the conversation that is relaxed but still within the scope of serious topics.
The activities in a coffee shop are reflection of needs which is important for the consumers,
and driven by a coffee lifestyle. This lifestyle makes people exchange information, networks,
or other positive things. Communication is one of the consumer needs of coffee shops,
because in the community it has family values.

The concept of present and previous researcher is quite similar because it deals with
youngster’s habit and consumers need to buy a cup of coffee. Coffee can be considered as
high end product where only people who have stable economy and coffee can be considered
as a product where people can spare their time even meet their friends. In this case, two
previous studies focused on the habitual of youngsters purchasing and hanging out in middle
class coffee shop where all people frequently visiting these coffee shop to do various
activities. However, the present researcher will focus on the lifestyle that engage the
youngsters to consuming and hang out in two famous coffee shop, where previously there is
no study conducted regarding to coffee lovers in Lampung.
a. Habitus Theory by Bourdieu

The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu approaches power within the context of a
comprehensive “theory of society” which – like that of Foucault – we cannot possibly do
justice to here, or easily express in the form of applied methods (Navarro 2006). And
although his subject was mainly Algerian and French society, we have found Bourdieu’s
approach useful in analyzing power in development and social change processes (see the
articles by Navarro, Moncrieffe, Eyben and Taylor and Boser in Eyben, Harris et. al. 2006;
Navarro offers a particularly solid introduction to Bourdieu’s method).While Foucault sees
power as “ubiquitous” and beyond agency or structure, Bourdieu sees power as culturally and
symbolically created, and constantly re-legitimized through an interplay of agency and
structure. The main way this happens is through what he calls “habitus” or socialized norms
or tendencies that guide behavior and thinking. Habitués is “the way society becomes
deposited in persons in the form of lasting dispositions, or trained capacities and structured
propensities to think, feel and act in determinant ways, which then guide them” (Wacquant
2005: 316, cited in Navarro 2006: 16).

Habitus is created through a social, rather than individual process leading to patterns
that are enduring and transferrable from one context to another, but that also shift in relation
to specific contexts and over time. Habitus “is not fixed or permanent, and can be changed
under unexpected situations or over a long historical period” (Navarro 2006: 16): Habitus is
neither a result of free will, nor determined by structures, but created by a kind of interplay
between the two over time: dispositions that are both shaped by past events and structures,
and that shape current practices and structures and also, importantly, that condition our very
perceptions of these (Bourdieu 1984: 170). In this sense habitués is created and reproduced
unconsciously, “without any deliberate pursuit of coherence without any conscious
concentration” (ibid: 170).

b. Consumption Society Theory by Baudrillard

Nowadays, the existence of pop culture attach consumerism or consumption as a

lifestyle which the impact of western culture (Ashcroft et al, 2000:296). Baudrill state that
people who live in modern lifestyle shows that live in society were not based on exchange
goods with use value, approved on commodities as the value of signs and symbols who used
it arbitrarily. He also state that people in consumptive lifestyle are easy to get enjoyment or
pleasure in purchasing or consuming a sign system shared (Putranto, 2005:242). An
individual need is dominant by enjoyment as the result of that commodity. (Riptein, 1987).
Therefore, youngsters activity for purchasing and hang out at coffee shop become the
lifestyle of modern people. The youngsters as the main consumers shows several habitual or
behavior to present themselves as modern people and they become pay attention with what
they wear, the place which they visited, take a picture and post it on their social media. These
kind of activities become the need of society that result certain satisfaction.

Consumerism will create a correlation between false satisfaction and social values
where this activity will represent their prestigious that attach to certain community that has
special meaning for the consumers and their social environment. Moreover, the implemented
of this lifestyle is able being seen through youngsters consumption activity in purchasing and
hang out in a cafe to updating status, taking a photo or check in place in many social media as
their lifestyle choices.


In this research, the researchers used qualitative as the methodology to supporting and
strengthen the analysis where the data are non numerical form. A qualitative approach is a
term to define as a description of an observation even interpretation that does not deals with
quantitative terms. Patten & Newhard (2018:22) state that qualitative research is presenting
the primarily data through words, it can by interviewing people, doing observation, and
analyzing the data. Hodder (1994) also state that qualitative deals with certain data such as
non numerical measurement, photographs, indirect observation, and texting (attached in
Stake 2010:89). Therefore, the result of qualitative research will describe the perspective of
the researcher and the data is interpretation in form of narrative (Johnson and Christensen,

The researcher will took the data by doing an interview as the primary data through
10 informants which divided into 5 informants from Starbucks and 5 informants from El’s
Coffee. The criteria of the informants: 1.One barista, 2. College students (Male and Female),
3.18 – 25 years old. The researcher believes these three criteria will match with the purpose
of the present research. First, a barista is a person who active in making and serving coffee.
From interviewing or hear some recommendations from the barista, the researcher will get
new information and the philosophy of the coffee. Second, college students are the
reasonable and appropriate Informants for this research because most college student also
able to purchasing coffee as part of their life style and they willing to be involved and able to
describe their experiences. The last, in the age 18 – 25 years old are quite mature to answers
the question. This research also took some data from journals, article, and news as the
secondary data.

The successful of conducting a research is by knowing the technique will be used in the
research analysis. Therefore, the writer applies several steps in collecting data such as: 1) The
researcher will ask a permission to some informants in order to volunteer and involve to the
interview process which is do by the present researcher, 2) Then, the researcher will provide
several question that have been made before, 3) After that, the researcher will start
interviewing the informant by recording and take a note the information that will be got later

Further, there are the other steps to reach the aim of the research in organizing the data
and ideas correctly which are: 1) The researcher will re-read the data which have been
collected before, 2) Identifying the answer from the participant; In this part, the writer
identify the answer from the participant either the data are relevant or not. As well as the
writer will see which statements or paragraph that correlated each other, 3) Evaluating and
Concluding; In evaluating and concluding stage, the writer ensure that all of the data analysis
and supporting data have been organized orderly. Furthermore, the writer also re-checks all
of the result of the analysis whether it is already answers the research question and
accomplished the research objective.

Result and Discussion

After the present researchers finished collecting the data, the researchers found that
from ten participants shows various statements regarding their habitual and their consumption
toward coffee. The first is the reason consumers visiting coffee shop because of friend’s
invitation or based on their own desire. Hence, it makes people prefer to purchase a cup of
coffee and the consumers will share information related to its places that they have been
visited before, it can be positive or negative experiences. This issue will make people
considered their interest in visiting anonymous coffee shop whether they will get good
services or the consumers feel satisfied with the taste of its coffee and they will recommend it
to their colleagues, friends even post it on their social media. Therefore, it will give good
information for those who is a coffee lover that like to fulfill the needs in consuming a coffee
as part of their lifestyle and daily routine. Furthermore, the consumers not only want to taste
the flavor of a coffee but it also has several factors which make consumers visiting coffee
shop such as the location, atmosphere, products, activities which can be done in that place or
to create nice feed on social media (Instagram).

a. Coffee Shop as a Lifestyle

It is consider as a daily routine because it shows from how often a consumer visit a
coffee shop, especially for a college student who is 18 – 25 years old which has a role as the
urban youngsters. It starts from once or twice per week or twice a month as part of their daily
routine and lifestyle. Six of ten participants said that “Since I am a coffee lover, I like to
spend my time to drink a cup of coffee and find the best coffee shop which can fulfill the
flavor that suits my mood and taste”. Because of that most of the consumers do not like to
stay on one coffee place. For coffee lover, they like to finding out new experiences which
they could get in every different coffee shop while the rest was invited by their friends. This
activity become a lifestyle and habit in many city in Indonesia where it created by social
process and can be transferred from one context to others over time which make a coffee as
part of youngsters identity nowadays. However, this habitual can be changed depend on
society where spending time in a coffee shop is done unconsciously without any specific
reason behind it.

b. Coffee Shop Location

Location is the main core in creating a new business whether it will easily being
accessed by consumers or not and this also applies to the presence of coffee shops in
Lampung. It states in Tribunes Lampung that the development of coffee shop in this regency
significantly increase in the latest year where many entrepreneur start this business. In this
case, there are two coffee shop which located in two biggest market place in Bandar
Lampung where people likely to visit and hang out with their family and friends. The first
coffee shop located inside the mall in Kedaton where it is near to public places such as
college, showroom car, etc. Many youngsters visit this place they usually do shopping or
even want to watching a movie at the same time. While the second place located in Way
Halim near to sport arena and also hospital. These places are mostly visited by youngsters
because each coffee shop create an accessibility vibes for the consumers supported by good
quality of food and baverages, services and the others facilities.

c. Coffee Shop’s Atmosphere

Each coffee shop provide comfortable and warm ambience for its consumers. The
consumers who like to explore suitable place to be visited either alone or with friends, a
coffee shop is the best place for you. Sometimes, youngsters want to go somewhere by
him/herself for self-entertaining even take their time with friends more than 1 until 6 hours
where soft music is played which make the consumers more relax and freely enjoy
themselves without any restrictions which could not be felt by them in their recidence. In a
coffee shop, the consumers could healing, feeling pleasure, even let go their stress by
consuming a coffee. Ten participants of this analysis also feel the same experiences, where
they as college students faced many obstacles and assignment, they like to visit a coffee shop
to refresh their mind from hectic situation.

d. Coffee Shop’s Product

A product plays an important role in a business. Products also become the reason why
the consumers visited that place. Every coffee shop has their owned special menu and their
own signature which make them different from others where consumers like to taste the
flavour of mochatella, frafucino, espresso, etc. Barista said that “the taste of a coffee is the
key to attract more consumers”. As a barista, he share his concern toward what product which
need to be serve for his customers, either it will give certain pleasure or not for the
consumers”. Baristas also do a research from each different place to analyze their products
with others in order to make a better coffee that has special values for coffee lovers in
society. The price of it’s coffee also become the consideration for the consumers. For them,
good taste and affordable price is a perfect combo.

e. Coffee Shop as a Socialize Place

The consumers have various purposes visiting coffee shop and there are two main
questions have been got where the first one coffee shop is the best place to meet up and the
second one it is the best place to do an assignment. From ten participants, they frequently do
the same activities while visiting coffee shop. Some of them said that “ for me, hang out and
go to coffee shop is exciting because I can spend my time with my friends, create strong
relationship with them even meet new friends”. They also like to do their assignment, share
an idea and got an inspiration in coffee shop because the facilities are good which make them
more concentrate to finish their assignment.

f. Coffee Shop as Instagramable Place

A coffee shop has special place for every consumers where it has unique interior
design. It can be an extra point for them. Nowadays, the youngsters like to post all their
activities in social media to share what they have done or certain information. A cafe or
coffee shop becomes the best object for youngsters because it has cozy and stylist interior.
Hence, it can support the needs of consumers who like a selfie, it also can be an excellent
OOTD (Out of the day) for fashionista or people who like photo hunting. These activities
give certain pleasure even positive vibes for the consumers because as the millennial
youngsters, it becomes a lifestyle for them and they also can share and promote its coffee
shop on their social media. However, this action depend on each personality which some of
them like to post it in order to show that they have ever been visited such instagenic place and
prestigious place or only take a picture as personal enjoyment.


Coffee shop and urban youngsters have correlated each others. The existences of
coffee shop give certain positive benefits for all consumers, especially for all coffee lovers in
Lampung. Lampung also one of regency that famous with its Luwak coffee and it is possible
for Lampung youngsters to enjoy the experiences in various coffee shop. The consumers
never felt bored or disappointed after visiting coffee shop because they can do what they like,
they can do what they want which people cannot disturb it. Therefore, this activity instantly
build a habitual and consumption lifestyle that exist in youngsters environment where it is
become the best option for them to relieve tiredness and the needs of millennial nowadays.


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