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Code of Conduct

Employee Code of Conduct

Health Careers Group

Code of Conduct Health Careers Group

Ver 1 Rev 00 Dated: 15.08.2019
Page 1 of 6
Code of Conduct


Your colleague, Sanjay, has a great idea on how to filter a specific range of data from the CRM in less than 5
minutes. He shares this idea with you. And you are really thrilled. He even shows you how to do it and you sort of
become an expert in it.

In the afternoon, you are called for a meeting with your superior. Your boss shares his apprehension about the
problems faced by employees in filtering data from the CRM. Immediately, you remember what Sanjay had
taught you and share the idea with your boss. You literally show your boss how the data can be filtered within

The boss congratulates you on a good job done. You thank him, smile and leave.
From the next day onwards, your phone rings off every now and then, with colleagues seeking your assistance to
show them how to filter the CRM data. You couldn’t be happier since this is your chance to be of help to others
and also be in the good books of your boss.

How would Sanjay be feeling now?






Keywords: Innovation, Intellectual Deception

Code of Conduct Health Careers Group

Ver 1 Rev 00 Dated: 15.08.2019
Page 2 of 6
Code of Conduct


A colleague of yours, Mbalu, is from another region in the world, that is different from yours.
Initially, you like the person but the differences in culture, language, preferences get to your nerves.
You begin to hate the person because he / she is different.
You keep to yourself and avoid the person.
You also make sure you share your dislike with your colleagues.

How would your colleague, Mbalu be feeling now?






Keywords: respect, alienation

Code of Conduct Health Careers Group

Ver 1 Rev 00 Dated: 15.08.2019
Page 3 of 6
Code of Conduct


You are quite friendly with everyone in the office, irrespective of caste, colour or gender.
You enjoy your work and know how to have a good time with colleagues outside of work.

One day, a colleague of yours of the opposite sex, takes on a different attitude with you.
Your instinct tells that your colleague is staring at you in an unprofessional manner.
You just feel it but you cannot put your finger on what’s wrong.
You confront your colleague, demanding he / she stop the inappropriate behaviour.
The confrontation makes matters worse and an animosity develops between the two of you.
And you totally avoid each other.

A new employee joins your team and is seated next to your colleague.
You too befriend the new employee, making him / her feel at home.
In an effort to protect the new employee, you frankly speak about your colleague to the new employee (how this
person had made you feel, the confrontation and the animosity).
Before you know it, the new employee has shared this information with every new friend he / she has made in
the company.

Would you say you did the right thing by sharing your thoughts with the new employee?






Keywords: speak up, bullying, malicious gossip

Code of Conduct Health Careers Group

Ver 1 Rev 00 Dated: 15.08.2019
Page 4 of 6
Code of Conduct


You maintain excellent interpersonal relationships with your superiors, colleagues and customers.
Your hard work has landed you in a good position in the company where you are privy to a lot of confidential
information about the company as well as clients.

One day during your usual lunch break, your colleagues start a conversation on a very confidential topic that is
not known in its entirety to anyone. Bits and pieces of the information are shared over curries and fish fries, with
no one really knowing the truth.

You do not partake in the conversation since you are the only one who knows the fact. Seeing you unusually
quiet, your colleagues prod you for information. You are in a dilemma. You do want to show off your superiority
by sharing information that you and you alone know, apart from the top management.

On the other hand, you are worried that even walls have ears. Nevertheless, you take a sip of the delicious
sambhaaram and decide to share the information. It is better your colleagues know the TRUTH instead of any

Would you say this is the right thing to do?






Keywords: abuse of confidential information

Code of Conduct Health Careers Group

Ver 1 Rev 00 Dated: 15.08.2019
Page 5 of 6
Code of Conduct


For many people, YOU ARE THE ONLY “HEALTH CAREERS GROUP OF COMPANIES” that they will ever meet.
This is what you learned in the boring Code of Conduct session conducted recently.

You like your company and your job but there are certain things that really piss you off in daily operations.
Sometimes you speak up and at other times you just swallow your pride and keep mum.

The perfect opportunity to speak your mind comes at a dinner party with friends from outside your company.
While everyone talks ill of the organization they are employed at, you can’t help blurting out what has been
gnawing at you for the past couple of weeks. The right ambiance and the good food impart the courage to speak
against your company, its policies and a few illegal transactions you think your colleague is doing in office when
no one is around.

You all have a hearty laugh and you really feel light after unloading the burden in your heart.
You even advised your friends not to approach your company if they want hassle-free service.
Wow! Feels so good to blurt out the truth.

Would you say you did the right thing?






Keywords: abuse of information, speak on behalf without authorization, no reporting of illegal practice

Code of Conduct Health Careers Group

Ver 1 Rev 00 Dated: 15.08.2019
Page 6 of 6

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