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MHF2 and MHFU: Combination List


This is the collected Combination List of Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and Monster Hunter Freedom
Unite. Credit to Boldrin from GameFAQs for the info on MHF2 combos provided.

Remember that Success rates can be altered by a hunter holding one or more Book of Combos, or by having an
armor with the Combination Success Rate skills.

Here are some of the items that can increase your success rate:

 Book of Combos 1, adds 10%

 Book of Combos 2, adds 10%
 Book of Combos 3, adds 20%
 Book of Combos 4, adds 20%
 Book of Combos 5, adds 40%
 Total of 100% combining success rate

# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 % QTY

Heals about 1/3 of the normal Blue

1 Potion Herb 95 1
health bar. Mushroom
Heals about 2/3 of the normal
2 Mega Potion Potion Honey 90 1
health bar.
Adds 10 points to your overall Blue
3 Nutrients Godbug 90 1
health meter. Mushroom
Adds 20 points to your overall
4 Mega Nutrients Nutrients Honey 75 1
health meter.
Rids your poisons with one Antidote Blue
5 Antidote 95 1
drink. Herb Mushroom
Cures poison and restores a Cactus
6 Herbal Medicine Bitterbug 90 1
small amount of health. Flower
Completely heals you and Mega Dragon
7 Max Potion 65 1
maximizes your health bar. Nutrients Toadstool
# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 % QTY

Completely heals you and

8 Ancient Potion maximizes your health and Immunizer Kelbi Horn 55 1
stamina bar.
Mixes with other materials to
9 Catalyst improve their effect. Cannot Bitterbug Honey 75 1
be used by itself.
Grant faster recovery of the
10 Immunizer red portion of the Health Catalyst 75 1
Raises stamina by 25 and
11 Power Juice grants infinite stamina Catalyst Rare Steak 75 1
Raises stamina by max and
Power Well Done
12 Mega Juice grants infinite stamina 65 1
Extract Steak
Raises stamina by 25 points.
Also heals fatigue status
induced by a monster,
13 Energy Drink Honey Dusk Herb 65 1
although it doesn't recover
stamina to its original level
when it does.
Increases your attack until you
14 Demondrug Catalyst Power Seed 65 1
are knocked unconscious.
Increases your attack greatly
15 until you are knocked Demondrug Pale Extract 55 1
Increase power for a very
16 Power Pill Immunizer Power Seed 75 1
brief time.
Increases defense for some
17 Armorskin Catalyst Armor Seed 65 1
Increases defense for a longer
18 Mega Armorskin Armorskin Pale Extract 55 1
Increases your defense for a
19 Armor Pill Immunizer Armor Seed 75 1
very brief time.
If drank, can withstand the
20 Hot Drink cold temperatures of the Hotpepper Bitterbug 95 1
snowy mountains or caves.
21 Hot Meat When eaten, restores 25% of Well-Done Hot Pepper 95 1
# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 % QTY

stamina and gives you cold Steak

If drank, can withstand the hot
22 Cool Drink temperatures of the volcano or Ice Crystal Bitterbug 95 1
When eaten, restores 25% of
23 Cold Meat stamina and gives you heat Ice Crystal 95 1
Gives a boost of stamina and
Spicy Special
24 also have the same effect as Hot Pepper 85 1
Mushroom[1] Mushroom
hot drink.
Can provide relief from heat Tropical
25 Frozen Berry[1] Ice Crystal 90 1
and recover stamina. Berry
Gets rid of the Snowman
26 Thawing Agent Fire Herb Rumblefish 95 1
Poisons a large monster if
27 Poisoned Meat Toadstool Raw Meat 90 1
Paralyzes a large monster if
28 Tainted Meat Parashroom Raw Meat 90 1
Puts a large monster to sleep
29 Drugged Meat Sleep Herb Raw Meat 90 1
if consumed.
Material to add with others to
30 Bomb Material Stone Sap Plant 95 2
make bombs.
Item used to cleanse you of Bomb
31 Deodorant Sunset Herb 75 1
Conga(lala) gas. Material
Creates a large cloud of
smoke when thrown that will Bomb
32 Smoke Bomb Ivy 75 1
prevent large monsters from Material
spotting you.
Poison Smoke Bomb used on bugs to poison Bomb
33 Toadstool 75 1
Bmb them. Material
Bomb that will temporarily
34 Flash Bomb blind and stun monsters when Flashbug 75 1
Drives away some monsters if Bomb
35 Dung Bomb Dung 75 1
thrown. Material
36 Paintball Temporarily marks a Paintberry Sap Plant 95 1
# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 % QTY

monster's movement on the

Instantly transports you back Bomb
37 Farcaster Exciteshroom 95 1
to base camp. Material
Material used to make large
38 Gunpowder barrel bombs or for weapon- Fire Herb Nitroshroom 95 1
Time bomb that inflicts a
39 Sm Barrel-Bomb small amount of damage; sets Small Barrel Fire Herb 90 1
off large bombs.
Time bomb that inflicts a
Sm Barrel- Sm Barrel- Burst
40 decent amount of damage; 90 1
Bomb+ Bomb Arrowana
sets off large bombs.
Large trigger bomb that
41 Lg Barrel-Bomb inflicts a decent amount of Gunpowder Large Barrel 75 1
Large trigger bomb that
Lg Barrel-
42 Lg Barrel-Bomb+ inflicts a great amount of Scatterfish 75 1
When set in rain, brings
43 Lightning Rod lightning that strikes the Thunderbug 75 1
Small blue bomb that flies Sm Barrel-
44 Bounce Bomb Vespoid Wing 75 1
into the air before exploding. Bomb
Small blue bomb that flies Bounce Bomb
45 Bounce Bomb+ 75 1
into the air before exploding. Bomb Arrowana
Temporarily stuns
underwater, sand-dwelling,
46 Sonic Bomb Screamer Gunpowder 75 1
and hearing-sensitive
monsters when thrown.
Material used for making
47 Net Ivy Spiderweb 90 1
Trap that causes a large
monster to become
48 Pitfall Trap Trap Tool Net 75 1
temporarily stuck in the
ground and vunerable.
Trap that causes a large
49 Shock Trap Trap Tool Genprey Fang 90 1
monster to become
# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 % QTY

temporarily paralyzed and

Fishing bait that only tuna
50 Tuna Bait Worm Yambug 95 1
will eat.
Fishing bait that only
51 Arrowana Bait Cricket Bughopper 95 1
arrowana will eat.
Fishing bait that only Snakebee
52 Goldenfish Bait Firefly 90 1
goldenfish will eat. Larva
Pickaxe that can be easily
53 Old Pickaxe Bone Stone 95 1
A decent pickaxe that takes
54 Iron Pickaxe Bone Iron Ore 75 1
some time to break.
Great pickaxe that takes a
55 Mega Pickaxe Bone Machalite Ore 95 1
while to break.
Bugnet that can be easily
56 Old Bugnet Net Mystery Bone 95 1
Decent bugnet that takes some Sm Monster
57 Bugnet Net 75 1
time to break. Bone
Great bugnet that takes a Med Monster
58 Mega Bugnet Net 95 1
while to break. Bone
Item used to make some
59 Antiseptic Stone armor, weapons and an Earth Crystal Bitterbug 75 1
antidote flute
Used solely for item
60 Lifecrystals Godbug Wyvern Fang 90 1
Restores health and can be
61 Lifepowder used in combination with a Lifecrystals Wyvern Claw 65 1
Flute that heals all who are
62 Health Flute Flute Lifepowder 65 1
around you when played.
Flute that heals poison to all Antiseptic
63 Antidote Flute Flute 65 1
who are around you. Stone
Flute that boosts attack to all Mega Med Monster
64 Demon Flute 55 1
who are around you. Demondrug Bone
Flute that boosts defense to all Mega Med Monster
65 Armor Flute 55 1
who are around you. Armorskin Bone
# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 % QTY

Throwing knife that poisons Throwing

66 Poison Thr Knf Toadstool 90 1
the monster. Knife
Throwing knife that induces a Throwing
67 Sleeping Thr Knf Sleep Herb 90 1
monster to sleep. Knife
Throwing knife that paralyzes Throwing
68 Paralyze Thr Knf Stunshroom 90 1
a monster. Knife
Small boomerang that can be Sm Monster
69 Boomerang Whetstone 90 1
thrown to ignite bombs. Bone
Item that greatly increases Lao-Shan's
70 Powertalon Powercharm 100 1
attack if held. Claw
Item that greatly increases Lao-Shan's
71 Armortalon Armorcharm 100 1
defense if held. Claw
72 Normal S Lv2 Weak single-fire ammo. Needleberry Huskberry 95 2-4
73 Normal S Lv3 Weak single-fire ammo. Huskberry Rumblefish 95 2-4
Bowgun bullets that go deep Velociprey
74 Pierce S Lv1 Huskberry 90 1-3
into flesh and bone. Fang
Bowgun bullets that go deep
75 Pierce S Lv2 Huskberry Pin Tuna 75 1-3
into flesh and bone.
Bowgun bullets that go deep Sm Bone
76 Pierce S Lv3 Pin Tuna 75 1-2
into flesh and bone. Husk
Multiple Bowgun bullets that
77 Pellet S Lv1 Huskberry Scatternut 90 1-3
spread out.
Multiple Bowgun bullets that
78 Pellet S Lv2 Huskberry Wyvern Fang 75 1-3
spread out.
Multiple Bowgun bullets that Sm Bone
79 Pellet S Lv3 Wyvern Fang 75 1-3
spread out. Husk
80 Crag S Lv1 Explosive Bowgun ammo. Huskberry 90 1
Sm Bone Burst
81 Crag S Lv2 Explosive Bowgun ammo. 90 1
Husk Arrowana
Lg Bone Bomb
82 Crag S Lv3 Explosive Bowgun ammo. 95 1
Husk Arrowana
83 Clust S Lv1 Explosive Bowgun ammo. Huskberry Bomberry 90 1
Sm Bone
84 Clust S Lv2 Explosive Bowgun ammo. Wyvern Claw 75 1
# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 % QTY

Lg Bone
85 Clust S Lv3 Explosive Bowgun ammo. Scatterfish 95 1
Bowgun bullet that does fire
86 Flaming S Huskberry Fire Herb 75 1
Bowgun bullet that does water Knife
87 Water S Huskberry 75 1-3
damage. Mackerel
Bowgun bullet that does
88 Thunder S Huskberry Flashbug 75 2-4
thunder damage.
Bowgun bullet that does ice
89 Freeze S Huskberry Ice Crystal 75 1-3
Bowgun bullet that does Lg Bone
90 Dragon S Dragon Seed 75 1
dragon damage. Husk
Bowgun ammo that heals a
91 Recov S Lv1 hunter or monster by a small Huskberry Herb 90 1
Bowgun ammo that heals a
92 Recov S Lv2 hunter or monster by a bigger Potion Huskberry 90 1
Bowgun ammo with low
93 Poison S Lv1 Huskberry Toadstool 90 1
toxicity; poisons monsters.
Bowgun ammo with higher Sm Bone
94 Poison S Lv2 Ioprey Fang 75 1
toxicity; poisons monsters. Husk
Bowgun ammo with a
95 Para S Lv1 neurotoxin that paralyses Huskberry Parashroom 90 1
Bowgun ammo with a
Sm Bone
96 Para S Lv2 neurotoxin that paralyses Genprey Fang 90 1
monsters faster.
Bowgun ammo that puts
97 Sleep S Lv1 Huskberry Sleep Herb 90 1
monsters to sleep.
Bowgun ammo that puts Sm Bone
98 Sleep S Lv2 Sleepyfish 75 1
monsters to sleep faster. Husk
Bowgun ammo that works
99 Paint S Huskberry Paintberry 90 1
like a paintball.
Bowgun ammo that enhances
100 Demon S Huskberry Power Seed 75 1
the attack of the target.
# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 % QTY

Bowgun ammo that enhances

101 Armor S Huskberry Armor Seed 75 1
the defense of the target.
Creates coatings of different Sm Bone
102 Empty Bottle Whetstone 85 1-2
kinds for bows. Husk
Bow coating that poisons
103 Poison Coating Empty Bottle Toadstool 90 1-2
Bow coating that paralyses
104 ParalysisCoating Empty Bottle Parashroom 85 1-2
Bow coating that puts
105 Sleep Coating Empty Bottle Sleep Herb 90 1-2
monsters to sleep.
Bow coating that strengthens
106 Power Coating Empty Bottle Nitroshroom 85 1-2
your arrows.
Can be combined with bomb
107 Tranquilizer material to make Tranq Sleep Herb Parashroom 65 1
Knife that puts monsters to Throwing
108 Tranq Thr Knf Tranquilizer 65 1
sleep. Knife
Throwing bomb that puts
109 Tranq Bomb Tranquilizer Bomb Material 75 1
monsters to sleep.
Bowgun shot that puts
110 Tranq S Tranquilizer Sm Bone Husk 90 1
monsters to sleep.
First sphere to enhance armor Machalite
111 Armor Sphere Armor Stone 100 1
defense. Ore
First sphere to enhance armor
112 Armor Sphere Armor Stone Killer Beetle 100 1
Second sphere to enhance
113 Armor Sphere+ Armor stone Dragonite ore 100 1
armor defense
Second sphere to enhance
114 Armor Sphere+ Armor stone Hercudrome 100 1
armor defense
Hard armor Third sphere to enhance armor
115 Armor Stone Carbalite ore 100 1
sphere defense
Hard armor Third sphere to enhance armor
116 Armor Stone King Scarab 100 1
sphere defense
117 Disk Stone x5 Produces 5 Disk Stones. Disk Stone 100 5
118 Iron Ore x5 Produces 5 Iron Ores. Expand Iron Ore 100 5
# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 % QTY

119 Earth Crystal x3 Produces 3 Earth Crystals. Earth Crystal 100 3
120 Machalite Ore x3 Produces 3 Machalite Ores. Machalite Ore 100 3
121 Dragonite Ore x3 Produces 3 Dragonite Ores. Dragonite Ore 100 3
122 Carbalite Ore x2 Produces 2 Carbalite Ores. Carbalite Ore 100 2
123 Union Ore x2 Produces 2 Union Ores. Union Ore 100 2
124 Firestone x2 Produces 2 Firestones. Firestone 100 2
125 Firecell Stone x2 Produces 2 Firecell Stones. Firecell Stone 100 2
126 Lightcrystal x2 Produces 2 Lightcrystals. Lightcrystal 100 2
127 Novacrystal x2 Produces 2 Novacrystals. Novacrystal 100 2
Monster Bone+ Expand
128 Produces 2 Monster Bone+. Monster Bone+ 100 2
x2 Pickaxe
Hard Monster Produces 2 Hard Monster Expand Hard Monster
129 100 2
Bone x2 Bones. Pickaxe Bone
130 Carpenterbug X5 Produces 5 Carpenterbugs. Carpenterbug 100 5
131 Killer Beetle X3 Produces 3 Killer Beetles. Killer Beetle 100 3
132 Hercudrome X3 Produces 3 Hercudrome. Heraclesdrome 100 3
133 Rare Cricket X2 Produces 2 Rare Crickets. Rare Cricket 100 2
134 King Scarab X3 Produces 3 Rare Scarabs. King Scarab 100 3
Decorative snowman made
Pokke Blango Blzrd Blango Flrry
135 from snow near the Pokke 100 1
Snowman[2] Ball Ball
# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 % QTY

A sword from a Lynian

136 Cats Sword[2] society that represents Hiltless Sword 100 1
A crown from a Lynian Cat Crown Broken Cat
137 Cat Crown[2] 100 1
society that represents power. Fragment Crown
Broken vase from an ancient Bottomless
138 Dynasty Vase[2] Vase Bottom 100 1
culture. Vase
Shakalaka A sacred mask from the Shakalaka
139 Shakalaka 100 1
Mask[2] Shakalaka tribe. Stone
Reference book with notes on
Elder Dragon Torn Old Old Book
140 elder dragons. Written by Jon 100 1
Reference[2] book Scrap

Alchemy Combinations
Please note that Alchemy Combinations can only be done if you have the 'Alchemy' Armor Skill. In
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, you can also do it with the 'Alchemy Guide' item.

# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 Success % Quantity

Normal Honey. Highly Special

141 Honey[1] Firefly 90 1
Nutritious. Mushroom
Restores a small amount
142 Herb Sap Plant Insect Husk 95 1
of health.
Makes gunpowder and
143 Fire Herb Garbage Hotpepper 90 1
bombs when combined.
Blue Makes healing items Antidote
144 Toadstool 95 1
Mushroom when combined. Herb
Can be cooked to make a
145 Raw Meat stamina-restoring steak Burnt Meat Insect Husk 95 1
or used as bait in traps.
Makes large barrel Med Monster
146 Large Barrel Ivy 65 1
bombs when combined. Bone
Makes small barrel Sm Monster
147 Small Barrel Sap Plant 75 1
bombs when combined. Bone
148 Huskberry Combines with other Huskberry Iron Ore 75 5
# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 Success % Quantity

materials to make bullets.

Combines with other Earth
149 Needleberry Needleberry 75 5
materials to make bullets. Crystal
Restores a small amount Antidote
150 Sushifish Sleepyfish 75 1
of health. Herb
Restores a small amount Velociprey
151 Rare Steak Thunderbug 90 1
of stamina. Hide
Makes a Sonic Bomb
152 Screamer Frog Flute 75 1
when combined.
Can be mixed with insect
153 stomach juices to make Ice Crystal Sleep Sac 55 1
an adhesive.
Allows you to see a
154 Psychoserum wyvern's movement on Thunderbug 75 1
the map temporarily.
Gypceros extract, the
Power Piscine
155 secret to it's ability to run Dragon Seed 65 1
Extract[1] Liver
fast and far.
Temporarily raises attack
156 Power Seed power. Short-lived effect Bomberry 65 1
if used raw. Plantable.
Temporarily increases
157 Armor Seed defense when consumed. Needleberry 65 1
Very invigorating.
Recovers the red portion
158 Rare Fish of the Health Gauge Burnt Fish Sunset Herb 90 1
when eaten
MHFU Additional Combinations
Combinations exclusive to Freedom Unite/Portable 2ndG.

# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 Success % Quantity

Higher sharpness and

Close Range melee power for Knife
1 Empty Bottle 85 1-2
Coating Bows. Must be close Mackerel
to the target.
# Product Use Item 1 Item 2 Success % Quantity

Coating for bows with

2 Paint Coating same effect as Empty Bottle Paintberry 90 1-2
Fourth sphere to
Heavy Armor Armor
3 enhance armor Purecrystal 100 1
Sphere Stone
Royal Armor Fifth sphere to Eltalite Ore or
4 Sphere/King enhance armor Emperor 100 1
Armor Sphere defense Cricket
Sixth sphere to Melanje Ore
Tru Armor Armor
5 enhance armor or Phantom 100 1
Sphere Stone
defense Butterfly
Produces 2 Eltalite Expand
6 Eltalite Ore Eltalite Ore 100 2
Ores Pickaxe
Produces 2 Melanje Expand
7 Melanje Ore Melanje Ore 100 2
Ores Pickaxe
Produces 2 Expand
8 Purecrystal Purecrystal 100 2
Purecrystals Pickaxe
Heavy Monster Produces 2 Heavy Expand
9 Monster 100 2
Bone Monster Bones Pickaxe
Produces 2 Emperor Expand Emperor
10 Emperor Cricket 100 2
Crickets Pickaxe cricket
Phantom Produces 2 Phantom Expand Phantom
11 100 2
Butterfly Butterflies Pickaxe Butterfly
Stone Statue with a
Ancient Cat Broken Stone Tailless Cat
12 great air. A Felyne 100 1
King Statue[2] Tail Statue
ancestor, perhaps?

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