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Name=Majesty B. Bayawa.

Date=October 5 2019


Saudi Arabia



B. Rehiyon

Kanlurang Asya

C. Trivias

1. Geography

-The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a country situated in Southwest Asia, the

largest country of Arabia, by the Arabian Peninsula, bordering the Persian
Gulf and the Red Sea, north of Yemen. Its extensive coastlines on the Persian
Gulf and Red Sea provide great leverage on shipping (especially crude oil)
through the Persian Gulf and the Suez Canal. The kingdom occupies 80% of
the Arabian Peninsula. Most of the country's boundaries with the United Arab
Emirates (UAE), Oman, and the Republic of Yemen (formerly two separate
countries: the Yemen Arab Republic or North Yemen; and the People's
Democratic Republic of Yemen or South Yemen) are undefined, so the exact
size of the country remains unknown.

2. History

-The history of Saudi Arabia in its current form as a state began with its foundation in
1744, although the human history of the region extends as far as 20,000 years ago. The
region has had a global impact twice in world history. At other times, the region existed
in relative obscurity and isolation, although from the 7th century the cities
of Mecca and Medina had the highest spiritual significance for the Muslim world, with
Mecca becoming the destination for the Hajj pilgrimage, an obligation, at least once in a
believer's lifetime, if at all possible.
3. Politics
- The politics of Saudi Arabia takes place in the context of a totalitarian[1][2][3] absolute
monarchy with Islamist lines, where the King is both the head of state and government.
Decisions are, to a large extent, made on the basis of consultation among the senior
princes of the royal family and the religious establishment. The Qur'an is declared to be
the constitution of the country, which is governed on the basis of Islamic law (Shari'a).
The Allegiance Council is responsible to determine the new King and the new Crown
Prince. All citizens of full age have a right to attend, meet, and petition the king directly
through the traditional tribal meeting known as the majlis.
4. Current issue
- Iran and Saudi Arabia have no diplomatic relations following an attack on
the Saudi embassy in Tehran in January 2016 after Saudi Arabia
executed Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a Shia cleric. Bilateral relations between the
countries have been strained over several geo-political issues such as the
interpretations of Islam, aspirations for leadership of the Islamic world, oil
export policy and relations with the United States and
other Western countries.
Saudi Arabia is a conservative Sunni absolute monarchy established in 1932,
with a tradition of close ties to the United States and the United Kingdom.
Modern Iran is a Twelver Shia Islamic republic founded in 1979, with a
political system that includes elements of a parliamentary democracy vetted
and supervised by a theocracy governed by a "Supreme Leader".

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