Kamila Rossy - Social Learning Theory

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The Application of Social Learning Theory in Daily Life

K P Nursyahbani1* and R A H Putri1

International Program on Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl.
Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Abstract. This paper discusses about social learning theory introduced by Albert Bandura (1925-
present). Social learning theory assumes that people learn from one another through observation,
imitation, and modelling. In the modelling process, there are four conditions needed which are
attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. In the research, the application of social
learning theory through an experiment by having a lesson of painting with cotton bud to
elementary students. The method used in this research is observation and interview. The research
will check whether those four conditions occur in the experiment. It is seen that the four phases
of modelling and observational learning are present in the cotton bud painting lesson.

1. Introduction
Learning is defined as "a persisting change in human performance as a result of human's or learner's
interaction with the environment". Shuell (1986) defined learning as "an enduring change in behavior,
or in the capacity to behave which results from practice or experience" [1]. By learning, someone can
result a change in their behavior by having practice or experience.
Social learning theory is a major outgrowth of the behavioral learning theory tradition. It was
developed by Albert Bandura (1925-present), which stated that social learning theory accepts more of
behavioral theories but focuses more to the effects signal on behavior, emphasizing the effects of thought
on action and action on thought [1]. Social learning theory assumes that people learn from one another
through observation, imitation, and modeling. The theory has often been called as a bridge from
behaviorist to cognitive learning theories since it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation [3].
The learners observe people around them behaving in many ways and were illustrated by the famous
Bobo Doll Experiment conducted by Bandura in 1961. The learner, which are the children, pay attention
to the models and encode their behavior. Later, the children may imitate the behavior they observed.
The children are more likely to imitate those people or models they perceive as similar to their selves.
Or, the people around the children will respond to the behavior it imitates with either reinforcement or
punishment. The children are more likely to continue performing their behavior if the consequences are
rewarding. Social learning theory focuses on how mental or cognitive factors are involved in learning
According to Bandura, there are five products which will be produced from the model which are new
cognitive abilities and new psycho-motor skills, strengthen or weaken of previously-learnt prohibitions,
social motivators, values, and beliefs, how environment and goods will be used, and the method of
expressing feelings [4]. Bandura also mentioned four conditions which are needed in modeling process
as shown in figure 1 below [5].
Figure 1 conditions needed in modeling process

2. Method
The method used in this research is observation and interview directly to the object. The observation
was conducted on October 9th 2019. The object of the observation is Kanaya, a 5th grade elementary
student and Derayya, a 4th grade elementary student in Pribadi Bilingual School, Bandung being
observed by her math teacher, Rossy, a 5th semester student of IPSE FPMIPA UPI which is also being
a model of the experiment. The location of the observation is in Ciwaruga Bali City Residence, Bandung.
The instrument of this observation is a set of cottonbud, paint, and small cardboards. The name of
experiment is cottonbud painting.
The steps to do the experiment are first, prepare the materials and equipment that will be used which
are small cardboards, cottonbuds, and paint. Then, the model showed the students how to make the
cottonbud painting gradually, the students paid attention to the model and capture the procedure. Then,
the students tried to make the painting as shown by the model. The model kept providing the materials
to test the students’ motivation to make another one. The observer will observe whether social learning
theory is happening in that case. The observer also checked whether it works by interviewing the students

3. Result and Discussion

Along the experiment, researcher observed and asked some question to the students. After doing the
experiment, researcher classified the process into four phases based on modelling and observational
learning theory. Those phases are attention, retention, reproduction, and motivational phase. In the
attention phase both students pay attention to the model while she demonstrating how to make dandelion
with cotton bud painting technique. They observed how the model got the dandelion ready. In second
phase, which is retention, the model gave students the chance to practice. The model let students to try
but still giving guidance or hint to students. the third phase is reproduction. Both students were given
the same amount of material. In this phase the students did make dandelion with cotton bud painting
technique on their own. The last phase is motivational. In this phase researcher observed that there are
differences between students 1 and students 2. Student 1 was more motivated to keep making the art
while student 2 choose to paint another thing after her first try. Table 1 below shows the phases during
the experiment.
Phase / Student 1 2
Attention Pay attention to and observe Pay attention to and observe
model model
Retention Trying to make dandelion Trying to make dandelion
painting painting
Reproduction Make dandelion painting on Make dandelion painting on
her own her own
Motivational Choose to make other painting Keep making dandelion
after first trial painting
Said that this is hard Asking for more paper
Choose not to do it anymore Want to do it again next lesson
Table 1 phases during experiment

The most distinctive behavior between student 1 and student 2 is in the motivational part. So, student
1 were motivated to keep making the dandelion painting. This is shown by her asking for more paper,
in other words she made a lot of dandelion painting as shown in picture 1. While student 2 only made
one dandelion painting and choose to paint another object as shown in picture 2.

Figure 2 dandelion paintings by Student 1

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3 Paintings by Student 2 (a) first painting (b) second painting (c) third painting
4. Conclusion
From the experiment we can see that the four phases of modelling and observational learning are
present in the cotton bud painting lesson. Attention phase, retention phase, reproduction phase, and
motivational phase can be observed during the experiment.

5. Acknowledgments
Our gratitude is presented to all the parties that help the observer to conduct the experiment. We are
thankful to Miss Kanaya and Miss Derayya for being the object of the experiment.

6. References

[1] D. Peel, "The significance of behavioural learning theory to the development of effective coaching
practice," International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring , 2005.
[2] R. E. Slavin, Educational Psychology, New York: Pearson, 2006.
[3] K. Cherry, "History and Key Concepts of Behavioral Psychology," verywell mind, 2019. [Online].
Available: https://www.verywellmind.com/behavioral-psychology-4157183.
[4] S. Bahri, "Paradigma Pembelajaran Conditioning dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Islam," Universitas
Satyagama Jakarta , 2017.
[5] N. Chotim, "Efektivitas Penerapan Teori Pembiasaan Klasikal (Classical Conditioning) Ivan Pavlov
pada Bidang Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas VII di SMP
Negeri 1 Panceng Gresik," UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2010.
[6] M. F. Ahmad, "Penerapan Teori Belajar Operant Conditioning Melalui Pemanfaatan Bahan Ajar
Modul Akidah Akhlak untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X MIA MAN 1 Makassar,"
UIN Alauddin Makassar, 2018.

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