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Role: The Coach!

• In SEPEP each team has a Coach. The Coach is responsible for
organising training sessions. The Coach works with the Captain
and other players to work out ways of improving the team’s

• Devise training drills with the teacher, that will help improve their
• Lead their team in training sessions
• Give or get help for players that require it
• Along with the Captain, sort out any disputes amongst players in
their team
• Listen to ALL team members when making decisions

• Jess L
• Jaimi
• Brys
• Hendo
• Aaron L

Role: Head Umpire/Records Keeper

• The Head Umpire is responsible for organising the officiating for
each game. The Head Umpire must ensure that their referees are
fair and consistent. As a Records Keeper as well, they are
responsible for recording all games and data onto the record
sheets provided at each session.

• Make your own decisions, don’t let others tell you what to do
• Be firm fair and consistent
• Look after your teams referees
• Ensure referees within your teams know the rules of the game
• Collect scores from all games and write up results during each
• Collect votes or nominations for awards/recognition from each
game (MVP)
• Time Games
• In charge of fixtures for each round
• Ensure games start and finish on time

• Ashleigh M
• Alana
• Patrick
• Elle
• Jess Melit

Role: Captain!

• Captains are responsible for directing their teams in games.
Among their duties are the maintenance of team unity, promotion
of skilled performance and provision of leadership through
modelling fair and co-operative play.

• The Captain is the only person allowed to discuss decisions with
the referee/umpire
• Lead their teams in games by setting an example in terms of
playing, behaviour and effort
• Along with the Coach, sort out any disputes amongst players in
their team
• Listen to ALL team members when making decisions. Make sure
everyone has a say
• Be responsible for their team’s conduct during the season

• Chris
• Tristan
• Aidan
• Stuart
• Ashlee L

Role: End of Season Event

• End of season events are a festive celebration of the recent
season and of everyone’s participation. They represent the
culmination of the sporting experience when competitive and
social outcomes are shared. The end of season event should be
programmed into the season’s conclusion and PLANNED EARLY!

• Organise an end of season event that reflects the achievement of
all members of the class
• Cost, choice of venue, special guests and duration of the occasion
all need to be considered (Friday P2, Week 10)
• Must be planned early and all ideas must be relayed through to
the teacher

• Brad
• Jess Miller
• Hayley
• Krystyna
• Carissa

Role: Sports Board Member!

• Members of the Sports Board are responsible for the planning and
running of the season. All decisions must be co-operatively
reached – no one person should dominate.

• Rule modifications for games
• General rules for classes regarding what is expected of students
• Rules and procedures to deal with anticipated problems (eg
absentees causing a team to be short of players, arguing with
• Co-ordinate the provision of awards and recognition of

• Patricia
• Corey
• Phillipa
• Karina
• Kallen

Role: Publicity Officer!

• Publicity Officers are responsible for communicating the status of
the SEPEP season to the class and school. Publicity Officers have
duties that are similar to those done by TV and newspaper sports
reporters and commentators.

• Prepare the SEPEP notice board so all students can find out about
the SEPEP season
• Design promotional and informational material for display on the
SEPEP notice board
• Feature sporting personalities within the class
• Highlight and review interesting, funny or informative news from
each week’s fixture and training.

• Nicole
• Teneille
• Asten
• Sara
• Hannah

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