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Building and Construction ‘Authority ee shape ase, igh yb nant (Our Ref: APPBCA-2017-11 Buicing Engineering Group (#12.00) Tel» 1800 3425222, Fax 6334 2561 15 Sep 2017 E-mail: sg ‘Soe Distribution Dear SiyMadam REQUIREMENTS ON BORED TUNNELLING WORKS objective ‘This cicularis to inform the industry the contol framework of safety requirements for bored tunneling works. ‘The framework aime to mfigate rake associated with bored tunneling works inorder to ensure structural stabil of bulsings and structures, anc public safely The requirements are applicable to projects involving tunneling works cared out Sing Tune! Boing Machines (TB) under he clear of Getechal Baling Ws (cam, Background 2__ Over the past few months, BCA has met up with Inston of Engineers Singapore (IES), Associaton of Conauting' Engineers Singapore (ACES), Geotechnical Society of Singapore (GeoSS) and BCAIndusty Joint Tunneling Working Committee (JTWC) to gather feedback on the control framework in enhancing safety of bored tunneling works. This cular, which has incorporated Input from the. professional institutions, 1s for compliance by Qualtied Persons (OP), Accredited Chackers (AC), ste superisors, bulders and developers with immediate effect. Control framework for bored tunnelling works 3. Bored tunneling works can cause unintended consequences of excessive Sotiements and depressions, f not managed properly. A igoracs control framework ie required to ensure structural stabity of buldings and infrastructures In close proximity to boted tunneling works (e2e Annex 1) and to safeguard public safety during tunneling The contol framework consist of: I) risk matr fr tunneling works (90 Annex 2) i) mitigation measures for various risk categories (Gee Annex 3) js) contol measure for overexcavation (ee Annes 4) IN) specie conations of permit for bored tunneling works (see Annex 8) Vy form TUNGEW AnnexC-3 for records of excavation (eee Appendix A) volume 4 The rsk matrix catogorses the risks of bored tunneling works based on proxy to buldings and ground conaitons.The risk categories ae to be determined by GP(Oasign)s (CQP(Oy) and shown in the approved plans. For each risk category, suitable miigaion ‘measures as Fisted in Annex 8 shall be implemented during bored tunnelling works. 5 tis important to note that QP(Supervsion) (QP(S)") must take all reasonabls steps ‘and exercise due digence to ensure that there Je no over-excavation during tunneling ‘works, Nevertheless, iti sill essential to monitor the Ikethood and any ineidence af ver- ‘excavation during tunneling, flow chart summarising the actions tobe taken wien thre s ‘over-excavation is shown in Annex 4 P(D}s ate to develop the detals based on this ‘Annex. inciding the workflow, and indicate on the approved plans. QP(S)s are 10 implement the new TUN_GEWAnnexC-3 form “Site Inspection & Approval Rea for Tunneling Works ~ Records of Excavation Volume" in Appendix A for tunneling in close proximity fo buldings and in mixed face contion 8 The spectic condtione of permit relating to bored tunneling works are fated in ‘Annex 5. They incide requirements on supervision of bored tunneling works, emergency preparedness plan and incident reporing Requirements on submission of structural plans 7 For projects involving GBW bored tunneling works, the folowing deals, repots and ‘documents must be incorporated inte the structural (ST) plan submission: ‘4. Pursuant to regulations 10A(2) and 10A(6) of the Buiing Control Regulations, {QP(0) and QP(Geo}(D) shal assess and specty on plans the risk category cf each section of tunnel. The applicable tems listed in Annex 3 shall be incorperated inthe plans. ». An impact assessment report pursuant to regulation 10A(2)() of the Builing Control Regulations, must contin QP(D)'s and QP(Ge0)(D)s assessment on the Bulding’s response io ground movement caused by tunneling’ works and their Fecommendations on the measures to be taken fo prevent any ground movement hich may cause damage to or impair the stability of the buildings. Pursuant to regulation 10A(2)(h) ofthe Buling Control Regulations. a report sting ‘out alist of buildings and the risk catagories fr buings located in cose proximity to the ‘tunneling works, as well as their detais incuding address of bulcing, ‘Photograph, type of foundations, horizontal distance of building from tunnel, number Of storeys and number of dweling uns for each building, emergency preparedness plan (including arrangement for decanting) and communication pan, 4d. Pursuant to regulation 108(2)(H) ofthe Bullaing Control Regulations, a ow chart with ‘overexcavation limits 36 determined by QP(O)s, developed based on 8 In accordance with section 10 of the Building Control Act, QP{S) is reminded and ‘strongly advised to ensure all tunneling works ae supervised at all imes by a resident fengineer from the team of site supervisors as prescribed in Regulation 24 of the Bulg CConttl Regulation 9 Nothing contained in this ciular is meant to attempt to orto replace the QPs! cercise of professional {a In the preparation of plans for submission to BCA andlor (b} during the earrying out of building works. GPs are to exercise the! applicable, GPs are expected to, given the circumstances at hand ‘sdverse_and highly variable ground con ‘additional requirements when building works are being carried out, 10 | would appreciate iti you could cisseminate the contenis of tis cicular “0 your ‘members. Please conlact Er. Dr. Poh Teoh Yaw or Er. Kong Tze Foong at Tel 1800- 3425222 or email bca_enquiry@bca gov sq should you need any laiicaion. Thankyou Yours faitully Sj Er CHAN BEE BEE DEPUTY GROUP DIRECTOR BUILDING ENGINEERING GROUP For COMMISSIONER OF BUILDING CONTROL ATTACHMENTS ‘Annex | Definition of close proximity to existing buildings ‘Annex2 | Risk categories for various tunneling conditions ‘Annex3 | Tunneling risk categories and mitigation measures during desigiconstruction stages ‘Annex 4 | Flow char summarising actions tobe taken when there is over. ‘excavation ‘Annex | Speofe Conditions of Permit for Bored Tunneling Works ‘Appendix | TUN_GBW._AnnexC-3 form ~ Records of Excavation Volume CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTION LIST ASSOCIATIONS / SOCIETIES PRESIDENT INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS, SINGAPORE (IES) 70, BUKIT TINGGI ROAD SINGAPORE 269758 Jes@iesnet ora sa PRESIDENT ASSOCIATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SINGAPORE (ACES) 48 SIN MING LANE 06.01 MIDVIEW CITY SINGAPORE 573960 seccetatial@aces.ora £9 PRESIDENT SINGAPORE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION LIMITED (SCAL) CONSTRUCTION HOUSE BUKIT MERAH LANE 2 SINGAPORE 152780 ‘ PRESIDENT SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS (SIA) TS NEIL ROAD SINGAPORE 088904 infosia om sa PRESIDENT SOCIETY OF PROJECT MANAGERS (SPM) MACPHERSON ROAD P.0.B0X 1083, SINGAPORE 913412 PRESIDENT SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF BUILDING LIMITED (SIBL) ‘TO PALMER ROAD, 1403-090 PALMER HOUSE SINGAPORE 079427 so PRESIDENT REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS’ ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE (REOAS) 190 CLEMENCEAU AVENUE. 407-01 SINGAPORE SHOPPING CENTRE SINGAPORE 239924 ‘snquiny@redas com PRESIDENT SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF SURVEYORS & VALUERS (SISV) WO MIDDLE ROAD #08-00 CHIAT HONG BUILDING. SINGAPORE 188968 PRESIDENT SINGAPORE STRUCTURAL STEEL SOCIETY (SSS) 1 LIANG SEAH STREET 1802-11712 LIANG SEAH PLACE SINGAPORE 189022 PRESIDENT GEOTECHNICAL SOCIETY OF SINGAPORE CIO PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES CENTRE NUS FACULTY OF ENGINEERING ENGINEERING DRIVE 4 SINGAPORE 117576 seoss@@nus edu sa PRESIDENT PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS BOARD, SINGAPORE (PES) 1ST STOREY, TOWER BLOCK, MND COMPLEX S MAXWELL ROAD SINGAPORE 069110 ‘eaistran@peb govsa, PRESIDENT BOARD OF ARCHITECTS (GOA) 5 MAXWELL ROAD 4ST STOREY TOWER BLOCK MIND COMPLEX ‘SINGAPORE 069110 bosteh@eingnet com. DIRECTOR PROTECTIVE INFRASTRUCTURE & ESTATE DEFENCE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY AGENCY 1 DEPOT ROAD #03-01 SINGAPORE 109879 Icheshio@dsta gov.20 DEPUTY DIRECTOR PROJECT DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE BRANCH MINISTRY OF EDUCATION {NORTH BUONA VISTA ORIVE OFFICE TOWER LEVEL 8 SINGAPORE 138675 eng wee sg DIRECTOR, BEST SOURCING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD 49 SCOTS ROAD #18-01, ENVIRONMENT BUILDING SINGAPORE 228231 koh boon ak@pub DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE INFRASTRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENT LAND TRANSPORT AUTHORITY 4 HAMPSHIRE ROAD BLOCK 8 LEVEL 1 SINGAPORE 219428 ‘chong khang ch DEPUTY DIRECTOR PROJECT DEVT & MGT SECT 1 (C&S) BUILDING QUALITY GROUP. HOUSING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD Hos HUB 480 LORONG 6 TOA PAYOH. SINGAPORE 310480 kgdb cova DIRECTOR ENGINEERING PLANNING DIVISION STC CORPORATION THE JTC SUMMIT {8 JURONG TOWN HALL ROAD SINGAPORE 609434 chee keh @ite g0v-69 DIRECTOR BUILDING. PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION @ STADIUM LINK SINGAPORE 397750 PRESIDENT ‘THE TUNNELING AND UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION SOCIETY SINGAPORE (TUCSS) lO CMA INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS PTE LTD {1 LIANG SEAH STREET. 1402-12 LIANG SEAH PLACE SINGAPORE 189022 info@uess o.29 PRESIDENT SOCIETY OF ROCK MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 1 LIANG SEAH STREET 1402-12 LIANG SEAH PLACE ‘SINGAPORE 189022 ‘ DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER SENTOSA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 39 ALLANBROOKE ROAD, SENTOSA SINGAPORE 0G0961 ‘agencies sq ALL CORENET E-INFO SUBSCRIBERS Definition of close proximity to existing buildings ‘Bored tunneling works ) underneath the bulings; ori) located within a horizontal stance ‘of zm from the extemal edge ofthe building footprint are defined asin close proxmity to exiting buildings | ae! | eae! et bw ee Ls ml ‘a, am! ! ! Gg) 94/9 g/O 8919 gO —ciaaiedoet Hearne ‘Annex? Risk Catogoris for various tunnelling conditions Category 1 Fresh to | Category 2: Ground moderately weathered) other than Tock Hard residual | Categories 1 and 3 sail / Hard OA ‘Case 2: Building within tunneling Influence zone [Case 5: Tunneling direct ‘or partially underneath buldings (Case 2a) or latin a horzontal distance of zm fom the bulding (Case 3) ‘mtxe face refers to the presence of = '@)boulrfeore.stone; or ') rock (grade or less weathering) with rock content between 25% fo 80%; or ©) rock content < 25% in which te rate of advancement of TEM crops by more ‘than 80% below normal average due to ground coniton: or «interface between soft sal and hard sol, fr example betwean Marine Cay ‘and OA. Tunneling risk categories and mitigation measures during design/construction stages T°] Un agen Medium {For Case 3 which involves tunnelling in close proximity to buildings] Site investigation boreholes are tobe provided, a8 @ minimum, one on each side ofthe buiding when tunneling undemeath he building, or along the Side ofthe bung when tunneling in close proximity tothe bulging. In opoy 17 | Sin pp sts cnr tes gtin con tng hn Savatage lay ube neces winboca doa ee eee nee ree eee oe Pelesteraer en rca Sw os maig Se OTT PGA 18 | sunt sscmsun trata cone poxint enc arse | ORO) om piston a ponte pases Bokeh tre ny crane ys is Spa (a SNR TOOT ‘Sekeg orcs cae posi noe oat tenon grand tndransaswhen'ne Ys pegs whe cota 1» | cxtimen amass nee meng teiemiiningzin, | ony Fede ipaiele tear pment iy ee eee eee estan Ge) or sal pst on lbs an wines erect ay 20 | Ensure builder carry out secondary grouting via segment ports when over- OPiS) Siar ang sol ecrtod sss fue ean ae ieee ea re et rn oon Gg he rf suse a oon Src HS oon een ors)? 22 | tunneling KPI and allowable over-excavation volume. Builder Shure RASH Mp serve Guan ARORA TSAG | — one 23 | srytonne Teno jattotse gg unomentnersncarear | 2%) building. re oy [ Ease try aC wae TUT goa con bs | OPT eee ule Reese oPOFT ee ee eee cae [Foran 3 teh moe nna clow rosy obits) | gn. Pn tron nono onlay, eg +b pana sonra rey 2 | Sadana ps ase ly + vibration meters ~ continuous monitoring ‘The above instrumentation monitoring shall be applicable thoughout the Peto wien the face of the TBM s within 20m from the bulcing, Provide nerumeralion including borehole extensometer, pezometes, water standpipe,setement markers and inclnometers. ‘Nol: alin instruments arto be provided, as @ minimum on both sides of ho Dating Bovotole instruments drecty above the tunnel should bo torminatod atleast 2m ‘ove the nal ern, [For Case 8 which involves tunnelling in close proximity to buildings] Review 4 houry 18M results and Tunneling Key Performance Indicators (KP) a8 defined in OP(O) ravings. ‘Submit a summary of motoring results and assessment report to BCA at least once daly when the TBM i located within the conrl zone. No Flushing in TBM. [For Case 3 which involves tunnelling In close proximity to bulldings] Develop an emergency preparedness plan (including arrangement for decanting) and a communication plan as contingency. Developer {Fer Case 3 which involves tunnelling in close proximity to buildings] ‘Assess the need to cary aut appropriate grouting atthe front of TM shel. TRequired forthe following buildings under Caso 3: ‘+ Tunnelling underneath and within a horizontal distance of 3m from the buildings — Category 1 (Medium risk) ‘+ Tunnelling underneath and within a horizontal distance of 6m ‘rom the buildings ~ Categories 2 and 3 (High risk) OP(O) to carry out detailed structural assessment, taking into consideration the existing conditon of the buling, to establish ALL of the following baling capacity limits: 8) Buiding Settlement (monitored using building settioment markers or equivalent) ») Diferental Buling Settlement between 2 immediate adjacent columns (monitored using buldng settlement markers or equivalent. ) Tit (mentored using ttmeters or prisms). “The above building capacity limits and the ’Spacfic actions for QP(S) upon the breach of Buldng mits ae to be included Inthe approved plans. ‘Specific actions foc QP(S) upon the breach of Buicina iis |) Upon breach of Work Suspension Limit of any ofthe above items, QP(S) ‘hall caty out inspection en the bulding atleast once dally to ascertain iT there are any signs of buling cst; and submit to GBC dally nis ‘cerifcation of structural integrity of the bulding and assessment of any ‘safely concem, and his recommendation on safely measures and the nse for decanting ‘QP;(S) shall recommend to CBC the activation of decanting plan upon: 1) bxeach of building capac its of 2) orb) oF), n combination wit ‘signs of structural dress on key structural elements; or 2) occurrence of structural eracks on key structural elements that lead to ‘canoer on structural safty aP(O" aP(py"10P (8) Note: 41) The required mitigation measures for each tunneling risk category is cumulative of the ‘measures in all the lower risk categorys). For Low risk category, mitigation measure 1D to 116 shall be applicable; for Medium isk category, mfigaion measures 1D1 to 1D31 shal be applicable; for High risk category. ID1 to 1033 shall be applicable. Should QP(D) andlor QP(S) assess that any of the requied mitigation measures is not appropriate in any particular situation, hethey may propose a more appropriate ‘ternative miigation measure for BCR's acceptance 2) *-tems to be shown an approved pans " Annex 4 ‘ations tobe taken when there ls overexcavation “hoverexcevation detected atthe end ofeach ring excavated > 7%" ong average of 5 ‘ins Overexcavation suspected Secs > 26%" for ingle ring ¥ ¥v 1 trmedataly suspend TOM excavation and aavancorent 3} For Gace 3, cary out appropriate grout at th ont par of TBM sil For Gases 1 and, QP to review the need for grouting athe fe ato Tot shel, i_Notly BCA. ¥ Vat overexcavation volume va 2a) or20) of he ‘explanatory note blow ¥ v . Tasted rer Teetified over excavation ‘excavation io Die v ¥ ¥ v ¥ Tey BCA bolero recat of TaN ronvaon and advancement += (0) may propse limits nt exceeding the values inated + hase vale shal be ental, ‘Annex 4 explanatory notes 10 GEW 1) When the roling average of 5 rings indicates an over-excavation volume exceeding 410%, OPs shall review the need fr probe dling ad groving from ground surface and proceed to implement necessary measures to milgat rik of ground movements 2) When over-excavation is suspected or when the readings indicate an overexcevation volume exceeding 15% at the end of any rng excavated, the Builder and QPs shall Immediately suspend TBM ‘excavation and advancement. Bulder and QPs shall proceed to carry out, for tunneling in close proximity to bulding, appropriate grotting at {he font part of TBM shied of for other cases, QP shal review the need for grouting at the font part of TEM shield. OPs and Bulger shall natty BCA immediately “The Builder and QPs shal subsequently verify the magnitude of overexcavation volume by adopting a hostic assessment, comprising but not limited to: 2} muck reconcation for slury TEMS using i) dy mass computation, i otal volume measurements, ii) Belt weigher, and iv) volume calculations of STP separated ‘muck including gravel, sand andes for each tunnel ring; or 2 3) b)_ muck reconcation for EPB TBM using i) muck skip counts and i) gantry crane weigher In addition, GPs shall also review tunneling operational parameters (of TEM KPIs, slurry, coneitioners), assess the observations made onthe ground surface and readings ‘of deep monitoring instruments in close proximity to the locaton where the over- ‘excavation is suspectedindcated through readings. It the over-excavation volume is verfled to be less than or equal 1 15%, QFs shall review the need for probe diling and grouting from ground surface and proceed 10 implement necessary measures to miigae isk of ground movements, GPs shal naty BCA bafoce allowing the tunneling works to continua when QPs are satisfied tha all the ‘voids formed from the overexcavation have been fled up. \When the readings indicate an over-excavation volume exceeding 25% or if the over ‘excavation volume has been verted to be more than 15%, Bulger and QPs shall ‘continue to suspend TBM excavation and advancement. GPs shall vestigate the reasons for the over-excavation together with the Buldor, and ensure thatthe Suldor implement mitgaton measures to make safe the situation, including carrying ou probe dling and grouting from the ground surface as well as implementing necessary ‘measures to miigate risk of ground movements. QPs shall conduct a visual inspection {on the buildings in clase proximity tothe tunneling works and review the instrumentation readings to assess whether the buldings are safe ori they require any strengthening ‘andiorrecifeation. After the repairs are completed, the QPs shal reassess andmodly if nacessary, the method statomant and operational parametors forthe TM and the KPIs, depending on the cause of the overexcavation, QPS shall aso review the mitigation proposals on the tunneling works. Upon completion of all migation ‘measures, OPs shal notfy BCA before allowing the tunneling works to resume when {GPs ae satsfed that al the voids formed from the over-excavation have been filed Up. \Where applicable, OPs shall implement and submit TUN_GBIW_AnnexC-3 form te BCA 13 Annex ‘Specific Conditions of Permit for Bored Tunneling Works. For Projects Involving Bored Tunneling Works (for both GEW and nor-GBIW): The partes to this Permit shall comply with the specie contons below: Supervision of KPI (@) QP(8) and Buikler shall continuously monitor and review the key tunneling ‘operational parameters including face pressure and excavation volume $9 2s 10 ‘maintain a safe and stable tunneling face at al imes, ‘Tunnelling within control zone (©) When tunneling within contol zone, QP(S) shall submit to CBC (Commissioner of Bulging Control) daly his certfcaion of structural integrity of the buldng and ‘assessment of any safely concer inthe course of the tunneling works, ‘Over-excavation contro! measures (©) When over-excavation is. suspected or when the readings indicate on over- excavation volume exceeding 15% at the completion of each ring excavate, the Buider and QPs shall immediately suspend TBM excavation and advancement and notily BCA immediately. (Ps shall notly BCA before allowing the tunneling works to resume when QPS. ‘are satisfied that all the voids formed from the overexcavaton have been fled up. ‘Where applicable. QPs shall implement and submit TUN GBW_AnnexC-3 form to BCA Flushing of TEM (8) Flushing refers to an operational technique in slurry TBMs to remove obstructions in cuter Nead chamber in order to move the TEM. For tunneling in medium and high rik categories, no fushing is allowed. For tunneling in low risk category, bller shall seek written consent from QP(S) before flushing can be cartes out CCutterhead intervention (©) QP(S) shall implement tunnel control measures (TUN_GBW_Annex C-1 and "TUN_GBW_Annex C-2) at all planned and unplanned CHI locations. (9. In accordance wth regulation 10A(3}@)() ofthe Building Control Regulations, the Builder shall cary out ctler head interventions (CHI) Under compressed ar ‘spectied by P(O) forall planned stoppages. CHI shall not be caied ou: under {tee air conditions unless assessed and approved by QPS) under the flowing coneiions: |) infu face rock with face pressure stopped down gradually oF 1) within ground improvement block with face pressure stepped down gradually {QP(S) and Builder shall notify BCA immediately of any cuter head intervention carted out under free ai “4 (@) Where there is an unplanned stoppage fora cuarhead intervention, QPIS) and Buider shall notfy BCA immediately. Furher to this, QP(S) and Bulder must comply withthe requirements st out in paragraphs (e) and (f above Emergency preparedness plan (>) For tunneling in close proximity to existing buildings, the developer, Bulder and {QP(S) must take all reasonable slops and exercise due aligence fo pu in place {an ‘emergency preparedness plan on decanting occupants of buldings Undermined by tunneling works Incident reporting () QP{S) and Builder shal suspend TBM excavation and advancement ani notify BBCA immediately whenever there is excessive mavements (mmedate setlement ‘exceeding 150 mm for incident reporting purposes), sinkhole or blowout 5 ‘Appendix A Fam tc noi TWH GoW Amencs bane toon Nol tnntaame ten ent nyo Se — = ele] - |-/-/—/e] — ]-]-/— [Seo Tobe opined nd cond OIG 71 Tre enne youre ae win slows nt rene, 1 Teme: ancarset tine as89 fs cece Pe aut it ot scavtn nae spect TM st (Fe sete cence gambar em stacy cy Sry es pot ron “Fundeatacs wo ware restiay MatseT es PODNTIRY Gund maces anes [51 Tree anensnt cme sah ncaa halon nectar ne span TB a al pesca st sooaing = Sam pay [ram 3 Aros senna rst he Creu "eaarmers ened erg ON ia Saas a Tear eS a Ve wag a ir on bb ft Baer = sev/Tun 592017 ‘ev7Tun 5092017 wv

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