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Grace Mae L.


The Proclamation of Philippine Independence

(By: Dr. Sonia M. Zaida )

The most significant achievement of Aguinaldo's Dictatorial Government was the

proclamation of Philippine Independence in Kawit, Cavite el Viejo on June 12, 1898. For
the first time, the Philippine National Flag, made in Hongkong by Mrs. Marcela Agoncillo,
assisted by Lorenza Agoncillo and Delfina Herboza, was officially hoisted and the
Philippine National March played in public. which the Philippine flag was officially raised
and the Philippine National Anthem first publicly played. The day was declared a national
holiday. The declaration was prepared by Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista who patterned it
after the American Declaration of Independence. Aguinaldo invited Dewey to the
festivities, but the latter declined the invitation and did not even report the event to
Washington. Thousands of people from the provinces gathered in Kawit to witness the
historic event. The ceremony was solemnly held at the balcony of General Emilio
Aguinaldo's residence. The military and civil officials of the government were in

With a government in operation, Aguinaldo thought that it was necessary to declare the
independence of the Philippines. He believed that such a move would inspire the people
to fight more eagerly against the Spaniards and at the same time, lead the foreign
countries to recognize the independence of the country. Mabini, who had by now been
made Aguinaldo's unofficial adviser, objected. He based his objection on the fact that it
was more important to reorganize the government in such a manner as to convince the
foreign powers of the competence and stability of the new government than to proclaim
Philippine independence at such an early period. Aguinaldo, however, stood his ground
and won.

A dramatic feature of the ceremony was the formal unfurling of the Filipino flag amidst
the cheers of the people. At the same time, the Philippine National Anthem was played
by the band. Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista solemnly read the "Act of the Declaration of
Independence" which he himself wrote. The declaration was signed by ninety-eight
persons, among them an American army officer who witnessed the proclamation. One
of the signers was an American, L.M. Johnson, Colonel of Artillery. The proclamation of
Philippine independence was, however, promulgated on August 1 when many towns
has already been organized under the riles laid down by the Dictatorial Government.

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