Transformation of Coordinates

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R. K. MALIK’S JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X NEWTON CLASSES Enjoys unparalleled reputation for est results in terms of percentage selection CHAPTER ~ 6 : TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES 6.1 Itis sometimes found desirable in the discussion of problems to alter the origin and axes of coordinates, either by altering the origin without alteration of the direction of the axes, or by altering the directions of the axes and keeping the origin unchanged, or by altering the origin and also the directions of the axes. The latter case is merely a combination of, the first two, Bither of these processes is called a transformation of coordinates We proceed to establish the fundamental formulae for such transformation of coordi- nates. To alter the origin of coordinates without altering the direction of the axes. Solution : Let OX and OY be the original axes and let the new axes, parallel to the original, be OX’ and OY. Let the coordinates of the new origin O’, referred to the original axes be h and k, so that, if O'L be perpendicular to OX, we have OL =h and LO’=k Let P be any point in the plane of the paper, and let its coordinates, referred to the original axes, be x and y, and referred to the new axes let them be x’ and y’. Draw PN perpendicular to OX to meet OX’ in N’. Then ON =x, NP=y, O'N’=2’,and N’P=y’ We therefore have x = ON=OL+ON’=h+x" and y =NP=LO'+NP=k+y’ ‘The origin is therefore transferred to the point ( h, k) when we substitute for the coordinates x and y the quantities. xthandy' +h ‘The above article is true whether the axes be oblique or rectangular. DETAILED SOLUTIONS TO TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES BY SL LONEY Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2682623, 9635608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASS R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES To change the direction of the axes of coordinates, without changing the origin, both systems of coordinates being rectangular. Solution : Let OX and OY be the original system of me OF axes and OX’ and OY’ the new system, and let the ° angle, XOX’, through which the axes are turned be called 6, ‘Take any point P in the plane of the paper. Draw PN and PN’ perpendicular to OX and OX’, and also N’L and N’M perpendicular to OX and PN. If the coordinates of P, referred to the original axes, be x and y, and, referred to the axes, be x’ and y’, we have ON =x, NP=y, ON’=x’,andN’P=y' ‘The angle © _MPN’ = 90°- 4 MN’P = 2 MN’0=2 XOX’ =0 We then have x = ON=OL-MN’ = ON’ cos @-N’P sin 0 =x’ cos ~y sin® seve) and y =NP=LN’+MP=ON’'sin@ +N’ Pcos@ =x'sin® +y'cos® (2) If therefore in any equation we wish to tun the axes, being rectangular, through an angle @ we must substitute x’ cos 8 -y'sin® and x’ sin @ + y' cos @ for x and y When we have both to change the origin, and also the direction of the axes, the transfor- mation is clearly obtained by combining the results of the previous articles. Ifthe origin is to be transformed to the point (h, k) and the axes to be turned through an angle 8, we have to substitute h +x'cos0-y'sin® and he +x’ sin 0 +y’ cos® for x and y respectively. eZ ‘The student, who is acquainted with the theory of projection of straight lines, will see that equations (1) and (2) express the fact that the projections of OP on OX and OY are respectively equal to the sum of the projections of ON’ and N’P on the same two lines. 5 Z é 3 3 a x z 2 z A g 8 g 4 5 z g E g z z é 2 E Z # S 2 . g g a 3 So 8 a g a g 5 a Transform to parallel axes through the point ( -2, 3) the equation 2x? + dxy + Sy? dx -22y +7 Solution : We substitute x = x’ - 2 and y = y’ + 3, and the equation becomes D(x’ ~ 2) + 4 (2-2) Gf +8) 45 (y+ 9)? 4 (x ~2)- 22 +8) +720 2x? + de’y + By? - 22 = Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph. 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES CHAPTER ~ 6 : TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES Transform to axes inelined at 30° to the original axes the equation 2942/8 sy-y' =20" For x and y we have to substitute cos 30° —y’ sin 30° and x sin 30° + ¥/ con 30° x V8-y 2 vey 2 ‘The equation then becomes we VB-y P+ 288 -Y) +¥ B)-@ + JB) = Ba? xt-y¥? =a? and SR Transform to parallel axes through the point (I, ~ 2) the equations () 9? 4x + 49 +8 =0, and Gi) 2x2 +P? — eo ty = 0. Solution : (@ The equation is, y2— 4x + 4y + 8 =. The origin is transferred to (1, ~ 2) So the new equation will be 6-28-4024 D+4G"-2)+850 or P= hy 44 ae 4 dy 84 BHO or yt ae Gi) The equation is 2x? + 9? — 4x + 4y = 0 ‘Transferring the origin to (1, ~ 2), we get Qe +18 + G’ = 28-4 + D440" D0 or Bes dx’ 4 Dy? Ay 44-4 ae 4 ty or at +y? a6 What doce the equation (x ~ a)" + (9 ~ )* = c%, become when it ia transferred to ‘axes through @ the point (a ~c, b), the point (a, be)? Solution : The curve is given as (x — a)? + (y— 6) =e @ Transferring the origin to the peint (a —¢, 6), we got [e+ ao) a + by +b OF) =e? or x24 Bee tym ct or xtsy? = ex" (i) ‘Transferring the origin to the point (a, b ~), we get We +a—aF +l +b— or et +y? +02 —2¥ce=ct or x? sy? = dye What does the equation (a —b) (x1 + x2) ~ 2abz = 0, become if the ori tothe point (abla = by 0) # Solution : The equation is, (a — 6) (2 + y%)— 2abx = 0 ‘The origin is tranferred to (ab/a — &, 0); hence the equation becomes wolfe ott } eo -or| — aap, [2+ a- ba ++ DETAILED SOLUTIONS TO TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES BY SL LONEY @-H@t+y) == (ab 7 + y%) wa BF Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Arameferes te ceet tectaned oF 0) to te origmel amet rer eaves jx =a, i) 172 - 16xy + 17y?= 225, and (iii) yf +a + Baty? = 2, Solution : (Given equation is, x*- y= a2 ‘The axes are turned to an angle of 45°, hence (a" cos 45° — y’ sin 45¢) for x and Gein 45°s y' cos 45°) for 3 we get eating G8 28 ee — or Fle -yP-W sy Pla et : cos 45° = sin 45° = * or dey’ +a? =0 ‘Ans (ii) Given curve is, 17x? - 16xy + 17y* = 225, By the same substitution, we get Vix’ cos 45 — y/ sin 45)? - 16(x’ cos 45 - y’ sin 45) x (x’ sin 45 + y' cos 45) + 17 GF ain 48 + 5° c00 48) = 295 or + fis? + soy] = 225 or Ox? + 25y? = 226. Ans. (iii) Given curve is, yf +x + 62%? = 2 By the same substitution, we get (x cos 45 +’ sin 45)* + (x’ sin 45 — y’ cos 45)* +6 (x! cos 45 ~ y’ sin 45)? (x’ sin 45 + y' cos 45)? = 2 On simplification, we get -x"+y/*=1 Ans. Transform to axes inclined at an angle a to the original cxes the equations @ #+y=r, and (ii) x* + 2ry tan 2a-y? = a?, Solution : The given equation is, x? + y? = r? (The axes are turned to an angle . ‘Substituting the values of x and y in x y’ and o, we get, (x’ cos a y’ sin @)? + (x’ sin & + y’ cos a) = r? ‘Simplifying, we get xt+ytar (ii) x* + Qry tan 2a—y? =a”, By the same substitution, we get (x sin ay’ sin a)? + 2 (x’ cos a ~y’ sin a) x (x’ sin a + y’ cos a) tan 2a = ( sin a+ y/ cos a)? =a? or x? (cos? a - sin? a) — y’? (cos? a - sin® a) ~ 2x’ y’ sin @ cos & or x2 cos 2a~ 9208 2a~2' y’ sin 2a+ [[x-y'*)sin2a +2’y' cosa] =>. or (x?—y?) cos? 20.~ x’ y’ sin 2a + (x? ~y?) sin? 2a + x’ y’ sin 2a =a? cos 20 or x?~y®=a? cos 2a If the axes be turned through an angle tan“! 2, what does the equation 4zy - 3x? = a? become? Solution : The given equation is, 4ry ~ 3x? and the angle o = tan! 2, or tan a = 2; Hence, sina = 2'Y5 and cosa = 1V5 Substituting the appropriate values of x and y, we get 4 (x cos ay’ sin a) (x’ sin a + y’ cos a) ~ 3 (x’ cos ay’ sin a)? = a? DETAILED SOLUTIONS TO TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES BY SL LONEY Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES CHAPTER - 6 : TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES «ee aller] eT On simiplification, we get xt—ty? =a? By tranforming to parallel axes through a properly chosen point (h, k) prove that the equation 12x? - 10xy + 2y? + IIx -5y +2 =0, can be reduced to one containing only terms of the second degree. Solution : The given equation is 12x? - 10xy + 2y? + Ix - Sy +2=0 Let the origin be transferred to (i, k) axes being parallel to the previous axes; then the ‘equation becomes 12 (x + A= 10 (a +h) (Y' +4) +29" +P + IG’ + h)—5 +8) +2=0 or 12x? + 12h? + 24x —10x’y’ — 10x'k ~ 10y’h =10hk + 2y? + 2k + dy'k + lx’ + 11h -5y'-8k+2=0 (1) or 12x? + 2y?— 10x’y’ + x"(24h — 10k + 11) + y/(- 10h + 4k — 5) + 12K? — 10hk + 28? + 11h ~ 5k +2=0 If this equation contains the term of x* and y® and constant terms only, then the coefficients of andy’ must be zero. So 24h ~ 10k + 11 =0 (2) and (-10h + 5k 5) =0 Solving (2) and (3), we get he 3 Hence the required point is | ~ 5 If we substitute these values in (1), the equation reduces to 12x? = 10r’y' - 2y? =0 Ans. Find the angle through which the axes may be turned s0 that the equation Ag+ By + C=0, may be reduced to the form x = constant and determine the value of this constant. Solution : Let the required angle be o. Then turning the axes to the angle 6, origin being the same, the given equation Ax + By + C = 0 changes to A(x’ cos ay" sin a) + B (x sin a+ y‘ cos a) ++C =0 or x (A.cos «+ Bsin a) ~' (A sin a B cos @) + C = 0 .(1) If the equation takes the form x = constant, then the coefficient of y’ must be zero; hence Asina-Boosa=0, orAsina=Bcosa, or tana= 2 B Hence the axes should be changed to an angle tan“ &) Putting this value in (1), we get x lA. Ss +B. B. Yaw ate) itana=,then cosas —eteeee and sin @ = a Var =B) Vata) cate 3?) _ £ = 2-7 are) ° So required constant is — Taser (A? +B) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONC DETAILED SOLUTIONS TO TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES BY SL LONEY sexo R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 6.2. The general proposition, which is given in the next article, on the transformation from one set of oblique axes to any other set of oblique axes is of very little importance and is hardly ever required. To change from one set of axes, inclined at an angle « to another set, jan angle o, the origin remaining unaltered. we Solution : Let OX and OY be the original axes, OX’ and OY" the new axes, and let the angle XOX’ be 6 Take any point P in the plane of the paper. Draw PN and PN’ parallel to OY and OY’ to meet OX and OX’ respectively in N and N’, PL perpendicular to OX, and N’M and N’M’ perpendicular to OL. and LP. Now, ZPNL=ZYOX=0, and PN'M’=YOX=o' +0 Hence, if ON =x, NP =, ON’ =x,and N’P=y" we have y sin @ = NP sin @ = LP = MN’ + MP ON’ sin 64 N'P sin (w’ +0) So that ysin @ =2’ sin 8 +y’ sin (w' + 6) wen) Also, x+y cos @ = ON +NL=OL=OM+NM’ =x’ cos 0 +y’ cos («" + 8) fons) Multiplying (2) by sin o, (1) by eos w, and subtracting, We have x sin w= x’ sin (w- 6) + y’ sin (@— @' - 0) (3) (This equation (3) may also be obtained by drawing a perpendicular from P upon OY and proceeding as for equation (1).) ‘The equations (1) and (3) give the proper substitutions for the change of axes in the (1) and (8) give the proper substitution for the change of axes in the general case. ‘As in Ex.8 the equations (1) and (2) may be obtained by equating the projections of OP and of ON’ and N’ P on OX and a straight line perpendicular to OX. Particular cases of the preceding article. DETAILED SOLUTIONS TO TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES BY SL LONEY (1) Suppose we wish to transfer our axes from a rectangular pair to one inclined at an angle «’. In this case is 90°, and the formulae of the preceding article become, x =x’ cos 0 +y' cos (w' + 8) ent y =x’ sin 0 +’ sin (w’ +0). Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES CHAPTER ~ 6 : TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES (2) Suppose the transference is to be from oblique axes, inclined at w, to rectangular axes. In this case «’ is 90°, and our formulae become xsin @ =2’ sin (w—0)~' cos (w- 6) and ysin @ =2' sin 8 +y’ cos 6 These particular formulae may easily be proved indepently, by drawing the corresponding figures. =1 from rectangular axes to axes inclined at an langle 2a, the new axis of x being inclined at an angle - ato the old axes and sin b a being equal to 5 Verso? Solution : Here 6 = - a and w’ = 2a, so that the formulae of transformation (1) become x =('+y)cosa andy=(y'-x)sina a 6 Since sin a = , we have cos a = Vor Vat + 8 and hence the given equation becomes (sy? _ x? a+b? at +b yest =1 The degree of an equation is unchanged by any transformation of coordinates. [Solution : For the most general form of transformation is found by combining together Ex.1 and Ex.5 Hence, the most general formulae of transformation are sin(@-0) (o-0'-0) ino *” sino in@ _, sin(o' +0) sino *Y sino x shed and y akex For x and y we have therefore to substitute expressions in x’ and y’ of the first degree, 80 that by this substitution the degree of the equation cannot be raised. Neither can, by this substitution, the degree be lowered. For, if it could, then, by trans- forming back again, the degree would be raised and this we have just shown to be impos- sible, 5 g 3 a z z a g E z § 8 S zZ g E 5 S z 8 g 5 Z & ° 7 3 g g 3 3 g a 3 a a B a If by any change of axes, without change of origin, the quantity ax" + 2hxy + by? become a’x? + 2h’ x'y’+ b’y? ‘the axes in each case being rectangular, to prove that a+b =a’sb! and ab-h =ab’-h? 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Solution : By Ex. 2. The new axis of x being inclined at an angle 0 to the old a have to substitute x cos ~y'sin 0 and x'sin 6 +y/ cos 0 For x and y respectively. Hence, ax? + 2hzy + by? a(x’ cos 0-y/ sin 0 + 2h (x’ cos -y' sin 6) (x’sin +’ cos O45 +(x’ sin 0+’ cos =x [a cos? @ + 2h.cos @sin @ +5 sin? 6] + 2x’ y’[-a cos O sin 0 + h(cos* 0 ~ sin? 6) +beos Osin 6] +y?{a sin? @-2h cos Osin 0 +b cos? 6] We then have a’ =a cos? 6 + 2h cos O sin 8 +6 sin? @ = HL(a +6)+ (ab) cos 28+ 2h sin 20) wll) b/ =a sin? @- 2h cos @ sin 0 + b cos? @ = lla +6) (a6) em 20-2h sin 20) and 6’ =—a cos @ sin 8 + h (cos? 6 ~ sin’@) + b cos @ sin 0 =F [2h cos 20 (0-6) sin 20] By adding (1) and (2), we have a+b'=a+b Also, by multiplying them, we have 4a’b’ = (a + 5)? — ((a- b) cos 26 + 2h sin 20)? Hence, 4a’b’ ~ 4h’? = (a + 6)?— [2h sin 26 + (a ~b) cos 26)? + {2h cos 20 - (a 6) sin 26/*] = (a +b)*=[(a=b)? + 4h") = dab - 4h? So that a’ —h = ab -h? To find the angle through which the axes must be turned so that the expression ax? + 2hxy + by? may become an expression in which there is no term involing x'y’. Solution : Assuming the work of the previous article the coefficient of x’y’ vanishes if h’ be zero, or, from equation (3), if 2h cos 20 = (a -b) sin 20, 2h ie if tan20 = =. ; 1, {2h } The required angle is therefore, = tan (2 3 ‘The proposition of Ex. 8 is a particular case, when the axes are rectangular, ofthe following ‘more general proposition. DETAILED SOLUTIONS TO TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES BY SL LONEY If by any change of axes, without change of origin, the quantity ax* + 2hxy + by” becomes a’ x! + 2h’ xy +b’, then a+b-2heosa _ a'+b'-2h'coso’ sin’a’ sino Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES CHAPTER - 6 : TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES into wand o’ being the angles between the original and final pairs of axes. Solution : Let the coordinates of any point P, referred to the original axes, be x and y and, referred to the final axes, let them be x’ and y’ The square of the distance between I and the origin is x + 2xy cos w + y*, referred to the original axes, and x? + 2x'y’ cos w' + y”, referred to the final axes. We therefore always have 32+ Dry cos w+ y? =x? + 2r’y’ cos w! + y Also, by supposition, we have ax? + Dhxy + by? = a'r + Dh's'y’ + b'y? Multiplying (1) by 4 and adding it to (2), we therefore have 2 (a+) + 2xy (h + 2c08 oo) +¥? (6 +2) =x? (a +2) + 2x’y’(h’ + 2.008 w) + y? (b"+ A) voB) If then any value of 4 makes the left-hand side of (3) a perfect square, the same value must make the right-hand side also a perfect square. But the values of i which make the left-hand a perfect square are given by the condition (b+ Acos wo)? = (a +A)(b +2) ie by 22 (1 cos? w) +2 (a+ b- arena ne a+b-2heoso ive, by Ben =o swu(4) sin*o sin’ Ina similar manner the values of ) which make the right-hand side of (3) a perfect square are given by the equation ath k 4h —F +7 0 seen(5) sin’ a’ sin’ a’ Since the values of given by equation (4) are the same as the values of A given by (6), the two equations (4) and (5) and be the same. a+b=2heosw _ a+b'-2h'cosa! sin’o! Hence we have DETAILED SOLUTIONS TO TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES BY SL LONEY and 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASS R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Co The equation to a straight line referred to axes inclined at 30° to one another is y= 2x + I. Find its equation referred to axes inclined at 45°, the origin and axis of x being unchanged. Solution : The given equation is y = 2x +1 By hypothesis, @ = 30° , w’ = 45° and @ = 0. So we have on substitution x sin 30° = x’ sin (30 - 0) + y’ sin (30 - 45-0) On simplification, we get 2x’ ~ Vey’ +1=0 ‘Ans. Transform the equation 2x? + 3/3xy + 3y° = 2 from axes inclined at 30° to rectangular axes, the axis of x remaining unchanged. Solution : The given equation is, 2x? + 3V3xy + Sy? = 2 (1) By hypothesis, w = 30°, w’ = 90°, @ = 0, hence we have sin (30 - 0) + y’ sin ( 30 - 90-0) or and sin 0 + y’ sin (90 +0) or y= 0+y' : ys dy’ ‘Substituting from (2) and (3) in (1), we get 2 (x — VBy' + BV3 Ux’ - VBy') +3 (ay? =2 On simplification, we get x24 fx'y' =1 ‘Ans. DETAILED SOLUTIONS TO TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES BY SL LONEY Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONC CHAPTER ~ 6 : TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES 3. Transform the equation x + xy + y* = 8 from axes inclined at 60° to axes bisecting the angles between the original axes. Solution : The origin axes are inclined at angle 60°. Bisectors of the angles will make angles of 30° and 120° from original axis of x. Hence, here w = 30°, w’ = 90°, 8 = 30: For transformation, x sin 60° =x’ sin (60° 30°) +’ sin (60° — 90°- 30°) or or And i ’ sin 30 + y’ sin (90 +30) 1 Jet or ty oo ye Zgxty ‘The original equation is given as, x? + xy + y? = 8. Substituting the values of x and y from (1) and (2), we get | (& } On simplification, we get xt 4728 Ans. Transform the equation y* + 4y cot a~ 4x = 0 from rectangular axes to oblique axes meeting at an angle a, the axis of x being kept the same. Solution : The given equation is, y+ 4ycota—4x=0 a) By hypothesis, @ = 90°, @® = a, 0=0 Fortransformation, _—_x sin 90° =’ sin (90 - 0) + y’ sin (90 - a—0) or and or Putting the values from (2) and (3) in (1), we get (y’ sin a)? + 4y’ sino, a = 4. (8 +y’ cos a) = 0 or y? sin? «+ Ay’ cos o - 42° — Ay’ cos « = 0 or y sin? = 4x" or y? = 4x’ cosec? a Ans. Ifx and y be the coordinates of a point referred to a system of oblique axes, and x’ and y’ be its coordinates referred to another system of oblique axes with the same origin, and if the formulae of transformation be a g 2 a s a g g & z 8 8 = $ z 2 E Pi z g S$ & & Z # ° 2 2 Z S| a a 3 g a 8 a re 8 a Pom! be mt “tetera métm?—1 _ mm’ x= ms’+ny'and y=m’x'+ n'y, prove that "Ty —> = Solution : Let the original axes be inclined at an angle of w, the origin, being O. 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES If there is any point P whose co-ordinates with respect to these axes be (x, y); then OP? =39 +9? + Dry c08 A) If the axes are changed and the angle between the new axes be a’, origin remaining the same, let the co-ordinates of P with respect to new axes be (+’, y’); then OP? 2x? +92 + 2'y’, c08 0” By (1) and (2), we get a+ y? + Dry cos wo = 27 +97 + r'y’ cos 0 As the transformation are given as, x=mx'+ny/andy =m'x'+n'y. Putting these values in (3), we get (ma! + ny’? + (m'x! + n'y? + 2 (ma! + ny’) (m'x! + n'y’) cos w= x? + y? + Bx’ y’ C08 0. Comparing the coefficients of x” on both sides of (4), we have m? +m +2mm’ cos @ = 1 or m?+m?—1 =-2mm! cos Comparing the coefficients of y” in (4), we have +n? + 2nn’ cos @ =1 or nt+n2—1 =—2nn’cos.o Dividing (6) and (5), we get 5 g é s 3 a z z 3 g E Zz § 8 S zZ g E 5 S z iS 5 g 2 £ & ° 7 3 g g 3 3 g a 3 a a B a Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONC

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