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R. K. MALIK’S JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X NEWTON CLASSES Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection CHAPTER — 2: LOCUS EQUATION TO A LOCUS When a point moves so as always to satisfy a given condition, or conditions, the path it traces out is called its Locus under these conditions. For example, suppose O to be a given point in the plane of the paper and that a point Pis to move on the paper so that its distance from O shall be constant and equal toa. Itis clear that all the positions of the moving point must lie on the circumference of a circle whose centre is O and whose radius is a. The circumference ofthis circle is therefore the "Locus" of P when it moves subject to the condition that its distance from O shall be equal to the constant distance a. ‘Again, suppose A and B to be two fixed points in the plane of the paper and that a point P is to move in the plane of the paper so that its distances from A and B are to be always equal. If we bisect AB in C the through it draw a straight line (of infinite length in both directions) perpendicular to AB, then any point on this straight line is at equal distance from A and B. Also there is no point, whose distances from A and B are the same, which does not lieon this straight line. This straight line is therefore the "Locus" of P subject to the assumed condition. ‘Again, suppose A and B to be two fixed points and that the point P is to move in the plane of the paper so that the angle APB is always a right angle. If we describe a circle on AB as diameter, then P may be any point on the circumference of this circle, since the angle in a semi-circle is aright angle; also it could easily be shown that angle APB is nota right angle except when P lies on this circumference. The “Locus” of P under the assumed condition is therefore a circle on AB as diameter, One single equation two unknown quantities x and y 28. aty=1 cannot completely determine the values of x and y = 5 z g 3 2 2 x 5 5 8 g g z g —E s 5 g a 8 5 8 3 2 2 g g g 3 g 4 8 5 é 5 a Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2662623, 3836600812, 0507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Such an equation has infinite number of solutions. ‘Amongst them are the following: a i ie x=3, y=lf y=0f? y=-tp y= xe] x yaa fryes prom Let us mark down on paper a number of points whose coordinates satisfy equation (1). Let OX and OY be the axes of coordinates. If we mark off a distance OP,( = 1) along OY, we have a point P, whose coordinates (0, 1) clearly satisfy equation (1). If we mark off a distance OP, ( = 1) along OX, we have a point P, whose coordinates (1, 0) satisfy (1), Similarly, the point P, (2,~ 1), and P, (3, ~ 2), satisfy the equation (1). Again, the coordinates ( -1, 2) of P, and the coordinates ( -2, 3) of P, satisfy equation (1). On making the measurements carefully we should find that all the points we obtain lie on the line P,P, (produced both ways). Again, if we took any point Q, lying on P,P, and draw a perpendicular QM to OX, we should find on measurement that the sum of itsx and y (each taken with its proper sign) would be equal to unity, so that the coordinates of Q would satisfy (1). Also we should find no point, whose coordinates satisfy (1), which does not lie on P,P, All the points, lying on the straight line P,P,, and no others are therefore such that their coordinates satisfy the equation (1). This result is expressed in the language of Analytical Geometry by saying that (1) is the Equation to the Straight Line P,P, Consider again the equation sty ad Amongst an infinite number of solutions of this equation are the following: rhc scahscah DETAILED SOLUTIONS TO LOCUS EQUATION TO A LOCUS BY SL LONEY sehscah soars br sco ahah sea “al 574 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph. 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASS CHAPTER — 2: LOCUS EQUATION TO A LOCUS. All these points are respectively represented by the points P,, P,, PynnePjy, and they will all be found to lie on the dotted circle whose centre is O and radius is 2 Also, if we take any other point Q on this circle and its ordinate QM, it follows, since OM? + MQ = 0@ = 4, that the x and y of the point Q satisfies (1). ‘The dotted circle therefore passes through all the points whose coordinates satisfy (1). In the language of Analytical Geometry, the equation (1) is therefore the equation to the above circle, As another example let us trace the locus of the point whose coordinates satisfy the equation yedr soba) If we give x a negative value we see that y is impossible; for the square of a real quantity cannot be negative. We see therefore that there are no points lying to the left of OY, If we give x any positive value we see that y has two real corresponding values which are equal and of opposite signs. ‘The following values, amongst an infinite number of others, satisfy (1) viz. 222, Qor-2{’y=2V2 or-2y2)" x=16, x=40, +4or-4)? ~ y=8 or-8[" "y= 40 or~a| ‘The origin is the first of these points and P, and Q,, P, and Q,,P,, and Q,, .... represent the next pairs of points. 5 ‘If we took a large number of values of x and the corresponding values of y, the points thus obtained would be found all to lie on the curve in the figure. Both of its branches would be found to stretch away to infinity towards the right of the figure. Also, if we took any point on this curve and measured with sufficient accuracy its x andy the values thus obtained would be found to satisfy equation (1). Also we should not be able to find any point, not lying on the curve, whose coordinates would satisfy (1). In the language of Analytical Geometry, the equation (1) is the equation to the above curve, This curve is called a Parabola. » 5 é s ia a > 5 & 6 3 4 2 z g B 4 S & a 8 S S s S € 2 Z g $ & a 8 g Ee 5 a Ifa point move so as to satisfy any given condition it will describe some definite curve, or locus, and there can always be found an equation between the x andy of any point on the path, ‘This equation is called the equation to the locus or curve. Hence, ‘Equation to a curve. The equation to a curve is the relation which exists between the coordinates of any point on the curve, and which holds for no other points except those lying on the curve. 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 28 Conversely to every equation between x and y it will be found that there is, in general, a definite geometrical locus. ‘Thus, the equation is x+y = 1, and the definite path, or locus, is the straight line P,P, (produced indefinitely both ways). ‘The equation is x’ + y* = 4, and the definite path, or locus, is the dotted circle. Again the equation y =1 states that the moving point is such that its ordinate is always unity ie, that itis always at a distance 1 from the axis of x. The definite path, or locus, is therefore a straight line parallel to OX and at a distance unity from it. In the next chapter, it will be found that if the equation be of the first degree (i.e, if it contain no products, squares, or higher powers of x and y) the locus corresponding is alwaysa straight line. I the equation be of the second or higher degree, the corresponding locusii, in general, a curved line. 2.10 We append a fow simple examples of the formation of the equation to a locus. Apoint moves 90 that the algebraic sum of its distances from two given perpendicular axes is equal toa constant quantity a; find the equation to its locus. Solution : Take the two straight lines as the axes of coordinates. Let (x,y) be any point satisfying the given condition. Then we have xtysa, ‘This being the relation connecting the coordinates or any point on the locus isthe equation to the locus. Itwill be found in the next chapter that this equation represents a straight line. The sum of squares of the distance of a moving point from the two fixed points (a, 0) and (-a, 0) is equal to a constant quantity 2c’, Find the equation to its locus. Solution : Let (x, y) be any position of the moving point. They, the condition of the ques- tion gives (xa)? +94) + e+ aP+y") = 2 ie Peytec—a ‘This being the relation between the coordinates of any, and every, point, that satisfies the given condition. . ‘This equation tells us that square of the distance of the point (x, y) from the origin is constant and equal to ca, and therefore the locus of point is a circle whose centre i the origin. = 5 g 3 2 2 x 5 5 8 g 2 g z g —E s 5 g a 8 5 8 3 2 2 g g g 3 g 4 8 2 é 5 a A point moves s0 that its distance from the point (-I, 0) is always three times its distance from the point (0, 2). Solution : Let (x, y) be any point which satisfies the given condition. Then Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES CHAPTER — 2: LOCUS EQUATION TO A LOCUS. V+? +(y-0F =3 fx-0F +(y-2 Squaring both sides, we get 4 Qe4 ley 9G +P dy 44) or 8 (x? + y*) - 2x - 36y + 35 = 0. This being the relation between the coordinates of each and every point that satisfies the| given relation, by the required equation. It will be found, in a later chapter, that this equation represents a circle. £9 $$ 1. By taking a number of solutions, shetch the locus of the following equation 2e49y= 10, Solution : Tb plot 2x + By = 10 or y= Putting different values of x, we get the following sets, satisfying the given equation: 10-2 ra Plotting these points on graph and joining the points, we get the required curve asa straight line AB. 2 By taking a number of solutions, sketch the locus of the following equation de-y=7. Solution : deny=Tor 4-7 Putting the different values of x, we get the corresponding values of y, Plot the points. The curve is again a straight line, a | Ly [a Tw a By taking a number of solutions, shetch the locus of the following equation wa fax+y'=0, Solution : -2ar+y 20 oF (x-aF=a?-y* Putting suitable values of x or y and getting corresponding values of y or x, we get the following sets of points. 5 & 3 2 y z 2 3 2 g E 4 5 2 a § 3 2 5 g 5 2 a g Z g a 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASS R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Plotting these points taking a = any unit ( say 5 small units) and joining by smooth curve, we get the required graph which is a circle. By taking a number of solutions, sketch the locus of the following equation : x -dax + y'~Ga"= 0. Solution: x*-dax +y*+3a* =0 or (2-247 =0?-y* Putting suitable values ofx and getting corresponding values of y, we get the following sets: =] Io +a Plotting these points, taking any suitable value of a = say 5 small divisions and joining them in a smooth curve, we get the required graph. It is again a circle. By taking a number of solutions, sketch the locus of the following equation y' =. Solution : yer or yest ye Giving suitable values to x, we get the corresponding values of y, as follows: a7 [38 DETAILED SOLUTIONS TO LOCUS EQUATION TO A LOCUS BY SL LONEY TEE 49 | 64 36 23 [4 [35 ea 1G. 3) si(16, ~4) ails, 6) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES CHAPTER — 2: LOCUS EQUATION TO A LOCUS. Plot these points and join the points by a smooth curve. We get the required graph which is a parabola, By taking a number of solutions, sketch the locus of the following equation de=y'-9. Solution Be=¥-9 or. y= feed) Putting suitable values of x, we get the corresponding values of y as foll Plotting these points, we get the required graph which is again a parabola. |. By taking a number of solutions, sketch the locus of the following equation 2 yt =.%e1 4.9 a Solution : 7 + = or Putting suitable values of x, we get the corresponding values of y as follows: x 22 7 0 rv" Plotting these points and joining them by a smooth curve, we get the required graph, which is an ellipse Aand B being the fixed points (a, 0) and (~a, 0) respectively, obtain the equation giving the locus of P, when PA* - PB? = a constant quantity = 2k*. Solution : Let the point P be (x, y) while A and B are (a, 0) and (-a, 0) respectively. Given relation is PA? ~ PB? = 2k?. Putting the values of PA’ and PB? by distance formula, we get [e-a) + (y- 07] - [Ge +a) + (y-0)'] = 2h? = 5 g 3 2 2 x 5 5 8 g 2 g z g —E s 5 g a 8 5 8 3 2 2 g g g 3 g 4 8 2 é 5 a 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASS R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES or +a? -Qax +y*—x*~ a? - Yar -y" = 2h* or —dax = 2 or H+ 2ax=0 Ans. Aand B being the fixed points (a, 0) and (-a, 0) respectively, obtain the equation iving the locus of P, when PA = nPB, n being constant. Solution : Given relation is PA= nPB or PAY = nt PB Putting the values of PA and PB, we get Ux-a) +(y-0F] =n? (ie +0}*+(y-0F) or +a! Dart y= nt [xt + 08+ 2ar4y!) or =x (n= 1) + y(n? - 1) +0? (nm? 1) + Qa (n+ 1) or (n*=1) (2? + y* +07) + ax (n? + 1) =0 Aand B being the fixed points (a, 0) and (~a, 0) respectively, obtain the equation giving the locus of P, when PA + PB =, a constant quantity. Solution : Given relation is © PA+PB=c PB =c-PA Squaring both sides, we get PB = c+ PAY 20 PA or (+a) +y]=c'+(-aF +¥41-2e fftz—a)? +¥) Putting the values, we get State lar ty actest4 ats Par -2 Ji(x—ay +¥"1 ey l(x-a)* +y") =c8-dax 4c? ((x-a) + y*] = (2 -4ax)? 4c? bx? - Dax +a*+y"I 4x? (? - da?) + dy'e? Ans. |. Aand B being the fixed points (a, 0) and (-a, 0) respectively, obtain the equation giving the locus of P, when PB’ + PC’ = 2PA’, C being the point (c, 0). Solution : Given relation is PB + PC? = 2PA? Putting the values of PA and PC, we get [ext ah +y+ e—eF + y= 2[G-oF+¥4) or tt + arty? +2%+ ct Dee +y']=2[s'+a? Dar ty") or 6ax —2ex =e or (6a -2c)x = a*-c* Ans. Find the locus of a point whose distance from the point (1, 2) is equal to its distance from the axis of y. Solution : Let the given point (1, 2) be A and the moving point P be (x, y). Hence its distance from y - axis is x » 5 Z é s ia a 5 5 & 6 3 2 z g B 4 S & a 8 S S s S € g é DETAILED SOL Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 607619968, NEWTONCLASS CHAPTER - 2 : LOCUS EQUATION TO A LOCUS Distance, PA = y[(x-1)" +(y-2? By hypothesis PA = distance from y-axis. or fi P+ (y 2] == ‘Squaring both sides, we get Belo Dery 4—dyest or yi—4y- 224520 Ans. Find the equation to the locus of a point which is always equidistant from the points whose coordinates are (1, 0) and (0, -2). Solution : Let the moving point be P = (x, y) and the given fixed points (1, 0) and (0,~2)be Aand B respectively, By hypothesis, PA =PB or PAY = PBY or (c= 18 + (y-0F = (e-0F +(y +29 or Bos leyertsy ety ed or dy + 2x43 =0. Ans. Find the equation to the locus of a point which is always equidistant from the points whose co-ordinates are (2, 3) and (4, 5). Solution : Let the moving point be P=(x, y) and the given fixed points (2, 3) and (4,5)be A and B respectively. By hypothesis, PA =PB or PAY = PB or (x= 27 + (y-37 =(x-4)" + (y-5) or xt de + 4 + yt 6y +9 = 27 Bx + 16 +y*- 10y 4.25 or 4x — dy -28 = 0 or xtys7 Ans. Find the equation to the locus of a point which is always equidistant from the points whose coordinates are (a +b, a~b) and (a—b, a +b). Solution : Let the moving point P be (x, y) and the given fixed points (a + 6, a ~ 6) and (a6, a +b) be Aand B respectively. By hypothesis, PA= PB or (PA) = (PB) or [le (a + b+ ly ~(a- BF] = [lx -(a BF + Ly -(a + 8] or x + (a+ bP -2e(a+b) +y* + (ab)? 2y (ab) =x! +(a-b) 2c (a-b) +y"+ (a + 6 ~2y (a+b) 2x (a —b) - 2x (a +b) = 2y (a—b)—2y (a+b) ney Ans. » 5 Z é s ia a > 5 & 6 3 2 z g — 4 S & a 8 S S s S & 2 Z g $ & a 8 3 Fs 5 a 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 16. Find the equation to the locus of a point which moves so that its distance from the axis of xis three times its distance from the axis of y. Solution : Let the moving point P be (x, y). Its distance from z-axis = y and the distance from y-axis = x. Hence by hypothesis, y =8, Ans. 1. Find the equation to the locus ofa point which moves so that its distance from the point (a, 0) is always four times its distance from the axis of y. Solution : Let the moving point P be (x,y) Its distance from the point (a, 0) Its distance from y-axis of = x Byhypothesis, Jf(x— a)? + (y—0}4) = 4 Squaring, we get, x +a? —2ar +. 1bx?=y" + Dar = a? Ans. Find the equation to the locus of a point which moves so that the sum of the squares of its distances from the axes is equal to 3. Solution :Let the moving point P be (x, y) Its distance from x-axis is _y and from y-axis is x Hence, sum of the squares of the distances = y+ x* = 3 ( by hypothesis). Ans. |. Find the equation to the locus of a point which moves so that the square of its distance from the point (0, 2) is equal to 4. Solution : Its distance from the given point (0, 2) Let the moving point P be (x,y) = y{(x-0)" +(y~2)") Byhypothesis, (x-OF +(y-2) =4 yt =dy Ans. ). Find the equation to the locus of a point which moves so that its distance from the point (3, 0) is three times its distance from (0, 2). Solution : Let the moving point P be (x,y) Its distance from (3,0)=Yf(x-3)? + (y=) Its distance from (0,2)= Yf(x-0)? +(y-2)") Hence by hypothesis, f(x—3)? + y?} =3 ix? +(y-2)") Squaring, we get 2 Gr + 9+ y= 9 +92 + 4-49) or 8x? + By" + Gr - 36y +27 = 0 Ans. DETAILED SOLUTIONS TO LOCUS EQUATION TO A LOCUS BY SL LONEY |. Find the equation to the locus of a point which moves so that its distance from the axis of x is always one half its distance from the origin. Solution : Let the moving point P be (x, y) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES CHAPTER ~ 2 : LOCUS EQUATION TO A LOCUS Its distance from x-axis = y Its distance from origin ie., (0,0) = J(x—0)? +(y-0)71 f 1 By hypothesis, Y= 9 Ve +y) or x + @+y) or = 3y? Ans. A fixed point is at a perpendicular distance a from a fixed straight line anda point moves 60 that its distance from the fixed point is always equal to its distance from the line. Find the fixed equation to its locus, the axes of coordinates being drawn through the fixed point and being parallel and perpendicular to the given line. Solution : Let O be the given point which is fixed and AB be the fixed line, XOX’ and YOY’ be the axes of x and y respectively which are parallel and perpendicular to AB. YOY’ cuts the line AB at L, so that OL =a, Let the moving point P be (x, y). Draw NPM |1 YOY’ cutting AB and XOX’ at N and M respectively. Its distance from AB = PN = MN - PM = OL-PM (: MN=0L) ~y) (+: OL =a and PM is the ordinate of P) ‘Again its distance from the fixed point O, whose coordinates are (0, 0)= OP = Ji@—oF+ (y-OFl= Via? s y) Byhypothesis PN = OP or PN? = OP" or (a-y? = 492 or a? + y= 2ay =x +92 or 224 2ay =a? Inthe previous question if the first distances be (, always half, and (ii), always twice, the second distance, find the equations to the respective loci. Solution : x (@ By hypothesis, op-+PN 1 Squaring, we get op = 7PNY = (+9) -@-98 or 4 (x? +y") =a" + y*-2ay or Ax? + 89+ Qay =a? (ii By hypothesis OP =2. PN te OP? = 4.PN? or (a-y? or (a? + y*— 2ay) DETAILED SOLUTIONS TO LOCUS EQUATION TO A LOCUS BY SL LONEY or 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES

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