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R. K. MALIK’S JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results NEWTON CLASSES in terms of percentage selection CHAPTER ~ 4: THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES Ifo find the general equation to a straight line in polar coordinates. Solution : Letp be the length of the perpendicular |OY from the origin upon the straight line, and let this perpendicular make an angle a with the initial line. Let p be any point on the line and let its co-ordinates ber and 0 ‘The equation required will then be the relation between r, 8, p, and a. From the triangle OYP, we have p= ros YOP = r-cos (a— 8) = ros (8a) ‘Therefore required equation is cos (0-0) =p To find the polar equation of the straight line joining the points whose coordinates lare (r, 6) and (ry 0). Solution : Let A and B be the two given points and P any point on the line joining them ‘whose coordinates are r and 0. Then, since A AOB =A AOP +A POB, 1 1 We have gh?ssin AOB = 5ryrsin AOP + a sin POB ie, rr, sin (0, -0,) = nr sin (@-8,) + rr, sin (0, ~0) sin(0, -0,) _ sin(@-6,) | sin(6, ~6) ie, te . S Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2682623, 9635608812, 8507613968 NEWTONC 2 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES EX] ontiquE coorpinaTEs] In the previous chapter we took the axes to be rectangular. In the great majority of cases rectangular axes are employed, but in some cases oblique axes may be used with advantage. In the following articles we shall consider the propositions in which the results for oblique axes are different from those for rectangular axes. To find the equation to a straight line referred to axes inclined at an angle a [Solution : Lét LPL be axétraight line which cuts the axis of y at a distance ¢ from the forigin and is iniclined at af angté 6 to the axis of x. Let P be any poirtt on the straight line. Draw PNM parallel to the axis of y to meet OX in M, and let it meet:the straight line through C parallel to the axis of x in the point N. Let P be the point (x, y), so that ~ CN=OM=t and NP'=MP-O€ =y~c Since and OM Let P be the given point (x’, y’) Draw the perpendicular PQ, PR and PS on the given line and the two axes. Taking O and P on opposite sides of the given line, we then have ALPM+ 4 MOL = A OLP +A OPM, ie, PQ. LM+OL.OMsin@ = OL. PR+ OM. PS Draw PU and PV parallel to the axes of y and x, so that PU =y'and PV=x. PR =PUsinPUR PS =PVsinPVS=2 sinw = (01? + OM? ~20L.OMeoso. e “5 — 1,1 2eos0 =-C\qr* AB Since C is a negative quantity, henee on substituting these values in (1), we have 1, 1 2cosm C? PQx-O)x fart grat aysin® S ji cy y’sinw- =. x’ sino A B Ax'sBy So that > sino yA? +B? - 2ABcoso Cor. If w = 90°, ée,, if the axes be rectangular, we have the result of a Article of Chapter 3 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 1. The axes being inclined at an angle of 60%, find the inclination to the axis of x of the straight lines whose equations are, y= 2x + 5 and 2y = (V3~1)x+7. Solution : The angle between the axes is 60°. Given line is, then y= 2e +5. @ ‘Thus, m=2and a= 60°. If 6 be the inclination of the line to x-axis, then msino tan@ = ————— = —""_ _ 1+mcoso — 1+ 2cos60° (ii) Equation of the line is, 2y= (¥3~-1)x+7 3-1 m= SH ona @ = 60° (given), Hence if @ be the inclination of the line of x-axis, then msino __ (3-1/2 +mcoso 1+[(V3-1)/2)eos60” V3V3+1) V3+1 a 6 = 15° The axes being inclined at an angle of 120°, find the tangent of the angle between the two straight lines 8x + 7y = 1 and 28x - 73 y = 101. Solution : Given Lines are, 8x + 7y = 1 and 28 x=73y = 101 8 Filly= 2 and w= 120° (given) tan @ = (-3 i 2) imiz0 208 aa y,{ 8) 28 Banr(-2 _,{30v3 af) 37 LIQUE CO-ORDINATES BY SL LONEY (CHAPTER - 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES With oblique co-ordinates find the tangent of the angle between the straight lines y=mx+cand my+x=d. Solution : Let w be the angle between the axes. The linas are given as yemzte and my+x=d onys-La+t nm If @ be the angle between the lines, then Un 19% Ify=xtan SFand y=x tan 7 represent two straight lines at right angle, prove that the angle between the axes is + Solution : Equations of the given lines are y= x tan i and » Zz zg z 2 2 a 3 | If two lines are perpendicular to each other and the axes be inclined at an angle of w, then condition is, 1+ (m +m’) cos oo + mm’ tan 2 tan 198 Joe + tan UE tan 1 os BRE, on in ttt] | LUTIONS TO THE STRAIGHT cost /3) sin(x/ 4) =~ .: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507619968, NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 5. Prove that the straight lines y+x=c and y=x+d are at right angles, whatever be the angle between the axes. Solution : Two lines are perpendicular to each other, if 1+(m,+m,)cosm+mym, =0 According to the question, m, = - 1, m, Substituting in (1), we get 1+ (14 1) e08 w+ (-1) (1) = 0 for all values of w. Hence, lines are perpendicular for all values of w. Proved. Prove that the equation to the straight line which passes through the point (h, k) and is perpendicular to the axis of x is x+y cos w=h + k cos w. Solution : Equation of any straight line passing through (/, k) may be given by y-k=m(x-h) If it is perpendicular to x-axis, then 1+mcosw =0 y cos @ =k cos @ =-x+h or x+y cos w =h +h cos. Find the equations to the sides and diagonals of a regular hexagon, two of its sides, which meet in a corner, being the axes of coordinates. Solution : Let AB and AF represent axes of x and y respectively. Clearly, equation of AB is y=0 (1) If the side of the hexagon be a, then from figure, the intercepts made by BC on axes are a and ~a Hence, its equation will be x =-2e1 aa or x-y=a CD is parallel to y-axis and if produced cuts x-axis at a distance of 2a; hence, its equation will be x=2a (3) Similarly, DE is parallel to x-axis and, if produced meets y-axis at a distance of 2a, hence, its equation will be y= (4) EF cuts intercepts of -a and a from axes, hence its equation will be 24261 o x-y=0 (5) OLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES BY S LUTIONS TO THE STRAIG FAis clearly y-axis, hence its equation is x=0 (6) Diagonal AD bisects the angle between the axes; hence its equation will be xy a) Diagonal BE is paralle] to y-axis at a distance of a unit, hence its equation is AB) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONC CHAPTER - 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES. Diagonal CF is parallel to x-axis at a distance of a unit, so its equation is yea (9) Hence, the equations (1) to (9) represent the required equations, From each corner of a parallelogram a perpendicular is drawn upon the diagonal which does not pass through that corner and these are produced to form another parallelogram; show that its diagonals are perpendicular to the sides of the first parallelogram and that they both have the same centre. Solution : Let ABCD be the parallelogram. Taking diagonals AC and BD as the axes of lengths 2a and 2b respectively, coordinates of A, B, C and D will be (~c, 0), (0, -b), (a, 0) and (0, b) respectively. Equations of DK and BL, will be respectively xsecot+y=b Al) and xsecaty =-b 2) Similarly, equations of CK and AL will be respectively as xtyseco =a (8) and xtyseco =-a 4) Multiplying (1) by a and (4) by b and adding, we get x(a secw+b)+y(a+bsecw)=0 This represents any line passing through N, the point of intersection of AL and DK. Similarly multiplying (2) by a and (3) by 6 and adding, we get the equation x(a sec w +6) +y (a+b sec w) = 0, which represents the line passing through M, the point of intersection of CK and BL. As this is same as (5), equation no. (5) represents the equation of NM, Similarly, the equation of LK will be x(a sec w-6) + y(a-bsec@)=0 6) Solving (6) and (6), we get . x20, y=O(asa +640, 1+sec #0) ‘Therefore diagonals of KMLN meet in origin, which is same as the meeting point of the diagonals of ABCD, ‘Again equation of DC is clearly, > AT) (it cuts the intercepts of a and 6 from the axis) ‘The lines CD and KL given by equations (7) and (6) are clearly perpendicular to each other as they satisfy the required condition |. If the straight lines y=m,x +c, andy =m,x +e, make equal angles with the axis of x and be not parallel to one another, prove that m, + m, + 2m,m, cos w= 0. Solution : If two lines make equal angles with x-axis and are not parallel, then only possibility is that angles are supplementary, i.e., if one line makes the angle @ with x-axis, the other will make 8 mysino__aq-1 —Masino tan" 1+m, cosa 1+m, oso 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES msino | m mane _, meine 20 T¥m,coso ” 1+m,cos@ or m, +m,+2mm,cos@=0 ( sinw#0) Hence proved. The axes being inclined at an angle of 30°, find the equation to the straight line which passes through the point (-2, 3) and is perpendicular to the straight line y+ 3x=6, Solution : Any line through the point (—2, 3).is y-3=m(x+2) ‘As the line is perpendicular to the y + 3x = 6, we have 1+ (m —3) cos 30°- 3m =0 _ w3 v3-6 m Substituting in (1), thé required line is, y-3= pa Find the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point (4, -3) upon the straight \e 6x + 3y — 10 = 0, the angle between the axes being 60' Solution : Given point is (4, -3) and the line is Gx + 3y ~ 10 = 0. Substituting the values of a, 6, c, x, y and w, we get 64 +3.(-3)+(-10) (6? +3° -26.3c0s60°) OLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES BY S 5 Pp in 60" = 12. Find the equation to, and the length of, the perpendicular drawn from the point (1, 1) upon the straight line 3x + 4y + 5 = 0, the angle between the axes begin 120° Solution : The length of perpendicular from the point (1, 1) upon the given line x + 4y +5 =0 will be B1+41+5 9 ee es \(3* +4? -2.3.4c0s120°) Again equation of any line through (1, 1) will be y-1=m(z-1) ‘As the required line (1) is perpendicular to the line 3x + 4y +5 = 0, we have in 120° = & sin 120° = 57 (113) LUTIONS TO THE STRAIGHT! 3 3 1+ (m-3) cos 120 — a =0 1 “10 Substituting in (1) and simplifying, we get or m 1Oy - lx +1=0. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONC (CHAPTER - 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES . The co-ordinates of a point P referred to axes meeting at an angle w are (h, k); prove that the length of the straight line joining the feet of the perpendiculars from P upon the axes is sin w \(h' +k’ + 2hkcoso)- Solution : Let OA and OB be the axis, P be the point (h, #), PK and PQ the perpendiculars on OA and OB respectively. 5 Clearly, OK =h+kcos@ and OQ=k+hcosw QK? = OK? + 0Q - 20K.0Q cos w S = (h+ h 00s w)! + (k + h cos a)? Ly 7» —2.c0s w (h +h e08 w) (k + h cos w) = (h? +k? 2kh cos «) sin? @ 0-T>M K (on putting cos* = 1 - sin® w and simplifying) LIQUE CO-ORDINATES BY SL LONEY or K = sin @ y(h? +k? + 2hk cos) Proved. From a given point (h, k) perpendiculars are drawn to the axes, whose inclination is @ and their feet are joined. Prove that the length of the perpendicular drawn hksin*o from (h, k) upon this line is and that its equation is Yh? +12 + 2hk coso he ~ hy = Solution : In the Fig. of Q. 13, let PN be the perpendicular from P on QK, then Area of APQK = aK. PN and again taking PK base and Q vertex, Area of APQK = $PK PQ sin QPK As 2 QPK= (180° ~ a), by (1) and (2), we get Zaxen = FPKPQ sin (180° - «) [sin w J(h? +k? - 2hk cos@)] PN = & sin wA sino sin o. in’. iis hksin®@ Yrs ane ‘cos @) tion of QK fee Again equation of QKis, Gr + OG x x —— + ——_ =l 3) Trkeoso * k+hooso u 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASS R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Equation of any line through (h, k) will be y-k=m(-h) As (3) and (4) are perpendicular to each other, hence ( k+heoso 14[™ mlk+ heoso) Aeheoee ee ~ he keoso Solving, we get h Substituting in (4), we get y—k = 7 (x—A) or hx hy = h? —k? (on simplification) If the equation to a straight line be of the form ax+by+e+A(ax+by +0) =0 wD) where 2 is any arbitrary constant, it always passes through one fixed point whatever be the valus of i. Solution : For the equation (1) is satisfied by the coordinates of the point which satisfies both of the equations ax+by+e=0 and a’ + by 4c’ =0 Z 5 Zz zg z g 2 a 3 | be'-b'c ca’-c'a ab'a'b’ abl-a'b. and these coordinates are independent of 2. This point is, by ( Given the vertical angle of a triangle in magnitude and position, and also the sum of the reciprocals of the sides which contain it; show that the base always [passes through a fixed point. Solution : Take the fixed angular point as origin and the directions of the sides containing it as axes; let the lengths of these sides in any such triangle be a and 6, which are not therefore given. LUTIONS TO THE STRAIG We have 2 +t = constant = 4(say) a By (1), Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONC (CHAPTER — 4: THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES Whatever be the value of a this straight line always passes through the point given by x-y=0 ae and zi=0 ie., through the fixed point (k, k). Prove that the coordinates of the centre of the circle inscribed in the triangle, whose vertices are the points (x, y,),(%y y,) and (xy y,), are axysbe ter, 6, ath toy avbve arbre where a, b and ¢ are the lenghts of the sides of the triangle. Find also the coordinates of the centres of the ascribed circles. Solution : Let ABC be the triangle and let AD and CE be the bisectors of the angles A and C and let them meet in 0’. Then O’ is the required point. any) Since AD bisects the angle BAC. we have, by geometry g a BD _DC _BD+DC__a_ Cun BD. BD+DC 6, BA “AC ~ BA+AG ~ Bre" “a oO so that, Also, since CO’ bisects the angle ACD, we have AO’ AC cD The point D therefore divides BC in the ratio BA : AC ie, €:6. los 0’ divides AD in the ratio b +¢:a Hence, the coordinates of D are xy +b 34 Yat byy +b c+b Also, by the same article, the coordinates of O' are e)x 28 +x, > (+ e)x 2 vay, (b+e)+a (b+c)+a Bei Ox +2 +03 ang B+ bY2 +09 atbte avbte Again, if O, be the centre of the ascribed circle opposite to the angle A, the line CO, bisects the exterior angle of ACB. Hence, by geometry, we have Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONC » Zz zg z 2 2 a 3 | LUTIONS TO THE STRAIGHT R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES AO) _ AC _ bve 0) ~CD~ a : ‘Therefore O, is the point which divides AD externally in the ratio b +c : a. (b+eyttO8a ox, (vey Vata gy, Its coordinates are —___¢+6 ____ and ____e+b _"_ (+e)-a G+e)-a —ax, + br, +ex3 ay, + bya + e¥3 ~a+b+e ~a+b+e Similarly, it may be shown that the coordinates of the centres of the ascribed circles opposite to B and C are respectively ‘ax, —br, +er5 ay, =bn+2) ie, a-b+e °’ a-b+e will ax, +bx, ~cxy ay, + by, — Cys a+b-c ” atb-c ‘As a numerical example consider the case of the triangle formed by the straight lines Sr+4y-7=0, 12x 45y-17=0 and 5x + 12y-34=0 ‘These three straight lines being BC, CA, and AB respectively we get, by solving, that the points A, B, and C are 2 19) (-52 67 7 7) \a67 ie) and GD 2 3 67 jes? 51? _ 17 Paar _ 85 Srna) = ee 3 ess ) + ) Vie “ie 7 16 “= Gg 19967 +1657 _ 33 Ta? * hie Vi89 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES (CHAPTER ~ 4: THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES vy 223, 1, = 7 * 16 12 Hence, coordinates of the centre of the incircle are 170 _676 | 429 1615 , 871 429° nia" 112" 112 85 13 429° M4 8513 429 16° 7 12 16° 7 "112 -1 205 ie, 7 WE ‘The length of the radius of the incircle is the perpendicular from{ = 2 ovon the straight line _ i+ 1060-784 25551 “exdl2 5x12 ~ 12 ‘The coordinates of the centre of the ascribed cirele which touches the side BC externally are 170 _ 676, 429 1615 _ 871, 429 1127112 * 112 and —112 112" 112 13, a9 "85,13 429 16° 7 "112 “167 12 . AT yg 2315 ie, Fea" se Similarly the coordinates of the centres of the other ascribed circles can be written down. [Find the radius, and the coordinates of the centre, of the circle circumscribing the triangle formed by the points (0,1), (2,3) and (3, 5). Solution : Let (x, y,) be the required centre and R the radius. Since the distance of the centre from each of the three points is the same, we have xf +0, - 1 = (@,- 27+, -3 =, -37 +,-5F= RD) 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES 16 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES From the first two we have, on reduction, x49, 23 From the first and third equations we obtain 6x, + 8y, = 33 9 5 zm ny Substituting these values in (1) we get 5 R=5 V0 Solving, we have x= Prove that the middle points of the diagonals of a complete quadrilateral lie on the same straight line. Solution : Complete quadrilateral. Def. Let OACB be any quadrilateral. Let AC and OB be produced to meet in E, and BC and OA to meet in F. Join AB, OC, and EF. The resulting figure is called a complete quadrilateral; the lines AB, OC, and EF are called its diagonals, and the points E, F and D (the intersection of AB and OC) are called its vertices.) ‘Take the lines OAF and OBE as the axes of x and y. Let OA = 2a and OB = 26, so that A is the point (2a, 0) and B is the point (0, 26); also let C be the point (2h, 2k). Then L, the middle point of OC, is the point (h, k) and M, the middle point of AB, is (a, 6) ‘Therefore equation to LM is b — ie, (h—a) y- (kb) x = bh—ak Again, the equation to BC is y-%e Putting y = 0, we get so that F is the point ( Similarly, E is the point (0 = Hence, N, the middle point of EF is ( 4) ‘These coordinates clearly satisfy (1) ie., N lies on the straight line LM. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES (CHAPTER ~ 4: THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES qMmmm- 1. Aastraight line is such that the algebraic sum of the perpendiculars let fall upon it from any number of fixed points is zero; show that it always passes through a fixed point. Solution : Let the equation of the straight line be ax+by+e=0 A) and the points be (x, ¥,); (y)¥_) wonlty ¥,)s ax, +by, +c at, +by, +c ax, +by, +c ‘Then by hypothesis, bt SS 20 fa? +b*) la’ +6*) Via? +6") x, +b), +ne=0 ioe Multiplying equation (1) by n and subtracting (2) from it, we get ane -Jx,]+6 [ny —By,] =0 (na=25,]+2y-294] =0 b This equation is of the form P +49 = as 2.= — = constant, Hence, the line passes through a fixed point which is the point of intersection of nx ~ Sx, = Oand ny - Sy, = 0. * [2.23] 8 ae Two fixed straight lines OX and OY are cut by a variable line in the points A and B respectively and P and Q are the feet of the perpendiculars drawn from A and Bupon the line OBY and OAX. Show that, if AB passes through a fixed point, then PQ will also pass through a fixed point. Solution ; Let OX be the x-axis and OY be any line passing through origi equation may be given by y=mx AB is a variable line which cuts OX and OY in Aand B respectively. Therefore co-ordinates of A may be given by (a, 0) and B as (b, bm). If the straight line AB always passes through a fixed point, say C, then slope of AC and BC are same. 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Hence, or YX ~ by, =y—e,— bmx, - ay, + abm or bmx, -y,) + ay,—abm =0 (2) Equation of AP willbe, x-my =a (3) {as PA 1 OY and passes through (a, 0)] (_a m Solving (1) and (3), we get the co-ordinates of P= | [> 1 m. Again if BQ is perpendicular to OX, it will be parallel to y-axis and as it passes through (6, bm), its equation will be x = 6 and therefore the co-ordinates of Q will be (6, 0) a am Equation of the line passing through ( Kt 7a) ana Q= (6,0) 2 yo = omlismi-0 4, ta/1+m"}—b or y (ab (1 + m®)) =am (e~b) or by + ym?) + almx ~y)—abm = 0 Subtracting (2) from (4), we get. 6 (y +ym? — mx, +y,) +a (mx-y-y,)=0 a or +ymt— mx, +y,) + Fimx-y-y,)=0 ‘This equation is of the form P + AQ = 0 (A being equal to a/b). Hence, it passes through a fixed point which is the point of intersection of y+ ym? — mx, +y, =O and mx ~y~-y, = 0. OLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES BY S Proved. {Note. This equation can also be done by taking OX and OY as axes of x and y inclined at an angle «, points A and B being (a, 0) and (0, 6) respectively. I the equal sides AB and AC of an isgaceles triangle be produced to E and F s0 that BE.CE = AB’, show that the line EF will always pass through a fixed point. Solution : Let us suppose the lengths of equal sides be a and taking AB and AC as axes of rand y respectively, we get the co-ordinates of B as (a, 0) and of Cas (0, 6). Again, let AE = h and AF =k ‘Then the equation of EF will be mag, = 1 Given condition is BE. CF = ABY or LUTIONS TO THE STRAIG or or + (2) Comparing (1) and (2), we find that (a, a) always satisfies equation (1). Henee (1) always passes through (a, a) which is a fixed point. Proved. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONC (CHAPTER - 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES |. Ifa straight line move so that the sum of the perpendiculars let fall on it from the too fixed points (3, 4) and (7, 2) is equal to three times the perpendicular on it from a third fixed point (1, 3), prove that there is another fixed point through which this line always passes and find its co-ordinates. Sollution. Let the equation of the straight line be ax+by+e=0 Al) ‘As sum of the lenghts of perpendiculars from (3, 4) and (7, 2) is equal to 3 times the length of the perpendicular from (1, 3), we get Bardbre Ta+2+e _, Lar dre Yate) a+b) 5 Tay +b?) or Ta -3b-c =0 Adding equations (1) and (2), we get a(x+7)4b(y-3)=0 or eins 2-3» a {As this equation is of the form P + 4Q = 0, it passes through the fixed point which is the point of intersection of x +7 = 0 andy -3 =0. ‘The required point is (~7, 3) Ans. Find the centre and radius of the circle which is inscribed in the triangle formed by the straight lines whose equations are 3x + 4y + 2 = 0, 3x - 4y + 12 = 0 and 4x~Sy=0, Solution ; Given equations of the sides of the triangle are Br+dy+2=0 () Be-dy +12 =0 (2) and 4x-3y =0 oul) Let these equations represent BC, CA and AB respectively. 36 48 Solving (2) and (3), the co-ordinates of A are (#. ¥) 6 8 Solving (3) and (1), the co-ordinates of B are i -4) 75 Solving (1) ande (2), the co-ordinates of C are (4 5) + Distance between B and C, a = - ale me 5} 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 36 ay (8 8} _ 785 7 3] 7 4 Distance between Cand A, 6 = (4 #.5)) 3 Distance between A and B, ¢ = ( * Co-ordinates of the in centre will be 157, 36 785, -6 | 314-7) (157 48 785-8 | 314.5 60 724” 2535 607 _84_25 35 4 157 | 785, S14 157 , 785 | 314 = 60 84 35 60 84 35 Radius = Perpendicular on AB from centre 6. Find the centre and radius of the circle which is inscribed in the triangle formed by the straight lines whose equations are 2x + 4y + 3= 0, 4x+ 8y +3 =0, and x+1=0, Solution : Given equations of the sides of the triangle are given to be 2x4 Ay +30 Ax + 8y + xt+1=0 Let these equations represent BC, CA and AB respectively 1 Solving (2) and (3), the co-ordinates of A are (+ 3] 1 Solving (3) and (1), the co-ordinates of B are ( 1, +) Solving (1) and (2), the co-ordinates of C are ( Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES CHAPTER ~ 4: THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES Distance between A and B,¢ = sat. Co-ordinates of the in centre will be (B-}- (-)(oa) (sE i} Gi a [ 6 2-0 120°" 120 Radius = distanee from the centre of the line x + 1= 0 m0 ao Unit Ans. Find the centre and radius of the circle which is inscribed in the triangle formed by the straight lines whose equations are y = 0, 12x - 5y = 0 and 3x + 4y-7= 0. Solution : Given lines are y=0 12r- By =0 and 3x4 4y-7=0 Solving (2) and (3), the co-ordinates of A = Solving (3) and (1), the co-ordinates of B= G 0} Solving (1) and (2), the co-ordinates of C = (0, 0) Distance BC =a = ji ~~ stance BC =e = (7 Distance CA = 6 = G 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 20 Distance AB =c = ( = +. Co-ordinates of in centre will be 4 perpendicular from centre on x-axis ie., y = 0 will be ri 8. Prove that the co-ordinates of the centre of the circle inscribed in the triangle whose angular points are (1, 2), (2, 3) and (3, 1) are (8 + {10 )/6 and (16 - 106. Solution : The angular points are (1, 2), (2, 3) and (3, 1). Let these points be A, B and C respectively, then length BC = a= fe ari length CA =b = (3-184 2] = 6 length AB =c = (2-0? «(9-27 = 9 . Co-ordinates of in contre are eee ese es w+ 32 55 Babe | bbe ee 6° 6 Eye - 10 & {on rationalization) Co-ordinates of the centre of ex-circle opposite to A _ eee 2h 08 2 eae 22} "(BER Bere | Ans 2 Similarly, the co-ordinates of the centre of the circle opposite to vertex B are 15-26 +32 a6 4.2] (=f avin) Ube eee 2] Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASS LIQUE CO-ORDINATES BY SL LONEY CHAPTER - 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES. And the co-ordinates of the centre of the circle, opposite to vertex C are 5 +25 3/2 26-s8+8) (8 1 i) in 5 +5 V+ V5 V2 2 Find the co-ordinates of the centres, and the radii, of the four circles which touch the sides of the triangle the co-ordinates of whose angular points are the points (6,0), (0, 6) and (7, 7). Solution : The co-ordinates of the points are given as (6, 0), (0, 6) and (7, 7). Let three points A, B and C respectively; then length BC = a= ff(7~0)" +(7- 61 = 5y2 Tongth CA = b= yfc7—6)* (7-001 = 5y2 length AB =c= f(6-0) +(0-G) = 62 Co-ordinates of in centre will be (6 x5¥2)+(0x5y2)+(7x6¥2) 5y2x0+6x5y2 +7 x62 By25y2162 | BR By G2 Equation of the line passing through (6, 0) and (0, 6) is, 1 Radius of incircle Centre of the circle opposite to vertex is ~6x5V2+0+7x6V2 0+ 30V2 + 4v2 ~6V2 +52 +62 * B24 52 +642 +110, (2, 12) Its radius Centre of the circle opposite to vertex B is Bx5y2-0+7x6V2 0-30V2 +42v2 5V2-5V2+6V2 * 5y2-5V2+6V2)° i.e.(12, 2) 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 12+2-6 _ 8 Its radius = sms Yon Centre of the circle opposite to vertex C is (eae 0+30/2-42/2) 5. 3 9) 52+5V2-6/2 ° 5J2+5y2-672)' : 3-3-6 12 Its radius Sap Tp ne Ans. |. Find the position of the centre of the circle circumscribing the triangle whose vertices are the points (2, 8), (8, 4) and (6, 8). Solution : The co-ordinates of the vertices are given as (2, 3), (3, 4) and (6, 8). Let the points be A, B and C respectively. 4-3 Equation of AB, y-3= Fe) or y-Sex-2 243 2a iG 4 . or Middle point of AB = Gs SA) or le 9, Z 5 Zz zg z 2 2 a 2 | 67 Equation of the line perpendicular to (1) and passing through &. 3) is x+y-6=0 slope of AC = Co-ordinates of the mid-point of AC is, (8 S| 276 u , Equation of the passing line through | 4, >] and perpendicular to AC will be uoo4 I-9775 (x-4) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES.NET CHAPTER - 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES. or 10y-55 =~ 8 +32 or 8x + 10y = 87 A3) Solving equations (2) and (3), we get gam ~ 2 Al Required centre = (4. 2) Ans. Find the area of the triangle formed by the straight lines whose equations are y= 3, y= 2x, and y= 32 =4. Solution ; Equations of the straight lines are given as and Solving (1) and (2), we get the co-ordinates of a vertex as (0, 0). Solving (2) and (3), we get the co-ordinates of second vertex Solving (2) and (3), we get the co-ordinates of 3rd vertex as (4, -8). & Area ofthe triangle = 210 (-2+4)-2(-8-0)~4(0 + 2))=4 units Ans. 12. Find the area of the triangle formed by the straight lines whose equations are ytx=0,y=x+6,andy=7x+5. Solution : Equations of the straigth lines are given as yer =0 A) yexe6 yotet5 Co-ordinates of the point of intersection of (1) and (2) are (-3, 3). Co-ordinates of the point of intersection of (2) and (3) are ( 2 55 Co-ordinates of the point of intersection of (1) and (3) are (3 8 ‘Area of the triangle= i (2-3) a8 = } (omitting sign). Ans. 6 8) 6\8 18, Find the area of the triangle formed by the straight lines whose equations are dy +2-5=0,9+2x~-7=0andx-y+1=0. Solution : Equations of the lines are given as 2y+x-5=0 ) y+2-7=0 (2) x-ytl (3) 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Solving them by pairs, the co-ordinates of the angluar points are (3, 1), (2, 3) and (1, 2) Required area = 4,3 (3-2) +2(2—1)+1 (1-3) = Sunits, Ans. . Find the area of the triangle formed by the straight lines whose equations are Bx —4y + 4a = 0, 2x Sy + 4a = 0, and 5-y +a =0, proving also that the feet of the perpendiculars from the origin upon them are collinear. Solution : Equation of the lines are given as =i Br —4y + 4a =0 2e By + 4a =0 and Sr-y+a=0 a 189 Solving them by two, the co-ordinates of the vertices are (4a, 4a), (0, a) 7.55 2 Area of the triangle + [+0(0-482) o( 82-42) +2(40-.)] =e units Again, the equation of any line perpendicular to (1) is de 4 dy = and as it passes through origin, (0, 0) will satisfy (4); hence 4 = 0. Henee, equation of the perpendicular from origin on (1) is 4x + 3y =0 ‘Similarly, equation of the perpendicular from origin on (2) will be Ox+2y =0 and, perpendicular from origin on (3) will be x+5y=0 Solving (1) and (5), co-ordinates of the foot of the perpendicular 12a 16a “(53) Solving (2) and (6), the co-ordinates of the foot of the perpendicular 8a 12a r (3 FS Solving (3) and (7), the co-ordinates of the foot of the perpendicular ee = 36" 26, Hence, area of the triangle formed by joining the feet of perpendiculars Z Bee a $232 2) “2 [95 43” 26)" 13\26 25)” 26( 25 = 0 (on simplification). Hence, the three points are collinear. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLAS (CHAPTER ~ 4: THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES 15, Find the area of the triangle formed by the straight lines whose equations are y= ax~be, y=bx~ca andy = cx-ab. Solution : Equations of the straight lines are given as ax-be AD) AZ) and y =ea-ab (3) Solving them in pairs, the co-ordinates of the vertices are [-c,-c (a+b), (-a,—a (6 +0)) and [-b, -b (a +e). Area of the triangle -¢ [-a(b +c) + (a +e) -a -b(a +e) +e (a+b) —b (—cla+b)+a(b+e) I] [-¢ {-ae + eb} ~ a |- ba + ca} —b |-cb + abl] [act ~ be? + ba — ca? + cb? — ab*] Factorizing and omitting the -ve sign, we get Area of traingle = Fa-W 6-0-0) Ans. 16. Find the area of the triangle formed by the straight lines whose equations are gins 2, pam,ee 2 endyamze = m, m my h Solution : Equations of the given lines are a yem,x+ m Fem Ete ™ and yemx+ Solving the equations in pairs, co-ordinates of the vertices are {ata (ee) fate ln fata (5 Hence, area of the triangle 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 1 1 1 1 1 - i oni ag eet 3, 3 oy, Ta, mim, mms mms eles . my} my my) (my m . Find the area of the triangle formed by the straight lines whose equations are Y=mxt Cy y= mz + cy and the axis of y. Solution : Equations of the straight lines are given as +e, yemgz+e, and x=0 Solving in pairs the co-ordinates of the vertices are (= mecme) ‘eeeeraces am ~My" my ~My 1 (~c2? Area of A= 1] 2-4 (, ~¢,)]= 2 2 (m mg) m,-m, Find the area of the triangle formed by the straight lines whose equations are y=mzte,y=max+c, andy=mzx +e, Solution : Equations of the straight lines are given as yema+e, ~) yemg+c, (2) and yamg+e, +3) ‘Taking any two straight lines and y-axis, area of the triangle may be found as in QNo. 17. ‘Taking the points in order, we find that the area of the triangle formed by (1), (2) and (3) is the sum of the three triangles formed by any two straight lines and y-axis. x (ey~ 09)? (€e ~ 65)" | (6g 61)" m= Mz” Mg—"My ” my—m © Total area = |. Prove that the area of the triangle formed by the three straight lines a,x+b,y+e,=0,a,x+b,y+0,=0and a,x +b,y+c,=0is 1|@ & ¢ [te b ey] *(0,-,b,)(0,6,~ 0,6,)(a,,~a, 6). jas by «| Solution : Equations of the straight lines are given as a,x+b,y +e, =0 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES CHAPTER - 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES 2 a,r+by+e,=0 (2) and a,x +b,y +c, =0 (8) * Applying cross-multiplication to (1) and (2), we get, * =—_ bea bye, 102-02 and by by ~ bay Let the point be (a, B,) Similarly, the other two vertices will be (ct, B,) and (ct, ‘Therefore, area of the triangle having its vertices (a, B,), (a, B,) and (a, B,) will be On simplifying, we get = ff & af +(0,2,-0,6,)0,0,- 6,0) x(0,b,-b,2,) la; b 5] . Proved. ). Prove that the area of the triangle formed by the three straight lines cos a+y sin a—p, = 0, x cos B+y sin B-p,=0and x cos y+y sin y-p,=0,i8 1 [py sinty -f)+ pasin(a~1)+ pg(B-a))® 2 sin(y ~B)sin(a ~y)sin(B - a) Solution : Equations of the lines are given as cos a +y sina—p, =0 x cos B+y sin B-p, =0 and x cos y+y sin y-p, =0 Solving the given equation in pairs, we get the co-ordinates of the vertices as pisinB~ ppsina pycosa— pcos] at gcosP~ ppcosy sin(B-a) ' sin(B-a) || —simty-B) "sity ~B) asina~pysiny pysiny ~ py cosa sina-y) ’ — sina-y) 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES .. Area of the triangles 2 4isin(r—B)+ pacinta—y)+ pssiniB— cl” sin(y ~)sin(a —y)sin(B—a) {on putting the value and simplifying]. Proved. 21. Prove that the area of the parallelogram contained by the lines 4y - 3x - a= 0, Sy-dx +a =0, 4y-3x-3a=0 and 3y-4x+2a=0is ae Solution : Equations of the sides of the parallelogram are 4y-3r-a =0 ay By-4x+a=0 (2) 4y ~ 3x -3a =0 (3) and By - 4x +20 =0 (4) Area of the parallelogram will be twice the arca of the triangle formed by the line joining any 3 vertices of it. Solving (1) and (2), we get the co-ordinates of one vertex = (a, a) La 10a Solving (1) and (4), we get the co-ordinates of other vertex = (4 ie } 13a 15a Solving (2) and (3), we get the co-ordinates of third vertex = |—7—» —7— 1 Area of the parallelogram =2 x 5 |4 ee at aw 7 Prove that the area of the parallelogram whose sides are the straight lines ax+ by +c, =0,ax+by+d,=0,ax+ by +c, =0, andax+ by +d, =0is 5 z Zz zg z 2 2 Z 3 2 (d- eda ~€,) Gib ab, Solution : Let ABCD be any parallelogram. If AL and AM be perpendiculars from A on BC and CD respectively, then BC = AD = AM cosec 0, where, 0 is the angle ABC. Area of the parallelogram = BC.AL = AMAL cosce 0 Let the equations of the lines AD and BC be ax+by+e,=0 and ax+by+d,= d, -c Perpendicular distance between these two lines = AL = 7SL=SL— la? +63) LUTIONS TO THE STRAIG Similarly, if AB and CD be given a,x + b,y +c, = 0 and a,x + 6,y +l, = 0, then distance between them, Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONC CHAPTER ~ 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES AM = t= i (8) Ye +03) i As @ is the angle between the sides AB and BC, then ) _ Yai +82) (a3 +85) byt, ~ aby Substituting the values of (2), (3) and (4), we get 7 (d,-c)) (dy =€y)_ (a? +b) (a3 +85)) Required area = LS). Gz 0p WAG FN Fa ya? +6?) y(a} +83) bya, aby (d -c4) (dy ~ op) * ayby ~ yb, The vertices of a quadrilateral, taken in order, are the points (0, 0), (4, 0), (6, 7) and (0, 3); find the co-ordinates of the points of intersection of the two lines joining the middle points of opposite sides. Solution : Let the given co-ordinates (0, 0), (4,0), (6, 7) and (0, 3) represent A, B, C and D respectively. If P, Q, R and S be the mid-points of AB, BC, CD and DA respectively, then their co-ordinates are respectively (2, 0), (5, 3/2) (3, 5) and (0, 3/2). ‘As by plane geometry, the lines joining the mid-points of the opposite sides of any” quadrilateral biscet each other, if M is the point of intersection, it is the mid-point of PR. (omitting -ve sign), Proved. 5 6 ‘The co-ordinates of the mid-point of P and R will be & §) 5 56 Hence, the required point is (3 5). ab, |. The lines x ++ 1= 0,x-y+2=0, 4x +2y+3=0,andx+2y~4=0, are the equations to the sides of a quadrilateral taken in order; find the equations to its three diagonals and the equation to the line on which their middle points lie. Solution : Let the, lines x+y +1 =0 “ x-y+? (2) 4x+2y+3=0 (3) and x42y-4=0 represent AB, BC, CD and DA respectively. 3 1) Solving(1) and (2), co-ordinates of B are (3. 3) Solving(1) and (3), co-ordinates of K are (+ ) Solving(1) and (4), co-ordinates of A are (— 6, 5). 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 75 Solving(2) and (3), co-ordinates of C are (3 3) Solving(2) and (4), co-ordinates of L are (0, 2). Solving(3) and (4), co-ordinates of D are (4 2) 55 Equation of the diagonal AC willbe y-5= -—— (+6) fie 25x + 29y+5=0 283, Equation of the diagonal BD will be yo. 5-3 ( “3°2 32x + 10y +43 =0 aly Equation of the diagonal KL will be y+ 2= 2 (x3) O+= 2 or yohe+2 Oo) IfP, Q and R be the mid-points of the diagonal AC, BD and KL respectively, then 43 35 co-ordinates of P wit be (-#3 z 8) 23 1 co-ordinates of Q will be|-75"-g_ co-ordinates of R will be ) Equation of the line joining P and Q is or (8) Substituting the ‘dit es of Rin ition (8), we find that the equatic satisfied. feet seaint® on eration we cua at Bayation 2 og. (5) (6) and (7) represent the 3 diagonals and (8) represents the line joining 25. Show that the orthocentre of the triangle formed by the three straight lines e @ a =m,x+,y=m,2+, andy=m,x+ =, 7 m7 Et andy = (CHAPTER 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES Solution : The equations are given as (0) (2) and 2 (8) ™, i ip gine Ce ly ie pc ta of A, B and C are respectively. (Sears) fees) mgm" ™ ) ’ \myity”m, my) 2 ‘The equation of a line AL which is perpendicular to BC will be Solving (4) and (5), we get x=-aand 26, A and B are two fixed points whose co-ordinates are (3, 2) and (5, Lyrespectively; ABP is an equilateral triangle on the side of AB remote from the origin. find the co-ordinates of P and the orthocentre of the triangle ABP. Solution : Let the co-ordinates of P be (x, y). A and B are given as (3, 2) and (5, 1) respectively. Hence, as ABP is an equilateral triangle, PA = PB = AB or PA? = PB*= AB. (x — 3) + (y -2)" = (x ~ 5 + - I? = (5 - 34 (1-2. ‘Therefore, x? + y* - 6x — dy + 13 = x* + y*~ 10x —2y + 26 = 5. ‘Taking in pairs, x? +y*— 6x — 4y + 13 =2* + y*— 10x ~ 2y + 26 or 4x—2y-13 =0 and ety Or ~4y +13 =5 ‘Substituting the value of y from (1) in (2), we get 2 + (2-8) ~6-4 (20-8) 13-5 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 4x¢— 32-61 =0 (ao24— 1 LE oe 976) es If point P is such as to be remote from the origin, we have to make + ve sign only. Hence, rede 12s Putting in (1), we get ye 3 +8 Hence, the required point is (4053, 5-8) Equation of the line PL which is perpendicular to AB will be »-(Gr4) or ‘Simitarly, equation of AM, the perpendicular on PB from A, is 8 y-2= ge (-3) or Ly ~ (6y8 8) = 46 - 153 Solving (3) and (4), we get x =4+ Ni andy = 3 " rai Hence, the co-ordinates of the orthocentre are (« +33, ¢ The base of a triangle is fixed; find the locus of the vertex when one base angle is double of the other. Solution : Let AB be the fixed base of the triangle; take its middle point O as origin, the direction of OB as the axis of x and a perpendicular line as the axis of y. Let AQ =OB= If be one position of vertex, the condition of the problem then gives 2 PBA =2.2 PAB ie, n-9 = 20 ie, tan 9 = tan 20 Let P be the point (h, k). We then have k k 2 Teg stn, joa 7am Substituting these values in (1), we have Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranch (0661-2662623, 9835608812, 8607613968 NEWTONCLASSES (CHAPTER ~ 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES ie, ~(htay +h? =2(k* a") ie, H~Sh*-2ah +a* =0 But this is the condition that the point (A, k) should lie on the curve 9-32? 2ax +a? =0 This is therefore the equation to the required locus, From a point P perpendiculars PM and PN are drawn upon two fixed lines which lare inclined at an angle w and meet in a fixed point O; if P move on a fixed straight line, find the locus of the middle point of MN. Solution : Let the two fixed lines be taken as the axes. Let the coordinates of P, any position of the moving point. be (h, h). Let the equation of the straight line on which P lies be Ar+By+C=0 sothat, wehave Ah + BR +C = Draw PL and PL’ parallel to the axes, We then have OM =OL+LM=OL+LP cos =h +k cos and ON =OL' +LIN=LP+LPeos o =k +h 608 @ Mis therefore the point (h + k cos «@, 0) and N is the point (0, # + h ¢0s «). Hence, if x’, y’) be the coordinates of the middle point of MN, we have 2c =h+heos (2) and 2y' =k +h eos w (8) Equations (1), (2), and (3) express analytically all the relations which hold between x, y', handk, Also A and & are the quantities which by their variation cause Q to take up different positions. If therefore between (1), (2), and (3) we eliminate A and & we shall obtain a relation between x’ and y’ which is true for all values of h and & ie.,a relation which is true whatever be the position that P takes on the given straight line. From (2) and (3), by solving, we have 2x! rows} mn bw Aye) in? w sin? ‘Substituting these’ values in (1), we obtain 2AG’ —¥ cos w) + 2B (y’ =x’ cos w) +C sin? w= 0 But this is the condition that the point (x’,y’) shall always lie on the straight line 2AGx -y cos w) + 2B (y x cos w) + C sin? w= 0 h Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONC 5 z Zz zg z 2 2 Z 3 2 LUTIONS TO THE STRAIG R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES ie, onthe straight line x(A-B cos w) + y (B-A cos w) + ; Cain? w=0 Which is therefore the equation to the locus of Q. |A straight line is drawn parallel to the base of a given traingle and its extremities lare joined transversely to those of the base; find the locus of the point of intersection of the joining lines. on Solution : Let the triangle be OAB and take O as the origin and the directions of OA and OB as the axes of x andy. Let OA =a.and OB =, so thata andé are given quantities, 0 Let A’B’ be the straight line which is parallel to the base AB, so that pe, oF 4 (say) LIQUE CO-ORDINATES BY SL LONEY and hence OA’ =a and OB’ = Ab For different values of 4 we therefore have different positions of A’B’. ‘The equation to AB’ is, : st () AE and that to A’B is, ete (2) Since P is the intersection of AB’ and A’B its coordinates satisfy both (1) and (2). Whatever equation we derive from them must therefore denote a locus going through P. Also if we derive from (1) and (2) an equation which does not contain 2, it must represent a locus which passes through P whatever be the value of 4; in other words, it must go through all the different positions of the point P. Subtracting (2) from (1), we have This then is the equation to the locus of P. Hence P always lies on the straight line yee which is the straight line OQ where OAQB is a parallelogram. Alter. By solving the equations (1) and (2) we easily see that they meet at the point Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASS (CHAPTER ~ 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES (Fue a) cestarest Hence, if P be the point (h, k), we have a a = yey tandk= Te Hence for all values of 2 e., for all positions of the straight line A’B’, we have Ak 6 @ But this is the condition that the point (4, ) ie., P, should lie on the straight line ae aa The straight line is therefore the required locus, |A variable straight line is drawn through a given point O to cut two fixed straight lines in R and S; on it is taken a point P such that show that the locus of P is a third fixed straight line. Solution : Take any two fixed straight lines, at right angles and passing through O, as the axes and let the equation to the two given fixed straight lines be Ax + By+C and Ax+ By +C' =0 ‘Transforming to polar coordinates, these equations are 1 Acos0+Bsind 1 A’cos0+B'sind <= and 2 = SCL r C r c Ifth XOR be 6, then values of + and — are theref e angle then values of a and Hg are therefore Acos6+Bsind ‘c0s0-B'sin0) - and We therefore have The equation to the locus of P is therefore, on again transforming to Cartesian co-ordinates, and this is a fixed straight line. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONC » Zz zg z 2 2 a 3 | LUTIONS TO THE STRAIGHT 8 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES zz $$ 1, The base BC (=2a) of a triangle ABC is fixed; the axes being BC and a perpendicular toit through ite middle point, find the locus of the vertex A, when the difference of the base angles is given (=a). Solution : Let the co-ordinates of A be(x, y) and £ ABC = @, and Z ACB -0 tan 0, = 2— and tan (180-9, o 1" yea ve ea Ls. slope of AC will be (180 ~ 6,) y Zz. = = — and tan @, =~ —>— x+a =a tan @, By hypothesis, 6,~8,=« or tan (@,~0,) = tan a or fan, tn TA a T+ tand, tan®, 22 + 2xy cot a-y? =a? The base BC = 2a of a triangle ABC is fixed; the axes being BC and a perpendicular to it through ite middle point, find the locus of the vertex A, when the product of the tangents of the base angles is given (= 4). Solution : By hyothesis, tan @, xtan@, =A tom Eee) or dat + y= dat Ans. The base BC (= 2a) of a triangle ABC is fixed; the axes being BC and a perpen- dicular to it through its middle point, find the locus of the vertex A, when the tangent of one base angle is m times the tangent of the other. Solution : By hypothe: or or (m+)x=(m-1a. Ans. |. The base BC (= 2a) of a triangle ABC is fixed; the axes being BC anda perpendicular to it through its middle point, find the locus of the vertex A, when the m times the square of one side added to n times the square of the other side is equal to a constant quantity c*. Solution : By hypothesis, n. AB + m.AC? = c! or [x4 a) + (y—OF] +m [-a)* +(y-0)'1= or (m + n) (a+ 9? 40") — Bax (m —n) = ct Ans. 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662629, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONC (CHAPTER ~ 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES ;. From a point P perpendiculars PM and PN are drawn upon two fixed lines which are inclined at an angle @ and which are taken as the axes of co-ordinates and meet in O; find the locus of P if OM + ON be equal to 2C. Solution : Let the co-ordinates of P be (x, y). Then by hypothesis OM +ON =2c x+y cosw+y+xrcos@ = 2 x (1 +008 @) +y (1+ cos w) = 2c @ ° zoos F+y2eos > =2e ‘ « gveomalel From a point P perpendiculars PM and PN are drawn upon two fixed lines which are inclined at an angle « and which are taken as the axes of co-ordinates and meet in O; find the locus of P, if OM ~ ON be equal to 2d. Solution : By hypothesis; OM-ON =2d or x+ycosw-y-xcos@ = 2d or (1-08 0)—y(1-c08 @) = 2d or x-yadawee(4) Ans. 1. From a point P perpendiculars PM and PN are drawn upon two fixed lines which are inclined at an angle @ and which are taken as the axes of co-ordinates and meet in O; find the locus of P, if PM + PN be equal to 2c. Solution ; By hypothesis, PM + PN = 2c or ysin@+xsin @ = 2c or x+y = 2 cosec w Ans. . From a point P perpendiculars PM and PN are drawn upon two fixed lines which are inclined at an angle w, and which are taken as the axes of co-ordinates and meet in O; find the locus of P, if PM ~ PN be equal to 2c. Solution : By hypothesis, PM - PN = 2c or ysino+xsin@ = 2 or y-x =2c cosee @ Ans. . From a point P perpendiculars PM and PN are drawn upon two fixed lines which are inclined at an angle w, and which are taken as the axes of co-ordinates and meet in 0; find the locus of P, if MN be equal to 2c. Solution : By hypothesis, MN = 2c or MN? = 4c? or PM? + PN? — 2.PM.PN cos NPM = 4c* (from APMN) or sin? @ + 2? sin? @—2y sin wx sin «cos (180° ~ «) = 4c? (.: in quadratic OMPN, £ OMP = 2 ONP = 90° and 2 MON = «| y+ 24 + Day 0s w = de cose? w Ans. 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 10. From a point P perpendiculare PM and PN are drawn upon two fixed lines which are inclined at an angle w, and which are taken as the axes of co-ordinates and meet in O; find the locus of P, if MN pass through the fixed point (a, b). Solution : Let the co-ordinates of P be (h, k) a (See Fig. in Q. No. 5) ‘Then the co-ordinates of M and N respectively will be (h + & cos w, 0) and (0, k + h cos @) Then the equation of MN will be = y Trkoso * kehowo ~! ca If the line passes through (a, b), then point will satisfy it; hence a 4 Kekooso * Behe ~! Generalising, we get a 6 — + _ X#YCOBO y+xC08@ al On simplifying, we get x (a cos @ +b) +y (a+b cos @) = (x? +") cosw+xy(1+cos*) Ans |. From a point P perpendiculars PM and PN are drawn upon two fixed lines which are inclined at an angle «, and which are taken as the axes of co-ordinates and meet O; find the locus of P, if MN be parallel to line y = mx. Solution : Slope of MN (As above) By hypothesis, MN is parallel to y = mx. k+hcos@ Hence, n«-|->— irkeoso Simplifying and generalising, we get = (m + cos @) + y (1 +m cos @) =0 Ans. . Two fixed points A and B are taken on the axes such that OA = a and OB = b; two variable points A’ and B’ are taken on the same axes; find the locus of the intersection of AB’ and A®B (i) when OA’ + OB’ = OA + OB, and (ii) when pay 1 Ga ‘0a OB ~ OA ~ OB Solution : Let the points A’ and B’ be(a’, 0) and (0, 6’). (By hypothes OA’ + OB’ = OA + OB or a+b sath or a’-a=b-¥ Equations of the lines AB’ and A’B respectively are (CHAPTER - 4: THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES and +45 =l (8) ab ‘Subtracting equations (3) from (2), we get Es) meal Lobe wr -a)+ Fy b)=0 Again dividing (2) by 6,(3) by a and adding, we get 2, Be, 2 ab * 8 * aa * ab : ‘e ab * ab ~ ab or x+ysat+b 1 f b (i) By hypothesis, or 13. Through a fixed point p are drawn any two straight lines to cut one fixed straight line OX in A and B and another fixed straight line OY in C and D; prove that the locus of the intersection of the straight lines AC and BD is a straight line passing through 0. Solution : Let the co-ordinates of A, B, C and D respectively be (a, 0) (b, 0), (0, c) and (0,d) and P be fixed point as (x,.,) Equation of BC is ; a) Equation of AD is * (2) ‘As (1) and (2) pass through P (x, y,), hence f and 24% 21 ote 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Subtrating 43) Equation of AC will be, (4) (5) (6) Dividing (6) by (3), we get F; Generalising, we get ~ 4 2 £0, which is the locus of the point Q. aon Itis clearly a straight line passing throguh the origin. Hence proved. . OX and OY are two straight lines at right angles to one another; on OY is taken a fixed point A and on OX any point B; on AB an equilateral triangle is described, its vertex P being on the side of AB away from 0. Show that the locus of P is a straight line. Solution : Let the point A be (0, a) and B (6, 0). Let P be the moving point as (x, y). ZABO = @ and PN is perpendicular to OX. The AB =a cosec 0= BP (., ABP is equilateral Triangle) x = ON = OB +BN = OB+ BP cos PBN x = AB cos 6+ AB cos (120 ~0) x =a cosec 8 cos 8 +. cose @ (cos 120° cos @ ~ sin 120° sin 6) 8 1 x sa cot O-FacotO—a. loot 0 ~ 5) (1) y = PN = PB sin (120~ 6) = a cosee 8 (sin 120 cos 6 ~ cos 120 sin 8) a or y =acote. ? +7 = 7 Scot) wel) Eliminating @ from equations (1) and (2), we get the required equation of the locus as V3 x-y =a, which represents a straight line. . If a straight line passes through a fixed point, find the locus of the middle point of the portion of it which is intercepted between two given straight lines. Solution : Let the equation of the linebe > + 4 =1 (1) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES CHAPTER - 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES. If the fixed point is (x,, y,), then it satisfies (1); hence 4 & & ai (2) The line will cut the axes at A and B respectively as (a, 0) and (0, 6) Let the mid-point of AB be (A, &); then he ora wth ond b= 22 or bath Substituting in (2) we get a a el Generalising, the required locus is, ged dat. Ans. 16. Aand B are two fixed points; if PA and PB intersect a constant distance 2c froma given straight line, find the locus of P. Solution: Let the fixed line be axis of. Let Aand B have the co-crdinates as (x, y,) and (x, ¥,) respectively and P be the moving point (h, k] Equation of PA is y-¥, = Me > of) = Ifitevtananis in Q thon” 0Q«4,- 2-41, 2) LIQUE CO-ORDINATES BY SL LONEY Similarly, equation of PB is, y-y) 2. @-) (8) If it cuts the x-axis at R, then OR ox, 2oe, wld) “Ye By hypothesis, OR - 0Q =2¢ or a )-(- 2 Y-1 _Ya-M _y, hia 79a. mn Through a fixed point O are drawn two straight lines at right angles to meet two fixed straight lines, which are also at right angles, in the points P and Q. Show that the locus of the foot of the perpendicular from O on PQ is a straight line. Solution : Let us take the lines passing throguh O be the axes, O'P arid 0'Q be the other pair, 0” being (a, 6) and cutting the axes at P and Q. Let the equation of 0'Q be, (-blem(x-a) Hence the equation of O’P will be O-b=- 2e-0) (as PO’ is perpendicular to QO’) Solving (1) with y-axis, OQ will be (6 - am). Similarly, solving (2) with x-axis, OP will be (a + bm) Offi 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0851-2662623, 9836608812, 8607613968 NEWTONCLASS R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Hence equation of QP will be <_,—¥_ 21 (8) avbm * bam Let R be the perpendicular on QP from O and its co-ordinates be (h, &). As R lies on OP, (h, k) will satisfy its equation. h k Hence, + =1 Ad atbm b-am @ Slope of OR = * Slope of QP = As OR is perpendicular to QR, x ) =>t oO) Eliminating m from (4) and (6), we get the required locus. . Find the locus of @ point at which two given portions of the same straight line subtend equal angles. Solution : Let OA and BC be the two portions of the straight line OABC. Taking O as origin, OC as axis of x, the co-ordinates of 0, A, B and C may be taken respectively as (0, 0), (a, 0), (b, 0) and (¢, 0). Let the point P is (h, &). Slope of OP = m, = + i Slope of PA = m, = Slope of PB =m, Slope of PC = (CHAPTER ~ 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES Simiplifying and generalising, we get (a+b~¢) (a+ y")-2abr abe = 0 Ans. Find the locus of a point which moves so that the difference of its distances from to feed etraight Hines at righ angles ie oqua ots distance fom o fled etrcight Solution : Let the two fixed lines at right angles be the axes of x and y. Fixed given line be x cos a + y sin a = p and co-ordinates of the moving point at any __ position be (h, &). Its distance from x-axis is h, from y-axis is h, and from x cos a +y sin a ~ p = Ois (hos «+k sin ap). By hypothesis, k-h =hcosa+ksina-p A (1 +008 a)-A(1-sina)-p=0 Generalising, we get x (1 +co8a) ~y(1-sina)=p This represents a straight line. Hence the required locus a straight line . A straight line AB, whose length is c, slides between two given oblique axes which ‘meet at O; find the locus of the orthocentre of the triangle OAB. Solution : Taking O as origin, OA and OB as the axes, 4 AOB = w,0A = a and OB = 6. ‘Then, equation of AL, the perpendicular from A on OB, will be £e0s @+y =a.c08 0 “ Similarly, equation of BM, the perpendicular from B on OA will be x+y cos @=b 08 @ (2) ‘Again as AB is given to be c, hence cf 2a? +b 2ab cos w 3) Putting the values of @ and 6 from (1) and (2) in (3), we get c= (x+y sec oF + (y+ x see w) — 2 c08 w(x + y see w) (y +x see 0) Simplifying wo get cot! w = 2° +9? +2xy cos w (which is a cirele with centre 0) Ans. . Having given the bases and the sum of the area of a number of triangles which have a common vertez,show that the locus of this vertex is a straight line. Solution : Let the co-ordinates of the vertex be (h, &), and let the lenghts of the bases be Uy ly tywete. and their equations respectively as xeosa+ysina =p, xcosB+ysinB=p,.., ete Then the lenghts of perpendiculars from (h, k) on bases are respectively (h cos a+ sin a—p,), (h cos B +h cos B — p,),..0te By hypothesis, sum of the areas of the As is constant. 1 fg Mh cos a+ k sin a p,) + Fh theosB+hsin Bp) + _wete. = constant = £ (say) or h(1, cos a +1, cos B+...) +A (2, sina +d, sin B +...)~(l, py +1, Py + Generalising, we get, 2.3, cos a +y.ZJ, sin o- Bp, =e. Itis an equation of a straight line. Ans. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSES 46 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 22. Through a given point O a straight line is drawn to cut two given straight lines in R and §; find the locus of a point P on this variable straight line, which is such that (i) 20P = OR + OS, and(ii) OP* = OR. OS. Solution : Suppose the axes pass through O. Let the given fixed lines be NI andMN having the equation as ax+by+e,=0 a) and ax+by+e,=0 (2) + mM IN. ‘Transforming in polar equations, we got 1 _aycosd+bsind@ dy 0050+ by sin® r 1 = % ‘Taking OR and OS as r, and r, respectively and 2 XOR = 6, we get - 4° 306045, 6in0 4 ( If OP =r, then by hypothesis 2 OP = OR + OS or 2r Changing again to cartesian co-ordinates and simplifying, we get ¢, (a,x + by) +e lat by) + 2la,x +bylazx+by)=0 (ii) By hypothesis, OP# = OR. OS or r, -[—a_ _]f__a__] = la, e080 +8, ain | a, 080+, sind | Changing into cartesian co-ordinates and simplifying, we get (a,x +bylaz + by) +e,¢,=0. ‘Ans. Given n straight lines and a fixed point O; through 0 is drawn a straight line meeting these lines in the points R,, R, R,...R,, and on it is taken a point R such I IJ rt that YOR, * OR "OR show that the locus of R is a straight line. Solution : Let the equations of the straight lines bea,x + b,y +c, =0,a,x + 5,y +c, =0,and so on, their polar equations will be a, cos6 +6, sin® eo and so on. ‘Then as in Q. 22, ifthe line makes an angle 0 with initial line (x — axis): then by hypothe: Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONC » z Zz zg z g 2 a 3 | LUTIONS TO THE STRAIGHT (CHAPTER ~ 4 : THE STRAIGHT LINE, POLAR EQUATIONS OBLIQUE CO-ORDINATES we have 1m _ aycosO+bjsin® | a2c0s+b,sind | r % en i reno [Bos -Jersine [Ses | ae le & or n =x 5% +y 551, which is a straight line Ans. ee . Avariable straight line cuts off from n given concurrent straight lines intercepts thesum of the reciprocals of which is constant. Show that it always passes through a fixed point. Solution Let the fixed point be the origin; the angles that the various fixed lines make with initial line be a, B, ete 1 Let the variable line be, > =(a-cos + bsin 8). Let itcut the given fixed lines at (7,0), (ry ®, ry ®.nete. 1 Then by hypothesis, 7 + 7 + 7, tes eomstant or (acos a+ sin a) + (a cos B +b sin B) + or ‘a cos a + bE sin B = constant = (say). Hence the line passes through a fixed point which is Loose Pins ©; ec fe . Ifa triangle ABC remain always similar to a given triangle, and if the point A be fixed and the point B always move along a given straight line, find the locus of: the point C. Solution + Lt us suppose the ied point Aas origin. The ine perpendicular to the fixed Since, A ABC is always similar to the given triangle, hence a = constant = 2 (say) © = AB cos (9- A) = hr cos (6- A) This is the required equation which is straight line 26. A right-angled triangle ABC, having C a right angle, is of given magnitude, and the angular points A and B slide along two given perpendicular axes; show that the locus of C is the pair of straight lines whose equations are y = + blax. Solution : Let the point A, B and P be respectively (h, 0), (0, #) and (x, y). Then BP =x*+(y-kY wl) and AP? =(x-h +y" (2) 0 Again slopes of BP and AP are respectively and ae As they are perpendicular to each other, yok Proved. Squaring, we get aon 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Since, BP =a, AB = 6, hence by (1) and (2), we get (-hY = (a? = 22) and (x -h}*= (6*-¥9), (a2=x?)y? _ x2(6? -y?) or a’yt- xy! = Bx = ay? Putting the values, (3) becomes 1 or or Proved. |. Two given straight lines meet in O, and through a given point P is drawn a straight line to meet them in Q and R; if the parallelogram O@SR be completed find the equation to the locus of S. Solution : Let, the axes be along OQ and OR and the co-ordinates of Q and R be respec- tively (a, 0) and (0, 6). ‘Then, equation of the line RQ is, +221 a) As the line passes through a fixed point P, whose co-ordinates are (x,,y,) say, then it will satisfy the equation (1); hence Sy Dong (2) OQSR is parallelogram. Let the co-ordinates of $ be (h, ). Then itis clear that, A (3) (4) and ke ‘Substituting the values of a and b in (2), we get Ay tte Generalising, we get the locus of S as a ‘a Through a given point O is drawn a straight line to meet two given parallel straight lines in P and Q; through P and Q are drawn straight lines in given directions to meet in R; prove that the locus of R is a straight line. Solution ; Let O be the origin, a line parallel to the given line be y-axis, and let the distances of parallel lines from origin be a and 6. Let the moving point R be (x, y). If 2 POX = 6, then point P will be (a, a tan 8) and the co-ordinates of Q will be (b, b tan 0). The equation of PR will be, y-atan @=(x-a)tana wl) The equation of RQ will be, y~btan6 = (x-5) tanB (2) where a and B are the given angles for direction. Multiplying (1) by b and (2) by a, and subtracting, we get by ~ay = bx tan aba tan a —ax tan B+ ab tan B or y (ba) =x(b tan a—a tan B) + ab (tan B - tan a) which is the required locus, and it represents a straight line. Proved. . Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES

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