GER Names Divisions

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# Division template historical names system.

Is a new method of naming the

divisions based on the names-group assigned to it's template.
# If we run out of all historical names, the names will be assigned in the old way.
# Each group has a made up tag. Use it if you want to append more, or replace
existing names with the extra txt files (modding).
# for_countries - lists all countries that can use it. If empty, or entire tag is
missing, all countries in the world can use it.
# can_use - is a trigger that locks/unlocks the group under specific circumstances.
The trigger is in a country scope.
# division_types - is a list of tokens to corresponding unit types. A player can in
fact use any group of names for a div.template
# however this tag is a helper for an automated choice (for AI, or
if the group must switch on it's own, because
# for example the current one is no longer available due to the
can_use trigger saying so).
# In automated choice, the division template must have at least 1
of the following types for it to be chosen.
# fallback_name - Is going to be used if we run out of the scripted historical
names. If you want to use the old division naming
# mechanics to be used for fallbacks, then just skip this option.
# unordered - It's a list of historical division names that did not have a number.
Regardless if such names happened in history or not
# this option is available here mainly for a mods.
# ordered - Is a list of all historical names.
# Numbers must start from 1 and up.
# Numbers can't repeat in one scope.
# If you script the name for this group, at the same number (for example
in a mod in another file), the name will be override.
# All arguments between the brackets must be separated by spaces. Each
argument is wrapped in "quotas".
# 1st argument = The name. It must contain either:
# %d (for decimal number placement)
# %s (for string number placement - ROMAN numbers like
# 2nd argument is optional = A localizable text describing this
historical division. The text will be visible in the tooltip
# where you choose the historical division
# 3rd argument is optional = An URL preferably pointing to the WIKI. It's
a future feature that is not currently working in
# the current game version.

GER_Inf_01 =
name = "Infantry Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "infantry" }
# Number reservation system will tie to another group.
#link_numbering_with = { GER_Gar_01 }

fallback_name = "%d. Infanterie-Division"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry).

# It's okay to have gaps in numbering.
ordered =
1 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
2 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
3 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
4 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
5 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
6 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
7 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
8 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
9 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
10 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
11 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
12 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
13 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
14 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
15 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
16 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
17 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
18 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
19 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
20 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
21 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
22 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
23 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
24 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
25 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
26 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
33 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
34 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
27 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
28 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
29 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
30 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
31 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
32 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
35 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
36 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
44 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
45 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
46 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
61 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
50 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
52 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
56 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
57 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
58 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
62 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
68 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
69 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
71 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
73 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
75 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
76 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
78 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
79 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
86 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
87 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
206 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
207 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
208 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
209 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
211 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
212 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
213 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
214 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
215 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
216 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
217 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
218 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
221 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
223 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
225 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
227 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
228 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
231 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
239 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
246 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
251 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
252 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
253 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
254 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
255 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
256 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
257 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
258 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
260 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
262 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
263 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
267 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
268 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
269 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
93 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
94 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
98 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
72 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
95 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
96 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
60 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
163 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
167 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
164 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
196 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
183 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
81 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
82 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
83 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
88 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
162 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
168 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
170 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
181 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
197 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
198 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
169 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
161 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
205 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
297 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
290 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
291 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
292 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
294 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
296 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
298 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
293 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
299 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
295 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
121 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
131 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
132 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
134 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
123 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
122 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
137 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
100 = { "%d. leichte Infanterie-Division" }
126 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
125 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
129 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
199 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
111 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
302 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
304 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
306 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
319 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
332 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
333 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
340 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
337 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
99 = { "%d. leichte Infanterie-Division" }
342 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
335 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
106 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
320 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
97 = { "%d. leichte Infanterie-Division" }
101 = { "%d. leichte Infanterie-Division" }
110 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
112 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
113 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
102 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
305 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
323 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
336 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
339 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
321 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
718 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
704 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
702 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
711 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
714 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
707 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
708 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
709 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
710 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
713 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
716 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
719 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
715 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
717 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
328 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
329 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
330 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
331 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
416 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
384 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
385 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
383 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
389 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
387 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
370 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
371 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
376 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
377 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
38 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
39 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
65 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
348 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
346 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
344 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
343 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
909 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 1" }
910 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 2" }
911 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 3" }
912 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 4" }
914 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 6" }
913 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 5" }
915 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 7" }
917 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 9" }
919 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 11" }
920 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 12" }
923 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 15" }
347 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
916 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 8" }
326 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
338 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
921 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 13" }
922 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 14" }
334 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
918 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 10" }
924 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 16" }
925 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 17" }
926 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 18" }
929 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 21" }
282 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
355 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
927 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 19" }
928 = { "Luftwaffen-Feld-Division 20" }
356 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
264 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
265 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
266 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
274 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
242 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
243 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
244 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
245 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
352 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
353 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
357 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
359 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
362 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
367 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
271 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
272 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
275 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
276 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
277 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
278 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
349 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
361 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
363 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
77 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
89 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
91 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
92 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
47 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
48 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
49 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
84 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
85 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
237 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
59 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
64 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
226 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
232 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
541 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
544 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
545 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
547 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
548 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
549 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
551 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
553 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
558 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
559 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
561 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
562 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
70 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
542 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
563 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
148 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
189 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
159 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
176 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
180 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
190 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
286 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
203 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
41 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
281 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
303 = { "Infanterie-Division 'Döberitz'" }
309 = { "Infanterie-Division 'Berlin'" }
947 = { "1. Marine-Infanterie-Division" }
153 = { "%d. Grenadier-Division" }
154 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
155 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
948 = { "2. Marine-Infanterie-Division" }
324 = { "Infanterie-Division 'Hamburg'" }
160 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
166 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
949 = { "3. Marine-Infanterie-Division" }
156 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division" }
903 = { "Infanterie-Division 'Potsdam'" }
904 = { "Infanterie-Division 'Scharnhorst'" }
905 = { "Infanterie-Division 'Ulrich von Hutten'" }
901 = { "Infanterie-Division 'Friedrich Ludwig Jahn'" }
907 = { "Infanterie-Division 'Theodor Körner'" }
906 = { "Infanterie-Division 'Schlageter'" }
930 = { "1. Luftwaffen-Ausbildungs-Division" }
900 = { "Infanterie-Division 'Ferdinand von Schill'" }
902 = { "Infanterie-Division 'Güstrow'" }

# divisions are put in the order they were raised, which was NOT
consecutive historically due to the vagaries of the German mobilization system
# leaving out 250. Infanterie-Division (Azul) as the existence of this
division depends upon a not guaranteed Francoist victory in Spain, plus can be
simulated by expeditionary forces
# deleted 369., 373., 392. Infanterie-Division (kroatische) for the
same reasons as Division Azul.
# deleted 162. (Turk.) ID because its existence depends on German
occupation of certain areas they may not go in game.
# omitted noncombat "shadow divisions" and holding units raised to fill
up combat units
# ad hoc divisional sized Kampfgruppe such as "Division von Broich"
deleted as their temporary existence was highly dependent on unique historical
circumstances that are not guaranteed to be replicated in game
# deleted Landesschützen, training/holding divisions with a super short
life and no combat record, "infantry divisions" that were ad hoc collections of
fortress/coast defense units in Norway, etc
# deleted some 500-series Grenadier Divisions as they were almost
immediately converted to Volksgrenadier
# deleted Sturm-Division Rhodos as it was made from a collection of
Aegean island garrison troops not guaranteed to exist in game
# deleted 999. leichte Afrika-Division as Germany is not guaranteed to
go to Africa
# deleted 99. leichte as it was soon converted in to 7. Gebirgs-
# added 1-3. Marine-Infanterie-Division to the infantry list, as they
were ground combat units formed from surplus naval personnel at the end of the war,
not "Marines" in the proper sense. 11. and 16. Divisions were deleted as they were
most likely camouflage/deception units that never saw combat.

name = "Late/Alternate Infantry Divisions"
for_countries = { GER }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "infantry" }

fallback_name = "%d. Volksgrenadier-Division"

link_numbering_with = { GER_Inf_01 }

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
22 = { "%d.(Luftlande) Infanterie-Division" }
78 = { "%d. Sturm-Division" }
44 = { "(44.) Reichsgrenadier-Division Hoch- und Deutschmeister" }
91 = { "%d.(Luftlande) Infanterie-Division" }
944 = { "19. Luftwaffen-Sturm-Division" }
945 = { "20. Luftwaffen-Sturm-Division" }
560 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
12 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
361 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
18 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
276 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
277 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
326 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
708 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
349 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
183 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
246 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
337 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
340 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
26 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
47 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
212 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
256 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
271 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
272 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
363 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
352 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
62 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
6 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
16 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
19 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
31 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
36 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
61 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
541 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
542 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
544 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
545 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
547 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
548 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
549 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
551 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
553 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
558 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
559 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
561 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
562 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
563 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
9 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
257 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
45 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
79 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
320 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
167 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
462 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
211 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
98 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
46 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
278 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
334 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }
347 = { "%d. Volks-Grenadier-Division" }

# deleted some 500-series Volks-Grenadier-Divisions because they were

renumbered within a month of being formed to match the old numbers of
decimated/destroyed infantry divisions they were earmarked to replace.


name = "Light Infantry Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "infantry" }

fallback_name = "%d. Jäger-Division"

link_numbering_with = { GER_Inf_01 }

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
8 = { "%d. Jäger-Division" }
5 = { "%d. Jäger-Division" }
28 = { "%d. Jäger-Division" }
97 = { "%d. Jäger-Division" }
100 = { "%d. Jäger-Division" }
101 = { "%d. Jäger-Division" }
104 = { "%d. Jäger-Division" }
114 = { "%d. Jäger-Division" }
117 = { "%d. Jäger-Division" }
118 = { "%d. Jäger-Division" }
42 = { "%d. Jäger-Division" }

# this was a small series of divisions raised/converted with only two

regiments, reduced and decentralized heavy weapons and services for operating in
rough terrain with bad roads. Not full mountain troops.
# some of these were renamed from leichte-Infanterie, some raised from

GER_MOT_01 =
name = "Motorized Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = {
OR = {
has_government = neutrality
has_government = democratic
has_completed_focus = GER_oppose_hitler

division_types = { "motorized" }

fallback_name = "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot)"

link_numbering_with = { GER_Inf_01 }

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
2 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
13 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
20 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
29 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
16 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
60 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
14 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
3 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
18 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
36 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
10 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
25 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
90 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
932 = { "Infanterie-Division (mot.) Großdeutschland" }
164 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }

# GD existed before 16.5.42 as a strong regiment, but this list is

divisional sized units only so it was put in the raising order after it was
upgraded to a full division.
# removed 'leichte Afrika' from the names of 90., 164. Divisions as
their existence depends on historical events that may not occur in game
# surviving units of this type renamed to Panzergrenadier-Divisions in

#Nazi Motorized
GER_MOT_02 =
name = "Motorized Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }
can_use = { has_government = fascism }

division_types = { "motorized" }

fallback_name = "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot)"

link_numbering_with = { GER_Inf_01 }

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
1 = { "SS-Verfügungstruppe" }
2 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
13 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
20 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
29 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
16 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
60 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
14 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
3 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
18 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
36 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
10 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
25 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
90 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }
932 = { "Infanterie-Division (mot.) Großdeutschland" }
164 = { "%d. Infanterie-Division (mot.)" }

# GD existed before 16.5.42 as a strong regiment, but this list is

divisional sized units only so it was put in the raising order after it was
upgraded to a full division.
# removed 'leichte Afrika' from the names of 90., 164. Divisions as
their existence depends on historical events that may not occur in game
# surviving units of this type renamed to Panzergrenadier-Divisions in

GER_MEC_01 =
name = "Panzergrenadier Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "mechanized" }

fallback_name = "%d. Panzergrenadier-Division"

link_numbering_with = { GER_Inf_01 }

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
932 = { "Panzer-Grenadier-Division Großdeutschland" }
10 = { "%d. Panzer-Grenadier-Division" }
60 = { "Panzer-Grenadier-Division Feldherrnhalle" }
3 = { "%d. Panzer-Grenadier-Division" }
16 = { "%d. Panzer-Grenadier-Division" }
18 = { "%d. Panzer-Grenadier-Division" }
25 = { "%d. Panzer-Grenadier-Division" }
29 = { "%d. Panzer-Grenadier-Division" }
90 = { "%d. Panzer-Grenadier-Division" }
15 = { "%d. Panzer-Grenadier-Division" }
20 = { "%d. Panzer-Grenadier-Division" }
931 = { "Panzer-Grenadier-Division Brandenburg" }
933 = { "Fallschirm-Panzergrenadier-Division 2 Hermann Göring" }
936 = { "Führer-Begleit-Division" }
935 = { "Führer-Grenadier-Division" }
934 = { "Panzer-Grenadier-Division Kurmark" }

# put all divisions titled "Panzergrenadier" in this list to avoid

confusion, even though some (GD, Brandenburg, etc) were full Panzer Divisions in


GER_Mnt_01 =
name = "Mountain Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "mountaineers" }

fallback_name = "%d. Gebirgs-Division"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
2 = { "%d. Gebirgs-Division" }
3 = { "%d. Gebirgs-Division" }
1 = { "%d. Gebirgs-Division" }
6 = { "%d. Gebirgs-Division" }
4 = { "%d. Gebirgs-Division" }
5 = { "%d. Gebirgs-Division" }
7 = { "%d. Gebirgs-Division" }
188 = { "%d. Gebirgs-Division" }
937 = { "1. Ski-Jäger-Division" }
8 = { "%d. Gebirgs-Division" }

# deleted 9. Gebirgs-Division because it was an ad-hoc grouping built

in Lapland around the reinforced GJR 139, and only officially a "division" from one
day before the end of the war. There was, interestingly, another ad-hoc 9. GJD
formed in the final stage of the war with similarly mixed components.
# deleted 157. GJD which was quickly renamed 8. GJD


GER_MAR_01 =
name = "Marine Divisions"
for_countries = { GER }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "marine" }

fallback_name = "%d. Seelande-Division"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
1 = { "%d. Seelande-Division" }
2 = { "%d. Seelande-Division" }
3 = { "%d. Seelande-Division" }
4 = { "%d. Seelande-Division" }
5 = { "%d. Seelande-Division" }
6 = { "%d. Sturm-Division Kiautschou" }

# chose to remove the old name list entirely as it refers to late war
improvised infantry units built from idle naval personnel, with little in the way
of ground combat training. These in no way constitute a naval assault landing unit
which is what Marines are, so in the ahistorical event that the player chooses to
invest in a proper German Marine Corps, we gave them the name of "Sea Landing
Division" to more correctly reflect the role. This frees up the KM infantry
divisions for the normal infantry name list.

GER_PAR_01 =
name = "Paratrooper Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "paratrooper" }

fallback_name = "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
1 = { "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division" }
2 = { "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division" }
3 = { "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division" }
4 = { "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division" }
5 = { "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division" }
6 = { "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division" }
7 = { "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division" }
8 = { "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division" }
9 = { "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division" }
10 = { "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division" }
11 = { "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division" }
20 = { "%d. Fallschirmjäger-Division" }

# sadly had to leave out 7. Flieger-Division, the original name of 1.

FJD, as it wouldn't be worth the interface clutter to have an alternate name list
with one division in it. Put it first in the name list despite formally receiving
the 1. FJD designation after 2. Fallschirm-Division was formed, so at least it gets
built first.
# considered making 5th Division and above actually part of the
infantry list since historically they had almost no jump trained personnel, but
since this would conflict with players who might invest in a larger than historical
airborne arm, decided against this.
# deleted Fallschirm-Division Erdmann as it was an unusually large
Kampfgruppe raised in response to an operational crisis (Market-Garden), and not a
properly planned and raised division. It was soon renamed 7. FJD.

GER_GAR_01 =
name = "Garrison Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "infantry" }

fallback_name = "%d. Sicherungs-Division"

link_numbering_with = { GER_Inf_01 }

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
539 = { "Divisionsstab z.b.V. 539" }
540 = { "Divisionsstab z.b.V. 540" }
442 = { "Divisionsstab z.b.V. 442" }
431 = { "Divisionsstab z.b.V. 431" }
429 = { "Divisionsstab z.b.V. 429" }
428 = { "Divisionsstab z.b.V. 428" }
430 = { "Divisionsstab z.b.V. 430" }
432 = { "Divisionsstab z.b.V. 432" }
207 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
213 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
221 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
281 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
285 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
286 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
403 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
444 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
454 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
230 = { "%d. Festungs-Infanterie-Division" }
201 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
203 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
210 = { "%d. Festungs-Infanterie-Division" }
325 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
391 = { "%d. Feldausbildungs-Division" }
390 = { "%d. Feldausbildungs-Division" }
381 = { "%d. Feldausbildungs-Division" }
382 = { "%d. Feldausbildungs-Division" }
388 = { "%d. Feldausbildungs-Division" }
154 = { "%d. Reserve-Division" }
26 = { "174. Reserve-Division" }
143 = { "%d. Reserve-Division" }
68 = { "141. Reserve-Division" }
151 = { "%d. Reserve-Division" }
189 = { "%d. Reserve-Division" }
363 = { "147. Reserve-Division" }
148 = { "%d. Reserve-Division" }
8 = { "157. Reserve-Division" }
16 = { "158. Reserve-Division" }
159 = { "%d. Reserve-Division" }
48 = { "171. Reserve-Division" }
42 = { "187. Reserve-Division" }
49 = { "191. Reserve-Division" }
70 = { "165. Reserve-Division" }
47 = { "156. Reserve-Division" }
182 = { "%d. Reserve-Division" }
153 = { "%d. Feldausbildungs-Division" }
173 = { "%d. Reserve-Division" }
188 = { "%d. Reserve-Gebirgs-Division" }
166 = { "%d. Reserve-Division" }
160 = { "%d. Reserve-Division" }
41 = { "%d. Festungs-Division" }
133 = { "%d. Festungs-Division" }
956 = { "Freiwilligen Stamm-Division" }
52 = { "%d. Sicherungs-Division" }
300 = { "Divisionsstab z.b.V. 300" }
331 = { "Divisionsstab z.b.V. 331" }
140 = { "Divisionsstab z.b.V. 140" }
604 = { "Division z.b.V. 604" }
601 = { "Division z.b.V. 601" }
602 = { "Division z.b.V. 602" }
603 = { "Division z.b.V. 603" }
155 = { "%d. Feldausbildungs-Division" }
605 = { "Division z.b.V. 605" }
606 = { "Division z.b.V. 606" }
607 = { "Division z.b.V. 607" }
608 = { "Division z.b.V. 608" }
950 = { "Festungs-Division Danzig" }
951 = { "Festungs-Division Frankfurt/Oder" }
952 = { "Festungs-Division Gotenhafen" }
954 = { "Festungs-Division Swinemünde" }
609 = { "Division z.b.V. 609" }
610 = { "Division z.b.V. 610" }
612 = { "Division z.b.V. 612" }
613 = { "Division z.b.V. 613" }
615 = { "Division z.b.V. 615" }
955 = { "Division z.b.V. (L)" }
616 = { "Division z.b.V. 616" }
617 = { "Division z.b.V. 617" }
618 = { "Division z.b.V. 618" }
402 = { "Ausbildungs-Division 402" }
404 = { "%d. Ersatz u. Ausbildungs-Division" }
464 = { "Ausbildungs-Division 464" }
158 = { "%d. Feldausbildungs-Division" }
953 = { "Festungs-Division Stettin" }
619 = { "Division z.b.V. 619" }

# put in a large amount of assorted reserve, replacement, and training

units if a meaningful history of antipartisan/frontline service could be attributed
to them
# included some of the Division z.b.V. ("for special use") that have a
recorded service history in occupied territory. Most of these were ad hoc grouping
of training/Landesschützen units inside Germany.
# gave some reserve units a static name and linked them with a number
in the infantry list as they were later upgraded to full infantry/Jäger divisions
# deleted some reserve and training units only used as holding depots
for recruits, etc.
# 153. Reserve Division only went by this name for a few months while
forming, so went with 153. Feldausbildungs-Division as this was the name it saw out
the majority of its life as.
# removed Volksgrenadiers from this list as they were not static
defense units, rather late war normal infantry divisions organized on a 'many
weapons - few men' basis. Put them in the Alt Infantry list.

GER_Arm_01 =
name = "Panzer Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "light_armor" "medium_armor" "heavy_armor"

"modern_armor" }

fallback_name = "%d. Panzer-Division"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
1 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
2 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
3 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
4 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
5 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
10 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
8 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
6 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
7 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
9 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
11 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
14 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
12 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
13 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
20 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
18 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
15 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
16 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
17 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
19 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
21 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
23 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
22 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
24 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
25 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
26 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
27 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
693 = { "Fallschirm-Pz-Div. 'Hermann Göring'" }
130 = { "Panzer-Lehr-Division" }
116 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
60 = { "Panzer-Division 'Feldherrnhalle 1'" }
232 = { "%d. Panzer-Division" }
85 = { "Panzer-Division 'Holstein'" }
88 = { "Panzer-Division 'Müncheberg'" }
61 = { "Panzer-Division 'Feldherrnhalle 2'" }
233 = { "Panzer-Division 'Clausewitz'" }

# deleted Panzer-Division 'Kurmark' because it is actually just an

erroneous name for PzG Div Kurmark in some postwar literature
# deleted Panzer-Division 'Kempf' as it was a temporary adhoc grouping
of army tanks and SS infantry for the Polish campaign, which was quickly broken up
after and absorbed by 10. Panzer-Division
# deleted Panzer-Division Tatra as it was only used as a
security/holding unit, and then renamed to 232. Panzer-Division which did in fact
see active combat
# deleted Panzer-Divisions Jüterbog and Schlesien as they was used as a
holding unit and disbanded a month after formation
# deleted Norwegen Panzer Division as Norway is not guaranteed to be
occupied by Germany in every game, plus it was in reality no more than a brigade in
size despite the title.
# had to settle on a single name for the HG Panzer Division despite
several historical name changes over time
# no way to register things like 1. Kavallerie-Division becoming 24.
Panzer, 13. Panzer becoming Feldherrnhalle 2, etc, without bloating the name list
selection and causing obnoxious clutter. The ability to rename is there though, for
those who are really devoted.
# deleted most of the Reserve-Panzer-Divisions because they were
holding units for recruits, and quickly disbanded after being used to replenish
field units


name = "Light Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "light_armor" }

fallback_name = "%d. leichte-Division"

link_numbering_with = { GER_Arm_01 }

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
9 = { "4. leichte-Division" }
6 = { "1. leichte-Division" }
7 = { "2. leichte-Division" }
8 = { "3. leichte-Division" }
21 = { "5. leichte-Division" }
# a small series of early war 'light' armoured divisions raised as an attempt
by the cavalry branch to remain relevant in modern war. They were found to be too
light to fight after Poland and converted in to full Panzer Divisions. X = number
of the Panzer Division they were converted in to.


GER_Cav_01 =
name = "Cavalry Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = { always = yes }

division_types = { "cavalry" }

fallback_name = "%d. Kavallerie-Division"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
1 = { "%d. Kavallerie-Division" }
900 = { "Kavallerie-Division 'Nord'" }
3 = { "%d. Kavallerie-Division" }
4 = { "%d. Kavallerie-Division" }

# deleted Kosaken-Kavallerie-Divisions as they depend on a German

occupation of Ukraine that may not occur

GER_SS_01 =
name = "SS Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = {
has_government = fascism

division_types = { "infantry" "motorized" "medium_armor" "mechanized" }

fallback_name = "%d. SS-Division"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
1 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler'" }
2 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Das Reich'" }
3 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Totenkopf'" }
4 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Polizei'" }
6 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Nord'" }
7 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Prinz Eugen'" }
8 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Florian Geyer'" }
9 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Hohenstaufen'" }
10 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Frundsberg'" }
11 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Nordland'" }
12 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Hitlerjugend'" }
13 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Handschar'" }
14 = { "%d. SS-Division (ukrain. Nr. 1)" }
16 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Reichsführer-SS'" }
17 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Götz von Berlichingen'" }
18 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Horst Wessel'" }
21 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Skanderbeg'" }
22 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Maria Theresia'" }
24 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Karstjäger'" }
25 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Hunyadi' (ungarische Nr. 1)" }
26 = { "%d. SS-Division (ungarische Nr. 2)" }
29 = { "%d. SS-Division RONA (russische Nr. 1)" }
30 = { "%d. SS-Division (russisch Nr. 2)" }
31 = { "%d. SS-Division" }
32 = { "%d. SS-Division '30. Januar'" }
34 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Landstorm Nederland'" }
35 = { "%d. SS- und Polizei-Division" }
36 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Dirlewanger'" }
37 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Lützow'" }
38 = { "%d. SS-Division 'Nibelungen'" }

# to avoid massively bloating the names list with alternate lists, the
final/most representative divisional name was used. Das Reich held no less than 6
different names during the war and providing variant name lists for all of them was
not feasible. The tools to rename/reconfigure divisions are in the hands of the
player, however.
# left out divisional type names (Panzer, Gebirgs, etc) to allow the
player to use the SS name list for any type of division they choose
# diverged from the ordering based on historical formation date as this
to a large degree would depend on the divisional type, which is not fixed
# put in non-German formations contrary to the regular Heer lists


name = "Monarchist Infantry Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = {
OR = {
has_government = neutrality
has_government = democratic
has_completed_focus = GER_oppose_hitler

division_types = { "infantry" "mechanized" "mountaineers" "paratrooper"

"marine" }

fallback_name = "%d. Division"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
901 = { "1. Garde-Division" }
902 = { "2. Garde-Division" }
903 = { "3. Garde-Division" }
1 = { "%d. Division 'Kronprinz'" }
2 = { "%d. Division 'König Friedrich Wilhelm IV'" }
3 = { "%d. Division 'König Friedrich Wilhelm I'" }
4 = { "%d. Division 'König Friedrich der Grosse'" }
5 = { "%d. Division 'König Friedrich I'" }
6 = { "%d. Division 'Graf Kleist von Nollendorf'" }
7 = { "%d. Division 'König Wilhelm I'" }
8 = { "%d. Division 'König Friedrich Wilhelm III'" }
9 = { "%d. Colbergsche-Division 'Graf Gneisenau'" }
10 = { "%d. Division 'König Friedrich Wilhelm II'" }
11 = { "%d. Division 'König Friedrich III'" }
12 = { "%d. Division 'Prinz Karl von Preußen'" }
13 = { "%d. Division 'Herwarth von Bittenfeld'" }
14 = { "%d. Division 'Graf Schwerin'" }
15 = { "%d. Division 'Prinz Friedrich der Niederlande'" }
16 = { "%d. Division 'Freiherr von Sparr'" }
17 = { "%d. Division 'Graf Barfuß'" }
18 = { "%d. Division 'von Grolman'" }
19 = { "%d. Division 'von Courbière'" }
20 = { "%d. Division 'Graf Tauentzien von Wittenberg'" }
21 = { "%d. Division 'von Borcke'" }
22 = { "%d. Division 'Keith'" }
23 = { "%d. Division 'von Winterfeldt'" }
24 = { "%d. Division 'Großherzog Friedrich Franz II von Mecklenburg-
Schwerin'" }
25 = { "%d. Division 'von Lützow'" }
26 = { "%d. Division 'Fürst Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau'" }
27 = { "%d. Division 'Prinz Louis Ferdinand von Preußen'" }
28 = { "%d. Division 'von Goeben'" }
29 = { "%d. Division 'von Horn'" }
30 = { "%d. Division 'Graf Werder'" }
31 = { "%d. Division 'Graf Bose'" }
32 = { "%d. Thüringische-Division" }
33 = { "%d. Division 'Graf Roon'" }
34 = { "%d. Division 'Königin Viktoria von Schweden'" }
35 = { "%d. Division 'Prinz Heinrich von Preußen'" }
36 = { "%d. Division 'General-Feldmarschall Graf Blumenthal'" }
37 = { "%d. Division 'von Steinmetz'" }
38 = { "%d. Division 'General-Feldmarschall Graf Moltke'" }
39 = { "%d. Division 'Regiment General Ludendorff' " }
40 = { "%d. Division 'Fürst Karl-Anton von Hohenzollern'" }
41 = { "%d. Division 'von Boyen'" }
42 = { "%d. Division 'Prinz Moritz von Anhalt-Dessau'" }
43 = { "%d. Division 'Herzog Karl von Mecklenburg-Strelitz'" }
44 = { "%d. Division 'Graf Dönhoff'" }
45 = { "%d. Ostpreußische-Division" }
46 = { "%d. Division 'Graf Kirchbach'" }
47 = { "%d. Division 'König Ludwig III. von Bayern'" }
48 = { "%d. Division 'von Stülpnagel'" }
49 = { "%d. Pommersche-Division" }
50 = { "%d. Niederschlesische-Division" }
51 = { "%d. Niederschlesische-Division" }
52 = { "%d. Division 'von Alvensleben'" }
53 = { "%d. Westfälische-Division" }
54 = { "%d. Division 'von der Goltz'" }
55 = { "%d. Division 'Graf Bülow von Dennewitz'" }
56 = { "%d. Division 'Vogel von Falckenstein'" }
57 = { "%d. Division 'Herzog Ferdinand von Braunschweig'" }
58 = { "%d. Posensche-Division" }
59 = { "%d. Division 'Freiherr Hiller von Gaertringen'" }
60 = { "%d. Division 'Markgraf Carl'" }
61 = { "%d. Division 'von der Marwitz'" }
62 = { "%d. Oberschlesische-Division" }
63 = { "%d. Division 'Kaiser Karl von Österreich und König von Ungarn'"
64 = { "%d. Division 'General-Feldmarschall Prinz Friedrich Karl von
Preußen'" }
65 = { "%d. Rheinische-Division" }
66 = { "%d. Magdeburgische-Division" }
67 = { "%d. Magdeburgische-Division" }
68 = { "%d. Rheinische-Division" }
69 = { "%d. Rheinische-Division" }
70 = { "%d. Rheinische-Division" }
71 = { "%d. Thüringische-Division" }
72 = { "%d. Thüringische-Division" }
73 = { "%d. Division 'Feldmarschall Prinz Albrecht von Preußen'" }
74 = { "%d. Hannoversche-Division" }
75 = { "%d. Hanseatische-Division" }
76 = { "%d. Hanseatische-Division" }
77 = { "%d. Hannoversche-Division" }
78 = { "%d. Division 'Herzog Friedrich Wilhelm von Braunschweig'" }
79 = { "%d. Division 'von Voigts-Rhetz'" }
80 = { "%d. Division 'von Gersdorff'" }
81 = { "%d. Division 'Landgraf Friedrich I. von Hessen-Cassel'" }
82 = { "%d. Kurhessische-Division" }
83 = { "%d. Division 'von Wittich'" }
84 = { "%d. Division 'von Manstein'" }
85 = { "%d. Division 'Herzog von Holstein'" }
86 = { "%d. Division 'Königin'" }
87 = { "%d. Nassauische-Division" }
88 = { "%d. Nassauische-Division" }
89 = { "%d. Großherzoglich Mecklenburgische-Division" }
90 = { "%d. Großherzoglich Mecklenburgische-Division 'Kaiser Wilhelm '"
91 = { "%d. Oldenburgische-Division" }
92 = { "%d. Braunschweigische-Division" }
93 = { "%d. Anhaltische-Division" }
94 = { "%d. Division 'Großherzog von Sachsen'" }
95 = { "%d. Thüringische-Division" }
96 = { "%d. Thüringische-Division" }
97 = { "%d. Oberrheinische-Division" }
98 = { "%d. Metzer-Division" }
99 = { "%d. Oberrheinische-Division" }
904 = { "Kgl. Bayer.-Leib-Division" }
905 = { "1. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'König'" }
906 = { "2. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Kronprinz'" }
907 = { "3. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Prinz Karl von Bayern'" }
908 = { "4. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'König Wilhelm von Württemberg'" }
909 = { "5. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Großherzog Ernst Ludwig von
Hessen'" }
910 = { "6. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Kaiser Wilhelm, König von Preußen'" }
911 = { "7. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Prinz Leopold'" }
912 = { "8. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Großherzog Friedrich II. von
Baden'" }
913 = { "9. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Wrede'" }
914 = { "10. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'König'" }
915 = { "11. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'von der Tann'" }
916 = { "12. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Prinz Arnulf'" }
917 = { "13. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Franz Josef I., Kaiser von
Österreich und Apostolischer König von Ungarn'" }
918 = { "14. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Hartmann'" }
919 = { "15. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'König Friedrich August von Sachsen'"
920 = { "16. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Großherzog Ferdinand von Toskana'" }
921 = { "17. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Orff'" }
922 = { "18. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Prinz Ludwig Ferdinand'" }
923 = { "19. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'König Viktor Emanuel III. von
Italien'" }
924 = { "20. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Prinz Franz'" }
925 = { "21. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Großherzog Friedrich Franz IV. von
Mecklenburg-Schwerin'" }
926 = { "22. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'Fürst Wilhelm von Hohenzollern'" }
927 = { "23. Kgl. Bayer.-Division 'König Ferdinand der Bulgaren'" }
100 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs. (Leib-)Division" }
101 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division 'Kaiser Wilhelm, König von
Preußen'" }
102 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division 'König Ludwig III von Bayern'" }
103 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division" }
104 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division 'Kronprinz'" }
105 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division 'König Wilhelm II. von
Württemberg'" }
106 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division 'König Georg'" }
107 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division 'Prinz Johann Georg'" }
108 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division 'Prinz Georg'" }
109 = { "%d. Badische Leib-Division" }
110 = { "%d. Badische-Division 'Kaiser Wilhelm I'" }
111 = { "%d. Division 'Markgraf Ludwig Wilhelm'" }
112 = { "%d. Badische Division 'Prinz Wilhelm'" }
113 = { "%d. Badische Division" }
114 = { "%d. Badische Division 'Kaiser Friedrich III'" }
115 = { "%d. Leibgarde-Division" }
116 = { "%d. Division 'Kaiser Wilhelm'" }
117 = { "%d. Division 'Großherzogin'" }
118 = { "%d. Division 'Prinz Carl'" }
119 = { "%d. Division 'Königin Olga'" }
120 = { "%d. Division 'Kaiser Wilhelm, König von Preußen'" }
121 = { "%d. Division 'Alt-Württemberg'" }
122 = { "%d. Division 'Kaiser Franz Josef von Österreich, König von
Ungarn'" }
123 = { "%d. Division 'König Karl'" }
124 = { "%d. Division 'König Wilhelm I'" }
125 = { "%d. Division 'Friedrich, König von Preußen'" }
126 = { "%d. Division 'Großherzog Friedrich von Baden'" }
127 = { "%d. Württembergische-Division" }
128 = { "%d. Danziger-Division" }
129 = { "%d. Division 'General-Feldmarschall von Mackensen'" }
130 = { "%d. Lothringische-Division" }
131 = { "%d. Lothringische-Division" }
132 = { "%d. Unter-Elsässische-Division" }
133 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division" }
134 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division" }
135 = { "%d. Lothringische-Division" }
136 = { "%d. Lothringische-Division" }
137 = { "%d. Unter-Elsässische-Division" }
138 = { "%d. Unter-Elsässische-Division" }
139 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division" }
140 = { "%d. Westpreußische-Division" }
141 = { "%d. Kulmer-Division" }
142 = { "%d. Badische-Division" }
143 = { "%d. Unter-Elsässische-Division" }
144 = { "%d. Lothringische-Division" }
145 = { "%d. Königs-Division" }
146 = { "%d. Masurische-Division" }
147 = { "%d. Masurische-Division" }
148 = { "%d. Westpreußische-Division" }
149 = { "%d. Westpreußische-Division" }
150 = { "%d. Ermländische-Division" }
151 = { "%d. Ermländische-Division" }
152 = { "%d. Deutsch Ordens-Division" }
153 = { "%d. Thüringische-Division" }
154 = { "%d. Niederschlesische-Division" }
155 = { "%d. Westpreußische-Division" }
156 = { "%d. Schlesische-Division" }
157 = { "%d. Schlesische-Division" }
158 = { "%d. Lothringische-Division" }
159 = { "%d. Lothringische-Division" }
160 = { "%d. Rheinische-Division" }
161 = { "%d. Rheinische-Division" }
162 = { "%d. Hanseatische-Division" }
163 = { "%d. Schleswig-Holsteinische-Division" }
164 = { "%d. Hannoversche-Division" }
165 = { "%d. Hannoversche-Division" }
166 = { "%d. Hessen-Homburg-Division" }
167 = { "%d. Ober-Elsässische-Division" }
168 = { "%d. Großherzoglich-Hessische-Division" }
169 = { "%d. Badische-Division" }
170 = { "%d. Badische-Division" }
171 = { "%d. Ober-Elsässiche-Division" }
172 = { "%d. Ober-Elsässiche-Division" }
173 = { "%d. Lothringische-Division" }
174 = { "%d. Lothringische-Division" }
175 = { "%d. Westpreußische-Division" }
176 = { "%d. Westpreußische-Division" }
177 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division 'König Ferdinand der Bulgaren'" }
178 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division" }
179 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division" }
180 = { "%d. Württembergische-Division" }
181 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division" }
182 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs.-Division" }

# converted WWI era imperial infantry regiments to division sized

units, preserving their numerical order
# put Bavarian divisions in earlier so they show up sooner, as it was
the largest non-Prussian part of the empire, but they had their own numbering
scheme not linked to the others.


name = "Monarchist Mobile Divisions"

for_countries = { GER }

can_use = {
OR = {
has_government = neutrality
has_government = democratic
has_completed_focus = GER_oppose_hitler

division_types = { "cavalry" "light_armor" "medium_armor" "heavy_armor"

"modern_armor" }

fallback_name = "%d. Schnell-Division"

# Names with numbers (only one number per entry)

ordered =
901 = { "Gardes du Corps-Division" }
902 = { "Garde-Kürassier-Division" }
903 = { "Garde-Dragoner-Division 'Königin Viktoria von Großbritannien
u. Irland'" }
904 = { "Garde-Dragoner-Division 'Kaiserin Alexandra von Rußland'" }
905 = { "Leib-Garde-Husaren-Division" }
906 = { "1. Garde-Ulanen-Division" }
907 = { "2. Garde-Ulanen-Division" }
908 = { "3. Garde-Ulanen-Division" }
909 = { "1. Kgl. Bayer. schwere Reiter-Division 'Prinz Karl von
Bayern'" }
910 = { "2. Kgl. Bayer. schwere Reiter-Division 'Erzherzog Franz
Ferdinand von Österreich-Este'" }
1 = { "%d. Leib-Kürassier-Division 'Großer Kurfürst'" }
2 = { "%d. Kürassier-Division 'Königin'" }
3 = { "%d. Kürassier-Division 'Graf Wrangel'" }
4 = { "%d. Kürassier-Division 'von Driesen'" }
5 = { "%d. Kürassier-Division 'Herzog Friedrich Eugen von Württemberg'"
6 = { "%d. Kürassier-Division 'Kaiser Nikolaus I. von Rußland'" }
7 = { "%d. Kürassier-Division 'von Seydlitz'" }
8 = { "%d. Kürassier-Division 'Graf Geßler'" }
9 = { "%d. Kgl.Sächs. Garde-Reiter-Division" }
10 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs. Karabinier-Division" }
911 = { "1. Kgl. Bayer. Chevaulegers-Division 'Kaiser Nikolaus von
Rußland'" }
912 = { "2. Kgl. Bayer. Chevaulegers-Division 'Taxis'" }
913 = { "3. Kgl. Bayer. Chevaulegers-Division 'Herzog Karl Theodor'" }
914 = { "4. Kgl. Bayer. Chevaulegers-Division 'König'" }
915 = { "5. Kgl. Bayer. Chevaulegers-Division 'Erzherzog Friedrich von
Österreich'" }
916 = { "6. Kgl. Bayer. Chevaulegers-Division 'Prinz Albrecht von
Preußen'" }
917 = { "7. Kgl. Bayer. Chevaulegers-Division 'Prinz Alfons'" }
918 = { "8. Kgl. Bayer. Chevaulegers-Division" }
919 = { "1. Kgl. Bayer. Ulanen-Division 'Kaiser Wilhelm II., König von
Preußen'" }
920 = { "2. Kgl. Bayer. Ulanen-Division 'König'" }
11 = { "%d. Dragoner-Division 'Prinz Albrecht von Preußen'" }
12 = { "%d. Brandenburgische Dragoner-Division" }
13 = { "%d. Grenadier-zu-Pferd-Division 'Freiherr von Derfflinger'" }
14 = { "%d. Dragoner-Division 'von Bredow'" }
15 = { "%d. Dragoner-Division 'Freiherr von Manteuffel'" }
16 = { "%d. Magdeburgische Dragoner-Division" }
17 = { "%d. Dragoner-Division 'General-Feldmarschall Prinz Leopold von
Bayern'" }
18 = { "%d. Dragoner-Division 'König Friedrich III'" }
19 = { "%d. Dragoner-Division 'König Karl I. von Rumänien'" }
20 = { "%d. Dragoner-Division 'König Albert von Sachsen'" }
21 = { "%d. Dragoner-Division 'von Wedel'" }
22 = { "%d. Dragoner-Division 'von Arnim'" }
23 = { "%d. Schleswig-Holsteinische Dragoner-Division" }
24 = { "%d. Kurmärkische Dragoner-Division" }
25 = { "%d. Schlesische Dragoner-Division" }
26 = { "%d. Hannoversche Dragoner-Division" }
27 = { "%d. Großherzoglich Mecklenburgische Dragoner-Division" }
28 = { "%d. Großherzoglich Mecklenburgische Dragoner-Division" }
29 = { "%d. Oldenburgische Dragoner-Division" }
30 = { "%d. Badische Leib-Dragoner-Division" }
31 = { "%d. Badische Dragoner-Division" }
32 = { "%d. Badische Dragoner-Division 'Prinz Karl '" }
33 = { "%d. Großherzoglich Hessische Garde-Dragoner-Division" }
34 = { "%d. Großherzoglich Hessische Leib-Dragoner-Division" }
35 = { "%d. Dragoner-Division 'Königin Olga'" }
36 = { "%d. Dragoner-Division 'König'" }
37 = { "%d. Leib-Husaren-Division" }
38 = { "%d. Leib-Husaren-Division 'Königin Viktoria von Preußen'" }
39 = { "%d. Husaren-Division 'von Zieten'" }
40 = { "%d. Husaren-Division 'von Schill'" }
41 = { "%d. Husaren-Division 'Fürst Blücher von Wahlstatt'" }
42 = { "%d. Husaren-Division 'Graf Goetzen'" }
43 = { "%d. Husaren-Division 'König Wilhelm I'" }
44 = { "%d. Husaren-Division 'Kaiser Nikolaus II. von Rußland'" }
45 = { "%d. Rheinische Husaren-Division" }
46 = { "%d. Magdeburgische Husaren-Division" }
47 = { "%d. Westfälische Husaren-Division" }
48 = { "%d. Thüringische Husaren-Division" }
49 = { "%d. Husaren-Division 'König Humbert von Italien'" }
50 = { "%d. Husaren-Division 'Landgraf Friedrich II. von Hessen-
Homburg'" }
51 = { "%d. Husaren-Division 'Königin Wilhelmina der Niederlande'" }
52 = { "%d. Husaren-Division 'Kaiser Franz Joseph von Österreich, König
von Ungarn'" }
53 = { "%d. Braunschweigische Husaren-Division" }
54 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs. Husaren-Division 'König Albert'" }
55 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs. Husaren-Division 'Kronprinz Wilhelm von
Preußen'" }
56 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs. Husaren-Division" }
57 = { "%d. Ulanen-Division 'Kaiser Alexander III von Rußland'" }
58 = { "%d. Ulanen-Division 'von Katzler'" }
59 = { "%d. Ulanen-Division 'Kaiser Alexander II. von Rußland'" }
60 = { "%d. Ulanen-Division 'von Schmidt'" }
61 = { "%d. Westfälische Ulanen-Division" }
62 = { "%d. Thüringische Ulanen-Division" }
63 = { "%d. Ulanen-Division 'Friedrich von Baden'" }
64 = { "%d. Ulanen-Division 'Graf zu Dohna'" }
65 = { "%d. Pommersche Ulanen-Division" }
66 = { "%d. Ulanen-Division 'Prinz August von Württemberg'" }
67 = { "%d. Ulanen-Division 'Graf Haeseler'" }
68 = { "%d. Litthauische Ulanen-Division" }
69 = { "%d. Königs-Ulanen-Division" }
70 = { "%d. Hannoversche Ulanen-Division" }
71 = { "%d. Schleswig-Holsteinische Ulanen-Division" }
72 = { "%d. Ulanen-Division 'Hennigs von Treffenfeld'" }
73 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs. Ulanen-Division 'Kaiser Franz Joseph von
Österreich, König von Ungarn'" }
74 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs. Ulanen-Division" }
75 = { "%d. Ulanen-Division 'König Karl'" }
76 = { "%d. Ulanen-Division 'König Wilhelm I'" }
77 = { "%d. Kgl. Sächs. Ulanen-Division 'Kaiser Wilhelm II, König von
Preußen'" }
78 = { "%d. Königs-Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }
79 = { "%d. Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }
80 = { "%d. Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }
81 = { "%d. Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }
82 = { "%d. Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }
83 = { "%d. Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }
84 = { "%d. Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }
85 = { "%d. Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }
86 = { "%d. Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }
87 = { "%d. Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }
88 = { "%d. Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }
89 = { "%d. Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }
90 = { "%d. Jäger-Division zu Pferde" }

#took namelist for mobile divisions for imperial cavalry regiments, but
did not preserve numbering to avoid a confusing mess of Curassier, Dragoon, Hussar,
etc, Divisions all with the same number. Except for Bavaria, because they're weird.


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