The 100 Season 5 Episode 12 & 13: MFBC - Us/m/cfd6gn

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The 100 Season 5 Episode 

12 & 13
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Bingo Caller's Card
Someone Someone Someone Someone Someone Octavia
Someone is Abby does
says my bitches about a mentions brings up a says “what
covered in decision something
being a dead have I/​we kills
people blood Clarke made stupid done?” someone
survivor character

Someone Someone Someone

Indra Someone Any variation Someone says
Someone says “May whose name of "Maybe gives an something about
glares at we meet we DO know there are no inspiring “not having a gets
gets laid choice”
again” dies good guys"
pep talk betrayed

A room is Someone Doctor scene Bellamy has to We get the Murphy

A main character
with Abby/​ Murphy or
lit mainly whose name is about to die choose backstory of says
we DON'T but is saved at
Jackson where Raven get between 2 a new
with they have to save something
know dies the last minute
someone beat up sides character
candles sassy

Raven comes The Blake Octavia says Murphy McCreary is way Miles Shaw Someone Someone
up with a plan/​ siblings argue "you are an too happy about
invents/​fixes about enemy of and Emori hurting/​killing tries to be calls Clarke says they
something something Wonkru" argue someone reasonable "Wanheda" have a plan

Someone Someone Madi has a

Someone gets Two Monty says
mentions that
refers to commander
zapped by characters something
shallow valley is vision /​ uses
their shock stare/​glare at the last living Shaw as about algae /​
collar each other place on Earth "the pilot" the hydrofarm
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Raven comes Someone We get the Someone Raven comes Murphy Someone
Miles Shaw Someone
Someone up with a plan/​ whose name backstory of mentions up with a plan/​ says says “May
tries to be invents/​fixes we DON'T a new
calls Clarke invents/​fixes
gets laid being a something we meet
reasonable something know dies character "Wanheda" something
survivor sassy again”

Octavia says Doctor scene

Indra Murphy Someone Monty says We get the Someone
Murphy or with Abby/​
McCreary is way
"you are an says brings up a too happy about something backstory of whose name
Raven get enemy of
Jackson where glares at hurting/​killing about algae /​ a new we DON'T
they have to save something dead
beat up Wonkru" someone someone someone the hydrofarm character know dies
sassy character

A room is Someone says Bellamy has to Someone Indra Someone Someone Doctor scene
Diyoza has a Diyoza has a with Abby/​
lit mainly something about choose refers to whose name
with “not having a serious look
between 2 gets glares at Shaw as
serious look
we DO know
Jackson where
they have to save
choice” on her face someone on her face
candles sides betrayed "the pilot" dies someone

Someone Someone Two Someone Someone Someone Someone Someone

Someone is mentions that
Someone says
refers to characters says my bitches about a gives an says “what something about
Shaw as
covered in shallow valley is
the last living stare/​glare at people/​our decision gets inspiring have I/​we “not having a
blood place on Earth each other people Clarke made betrayed done?”
"the pilot" pep talk

Madi has a A room is

Someone Octavia Someone gets Murphy
mentions that
Any variation Someone
Miles Shaw
whose name zapped by of "Maybe says my lit mainly
vision /​ uses
we DO know kills their shock and Emori shallow valley is
the last living there are no people/​our
tries to be
commander argue reasonable
dies someone collar place on Earth good guys" people candles
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Two Someone gets Someone Someone The Blake Someone Someone
Murphy or Abby does Murphy or
characters zapped by says “what says my siblings argue says my says “May
stare/​glare at their shock have I/​we people/​our
Raven get about something Raven get people/​our we meet
each other collar done?” people beat up something stupid beat up people again”

Someone Bellamy has to Someone Murphy Octavia Someone Any variation Doctor scene
with Abby/​ Someone Someone is
choose refers to says brings up a of "Maybe
gets between 2 Shaw as something
kills dead there are no
Jackson where
they have to save
says they covered in
betrayed sides someone good guys" someone have a plan blood
"the pilot" sassy character

Someone A room is Someone Octavia says Raven comes Indra

Diyoza has a Diyoza has a Someone says Someone
mentions lit mainly says “May "you are an up with a plan/​ something about
being a with
serious look
we meet enemy of invents/​fixes glares at serious look “not having a calls Clarke
on her face Wonkru" something someone on her face choice” "Wanheda"
survivor candles again”

Someone Someone Someone Someone Murphy Octavia We get the Someone

Someone is A main character
gives an whose name bitches about a brings up a says is about to die but backstory of whose name
inspiring we DO know covered in decision Clarke dead something
kills is saved at the a new we DO know
dies blood made someone last minute
character dies
pep talk character sassy

Someone Someone
Indra Someone Someone Someone says The Blake Murphy Octavia says Someone
whose name something about siblings argue "you are an bitches about a refers to mentions
glares at we DON'T calls Clarke “not having a about and Emori enemy of decision Clarke Shaw as being a
someone know dies "Wanheda" choice” something argue Wonkru" made
"the pilot" survivor
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Someone Someone Monty says Someone gets Someone Someone Octavia says
McCreary is way Someone Abby does
brings up a gives an too happy about something zapped by whose name "you are an
dead inspiring hurting/​killing says they about algae /​ their shock we DON'T gets enemy of something
someone have a plan the hydrofarm collar know dies betrayed Wonkru" stupid
character pep talk

Someone A main character Two We get the Any variation Raven comes Any variation Someone Someone Someone
whose name is about to die but characters backstory of of "Maybe up with a plan/​ of "Maybe whose name says my mentions
we DO know is saved at the stare/​glare at a new there are no invents/​fixes there are no we DO know people/​our
last minute
being a
dies each other character good guys" something good guys" dies people survivor

A room is Someone Someone Madi has a We get the Someone

Someone gets Diyoza has a commander Diyoza has a Indra
lit mainly zapped by says “May refers to backstory of refers to
with their shock
serious look
we meet Shaw as
vision /​ uses
a new
serious look glares at Shaw as
on her face commander on her face
candles collar again” "the pilot" knowledge character someone "the pilot"

Someone Bellamy has to The Blake A room is Someone Murphy

Murphy or Someone mentions that
A main character Someone is
mentions choose siblings argue lit mainly is about to die but says
Raven get between 2 about
calls Clarke shallow valley is
is saved at the covered in
being a with the last living something
beat up sides something "Wanheda" place on Earth
last minute blood
survivor candles sassy

Someone Someone Octavia Someone Someone Someone

Abby does mentions that Someone Miles Shaw Murphy or
bitches about a says my brings up a gives an
decision people/​our kills something shallow valley is
the last living
calls Clarke
tries to be Raven get
Clarke made people someone stupid place on Earth "Wanheda" reasonable beat up
character pep talk
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Madi has a Murphy
Raven comes Octavia commander Abby does Miles Shaw Someone is Bellamy has to Someone
up with a plan/​ says choose says my
invents/​fixes kills vision /​ uses something
tries to be covered in between 2 people/​our
and Emori
commander stupid reasonable blood argue
something someone knowledge sassy sides people

Indra Monty says Two Someone Any variation Someone Murphy Someone
Miles Shaw Someone
something characters refers to of "Maybe says “May says whose name
glares at tries to be about algae /​ stare/​glare at Shaw as
calls Clarke there are no we meet we DON'T
someone reasonable the hydrofarm each other "Wanheda" good guys" know dies
"the pilot" again” sassy

We get the The Blake Diyoza has a Someone Murphy Octavia Monty says Diyoza has a Someone Someone
backstory of siblings argue something bitches about a whose name
a new about
serious look says they and Emori kills about algae /​
serious look decision Clarke we DO know
on her face have a plan argue on her face
character something someone the hydrofarm made dies

Doctor scene A room is We get the Indra Someone Two

Someone Someone is
with Abby/​ Someone lit mainly backstory of mentions that Someone characters
Jackson where calls Clarke covered in a new glares at shallow valley is
stare/​glare at
they have to save gets laid with the last living gets laid
someone "Wanheda" blood character someone place on Earth each other

Someone Someone Someone Someone Raven comes Octavia says Someone gets
Murphy or A main character Murphy or
gives an says “May says my whose name up with a plan/​ is about to die but "you are an zapped by
Raven get we DO know invents/​fixes is saved at the Raven get enemy of their shock
inspiring we meet
people beat up dies something last minute beat up Wonkru" collar
pep talk again”
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Octavia A room is We get the Two The Blake Two
Murphy Murphy Abby does A main character
lit mainly backstory of characters is about to die but siblings argue characters
kills and Emori
with a new stare/​glare at and Emori something is saved at the about stare/​glare at
someone argue character each other argue stupid last minute something each other

Indra Someone Someone Someone Someone gets Murphy Bellamy has to Someone Someone
gives an mentions whose name zapped by says choose says “May brings up a
glares at we DON'T their shock calls Clarke between 2 we meet
inspiring being a something dead
someone know dies collar "Wanheda" sides again”
pep talk survivor sassy character

Someone says Diyoza has a

Someone Octavia Octavia says Diyoza has a
We get the Someone
Someone something about says my "you are an backstory of bitches about a
“not having a serious look
calls Clarke kills enemy of
serious look
a new decision Clarke
gets laid choice” on her face "Wanheda" on her face
people someone Wonkru" character made

Murphy Someone Someone Someone Someone gets Someone

Someone is mentions that
A main character Murphy or Miles Shaw
says says “what is about to die but whose name zapped by
covered in
have I/​we
shallow valley is
the last living
is saved at the we DO know their shock
Raven get tries to be gets
blood done?” place on Earth
last minute dies collar beat up reasonable betrayed

Monty says Someone Someone

Someone Octavia says Murphy or The Blake Raven comes
something McCreary is way Indra
bitches about a "you are an siblings argue up with a plan/​ too happy about says “what mentions
decision enemy of Raven get about invents/​fixes
about algae /​ hurting/​killing have I/​we
glares at being a
beat up the someone
Clarke made Wonkru" something something
hydrofarm done?” someone survivor
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Murphy Someone Octavia Someone
Someone says Indra Murphy The Blake A main character Bellamy has to
something about says siblings argue says “what is about to die but choose
“not having a glares at
gets kills and Emori about have I/​we is saved at the between 2
someone betrayed someone argue something done?”
last minute sides

Madi has a Someone

Raven comes A main character Octavia says Murphy or Miles Shaw Octavia says Raven comes Abby does
up with a plan/​ is about to die but refers to "you are an "you are an up with a plan/​
invents/​fixes is saved at the vision /​ uses
enemy of Raven get tries to be enemy of invents/​fixes something
commander Shaw as
something last minute Wonkru" beat up reasonable Wonkru" something stupid
knowledge "the pilot"

Someone Someone A room is

Murphy or Abby does Diyoza has a Someone is Diyoza has a Someone McCreary is way
whose name gives an lit mainly too happy about
Raven get something serious look covered in we DO know
serious look calls Clarke hurting/​killing
on her face inspiring with on her face
beat up stupid blood dies "Wanheda" someone
pep talk candles

Two Someone The Blake Someone Monty says Someone Any variation
mentions that
siblings argue Someone mentions Someone something brings up a of "Maybe
stare/​glare at says they shallow valley is
about about algae /​ there are no
the last living gets laid being a gets laid dead
each other have a plan place on Earth something the hydrofarm good guys"
survivor character

We get the Monty says Someone Murphy Someone Someone

Murphy Someone McCreary is way Someone says
mentions that
backstory of something too happy about refers to says something about says my
a new
and Emori calls Clarke about algae /​ hurting/​killing “not having a people/​our
shallow valley is
Shaw as something the last living
character argue "Wanheda" the hydrofarm someone choice”
people place on Earth
"the pilot" sassy
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Someone Madi has a
Someone Indra Abby does Two A main character Miles Shaw commander Indra
Someone bitches about a characters is about to die says “May
decision Clarke glares at something stare/​glare at but is saved at we meet
tries to be vision /​ uses glares at
gets laid stupid the last minute reasonable commander
made someone each other again” knowledge

Monty says Someone A room is

The Blake Octavia says Someone says Octavia Someone Murphy Someone
siblings argue "you are an something about gives an lit mainly whose name
about algae /​
about enemy of “not having a kills calls Clarke and Emori
inspiring with we DO know
the choice” "Wanheda" argue
something Wonkru" someone pep talk candles dies

Someone Someone Someone gets Someone Someone Monty says Someone

mentions that Diyoza has a Murphy or Diyoza has a
says “what zapped by says “what something mentions
shallow valley is
the last living have I/​we
serious look
their shock
Raven get have I/​we gets serious look
about algae /​ being a
on her face beat up on her face
place on Earth done?” collar done?” betrayed the hydrofarm

Murphy Madi has a

Someone is Bellamy has to McCreary is way Bellamy has Two Someone says Raven comes Murphy or
says commander
choose too happy about to choose characters something about up with a plan/​
covered in vision /​ uses
between 2 hurting/​killing between 2 stare/​glare at “not having a invents/​fixes Raven get
something commander
blood sides someone sides each other choice” something beat up
sassy knowledge

Raven comes Someone Murphy A main character Any variation The Blake Any variation Someone Octavia says
up with a plan/​ whose name is about to die but of "Maybe siblings argue of "Maybe Someone bitches about a "you are an
invents/​fixes we DON'T and Emori is saved at the there are no about there are no decision Clarke enemy of
something know dies argue last minute good guys" something good guys"
gets laid made Wonkru"
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Someone Someone Madi has a A room is We get the
Monty says Someone Raven comes
Octavia says Indra
brings up a gives an something up with a plan/​ "you are an lit mainly backstory of
about algae /​ says they invents/​fixes
vision /​ uses
enemy of glares at a new
dead inspiring commander with
the hydrofarm have a plan something Wonkru" someone character
character pep talk knowledge candles

Someone Someone
Indra Someone says
Someone Someone gets Doctor scene
Someone Someone Someone
mentions that with Abby/​ mentions that
whose name something about says “what zapped by whose name
we DON'T
shallow valley is
the last living
glares at “not having a have I/​we their shock
Jackson where
they have to save
gets we DO know
shallow valley is
the last living
know dies place on Earth someone done?” collar someone betrayed dies place on Earth

Someone Two Someone Someone Octavia Someone The Blake Monty says
Diyoza has a Diyoza has a
mentions characters whose name gives an siblings argue something
being a stare/​glare at
serious look gets we DO know kills inspiring
serious look
about about algae /​
on her face on her face
survivor each other betrayed dies someone pep talk something the hydrofarm

Someone gets Someone The Blake Someone Someone Murphy Bellamy has to
A main character Murphy or
zapped by Someone is about to die but refers to siblings argue says “May brings up a says choose
their shock is saved at the about Raven get between 2
gets laid Shaw as we meet dead something
collar last minute
"the pilot" something beat up sides
again” character sassy

Octavia Any variation Someone Someone Someone Someone Someone

Someone Miles Shaw Abby does
of "Maybe bitches about a refers to says “what whose name says my
calls Clarke kills there are no decision Clarke tries to be
Shaw as have I/​we we DON'T people/​our
"Wanheda" someone good guys" made reasonable done?” know dies people stupid
"the pilot"
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Murphy Doctor scene Someone Someone Two Someone
with Abby/​
A main character Abby does McCreary is way A main character
says is about to die but brings up a too happy about brings up a is about to die but characters says “what
Jackson where
is saved at the something hurting/​killing is saved at the stare/​glare at
something they have to save dead dead have I/​we
last minute stupid someone last minute each other done?”
sassy character character

Someone Someone Madi has a

Octavia says Someone Someone Murphy or Someone
says my mentions that Someone commander Someone
"you are an whose name
enemy of we DO know people/​our
shallow valley is says they Raven get calls Clarke vision /​ uses
Wonkru" dies
the last living gets laid have a plan beat up "Wanheda" commander gets laid
people place on Earth

We get the Madi has a We get the

Murphy or Diyoza has a commander Someone Abby does Bellamy has to Diyoza has a Someone
backstory of choose backstory of bitches about a
Raven get a new
serious look vision /​ uses gets something between 2
serious look
a new decision Clarke
beat up on her face commander stupid on her face
character knowledge betrayed sides character made

Monty says Someone

Someone Someone Octavia Someone Two
Someone Any variation Octavia
whose name characters says my of "Maybe says “May
says they we DON'T kills calls Clarke stare/​glare at
about algae /​
people/​our there are no we meet kills
have a plan "Wanheda" the
know dies someone each other
hydrofarm people good guys"
again” someone

A room is The Blake Raven comes Someone Any variation Murphy Someone Someone Someone gets The Blake
lit mainly siblings argue up with a plan/​ bitches about a of "Maybe says whose name zapped by siblings argue
with about invents/​fixes decision Clarke there are no something we DO know gets their shock about
candles something something made good guys"
sassy dies betrayed collar something
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Madi has a Someone Someone We get the Someone
Two Murphy Someone Murphy or Murphy
characters mentions says my backstory of gives an
vision /​ uses
stare/​glare at being a
and Emori gets Raven get and Emori people/​our a new inspiring
commander argue beat up argue
each other
survivor betrayed people character pep talk

Someone A room is Someone Raven comes Octavia says

Someone Someone says Someone Someone says
gives an lit mainly whose name something about up with a plan/​ "you are an something about Someone
we DO know
says they “not having a invents/​fixes enemy of
says they “not having a
inspiring with gets laid
dies have a plan choice” something Wonkru" have a plan choice”
pep talk candles

Monty says Madi has a

Someone McCreary is way The Blake Someone Miles Shaw Someone
something Diyoza has a Diyoza has a commander
whose name too happy about siblings argue whose name
about algae /​
we DON'T
serious look hurting/​killing about
calls Clarke tries to be serious look
we DON'T
vision /​ uses
the on her face someone "Wanheda" reasonable on her face commander
know dies something know dies
hydrofarm knowledge

Murphy Doctor scene Someone Someone The Blake A room is Someone Someone
Someone is Miles Shaw with Abby/​ mentions that
says says my siblings argue lit mainly whose name
covered in tries to be Jackson where
they have to save people/​our gets about with we DO know
shallow valley is
the last living
blood reasonable someone people betrayed something dies place on Earth
sassy candles

Someone Someone Someone Bellamy has to Two

Someone A main character Abby does Abby does Someone is
says “what is about to die but brings up a mentions choose characters
calls Clarke is saved at the something something covered in between 2 stare/​glare at
have I/​we dead being a
"Wanheda" done?”
last minute stupid stupid blood sides each other
character survivor
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Someone The Blake Octavia Murphy Someone gets Someone
Abby does Someone says A main character Someone is
bitches about a siblings argue says zapped by something about is about to die but whose name
decision about kills something
something their shock “not having a is saved at the we DON'T covered in
Clarke made something someone stupid collar choice” last minute know dies blood

Someone Someone Someone We get the Doctor scene Bellamy has to Someone
A main character McCreary is way Someone with Abby/​
whose name refers to mentions is about to die but too happy about backstory of choose refers to
we DO know is saved at the hurting/​killing calls Clarke a new
Jackson where
between 2
Shaw as being a they have to save Shaw as
dies "the pilot"
last minute someone "Wanheda" character someone sides "the pilot"

A room is Indra Raven comes We get the Someone Someone Indra

Diyoza has a mentions that Diyoza has a Murphy
lit mainly up with a plan/​ backstory of bitches about a
glares at serious look invents/​fixes a new
shallow valley is
decision Clarke
serious look and Emori glares at
the last living
someone on her face something made on her face argue someone
candles character place on Earth

Doctor scene Someone Someone Murphy Madi has a Someone

Any variation Murphy or Any variation Someone
with Abby/​
brings up a gives an says commander mentions
of "Maybe of "Maybe whose name
there are no
Jackson where Raven get there are no
vision /​ uses
we DO know
they have to save dead inspiring something commander being a
good guys" someone beat up good guys" dies
character pep talk sassy knowledge survivor

Octavia says Someone Bellamy has to Someone The Blake A room is Two Monty says
Murphy Murphy or
"you are an choose says “what siblings argue lit mainly characters something
enemy of and Emori gets between 2 have I/​we about with stare/​glare at Raven get about algae /​
Wonkru" argue betrayed sides done?” something each other beat up the hydrofarm
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Someone Octavia says Doctor scene We get the Someone Murphy Someone
Murphy Someone Miles Shaw with Abby/​
mentions "you are an backstory of whose name says says my
and Emori calls Clarke tries to be enemy of
Jackson where
a new we DON'T people/​our
being a they have to save something
argue "Wanheda" reasonable Wonkru" someone character know dies people
survivor sassy

Any variation Someone Someone Someone Someone Monty says Any variation
Someone is Someone A main character
of "Maybe says my bitches about a whose name something is about to die but of "Maybe
there are no people/​our
covered in gets decision Clarke we DO know
calls Clarke about algae /​ is saved at the there are no
good guys" people blood betrayed made dies "Wanheda" the hydrofarm last minute good guys"

The Blake We get the Bellamy has to Someone Someone Octavia says
Diyoza has a A main character Murphy Diyoza has a
siblings argue backstory of choose is about to die but says “what gives an "you are an
about a new
serious look
between 2 is saved at the and Emori serious look
enemy of
have I/​we inspiring
something on her face sides last minute argue on her face Wonkru"
character done?” pep talk

Someone Someone Someone A room is Madi has a

Octavia Monty says Someone gets McCreary is way
commander Someone
something zapped by too happy about refers to brings up a says “May lit mainly
kills about algae /​ their shock hurting/​killing Shaw as dead we meet with
vision /​ uses gets
someone commander
someone the hydrofarm collar "the pilot" character again” candles knowledge betrayed

Someone Someone Someone Two Someone Someone Bellamy has to

Abby does Someone Someone says
mentions that
gives an whose name something about mentions characters bitches about a choose
something says they we DO know “not having a stare/​glare at decision Clarke
shallow valley is
between 2
inspiring being a the last living
stupid have a plan dies choice” each other made place on Earth sides
pep talk survivor
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Someone Someone Raven comes Bellamy has Someone gets The Blake Someone
Someone is Someone says Someone
says “May whose name up with a plan/​ something about to choose zapped by siblings argue whose name
we DO know covered in invents/​fixes “not having a between 2 their shock calls Clarke about we DON'T
we meet
again” dies blood something choice” sides collar "Wanheda" something know dies

Someone A room is Madi has a Someone Someone

Someone gets Indra commander
mentions that
Someone A main character
mentions zapped by lit mainly refers to brings up a is about to die but
being a their shock with
glares at vision /​ uses
Shaw as dead
shallow valley is
the last living
gets is saved at the
commander last minute
survivor collar
candles someone knowledge "the pilot" character place on Earth betrayed

Doctor scene Someone Doctor scene

with Abby/​ mentions that Diyoza has a Abby does The Blake
with Abby/​ Abby does Diyoza has a Indra Two
siblings argue characters
Jackson where shallow valley is serious look something about
Jackson where something serious look glares at stare/​glare at
they have to save the last living they have to save
on her face stupid something stupid on her face someone each other
someone place on Earth someone

Someone Someone Any variation We get the Octavia Someone Someone says Miles Shaw McCreary is way
gives an says my of "Maybe backstory of mentions something about too happy about Someone
inspiring people/​our there are no a new kills being a “not having a tries to be hurting/​killing
choice” reasonable someone gets laid
pep talk people good guys" character someone survivor

Murphy Someone Monty says Someone We get the

Someone Miles Shaw McCreary is way Any variation Someone
says refers to something says “May backstory of
bitches about a too happy about of "Maybe
decision tries to be hurting/​killing about algae /​
there are no says they a new
something Shaw as the we meet
Clarke made reasonable someone good guys" have a plan character
sassy "the pilot" hydrofarm again”
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Someone Murphy Indra Someone We get the Octavia says The Blake Someone
McCreary is way
mentions that Murphy or
says “May says too happy about backstory of "you are an siblings argue says “May
we meet
glares at hurting/​killing
shallow valley is
a new
Raven get enemy of about we meet
something the last living
someone someone
place on Earth character beat up Wonkru" something
again” sassy again”

Abby does Someone gets Someone The Blake Someone Someone Someone is Someone gets Someone Raven comes
zapped by siblings argue zapped by up with a plan/​
something their shock gets about
calls Clarke says they covered in their shock gets invents/​fixes
stupid collar betrayed something "Wanheda" have a plan blood collar betrayed something

Someone Madi has a

Someone says Diyoza has a commander Someone Abby does Diyoza has a Indra Bellamy has to
something about says my Someone choose
“not having a people/​our
serious look vision /​ uses calls Clarke something serious look glares at between 2
choice” on her face gets laid commander "Wanheda" stupid on her face
people knowledge
someone sides

Someone Octavia says Someone Someone Octavia Two A room is Someone Someone McCreary is way
whose name "you are an bitches about a brings up a characters lit mainly gives an whose name too happy about
we DO know enemy of decision Clarke dead
kills stare/​glare at with inspiring we DON'T hurting/​killing
dies Wonkru" made
character someone each other
candles pep talk know dies

Someone A room is Bellamy has to Someone Someone Someone Someone

Murphy or Miles Shaw Murphy mentions that
whose name lit mainly choose bitches about a brings up a says “what
we DON'T between 2 Raven get tries to be decision and Emori shallow valley is
have I/​we
with dead the last living
know dies sides beat up reasonable Clarke made argue place on Earth done?”
candles character
The 100 Season 5 Episode  The 100 Season 5 Episode 
12 & 13 12 & 13
Someone We get the Someone Madi has a
Octavia says The Blake Indra A main character Raven comes Two
"you are an gives an siblings argue backstory of is about to die up with a plan/​ characters says “what
enemy of about a new glares at but is saved at invents/​fixes stare/​glare at have I/​we
vision /​ uses
inspiring the last minute commander
pep talk something character someone something each other done?” knowledge

Murphy A room is Bellamy has to Someone Any variation Someone Someone Someone Someone
Miles Shaw
says lit mainly choose brings up a of "Maybe whose name says “May mentions
something with between 2 dead there are no tries to be gets we DON'T we meet being a
sides good guys" reasonable betrayed know dies
sassy candles character again” survivor

Monty says We get the

Two Diyoza has a Miles Shaw Someone is Murphy Diyoza has a Abby does
something Someone backstory of
about algae /​
stare/​glare at
serious look tries to be covered in and Emori serious look
a new
each other on her face reasonable gets laid blood argue on her face stupid
hydrofarm character

Someone Someone Someone Someone Murphy Doctor scene Someone gets Someone
mentions that Someone McCreary is way
with Abby/​
whose name says “what too happy about refers to says zapped by says my
we DO know
shallow valley is calls Clarke hurting/​killing
Jackson where
their shock people/​our
the last living have I/​we Shaw as something they have to save
dies place on Earth done?” "Wanheda" someone
someone collar people
"the pilot" sassy

Raven comes Someone Doctor scene Bellamy has Someone Someone Someone Someone
A main character Someone with Abby/​
is about to die up with a plan/​ to choose brings up a whose name bitches about a gives an
but is saved at says they invents/​fixes gets Jackson where
they have to save between 2 dead we DO know decision Clarke inspiring
the last minute have a plan something betrayed someone sides dies made
character pep talk

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