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San Fabian I

Mabilao Elementary School


NAME: _________________________________________ SECTION: ______________ SCORE:_________

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is small dictionary found at the back of a book that contains alphabetically arranged
words with their meanings.
a. glossary b. almanac c. books d. dictionary

2. It contains words arranged in alphabetical order with their meaning, pronunciation, and
syllabication of words.
a. Card Catalog b. Glossary c. Dictionary d. Thesaurus

3. Mathematics for me is the ________ subject.

a. hard b. harder c. hardest d. more hard

4. Mall of Asia is ____________ than Festival Mall.

a. gigantic b. most gigantic c. more gigantic d. gigantics

5. Wetlands are synonymous to________.

a. rivers b. swamps c. ponds d. seas

6. What is the root word of the word rarity?

a. rar b. rarity c. rare d. –ity

7. Our teacher told us to be care___ when doing experiments.

a. re - b. - ful c. un- d. –ly

8. What type of text is the following passage?

The boy was astonished by what he saw inside. Never could he had
imagined that, there in the middle of the desert, there existed a tent like this one. The
ground was covered with the most beautiful carpets he had ever walked upon, and
from the top of the structure hung lamps of hand-wrought gold, each with a lighted

a. Descriptive b. Instructive c. Informative d. Persuasive

9. What type of text would you need to use to tell someone how to reduce carbon
emissions with alternative fuels?
a. Persuasive b. Instructive c. Informative d. Descriptive

10. What type of text is the following passage?

Everyone was in a state of high excitement, all the women in light cotton
saris worn specially for the occasion, now clambering over the side, screaming
when the boat rocked and clutching each other in pleasurable panic.

a. Descriptive b. Instructive c. Informative d. Persuasive

11. I am going to bed _______ tonight.

a. early b. tomorrow c. yesterday d. now
12. Fish and chips were placed _______ paper cups with mayonnaise dips.
a. inside b. to c. between d. under

13. Pots and pans hang ________________ the kitchen for easy access.
a. below b. across c. to d. under

14. _________ the basement was flooded, we spent all day cleaning up.
a. After b. Although c. Before d. Even if

15. I don’t want to go to the movies _____________ I hate the smell of popcorn.
a. although b. because c. whenever d. so that

16. It contains words with the synonyms and antonyms of words.

a. Card Catalog b. Glossary c. Dictionary d. Thesaurus

17. Which do you think is _____a velvet gown or a satin gown?

a. prettier b. prettiest c. more pretty d. most pretty

18. Pagudpud is the (far)____place I’ve ever been.

a. most far b. more far c. farther d. farthest

19. He always say, “You are bad Grandma!” The boy is ________.
a. impolite b. unpolite c. mispolite d. dispolite

20. My mother bought a cheap pair of shoes in the market. She bought me_______ pair of
shoes. What is the prefixed word synonymous to the underlined word?
a. unexpensive b. misexpensive c. inexpensive d. disexpensive

21. What type of informational text is the passage?

A sundial compass is a combination of these two instruments, consisting of a

portable sundial which is attached over a compass via a hinge. There are some
adjustable legs that need to be used to level the instrument if not on level ground. The
gnome is hinged and needs to be put in the up position where it locks into place. There
should be what looks like a protractor that is to the right of the gnome that is on a hinge,
and this needs to be flipped up as well. The protractor is used to set the sundial to the
correct latitude angle, while the compass is used to find true north based on the area’s
magnetic north declination. Once your sundial compass has been leveled, set to the
correct latitude, and to true north, a shadow will be cast onto the sundial’s face by the
gnome. For use in the southern hemisphere, the same procedure is followed with the
exception that true South must be found instead of true North.

a. Literary Nonfiction b. Procedural text c. Expository texts d. Persuasive

22. I like to go to the opera; _______, it’s my favorite type of entertainment.

a. in fact b therefore c. furthermore d. likewise

23. No one expected so many people at the party; _________, we ran out of food.
a. consequently b. even so c. although d. even though

24. Many people participated ______ the Science Exhibit this year.
a. to b. in c. of d. from

25. This year’s market day is much different ______ last year celebration.
a. off b. from c. to d. in
26. Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal was born in the town of Calamba, Laguna on 19th June
1861. The second son and the seventh among the eleven children of Francisco
Mercado and Teodora Alonso. With his mother as his first teacher, he began his early
education at home and continued in Binan, Laguna. He entered a Jesuit-run Ateneo
Municipal de Manila in 1872 and obtained a bachelor's degree with highest honors in
1876. He studied medicine at the University of Santo Tomas but had to stop because
he felt that the Filipino students were being discriminated by their Dominican tutors. He
went to Madrid at Universidad Central de Madrid and in 1885 at the age of 24, he
finished his course in Philosophy and Letters with a grade of “Excellent.”

What type of informational text is the passage?

a. Literary Nonfiction b. Procedural text c. Expository texts d. Persuasive

27. Like fellow Philippine revolutionaries Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio, lawyer
ApolinarioMabini, the first prime minister of the Philippines, did not live to see his 40th
birthday but became known as the brains and conscience of the revolution that would
permanently alter the Philippine’s government.
During his short life, Mabini suffered from paraplegia – paralysis of the legs – but
had a powerful intellect and was known for his political savvy and eloquence.
Before his untimely death in 1903, Mabini’s revolution and thoughts on the
government shaped the Philippine’s fight for independence over the next century.

What type of informational text is the passage?

a. Literary Nonfiction b. Procedural text c. Expository texts d. Persuasive

28. My brother received a _____ _____ _____ bulldog from a dear friend.
a. big, beautiful, white b. white, big, beautiful
c. beautiful, big, white d. big, white, beautiful

29. ______ ____ _____ lady walked into the room.

a. Pretty, a, young b. A, young, pretty
c. Young, pretty, a d. A, pretty, young

30-31. What appropriate adverb of frequency completes each sentence?

30. A healthy person ___________ gets sick.

a. often b. always c. usually d. seldom

31. When you wake up each morning, _______ forget to thank God for another day.
a. sometimes b. always c. never d. often

32. Which sentence is correctly punctuated?

a. When I was at the movie, I saw Tyson and Clyde.
b. When I was at the movie? I saw Tyson and Clyde,3
c. When I was at the movie! I saw Tyson and Clyde?
d. When I was at the movie, I saw Tyson and Clyde-

33. __We won the game___ __they screamed____

What punctuation mark are you going to put on the blanks.
a. “ ! “ . b. ? “ , . c. ! , “ ? d. , “ . !

34. _________ the basement flooded, we spent all day cleaning up.
a. After b. Although c. Before d. Even if
35. The truck lost control __the bridge and side swiped the concrete barriers.
a. above b. in c. from d. until

36. Teenagers are forever being told that they need a good education so that
they can have the career they want, but many do not listen. However, it is
important to remember that your schooling, no matter how long it may feel, lasts
for just a few short years compared to the rest of your life ahead of you. Therefore,
it is better to sacrifice a little bit of fun now so that you can find happiness in later
life, as you will be happier if you can do a job that you enjoy and afford to do the
things you want.

What type of informational text is the following passage?

a. Literary Nonfiction b. Procedural text c. Expository texts d. Persuasive

37. He wore a red blose with yellow flowers. The highlighted word is_____.
a. blues b. blaze c. bluse d. blouse

38. This is a very important question. Please think __________ before you answer. Which
adverb of manner completes the sentence?
a. quietly b. carefully c. suddenly d. angrily

39. Mr. Almario arrive_____ work very late due to the flooded streets.
a. from b. to c. so d. yet

40. Mountain climbing is fun ______ it is dangerous.

a. but b. and c. since d. because

Study the sample page of a dictionary below then answer the questions that follow.
Encircle the letter of your answer.

enzyme erroneous

enzyme \’en-,zīm/ n. a complex protein, produced by living cells that induces or

speeds chemical reactions in plants and animals
epicenter \’e-pi-sen-tǝr/ n. the area of the earth’s surface directly above the focus of
an earthquake
equalize \’ē-kwǝ-,līz/ v. to make or become equal
errand \’e-rǝnd/ n. a short a short journey to perform some task, usually on behalf of
erroneous \i-‘rō-nē-ǝs/ adj. incorrect, mistaken

41. What word means “to make or become equal”?

a. errand b. enzyme c. equalize d. erroneous

42. Evaluate the type of text used in the passage.

Just like visible light, infrared light, and radio waves, ultraviolet light is
electromagnetic radiation. On the spectrum, ultraviolet light lies between violet light
and x rays, with wavelengths ranging from four to 400 nanometres. Although it is
undetectable to the naked eye, anyone who has been exposed to too much sunlight
has probably noted the effects of ultraviolet light, for it is this radiation that causes
tanning, sunburn, and can lead to skin cancer.

a. Literary Nonfiction b. Procedural text c. Expository texts d. Persuasive

43. We used to live in Calinan, but we moved somewhere else. We don’t live ______
anymore. What appropriate adverb of place and time will complete the sentence.
a. there b. nearby c. around d. everywhere

44. She bent so low to drink _____________________. What is the effect?

a. because she was thirsty. b. that she fell into the water
c. near the ant d. the ant cried, “help! help

45. I don’t want to go to the movies ________ I hate the smell of popcorn.
a. although b. because c. whenever d. so that

46. Since methane is an even more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, the
greenhouse effect went into high gear. What does the underlined word mean?
a. mixture of gases in the air
b. the freezing point of water
c. the action or process of filtering something.
d. a gradual warming of the surfaces of the earth caused by different gases

47. She was prood of her good grades. The right word is_______.
a. fraud b. proud c. porr d. poor

48. “peace always We for Mindanao in pray”

How would you arrange the words to make a clear and coherent sentence?

a. We pray for Mindanao in always peace.

b. We in Mindanao pray for peace always.
c. We for peace pray always in Mindanao.
d. We always pray for peace in Mindanao.

49. One morning a big ant went to the river __________________. What is the possible cause?
a. because she was drowning c. because she was thirsty
b. that she fell into the water d. so that the ant could ride on it

50. The men helped plant rice ________ they did not receive pay for the work.
A. because b. so that c. if d. although

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