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1. Which of the following statements are true, while using cascading styles for web designing ?
A) Use (.) to separate Attributes and Values
B) Use (:) to separate Attributes and Values
C) Use (;) to separate Attributes and Values
D) Use ({}) to separate Attributes and Values

2. While designing a web page, Himesh gave background colour for headings and text colour for
paragraphs using External Cascading Styles. Which of the following attributes can be used for
this ?
A) h3{bgcolor:#D990D2;} B) h3{background:#D990D2}
p{color:#34289C;} p{color=#34289C}
C) h3{bgcolor=#D990D2;} D) h3{background:#D990D2;}
p{color=#34289C} p{color:#34289C;}

3. Identify the Toggle Editing Tool in Quantum GIS software from the following ?

Ans :

4. Which of the following mathematical process is behind the technique “Tweening” used in
animation software ?
A) Fraction B) Interpolation C) Interaction D) Persistence of Vision

5. Which one from the following is the Xchange Protocol mentioned in the URL,
A) ssh B) http C) www D) smb

NISHAD N M Mubarak HSS Thalassery Email: Mob:9446905427 PageNo.1
6. Which of the following is used to create the map opened in Quantum GIS software ?
A) Composer Manager B) New Print Composer
C) Pan Map D) Identify features

7. Which of the following protocol is used to give I.P. address to a computer in a network ?
A) LAN/WAN B) LiFi/WiFi C) TCP/IP D) IPv8/ipv32

8. All most all the operating Systems available now are developed or recreated based on one of the
following Operating Systems. Identify that Operating System ?
A) Windows B) Mac OS X C) Unix D) BSD

9. Identify the Add Features tool in Quantum GIS software from the following ?

Ans :

10. Which of the following layer type is to be used to mark the roads in a map prepared in
Quantum GIS software ?
A) Point B) Line C) Plygon D) Multi Point

11. Which of the following file format can be used to render animations as video files from Synfig
Studio ?
A) ggb B) png C) mpeg D) svg

12. Which of the following is a raster image editing software ?

A) Inkscape B) GIMP C) Adobe Illustrator D) Corel DRAW

13. Which of the following software makes use of the tool known as Mail merge ?
A) LibreOffice Draw B) LibreOffice Impress
C) LibreOffice Writer D) LibreOffice Math

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14. What is the another name for raster images ?
A) Vector Images B) Gif Images
C) Bitmap Images D) SVG Images

15. Choose from the following the right steps to add data (attributes) to a newly created layer in
Quantum GIS software ?
A)Toggle Editing Add Features B) Toggle Editing Modify Features
C)Select Features Modify Features D) Select Features Add Features

16. Where do we get the out put of python graphic commands ?

A) In python shell B) In IDLE window
C) In python Graphic window D) In browsers.

17. Which of the following is considered to be the most important as the preparatory step in the
creation of animation films ?
A) Shooting B) Preparing the story board C) Animating D) Exporting

18. Which one of the following statements related to IDLE is correct ?

A)IDLE is a programming language B) IDLE is an animation software
C) IDLE is a graphic software D) IDLE is a IDE software

19. When SVG image is included in a large canvas in GIMP ................ ?

A) Clarity of image increases B) Image retains its clarity
C) Clarity of image decreases D) Image become smaller

20. Some measures to keep for the safe use of internet are given below. Choose an incorrect one
from them ?
A) Do not open misleading websites with obscene information
B) Do not search internet without any specific needs
C) Report the websites which traps to attract and cheat us
D) All pieces of information on internet can be used as authentical

NISHAD N M Mubarak HSS Thalassery Email: Mob:9446905427 PageNo.3
21. Which of the following is used to indicate the pictures created in Synfig Studio ?
A) Parameters B) Layers C) Frames D) Objects

22. When we create a web page, which icon should be included after the name of the tag to give
the attributes of a tag in cascading styles ?
A) <> B) [] C) () D) {}

23. Who is the father of World Wide Web ?

A) Linus Torvald B) Richard Mathew Stallman
C) Tim Bereners - Lee D) Donald Knuth

24. What can be called the general norms the equipments connected to a net-work need to follow
with regard to naming and exchanging the information?
A) Sub Netmask B) Wide Area Network
C) I. P. Address D) Network Protocol

25. Which of the following website will help us to share a movie we created ?
A) B)
C) D)

26. Which of the following statements is correct related with internet ?

A) www is a sub system of internet B) www is a sub system of http
C) www is a sub system of URL D) www is a sub system of CSS

27. Which of the following is the use of UTP cables ?

A) To connect the computer with printer B) To connect the computer with monitor
C) To connect the computer with Hub D) To connect the computer with Hard disk

28. Syam is creating an animation of a ball falling down in the software Synfig Studio. Which of
the following processes is to be done before changing the position of the ball in Key Frame ?
A) Create two images of the ball B) Activate the Animated edit mode
C) Render the file D) Export the file

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29. Which of the following is an additional software used to create geometric shapes in the python
programming ?
A) turtle B) import C) python shell D) IDLE

30. Identify from the following the name of the device which Charles Babbage to build and later
came to known as computer?
A) ENIAC B) Wearable Computer C) Difference Engine D) Analytical Engine

31. Which is the tool used to specify a particular style and colour for a text typed in a LibreOffice
Writer document ?
A) Clone formatting B) Insert - Paragraph
C) Format - Character D) Format – Special Character

32. Who funded the GNU project in 1983 ?

A) Richard Stallman B) Dennis Ritchie
C) Ken Thompson D) Linus Torvalds

33. Statements related to the technique report in LibreOffice Base are given. Find out one that is
not correct
A) All the information in the table can be availed using report
B) Information can be added to the tables using report
C) Some specific information in the table can be availed using report
D) All information in the Queries can be availed using report

34. Which of the following is an online mapping system ?

A) Wikimapia B) Marble C) Wikipedia D) Sunclock

35. Which of the following is used to enter data to Table in LibreOffice Base ?
A) Field B) Form C) Wizard D) Report

36. from turtle import*

for i in range (10,51,20):
How many circles will be there in the out put of the python pogramme given above?
A) 10 B) 51 C) 20 D) 3

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37. A png image can be opened directly in GIMP software. But when an svg image is opened in
GIMP software, some additional details need to be given. What are they ?
A) Format of the image B) The height and width of the image
C) File size of the image D) Colour of the image

38. How can we remove an object from the canvas of the Synfig Studio ?
A) Right click on the object and select the option Delete Object
B) Click on the object and press the Delete key
C) Right click on the object and select the option Delete Layer
D) Click on the object using the tool Delete in the tool box

39. The IP address of a computer is 190.168.201216.Which of the following protocol it belongs to?
A) IPv4 B) IPv6 C) IPv8 D) Ipv32

40. Choose from the following the use of the tool, A in Sunclock software ?
A) To change the time in Sun clock forward
B) To change the time in Sun clock backward
C) To show the Sun
D) To show the longitudinal lines

41. Which of the social media is a medium for open source communication system ?
A) WhatsApp B) Facebook
C) Twitter D) Diaspora

42. Which of the following fields can be set as Primary key in a database being prepared using
LibreOffice base ?
A) Ration card Number B) House
C) perimeter of the house D) Number of members in the house

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A window containing the network details is given. Find out from the following what number is
hidden behind the red shade in the window ?
A) 818 B) 880 C) 881 D) 88

44. Certain restriction and stipulations that we need to stick to when we use social media are given
below. Choose an incorrect one from them ?
A) Make maximum use of the safety systems in social media
B) Definitely configure privacy measures in them
C) Do not add as friends anyone you don't no personally and trust with
D) Publish your personal details in the social media

45. Which of the following files are stored in Home (/home) partition of the File system in
Gnu/Linux Operating System ?
A) Programme files of the Operating system B) File created by users
C) Temporary files D) Files downloaded from internet

46. Each object created in the canvas of the software Synfig Studio is arranged as separate layers.
Identify it's merit from the following ?
A) It helps to hide / show each object as we wish on the canvas
B) It helps to avoid the automatic deletion of objects
C) It helps to export each object separately
D) It helps to scale all the objects together

47. Which of the following type of the layer is to be used to mark the rivers in a map prepared in
Quantum GIS software ?
A) point B) line C) multi point D) circle

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48. What is the process to include table of contents in a wordprocess document ?
A) Insert Indexes and tables B) Format Indexes and tables
C) View Indexes and tables D) Edit Indexes and tables

49. Which of the following is not true related to a Data Base Management System (DBMS) ?
A) It can be used to create databases
B) It can be used to handle data in a safe manner
C) It can be used to analyse data
D) It can be used to edit images and videos

50. Choose from the following the use of the tool, B in sunclock software ?
A) To change time in Sunclock forward
B) To change time in Sunclock backward
C) To show the sun
D) To show the longitudinal lines

51. Identify the partitions that can be found in a computer installed with Gnu/Linux ?
A) root , home , swap B) C, D, E Drives
C) /C, /D, /E Drives D) TCP , SSH , SMB

52. How many number of Queries can be created from a database prepared in LibreOffice base ?
A) Any number of Queries can be created B) Only one Query can be created
C) Only two queries can be created D) Number of Queries is same as the
number of fields in the table

53. The computer net-works of railways and banks are spread over the entire country. Choose from
the following the type of net-work they belong to ?
A) LAN B) WAN C) LiFi D) WiFi

54. Which of the following includes the facility to set total number of Frames of an animation in
the software Synfig Studio ?
A) Layer panel B) Import window
C) Tool window D) Canvas properties window

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55. Choose from the following the system to ensure that the banking services are more secure ?

56. Identify from the following the name of the device which Charles Babbage tried to build and
late came to known as computer ?
A) ENIAC B) Wearable Computer
C) Difference Engine D) Analytical Engine

57. Which of the following field type can be used to define the height of children in a table of
database in LibreOffice Base ?
A) Date [DATE] B) Decimal [DECIMAL]
C) Image [LONGVARBINARY] D) Text(fix) [CHAR]

58. Which of the following tool is used to select objects in inkscape software ?
A) Select and Transform Objects B) Edit paths by nodes
C) Draw Bezier curves and straight lines D) Draw Caligraphic

59. Which of the following is wrong statement ?

A) Images drawn in inkscape can be exported to png format
B) Images drawn in inkscape can be saved in SVG format
C) Images drawn in inkscape can be exported to xcf format
D) Object can be given 3D effect in inkscape

60. Which of the following is a style available in Paragraph Styles in Word Processor ?
A) Lables B) Graphics C) Heading D) Bullets and Numbering

61. Which of the following commands can be used to give blue colour for the lines in a pattern
drawn in a python programme ?
A) color(blue) B) color blue C) color(“blue”) D) color “blue”

62. Which of the following is the first command to be given in a python programme ?
A) clear() B) begin_fill() C) from turtle import* D) forward()

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63. Identify the pecularity of Proprietary Software from the following ?
A) They are registered under the law of Copyright
B) The source code of the software programme is available for all
C) Software can be copied and redistributed
D) Object code of the programme is not distributed but kept by the owner.

64. What does the manner of defining margins, fonts, and colours that are used to make a web page
attractive refer to ?
A) Tags B) Markup Languages C) Styles D) Attributes

65. Choose from the following the use of Open Attribute Table window that gets when you right
click on a layer in Layers panel in Quantum GIS software ?
A) To show the data (attributes) of that layer given
B) To change the colour of the layer
C) To change the type of the layer
D) To change the thickness of the layer

66. Cascading style is used to define font and colour eliminating repetitive use of HTML tags
while designing web pages. Who introduced the idea of cascading styles ?
A) Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg B) Sergey Brin, Larry page
C) Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds D) Hakon Wium Lie, Bert Bos

67. Which of the following is a command to specify the thickness of a line (3 units) in a geometric
figure created in python graphics ?
A) pensize(3) B) pensize(“3”) C) pen_size(3) D) pen_size(“3”)

68. While designing a web page , Sudev decided to give font style Verdana for words in the
paragraphs . Which of the following0 Cascading Styles can be used for this ?
A) p{font-family=Verdana;} B) p{font-family:Verdana;}
C) p{font:Verdana;} D) p{font=Verdana;}

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70. Cascading style sheet , style.css is to be included in a web page designed by Anu . Which of the
following can be used for this ?
A) <head rel=“stylesheet”
type=“text/css” href=“mystyle,css”>
B) <link rel=“stylesheet”
type=“text/css” href=“mystyle,css”>
C) <body rel=“stylesheet”
type=“text/css” href=“mystyle,css”>
D) <style rel=“stylesheet”
type=“text/css” href=“mystyle,css”>

71. After a computer is restarted, you find the I.P address of the computer has changed. Which of
the following methods might have used to give I.P address to the computer ?
A) Automatic (DHCP) B) manual
C) shared to other computers D) Disabled

72.Where do we get the out put of python graphic commands ?

A) In python shell B) In IDLE Window
C) In python graphic window D) In browsers

73. Name the process through which the Hard Disk is divided into blocks and given specific
addresses ?
A) Commanding B) Bullying
C) Hosting D) Formatting

74. What will happen if we hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys together and drag the mouse to
increase the size of a square drawn in the Inkscape software ?
A) The height of the image increases
B) The width of the image increases
C) Height and width of the image increases proportionately
D) The clarity of the image reduces

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75. Choose from the following the language that is commonly used to create a web page ?
A) python B) LateX

76. Which of the following is a proprietary animation software ?

A) ToonBoom B) Tupi: Open 2D Magic
C) Pencil D) Synfig Studio

77. Which of the following panels is displayed when the LibreOffice Base window is opened ?
A) Task panel B) Colour panel
C) Tool panel D) Layer panel

78. Karthik decided to use the cascading styles colour the words in paragraphs while designing a
web page. Which of the following can be used for this ?
A) p{font-color=#ff0000;} B) p{font-color:#ff0000;}
C) p{color:#ff0000;} D) p{color=#ff0000;}

79. Which of the following is a use of the Edit paths by nodes in Inkscape software ?
A) To change the object path B) To copy objects
C) To ungroup objects D) To group objects

80. Which one is the correct statement on the use of styles in documents ?
A) Once a style is used, you need to make the later changes in the style.
B) Styles can only be used for paragraphs
C) This can not be used while preparing larger books or documents
D) A style can only be used in a word.

81. Identify the part of the Operating system which communicates with the hardware of computer
directly or with the help of Drivers ?
A)Shell B) command
C) Kernal D) GUI

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82. Which of the following is not true related to a database ?
A) Various types of tables can be included.
B) Data can be included in table
C) Data in a table can be Edited
D) Data in a table can not be Edited

83. Which is the tool used to specify a particular style and colour for a text typed in a LibreOffice
Writer document ?
A) Clone formatting B) Insert Paragraph
C) Format Character D) Format Special Character

84. Choose from the following the way followed by Internet Service Providers to improve the
speed and the efficiency of their service ?
A) Host their website in same server
B) Host their website in different servers at different places
C) Give same I.P address to all hosted servers
D) Give different web address to the website

85.Which of the following is used to create the image of map opened in Quantum GIS software ?
A) Composer Manger B) New Print Composer
C) Pan Map D) Identify Features

86. Which of following techniques is not available in LibreOffice Base ?

A) Table B) Form
C) Query D) Loop

87. Ami prepared a report with 25 pages on her school in LibreOffice Writer. Which one is the tool
to modify the headings in the same style and make the formatting faster ?
A) Styles and Formatting B) Paragraph formatting
C) Clone formatting D) Page formatting

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88. The given is an image of a window opened by some one in a networked computer. Find out
from the following the purpose of opening the window by the user ?
A) To share the printer
B) To copy the files from another computer in the network
C) To find out the I.P address
D) To set the computer as server

89. Which of the following is not the use of the technique Query in LibreOffice Base ?
A) We can enter data to table using Query
B) We can edit the data in table using Query
C) We can avail data from table using Query
D) We can safeguard the data in table using Query

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