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Artificial intelligence and machine learning have been utilized for years in the field of healthcare and

continue to grow tremendously each year with its ability to advance medicine and discoveries in the

The term “precision medicine”, sometimes referred to as “personalized medicine,” is a relatively new
term in the healthcare field but the idea has been around for many years in the industry. According to
the U.S. National Library of Medicine, precision medicine is “an emerging approach for disease
treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and
lifestyle for each person.”

Precision medicine helps physicians determine more personalized treatments for patients considering
individualized approaches instead of a blanketed approach for all patients. They do this by looking at a
patient’s genetic history, location, environmental factors, lifestyle and habits to determine a plan of
action for treatment.

With artificial intelligence, it takes precision medicine to the next level and increases the accuracy and
prediction of outcome for patients. Some actually believe that precision medicine is not completely
possible without the addition of machine learning algorithms to assist in the process.

In a report from Chilmark Research, it states that to achieve the full potential of precision medicine it
must be accompanied by machine learning and artificial intelligence due to the deep learning technology
and ability to analyze large data sets faster than clinicians and medical researchers.

Not only can AI read and analyze large sets of medical data much faster than a human, it can more
accurately determine results to come to conclusions about a patient’s treatment options and possible
outcomes of the treatment.

With AI, the ability to not only predict outcomes but also be able to predict future patients’ probability
of having diseases is a major benefit for precision medicine. By better understanding why diseases may
occur and in what environments they are more likely to occur, artificial intelligence can help in the
education of medical professionals to know what to look for before a disease is showing symptoms. To
be able to evaluate the risk of disease in patient populations is revolutionary for healthcare and the lives
of many.

Machine learning can also help improve FDA regulations of tests, drugs and pharmaceutical partnerships
to help support treatments. Fully achieving precision medicine effectively takes a collaboration of
pharmaceutical companies, biotechs, academia, diagnostic companies and others to drive innovation

Amplion, a leading precision medicine intelligence company, recently released Dx:Revenue, a software
intelligence platform that uses machine learning to deliver insights into pharmaceutical partnerships.

The platform uses over 34 million data sources from clinical trials, scientific publications, conference
abstracts, FDA approved tests, lab tests, and other information to match a test provider’s capabilities to
pharma’s specific needs.

“This is particularly important in cancer, where we’re moving away from the one-size-fits-all approach to
care toward a more targeted approach with treatments based on the biological characteristics of each
patient,” said CEO of Amplion Chris Capdevlia. “Personalizing our approach to healthcare in this way not
only results in better outcomes for patients, it also drives down drug development costs through shorter,
more successful trials and reduces time to market for valuable drugs – all very good news for better
patient outcomes.”

Precision medicine can truly improve the lives, and even save the lives, of many people and the use of
artificial intelligence can increase those outcomes drastically. It can also make treatments more
affordable and accessible to those who may not be able to receive those treatments due to cost and
health insurance at this time. There are many challenges ahead for precision medicine to be perfect, but
artificial intelligence can help drive us closer to those goals.

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Nicole Martin

Nicole Martin is the owner of NR Digital Consulting and host of Talk Digital To Me Podcast. She has
worked in many different industries on customer journeys, we

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