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High Performance Computing (HPC), Grid and Cloud Computing

PARAM Shavak

Affordable supercomputing solution in a box that aims to provide computational resource

(Capacity building) with advanced technologies to perform high-end computations for scientific,
engineering and academic programs.

Features and Technical Specifications

 Only HPC solution available as a desktop model.

 Equipped with indigenously developed softwares (ONAMA and CHReME)
 Operates under normal environmental conditions thus saving a lot of customer
investment and recurring expenditure costs.
 Equipped with the same parallel programming development environment as available
with the large HPC clusters.
 Provision for access to C-DAC National PARAM Supercomputing Facility for more
compute needs based on usage policies.
 Low sound level and heat dissipation so as to make the system comfortable to be placed
as a table top model in working place
 Affordable licensing policies (one time during purchase) for academic use.

Technical specs

 2 - 5 Tera-Flops peak computing power with 8 TB of storage

 64 GB RAM
 Powered with 2 multicore CPUs each with minimum 12 cores
 2 numbers of accelerator cards - NVIDIA K40 accelerator card and NVIDIA P5000 for
deep learning

Built-in HPC Applications

 Bio-informatics: mpiBLAST
 Molecular Dynamics: GROMACS
 Materials Science: Quantum Espresso
 Quantum Chemistry: NWChem, ABINIT
 Atmospheric and Ocean Modeling: WRF, MOM
 CFD: Open FOAM
Meghdoot - Cloud computing suite

Brief Description

Meghdoot is a free and open source comprehensive Cloud suite, designed and developed by C-DAC.
Meghdoot transforms the conventional data centre to cloud environment, to offer customized cloud
services. The suite is based on Openstack, with in-house developments offering value added features
and functionalities for a stable cloud environment

Main uses and domain

Suite for implementing Cloud Computing environment and offer Cloud services

Features and Technical Specifications

1. Ease of installation and configuration

2. Simplified management through self-servicing portal with integrated support system

3. High degree of customization and extensibility and inclusion of value added services.

4. Flexibility in integration with other services, tools, techniques and with other cloud environment

5. End to End security mechanism

6. High availability to all services and resources ensures adherence to SLA and better QoS

7. Software Defined networking functionality & Micro level monitoring.

Anvaya : A Workflow Environment for High

Throughput Comparative Genomics
Comprehensive analysis of heterogeneous genomic data requires
a flexible platform for running complex queries that is capable
of integrating and analyzing large amount of genomic data in
pipeline. Anvaya is a software application consisting of
interface to Bioinformatics tools and databases in a workflow
environment, to execute the set of analyses tools in series or in
parallel. One of the unique features of Anvaya is the rules
engine that defines rules for logical connection between the
existing tools. Anvaya offers the user, novel functionalities to carry out exhaustive
comparative analysis via custom tools which are tools with new functionality not
available in standard tools and built-in PERL parsers. Anvaya also provides a set of 11
pre-defined workflows for frequently used analysis.

GenomeGRID : Bioinformatics Problem Solving Environment on Grid

GenomeGrid, a grid portal, provides unique solution to highly complicated supercomputing grid with its
user-friendly web interface for sequence analysis codes like Smith-Waterman (S-W), FASTA, BLAST,
ClustalW and molecular modeling codes like AMBER enabling bioinformatics expertise to utilize
maximum amount of available resources. In addition to the development of Grid portal, an application-
specific scheduler was built on the Grid environment. It takes input from the user through web interface
and depending on the input parameters and the availability of the grid resources, spawns job on to the
available grid resource. GenomeGrid implementation design was done on basis of Model- View-
Controller (MVC) architectural design recommended for interactive applications using the J2EE

CloudConnect: is an easy to use web interface for connecting Cloud.

It simplifies use of Infrastusture As Service(IAAS) feature of Cloud. CloudConnect
abstracts creation of security group, management of network topology, creation of Virtual
machine ,elastic block storage & snapshot, automatic mounting of elastic block storage to
virtual machine.CloudConnect also provides web based terminal for connecting to virtual
machine. CloudConnect simplifies access to IaaS by abstracting creation of security group,
management of network topology, creation of Virtual machine, elastic block storage &
snapshot, automatic mounting of elastic block storage to virtual machine. CloudConnect is
J2EE application developed using JSF, Primefaces, Jcloud api. CloudConnect hides
complexities associated with use of LAAS cloud. CloudConnect is portable across clouds
while giving user full control to use cloud-specific features.

KSHIPRA - Scalable Communication Substrate for Cluster of

Multi Processors
The KSHIPRA, communication substrate, designed to support low latency and
high bandwidth is the key to the high level of aggregate system performance and
scalability of C-DAC's HPCC software. KSHIPRA caters to both parallel and distributed
client server programming models.
The core of KSHIPRA lies in the fully protected user level communication primitives:
Virtual Interface Architecture (VIA) and Active Messages (AM). KSHIPRA VIA
implementation conforms to VIA specifications jointly authored by Intel, Compaq and
Microsoft and AM implementation conforms to Active Messages II specifications given
by University of California, Berkeley. The basis for VIA implementation is M-VIA from NERSC center at Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory and for AM, AM-II software provided by UCB


KSHIPRA exports the following interfaces:

 Virtual Interface Architecture

 Active Messages

KSHIPRA provides the Abstract Device Interface for VIA and AM for layering Message Passing Interface (MPI), thus
supporting the MPI over VIA as well as MPI over AM.

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