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Establishing an errand running business in Bontoc, Mountain Province is viable in terms

of marketing, technical, and management, socio-economic, accounting and financial aspect.
In its marketing aspect, 79.53 % of the respondents are willing to avail the services to be
offered by the proposed business; this indicates that such business is viable as to marketing
aspect. From the result of the study, the grocery shopping and the housekeeping are the services
that are most demanded by the customers. On the other hand, the services that the customers
to avail the least are the grocery shopping and the child transport.
On the technical side, the proposed business being a service, only needs few number of
equipment. Most of the equipment and supplies are available in the area of the business. Thus,
acquiring of such is effortless.
Regarding its socio-economic viability, the proposed business would be keen on tax
payment, focus on helping solve employment through providing employment opportunities and
participating in Clean-up drives.
Tuning in to its accounting aspect, a simple accounting system will be used in the
proposed business. This being said, recording transactions and preparation of financial
statements will not be compromised. In addition, efficient and effective internal control system
have also been designed for the business’s operations.
As to the financial aspect, the proposed business has an increasing projected income from
year 2020 after a loss in the pre-operating year. This provides a greater trust and confidence to
the continuity of the business operations.
Dealing with the management point, the proposed business has drafted a simple yet
reliable plot of employees to carry out the business operations.
Finally, on the factors, the first three factors that affect the viability of establishing an
errand- running business in Central Bontoc are the level of income of customers, the quality of
the services offered by the business, and the ease and convenience of availing the services while
the least three factors are the existence of direct and indirect competitors of the proposed
business; laws, regulations, and norms imposed in the locality and the contribution of the
proposed business to the community.

1. Since the viability of an errand-running business in all the aspects has been proven, the
proponents recommend its establishment in Central Bontoc, Mountain Province. This
type of business may, however, face struggles during its operations even with the initial
claim. In this regard, further studies on the effectiveness of its strategies after its
establishment should be conducted. Results of these studies will be used in adjusting the
business’ policies and strategies, and in adopting new measures for the improvement of
the business.
2. The factors affecting the viability of an errand-running business initially considered
should be reviewed and validated after the establishment of the business. In this process,
the business should check whether the business intimates to these customers’
expectations. Doing such instrumental in the continuous enhancement of the services
offered by the business. More importantly, through this move, there may be other
essential factors which should be considered.

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