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Business Communication Assignment

Q: What is the function of brand? (CD.1.3)

Ans: A brand is the collective impact or lasting Impression from all that is seen, heard or experienced by
customers who come into contact with a company, products or service. In creating a ‘brand’, you have
to manage the effect that your product is having on the customer. Branding is one of the most
important aspects of any business. A brand is a promise to the customer. It tells them that they can
expect from your products and services, and differentiates your offering from your competitors. Brand
enables customers to choose from one thing to another. A brand represents the sum of people’s
perception of a company’s customer service, reputation, advertising and logo and moreover provides a
raft of all other information related to the product.

For example, automobiles, cell phones, and electronics are some of the examples of functional brands.
Each product provides variety of different specs and features that meet the customer’s individual needs
and interest.

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