CE 204 Fluid Mechanics: Onur AKAY Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

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Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

CE 204
Assistant Professor

Okan University
Department of Civil Engineering
Akfırat Campus
34959 Tuzla-Istanbul/TURKEY
Phone: +90-216-677-1630 ext.1974
Fax: +90-216-677-1486
E-mail: onur.akay@okan.edu.tr

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 1

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Forces on Plane Surfaces (Review):

A plane surface or panel is a flat surface of arbitrary shape.

A description of the pressure at all points along a surface is called pressure distribution.

For a uniform pressure distribution, the CP is located at the centroid of area of the panel.

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 2

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Forces on Plane Surfaces (Review):

For a hydrostatic pressure distribution, the CP is located below the centroid of area.

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 3

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Magnitude of Resultant Hydrostatic Force (Review):

Hydrostatic force = (Pressure at the centroid of area) x (Panel area)

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 4

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Line of Action of the Resultant Force (Review):

Moment of

- Applies only to a single fluid of constant density

- Pressure at liquid surface p=0 gage
- Gives only the vertical location of the CP

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 5

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Forces on Curved Surfaces:

AC: Simulate as vertical gate

CB: Simulate as horizontal gate

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 6

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 7

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Forces on Curved Surfaces:

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 8

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Problem 3.76:

Determine the hydrostatic force acting on the radial gate if the gate is 15 m long (normal to
the page). Show the line of action of the hydrostatic force acting on the gate.

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 9

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.


The upward force that is produced on a body that is totally or partially submerged in a fluid.

The Buoyant Force Equation:

volume Archimedes´ principle

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 10

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 11

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies:

Stability: Determines whether an object will tip over or remain in an upright position when
placed in a liquid.

Immersed Bodies: Center of buoyancy (C) is at the centroid of the displaced volume.

Stable Neutral Unstable

(righting couple) (overturning couple)

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 12

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Floating Bodies: Center of Buoyancy (C) may take different positions.

Metacenter, M: Point of intersection of the lines of action of FB.
Metacentric Height, GM: Distance between G and M.

If M is above G, the ship is stable (GM+)

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 13

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Floating Bodies:


Righting or Overturning Moment:

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 14

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 15

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Relative Equilibrium:

If a fluid mass is subjected to an external acceleration , an additional force will be

introduced (No relative motion of the liquid particles, no shear stress).

Liquid Subject to Horizontal & Vertical Acceleration:

Fluid Mass Under Constant Linear Acceleration

The acceleration affects depth but does not change the relationship:

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 16

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Fluid Mass Rotating at Constant Angular Velocity :

Constant angular velocity: w (rad/s)

Rotating Fluid Mass

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 17

Chapter 3 Fluid Statics

Forces on Curved Surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies, Relative Equilib.

Onur Akay, Ph.D. CE 204 Fluid Mechanics 18

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