Bab I: 1 1 Background

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1 1 background

System cardiovascular diseases or circulatory system is a system which serves to retain the quantity

and quality of from a liquid that is throughout the body .System cardiovascular diseases consisting of two

systems , i.e. the system the heart and the blood .Circulatory system blood started from the heart that serves to

mempompa blood then channeled through the aorta and passed on to branch ��� branches of veins .System

cardiovascular diseases closely related to blood where each ��� each blood having a task or function own

��� own and mutual regard to each other .The heart is the main organ in system cardiovascular diseases.The

heart formed by the organs of muscular, apex and the base of cordis, the right atrium and left and the right

ventricle and left.Heart is about long 12 cm, wide 8-9 cm as well as thick about six cm.Heavy the heart about 7-

15 ounces or 200 to 425 gram and slightly larger than fist.Every day the heart beats 100,000 times and in the

heart of that period pump 2000 gallons blood or equivalent to 7.571 litres of blood.Position the heart is located to

be taken second pulmonary and is right in the middle the chest, resting on diaphragma thoracis and were

approximately 5 cm above processus xiphoideus.The main function of the heart is pump darh to the whole body

where at the time pump the heart heart muscles ( myocardium ) that moves.In addition the heart muscle also

have the ability to menimmbulkan of electrical stimulation.There were four room in the heart of which two of

space it is called an atrium and the rest is the ventricles.In or

formulation of the problem

1 definition the heart ? 2 the function of the heart ? 3 parts the heart ? 4 definition the cardiac cycle ? 5
mechanism the cardiac cycle ? 6 definition blood vessels ? 7 the function of the veins ? 8 macam-acam
blood vessels ? 9 definition system conduction ? 10 mechanism conduction system ? 11 definition
temperature ? 12 kadangr normal temperature ? 13 definition cardiac output ? 14 factor cause cardio
output ? even 15 definition ? 16 way the installation of ecg ? 17 definition tension ? 18 normal levels
tension ?

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1.3.1the purpose
general purpose
As for a common purpose of this paper is :
1 .To meet a task basic science nursing 1
2 To better understand of the equilibrium of fluids , an electrolyte , acid-base indicator
1.3.2a special purpose
1. to know definition the heart
2. to know the function of the heart
3. to know the parts the heart
4.To know the definition of the cardiac cycle
5.To know the mechanism of the cardiac cycle
6.To know definition blood vessels
7 .To know the function of the veins
8.To know macam-acam blood vessels
9.To know definition system conduction
10.To know mechanism conduction system
11. to know definition temperature
12 .To know kadangr normal temperature
13.To knew the name of more or less name temperature
14.To know the definition of cardiac output
15. to know the definition of ecg
16.To find out which way the installation of ecg
17. to know definition tension
18.To know the level of normal tension

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3.1 Understanding the heart
Instrument pemompa blood located in the cavity of the chest above difragma
3.2 heart function;
As a means of pemompa blood to all the body
3.1 Part the part of the heart
Portico right ( atrium right hand , portico left ( the left atrium ) , chambered on the
right the right ventricle ) , the left ventricle of ( the left ventricle )
3.4 Understanding the cardiac cycle
The order pump and fill that have occurred from early heartbeat to finish her .
3.5 Mecanism the cardiac cycle
The heart actually consists of two sintisium, sintisium atrium composing the wall
keduaatrium and sintisium ventricles that forms the wall of both ventricles.Atrium
and ventricles of the separated by jaringanfibrosa that surrounds the opening valves
v is between atrium and ventricles of the.Usually, potential not conducted of
sintisium atrium to to sintrisium the ventricles directly through fibrous tissue.But,
potential conducted only with the system delivery special called file a-v, a file
delivery fibers with a diameter of several millimeter.The division of sintisium into two
sintisium functional will cause atrium contract just before contractions of the
ventricles, what is important to the effectiveness of pump the heart.
3.6 Understanding the blood vessels
Part of cooperative circulation and functions to distribute blood to all the body .
3.7 Fungsion the blood vessels
Carries blood the all body
3.8 Kind of the blood vessels
2.1 Vessels artery
2.2 Vessels vein
2.3 Vessels capillary
3.9 Understanding conduction system
Obstacles impulses allow arrangement heart rhythm ,

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3.10 Mecanism conduction system
A knot sa excite impulse by normal rate around 70 bpm ( beat per minute ) .This impulse
through bachmann ��� s bundle distributed throughout the walls of the atrium , so as
to make the cells in the wall of the atrium experienced depolarisasi .Depolarisasi in the
atrium is followed by contraction of the atrium .From an atrium , impulses be forwarded to
an av through a knot internodal fiber .In a knot in a v , impulses of delay about 100 ms
functioning just give time to the atrium to complete kontraksinya before the ventricles
began to contract .Of a noose of a v , impulses be forwarded to bundle of his , to left and
right bundle branches , and spreading to the whole wall the ventricles through of purkinje
fibers .Spread of impulses toward the whole wall make the ventricles of the ventricles of
experienced depolarisasi which are then followed by contractions of the ventricles .After
that the process of recurring back started from a knot sa
3.11devinision temperature
A measure said the degree of heat an object
3.12 Normal levels temperature
��� at the age of 3 months , a baby has a flat ��� flattened body temperature 37.4 c
, ��� at the age of 1 year has a body temperature 37.6 c . ��� in adults having
value of 36.5 ��� up c .
3.13 Name more or less temperature
Body temperature of this low can also called with the term hipotermia.suhu a high
body commonly called with the term hyperthermia.

3.14 understanding Cardio output

The total number of blood pumped out by the heart during a certain period of time.
3.15 understanding ECG
Examination supporting the heart oldest, since the beginning of 20th century.
3.16 How fitting ECG

1 .Pairs of all of the components / cables on a ekg 2 .Start the engine ekg 3
.Baringkan patients with calm in extensive beds .The hands and the feet are not to
touch each other 4 .Clean up the chest , both the ankle and hands with cotton alcohol
( if you have to the chest and the ankle shorn ) 5 .Fourth electrode ektremitas given
jelly .6 .Pairs of fourth elektrode ektremitas as meant in both the wrist and feet .For
the right hand usually red in color , the left hand yellow , left foot dark green and right
foot is black .7 .The chest given jelly according to the location of elektrode v1 s / d v6
. -- v1 in the line of parasternal right parallel to ics 4 colored red - v2 in the line of
parasternal left parallel to ics 4 yellow -v3 among v2 and v4 , dark green -- v4 in the
line of mid the clavicle left parallel ics 5 , is brown -- v5 in the line of axillary left

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anterior parallel ics 5 , were black - v6 in the line of axillary mid left parallel ics 5 , of
violet tinted 1 .Pairs of el

3.17 understanding tension

An instrument for measuring blood pressure

3.18 Normal levels tension

Systolic 120 mmhg and diastolic 80 mmgh

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Cardiovascular diseases consisting of 2 said that is the heart and blood vessels and 3 components that
is one of which is hemoglobin in the blood also play a role in system circulation .The heart have aktifdalam early
fetal life when they tried three months in kandungandengan the process circulation through the placenta
.Anatomy function system cardiovascular diseases very important learned it takes the knowledge in finish various
health problematika related system cardiovascular diseases
Of exposure above , we give suggestions to make better understand system cardiovascular
diseases hence it is very important to avoid from error good in hospital and people pertaining to
change in bodily function due to lack of activity positive to member health against as the central


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