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SQL is an Oracle-backed open source relational database

management system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query
Language (SQL). SQL runs on virtually all platforms,

Including LINUX, UNIX and WINDOWS. Although it can be used

in a wide range of applications, SQL is most often associated
with web applications and online publishing.

SQL is an important component of an open source enterprise

stack called LAMP. LAMP is a web development platform that
uses Linux as the operating system, APACHE as the web server,
SQL as the relational database management system and PHP as
the object-oriented scripting language. (Sometimes Perl or
Python is used instead of PHP.)

Originally conceived by the Swedish company SQL AB, SQL was

acquired by Sun Microsystems in 2008 and then by Oracle when
it bought Sun in 2010. Developers can use SQL under the GNU
General Public License (GPL), but enterprises must obtain a
commercial license from Oracle.

Today, My SQL is the RDBMS behind many of the top websites in

the world and countless corporate and consumer-facing web-based
applications, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
For security, MySQL uses an access privilege and encrypted
password system that enables host-based verification. MySQL
clients can connect to MySQL Server using several protocols,
including TCP/IP sockets on any platform. MySQL also supports a
number of client and utility programs, command-line programs and
administration tools such as MySQL Workbench.

Offshoots of MySQL, also known as forks, include the following:

 Drizzle, a lightweight open source database management system

in development based on MySQL 6.0;

 MaraiaDB, a popular community-developed "drop-in" replacement

for MySQL that uses MySQL APIs and commands; and

 Percona Server with XtraDB, an enhanced version of MySQL

known for horizontal scalability




A data definition language (DDL) is a computer language used

to create and modify the structure of database objects in a
database. These database objects include views, schemas, tables,
indexes, etc.
This term is also known as data description language in some
contexts, as it describes the fields and records in a database table.

Commonly used DDL in SQL querying are:

 CREATE: This command builds a new table and has a predefined


 ALTER: An alter command modifies an existing database

table. This command can add up additional column, drop
existing columns and even change the data type of columns
involved in a database table. An alter command syntax is
ALTER object type object name parameters. ALTER TABLE
Employee ADD DOB Date.

 DROP: A drop command deletes a table, index or view. Drop

statement syntax is DROP object type object name. DROP
TABLE Employee.

A data manipulation language (DML) is a family of computer

languages including commands permitting users to manipulate data
in a database. This manipulation involves inserting data into
database tables, retrieving existing data, deleting data from
existing tables and modifying existing data. DML is mostly
incorporated in SQL databases

DML resembles simple English language and enhances efficient user

interaction with the system. The functional capability of DML is
organized in manipulation commands like SELECT, UPDATE,
INSERT INTO and DELETE FROM, as described below:

 SELECT: This command is used to retrieve rows from a

table. The syntax is SELECT [column name(s)] from [table
name] where [conditions]. SELECT is the most widely used
DML command in SQL.

 UPDATE: This command modifies data of one or more

records. An update command syntax is UPDATE [table name]
SET [column name = value] where [condition].
 INSERT: This command adds one or more records to a
database table. The insert command syntax is INSERT INTO
[table name] [column(s)] VALUES [value(s)].

 DELETE: This command removes one or more records from a

table according to specified conditions. Delete command
syntax is DELETE FROM [table name] where [condition].


Introduction to DCL. DCL is used to control user access in a

database. This command is related to the security issues. Using
DCL command, it allows or restricts the user from accessing data
in database schema.

A data control language (DCL) is a syntax similar to a

computer programming language used to control access to data
stored in a database (Authorization). In particular, it is a
component of Structured Query Language (SQL). Examples of DCL
commands include: GRANT to allow specified users to perform
specified tasks.

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