Unit 4 Voc + Reading Comp Artistic Interests C.C

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Teacher: Abderrazzak HASSAR Class level: Common Core

Textbook: Outlook Class size: 40

Unit 4: Artistic Interests Lesson type : Vocabulary & Reading Comprehension
Title: Vocabulary related to artistic interests School : EL Ijtihad

Class period : 2 hour Date :

 General Objective(s): Students should be able to learn vocabulary related to artistic interests
& read and comprehend the text.
 Students Performance Objectives (SPO): At the completion of the lesson, students should
be able to:
 Recognize vocabulary related to artistic interests.
 Use vocabulary related to artistic interests by engaging in discussion and
participating during the class period.
 Recognize and use some colocations.
 Read the text and understand it & develop some reading skills such as
previewing, predicting, skimming, scanning, word synonymy & word reference.
 Talk & then write a short paragraph about one of their preferable artistic
interests (song/movie....)
 Material(s): Student’s textbook, VA’s (pictures) and the BB.

Time Stage Procedures Techniques

2 minutes Warm-up
-T greets SS. Greeting
-T writes the following word on the BB and raises a discussion.
Harry Potter
- T raises a discussion and warms SS up the theme of the unit.
10 1.Preteaching vocabulary related to artistic interests (one word)
minutes -T raises SS awareness and presents them to the unit.
-T elicits words related to artistic interests from SS.
-T writes students’ answers/examples on the blackboard (BB).
Use of Context


poems Cinema

Art, Theatre,


-T adds other words related to artistic interests.

 Comedy, horror, action….
 Composer, director, producer, actor, actress…..
 Scriptwriter, concert hall
 Painting, monuments… Mind map
 Cartoons, dance, opera…
 Literature, museum… etc.
30 2.Extension of vocabulary (words)
minutes -T asks SS about types of movies.
-T: What are the types of movies you know?
-T elicits answers and writes on the BB in a form of a semantic map.

Documen Drama
tary Semantic map
Types of
Comedy Thriller

3.1. Further Extension: (phrases)

- T elicits phrases related to artistic interests from SS and writes them on the
 Play a role
 Write a script
 Large audience
Vocabulary list
 Direct a film
 Book a seat
 Main/long episodes
 Perform well
 Compose music
 Play the orchestra
 Make music / a film

3.2. Further Extension: (Sentences)

Case study (Harry Potter)
- T chooses Harry Potter as a case study and asks SS to give answers related
to this movie’s activities.
In Harry Great actors and actresses
Good music and scenes
is/are Good director, producer and

Nice and interesting story

Great design and photography

-T asks SS to copy the lesson.

Reading Comprehension
-T asks SS to look at the title of the text & pictures and gives some guesses
about it.
-T writes SS guesses on the BB.
First reading
-T asks SS to read and check their predictions.
-T asks SS to skim the text for the main idea.
Second reading
-T asks SS to read the text and fill in a diagram with information from the text.
Daniel Radcliffe:
Chris Rupert Grint

Roles of the people in
the Harry Potter Film

Robbie Emma
Coltrane Thomas Watson

56 4.Exploitation
minutes -T asks SS to write a short paragraph about one of their preferable movie or
artistic interest in general (song, film, poem, dance…etc.). Composition
-T asks SS to read out their production.
Third reading
-T asks SS to read the text within 3 minutes and answer true false questions.
1. Harry’s fans don’t know Rowling’s books.
2. Rowling never helps with the films. true/false
3. The director never uses special effects. items
1. False. “Harry’s fans want to see a film that is exactly like the book”.
2. False. “Rowling is there to help at every stage”.
3. False. “The special effects are ready”.

-T asks SS to answer some W/H questions.

1. What are people waiting to see?
2. Who is he writer of the Harry Potter book series? W/H
3. Why does the writer want the film to be like the book? Questions
4. Who is the director of the film, Harry Potter?

1. They are waiting to see magic in their cinemas & their favorite
2. J.K. Rowling.
3. Because fans already know the book so “why change the book that
works so well".
4. The director of the film is Chris Columbus.

-T asks SS to find what the following refer to: Word

1. They (2nd paragraph) Reference

1. Harry’s fans.

-T asks SS to find words/expressions that mean the same as:

1. Promising
2. Actors/actresses Word
Keys: synonymy
1) Successful
2) Characters

Prepared by: Abderrazzak HASSAR

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