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Raise your

testosterone guide
raise your testosterone guide

Raise your
testosterone guide
Men and women. We all start out the same in utero. Then our chromosomes
tell our bodies to bath us in male hormones like dihydrotestosterone (DHT),
which comes from testosterone, and we begin “turning into” a male. Without
testosterone you would not have a penis or testicles. Testosterone is literally
THE male hormone and, although women also have a small amount of
testosterone, it the hormone that gives us more body hair, lower voices,
bigger and stronger muscles, differences in fat storage (less overall body fat
and different areas of storage) and it even changes the brain, making males
typically better at certain things like spatial awareness.

It’s also the hormone that is currently under attack. Scientists have noticed
that, overall, men’s testosterone levels have been declining CONSISTENTLY
for the last few decades averaging a general decline of 1% PER YEAR. This
means that the average man today has 17% less testosterone than a man the
same age just 17 years ago. You likely have less testosterone than your father
did at your age.
raise your testosterone guide

A 2016 study showed that the average 20-34 is likely the main cause has to do with how we
year old male could apply 98 pounds of force eat and how we live. Modern lifestyle has been
with a right handed grip, which is significantly changing rapidly for decades, and men today
lower than the 117 pounds by a man the same eat different foods and live different lives. There
age in 1985. Rates of certain reproductive are a few things we know FOR SURE that can
disorders in men have risen over time, while have a positive effect on testosterone levels that
multiple European studies show that sperm men are just not doing like they used to. In this
counts are declining. guide I am going to highlight 4 things you can
begin to do now that should have quiet a
What the hell is going on?? Are men becoming dramatic impact on your testosterone levels. I
women? Not so fast…although there may be have had many clients raise their testosterone
some environmental factors that may play a role levels significantly my applying what you will
in what appears to be a worldwide read in this guide.
phenomenon of testosterone declining, what
raise your testosterone guide

Lift heavy weights

Of all of the simple things you can do starting today to raise That being said, it’s important to note that HOW you lift weights
testosterone levels, nothing will have the immediate impact makes a HUGE difference in terms of muscle being built and,
that lifting weights will have. In fact, if you do a PROPER set of as a result, how much testosterone you end up producing. In
barbell squats or deadlifts your testosterone levels will spike fact, if you lift weights the wrong way you will not only NOT
almost immediately. Now keep in mind that immediate spike in raise testosterone, you may actually lower it. It’s true. Resistance
testosterone is temporary, however, over time weight training training is a stress on the body, and when stress is applied
creates long lasting rising levels of testosterone and those improperly it can overcome the body’s ability to repair and
levels will stay elevated so long as you keep up your routine. build and as a result can cause lowering levels of testosterone.

This makes perfect sense. When resistance training is done If you want to raise testosterone with weight training, then
properly (this is key) you will be sending a signal to the body focus on BUILDING muscle and strength. Don’t worry about
that says, “I need to be strong.” This signal not only triggers endurance and stamina, as both of those physical attributes
muscle growth but it also triggers an elevation of testosterone, don’t require much strength. Not saying they are bad; they just
since testosterone is the chief strength and muscle producing shouldn’t be the focus of your training. This means you should
hormone. Remember, your body wants to get better and more avoid circuit type lifting and boot camp type routines. Instead,
efficient at what you do most often, and if you are lifting heavy do straight set style training with a special emphasis on free
things on a somewhat regular basis your body will aim to get weight compound lifts that are proven strength and muscle
better at it. builders. Exercises like squats, presses and rows are king. If you
like your routine to be planned out for you check out MAPS
Our grandfathers didn’t need to go to the gym to send this Anabolic.
signal. They probably lifted heavy things as a result of their
normal day to day lives. This may be one of the main reasons
for their high levels of testosterone.
raise your testosterone guide

Eat fat, protein AND carbs

When I first became a personal trainer 20 years ago, eating a low-fat diet was
all the rage. Low fat diets were considered best for health and best for getting
lean. In fact, when I first started training clients I used to tell them to never focus
on getting fat in their diet because we all “eat too much of it anyways.” Boy was
I wrong. Studies suggest that higher fat and dietary cholesterol consumption
results in higher levels of total testosterone levels while diets too low in fat result in
lower levels of testosterone

We now know that fat is not the enemy so long as they are the right fats. Fats that
don’t need special processing to be utilized are typically ok…even saturated fats.
Eat plenty of fatty fish, well sourced grass-fed beef, whole eggs, avocados, olive
oil, coconut oil, etc. to get in those healthy fats. Fats are essential for the human
body meaning you MUST eat fat or you will cease to be alive. They are used in the
production of your hormones. In other words, without fat your body can’t make
raise your testosterone guide

Today the big macronutrient enemy seems to be Unless you eat low carbs for health reasons, it’s smart to eat
carbohydrates. One of the most popular diets today is the some daily to maintain testosterone levels. Best sources
paleo diet, which is naturally very low in carbohydrates. of carbs include those that are minimally processed. I also
Another very popular diet is the ketogenic diet, which is very recommend most people go gluten free, as gluten is a very
low carb and very high in fat. In the fitness world, it’s super common food intolerance. Good source of carbs includes
common to drastically cut carbs or go low carb to get lean rice, buckwheat, quinoa, potato, fruit and oats. Processed
and ripped. There is even a strange growing phenomenon of sugar should be avoided due to their loose connection to
people who go carnivore and ONLY eat meat!! poor health and lower testosterone levels.

Carbs are not essential, meaning you could live the rest of Protein is the third macro nutrient and it’s also an essential
your life without eating a single carbohydrate. If you don’t eat one like fats. You MUST eat adequate levels of protein just
carbs your body will produce ketones from fat for energy, and to be alive. High protein levels are positively associated with
it will create its own glucose from protein for essential bodily more muscle, strength and less body fat. Studies consistently
functions. HOWEVER, just because you can completely avoid show that the upper limit for benefits that you will gain from
carbs doesn’t make it ideal. a high protein diet are in the 0.6-0.8 grams per pound of
bodyweight in relatively lean individuals. In other words, if
Studies have consistently shown that eating a diet that you are a 180lbs male then eat 108 to 144 grams of protein a
is very low carbohydrates will result in lower levels of day to build the most muscle and give your body its best shot
testosterone over time. I have also experienced this myself. at raising its testosterone.
I ate a ketogenic style diet for over 2 years to remedy some
gut issues I was experiencing. Although the keto style diet
helped my gut issues heal, I also felt somewhat “off.” I got
my testosterone levels checked and I was in the normal
range, but I wasn’t satisfied, so I increased my carbohydrate
intake and tested myself 3 months later. To my surprise, my
testosterone levels DOUBLED.
raise your testosterone guide

get sunlight
We evolved, for the most part, being in the sun a LOT testosterone in most men…likely due to the fact that most
more than we are today. It’s only been relatively recently men are low in vitamin D. In other words, I highly doubt
that we spend most of our time indoors. As supplementing vitamin D if your levels are
with anything that we evolve with, our bodies already healthy will do anything for you,
developed a necessity for sunlight (along however, the odds are your D levels are low.
with most living things). These days, the sun “the most
has been demonized and we are told to stay You can supplement vitamin D, however,
out of the sun or wear chemical containing
effective way to the most effective way to naturally raise
sunscreens to protect ourselves from the naturally raise testosterone is to get more sun. If you are
cancer-causing rays of the sun. Although pale, you don’t need much sun to get this to
getting a sunburn is never a good thing, we testosterone happen; and you still want to avoid sunburn,
have taken things too far. which is never good for you and may increase
is to get more sun.” risk of skin cancer. Some of my BEST recovery
Exposing yourself to sunlight causes your days after hard workouts were when I went for
body to produce the essential, fat-soluble a long walk outside in the sun with my shirt off.
vitamin D. In modern times, we simply do not get Arnold and the California bodybuilders of the 70’s swore by
a lot of sun exposure and, as a result, it is believed sunbathing post workout for its muscle building effects as well.
that a majority of Americans are deficient in vitamin
D. Vitamin D is a crucial vitamin and is important in
in many essential functions in the human body from
bone formation to hormone production. Studies have
even shown that vitamin D supplementation increases
raise your testosterone guide

Get adequate sleep

We simply don’t get enough sleep these days. And when that electronic use right before bed results in worse sleep and
we do sleep, it’s not of the ideal quality. Sleep is ESSENTIAL lower levels of melatonin. Low melatonin also correlates to
for total health and just about every single chronic condition lower levels of testosterone.
from increased body fat, reduced muscle, increased rates of
diabetes and even cancer are connected to lack of quality Here are a couple strategies to maximize the health and
sleep. Poor sleep also will HAMMER your testosterone levels testosterone boosting effects of sleep. Turn off ALL electronics
and will increase your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. including lights for 1 hour before bed and go by candlelight.
Typically, when cortisol is elevated for long periods of time This minimizes blue rays and lets your brain know it’s time to
testosterone can’t do its job. make melatonin and sleep. A more convenient option is to
wear blue blocking glasses an hour before bed which limit the
Sleep experts suggest 7-9 hours of sleep every night for number of blue rays that reach your eyes. This allows you to use
most of us. I like to add that this needs to be QUALITY sleep. electronics and still get better quality sleep. I personally do this
One of the things that reduces the quality and the hormone every night and, although I thought I always had good sleep, I
balancing and testosterone boosting effects of good sleep is noticed significant improvements in my wakefulness during the
our use of electronics. Devices like your cell phone or tablet or day, suggesting my sleep improved.
television emit high levels of blue ray light, which trick the brain
into thinking the sun is out. If you are on these devices right For most people, simply doing the four things I listed above
before bed and then shut them off to sleep, your brain is barely should raise testosterone levels enough to be felt. More
registering that the sun went down. It takes at least an hour of energy, more muscle, and higher libido are common. Take care
darkness for your brain to register that it’s night and prepare of your hormones…they drive you and make you who you are.
itself to release its own sleep hormone, melatonin. This means Plus it’s pretty awesome to have high testosterone…it feels
you could be laying there for an hour, even if asleep, and have damn good.
reduced levels of melatonin. Studies support this showing
about the author

sal di stefano
Sal was 14 years old when he touched his first weight
and from that moment he was hooked. Growing up
asthmatic, frequently sick and painfully skinny, Sal
saw weightlifting as a way to change his body and his
self-image. In the beginning, Sal’s body responded
quickly to his training but then his gains slowed and
then stopped altogether. Not one to give up easily, he
began reading every muscle building publication he
could get his hands on to find ways to bust through his
plateau. He read Arnold’s Encyclopedia of
Bodybuilding, Mentzer’s Heavy Duty, Kubrick’s Dinosaur
Training, and every muscle magazine he could find;
Weider’s Muscle and Fitness, Flex, Iron Man and even
Muscle Media 2000. Each time he read about a new
technique or methodology he would test it out in the
gym. At age 18 his passion for the art and science of
resistance training was so consuming that he decided to
make it his profession and become a personal
trainer. By 19 he was managing health clubs and by 22
he owned his own gym. After 17 years as a personal
trainer he has dedicated himself to bringing science and
TRUTH to the fitness industry.

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