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Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy

Rates have doubled in recent years, but is it necessary for prevention?

omen with unilateral breast cancer whites, women with lobular breast cancers, and

W have a high risk of developing

cancer in the unaffected breast.
These patients have many treat-
ment options; however, the rate of
contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (removal of
the unaffected breast) have been steadily rising. A
study conducted by Tuttle and colleagues in the
those with a previous cancer diagnosis. A younger
age was also associated with a significantly higher
rate of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy.
Among those with surgically treated breast cancer,
6.7% of women ages 18 to 39 underwent con-
tralateral prophylactic mastectomy, as opposed to
1.3% of women ages 70 to 79.
Journal of Clinical Oncology found that the rate “Many of these young women are physically
of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy doubled active, they see themselves as healthy and living a
from 1998 to 2003. This increasing trend contin- healthful lifestyle and are shocked by a breast can-
ued to the end of the study period, without any cer diagnosis,” says Weiss.
plateau. The authors also noted that patients However, Tuttle and colleagues point out that
appeared to be increasingly choosing either mini- contralateral prophylactic mastectomy is “aggressive
mal surgical procedures or a bilateral mastectomy, and irreversible; it is also not necessary for prevent-
instead of a unilateral mastectomy. ing contralateral breast cancer in most patients.”
The study didn’t address the reasons why increas- The majority of participants in their study had three
ing numbers of women are choosing this treatment, surgical options: breast conserving surgery, unilat-
but Marisa Weiss, MD, founder and president of eral mastectomy, or bilateral mastectomy. Among, explains that the reasons 152,755 patients with breast cancer, 59,460 under-
are complex and highly individual. “Both medical went unilateral mastectomy while 4,969 opted for
circumstances and emotional issues may be mak- contralateral prophylactic mastectomy, even though
ing it a more common option,” she says. a single mastectomy was also an appropriate option.
Women opting for contralateral prophylactic Survival Benefit and Satisfaction. Tuttle and
mastectomy may have more extensive disease, vas- colleagues acknowledge that other studies have
cular and lymphatic invasion, or more than one shown that contralateral prophylactic mastectomy
cancer in the breast, Weiss explains. “There is more can decrease the risk of contralateral breast cancer,
public awareness of the genetics of breast cancer, but a clear survival benefit has not been determined.
and a lot of young women are getting genetic coun- “But there doesn’t necessarily need to be a
seling. The whole process may reveal a strong fam- straightforward survival advantage for this to be a
ily or genetic history, and patients are given real viable option for breast cancer patients,” says
information that they should be concerned about.” Marybeth Singer, MS, APRN,BC, AOCN, ACHPN,
Weiss also points out that breast cancer has an NP from the Gillette Center for Breast Oncology
become very visible over the past 30 years, and in Boston. “We need to look at the quality of sur-
while women have become more aware of the dis- vival. For many women, the rigors of undergoing
ease, they are also increasingly worried. “When routine follow-up and waiting for that ‘all clear
women are diagnosed with breast cancer, many sign’ are extremely stressful.”
want to do everything possible to prevent it from This was the case for Helen, a 59-year-old NP
happening a second time.” who works in a large New York City hospital and
Tuttle and colleagues also found that the rate of had a bilateral mastectomy. Helen says, “I couldn’t
contralateral prophylactic mastectomy increased take the stress of frequent follow-ups, mammo-
from 1.8% of all surgeries in 1998 to 4.5% in grams, and worrying about more surgery. It’s the
2003. In addition, the percentage of contralateral best decision I ever made. I was back to work in
prophylactic mastectomy accounted for 11% of all three weeks.”
mastectomies in 2003, up from 4.2% in 1998. The Singer points out that cancer treatment is highly
patients most likely to choose contralateral prophy- individualized. “Even if the approach [to treat-
lactic mastectomy in this study were non-Hispanic ment] is not one that you as a nurse would make
26 AJN ▼ February 2008 ▼ Vol. 108, No. 2
Courtesy of Jamie DiVenere
Dianna Matherly (above) was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1985, at the age of 21, and underwent a lumpectomy. Ten years later
the cancer reappeared, and she decided to have both breasts removed. But when she told her clinicians she didn’t want breast
reconstruction, she was faced with incredulity and resistance. Matherly and photographer Jamie DiVenere chronicled her journey,
and the result was 21/31 Dianna, a show of photographs and video pieces that toured galleries and clinical settings around the
country. Today, Matherly is a successful artist in Massachusetts and has a son of four and a half. You can see more of her work at

for yourself,” she says, “You need to support the They are likely to have better symmetry; breast
patient and help her get the facts straight. reconstruction may be more difficult when per-
“Nurses are often the first-line people that formed on only one side. “In focus groups, women
patients see, so our role is extremely important. But have reported that it [reconstruction] was one of the
nurses need to be aware of the literature and work reasons [for prophylactic contralateral mastectomy],
with patients to manage their anxiety, lower their although not the predominant reason,” says Geiger.
risk, and improve lifestyle factors.” “Clearly, many factors go into making this decision.”
The majority of women who undergo contralat- Decision Making Process. Tuttle and colleagues
eral prophylactic mastectomy tend to be satisfied reported on a review of the National Prophylactic
with that decision. Geiger and colleagues, as pub- Mastectomy Registry that found the most common
lished in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in March reason patients selected prophylactic contralateral
2006, surveyed 519 women who underwent con- mastectomy was physician advice. However, a 2005
tralateral prophylactic mastectomy and found that survey by Nekhlyudov and colleagues in the Journal
86.5% were satisfied with their decision. More than of the National Cancer Institute Monographs
three-quarters reported a high level of contentment showed that 45% of respondents (N = 431) made
regarding quality of life, and psychosocial outcomes the decision to have contralateral prophylactic
were generally similar to those in breast cancer sur- mastectomy on their own. Another 37% reported
vivors who had not undergone the procedure. that they considered the opinion of their physician,
“Being satisfied doesn’t mean that everything is while only 3% reported that the physician “pri-
perfect,” says Geiger. “But most women really marily made the decision.”
believe it was a good decision for them.” Geiger suspects that the rates of contralateral
However, Geiger also points out that their data mastectomy may continue to rise, especially if
showed that women who chose contralateral pro- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast
phylactic mastectomy were not at a particularly increases in popularity. “An MRI scan is more sen-
higher risk for recurrence. “Their risk was not sitive than a mammogram and more likely to pick
greater as compared with women who didn’t have up small irregularities in the unaffected breast. The
it done,” she says. “They may have just had more American Cancer Society is looking at expanding
anxiety about breast cancer.” its guidelines for breast MRI, and if that comes to
Women have also reported a better cosmetic out- pass, we are likely to see this trend continue.”
come when a bilateral mastectomy is performed. —Roxanne Nelson, BSN, RN ▼ AJN ▼ February 2008 ▼ Vol. 108, No. 2 27

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