REVIEW Heart Failure in - Thalassemia Syndromes: A Decade of Progress

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The American Journal of Medicine (2005) 118, 957-967


Heart failure in ␤-thalassemia syndromes:

A decade of progress
George Hahalis, MD,a Dimitrios Alexopoulos, MD,a Dimitrios T. Kremastinos, MD,b
Nicholas C. Zoumbos, MDc

Department of Cardiology, Patras University Medical School, Rio Patras, Greece;
Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens, Greece; and
Department of Hematology, Patras University Medical School, Rio Patras, Greece.

KEYWORDS: ABSTRACT: The thalassemias are common monogenic disorders of hemoglobin synthesis. ␤-thalas-
Thalassemia; semias are the most important among the thalassemia syndromes and have become a worldwide clinical
Heart failure; problem due to an increasing immigrant population. In ␤-thalassemia major, regular blood transfusions
Cardiomyopathy; are necessary early in life. Beta-thalassemia intermedia refers to a less severe phenotype, whereas
Iron overload; ␤-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease encompasses a broad phenotypic spectrum. Blood transfusions
Chelation therapy and increased gastrointestinal iron absorption result in iron overload and tissue damage. Among patients
with ␤-thalassemia major, biventricular, dilated cardiomyopathy remains the leading cause of mortality.
In some patients, a restrictive type of left ventricular cardiomyopathy or pulmonary hypertension is
noted. The clinical course, although variable and occasionally fulminant, is more benign in recent than
in older series. Myocarditis has been described as a cause of left-sided heart failure in younger patients.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension is the principal cause of heart failure in ␤-thalassemia intermedia.
Chelation therapy has improved prognosis in ␤-thalassemia major both by reducing the incidence of
heart failure and by reversing cardiomyopathy. Estimation of the patient’s cardiac risk is mainly based
on clinical criteria and serial echocardiography. A new cardiovascular magnetic resonance technique will
probably fulfill the need for more precise risk stratification in ␤-thalassemia syndromes. By increasing the
proportion of patients on optimal chelation, survival in ␤-thalassemia major may further improve. Recent
advances in gene therapy are expected to result in the long-awaited cure of this disease.
© 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

The thalassemias are anemias of variable severity, which result 15% among Cypriots, and 4.8% in Thailand.1,4 Furthermore,
from mutations of the genes encoding the synthesis of ␣- and the hemoglobin E gene, which can interact with ␤-thalassemic
␤-globin chains of hemoglobin.1-4 Serious thalassemia is as- alleles and cause a broad phenotypic spectrum, reaches a fre-
sociated with iron overload, tissue damage, and increased risk quency of up to 50% in Thailand.1
of cardiovascular complications. Thalassemias are prevalent in Within the first months of life, adult hemoglobin con-
a belt ranging from the Mediterranean basin through the Mid- taining 2 pairs of ␣ and ␤ chains (HbA:␣2␤2) physiologi-
dle East and Indian subcontinent up to Southeast Asia. Beta- cally replaces fetal hemoglobin (HbF:␣2␥2).2 In ␤-thalasse-
thalassemias are the most important among the thalassemia mia, deficient production of structurally normal ␤-chains
syndromes with an average trait prevalence of 7% in Greece, and the attending accumulation of unopposed ␣-chains lead
to anemia, largely as a consequence of ineffective hemo-
Requests for reprints should be addressed to George Hahalis, MD, 7 poiesis.2-4 In ␤-thalassemia major, severity of anemia re-
Larnakos Street, 26441 Patras, Greece. quires initiation of blood transfusions during infancy. Pa-
E-mail address: tients with a less severe phenotype, ie, ␤-thalassemia

0002-9343/$ -see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
958 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 118, No 9, September 2005

Figure 1 Beta-thalassemia syndromes: definition of terms, hematology, including genotype/phenotype relationships, and therapy (adapted
from 1,2,4,15,30,58).

intermedia, will, if at all, become transfusion-dependent people worldwide resulting in a tremendous health care and
later in life. In ␤-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease, inter- social problem, but they also require a multidisciplinary
patient hemoglobin levels range between 3 and 13 g/dL, medical expertise.1,2,5,14 In particular, physicians should
blood transfusion requirements are variable and phenotype become familiar with thalassemia-related problems in coun-
varies between mild and serious anemia (Figure 1).4 tries where a growing immigrant population resulted in an
Morbidity due to cardiovascular, endocrinological, and increasing number of such patients, including the United
hepatic disease is considerable in ␤-thalassemia syn- States and Canada, as well as many European countries.15
dromes,5-14 whereas heart failure still constitutes the leading Research achievements in the last decade elucidated both
cause of mortality in patients with ␤-thalassemia major. the natural history of ␤-thalassemia major, which is princi-
Thus, ␤-thalassemias not only affect a large number of pally determined by the cardiac function, and the pleiomor-
Hahalis et al Heart failure in ␤-thalassemia syndromes 959

phic pathophysiology of heart failure in ␤-thalassemia syn- The pathophysiological diversity

dromes. This review focuses on recent advances in our of heart failure
understanding of heart failure in ␤-thalassemia syndromes.
␤-thalassemia major
Iron cardiotoxicity and histopathology On the background of cardiac iron overload, multiple fac-
tors can detrimentally affect cardiac function, including
The increase of plasma iron turnover in ␤-thalassemia re-
volume overload, high cardiac output, neurohumoral acti-
sults in saturation of the iron storage and transport proteins
vation, eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy, genetic pre-
and emergence of ␣ “free” plasma iron pool.16 Cardiomy-
disposition, endocrinopathies, and increased elaboration of
ocytes are sensitive to redox-active iron and the accompa-
pro-inflammatory cytokines, as well as additional or un-
nying elaboration of hydroxyl radical (.OH). This iron-
known factors.10-12,20,33-41 Heart failure usually develops
mediated oxidative stress causes lipid peroxidation,
among patients with nonoptimal chelation therapy and
mitochondrial injury, membrane disruption, and contractile
multi-endocrinopathies.12 Dyspnea or fatigue is reliably re-
dysfunction with myocyte death.16-19 In vivo, thalassemia is
ported by the patients, and even mildly symptomatic pa-
linked with endothelial dysfunction and increased oxidati-
tients demonstrate a substantial reduction in exercise capac-
tive stress, whereas desferrioxamine administration and iron
ity. Right heart failure manifests either early or, more
deficiency confer beneficial biological effects.20-24
frequently, evolves and predominates during the course of
Histopathology in iron overload states lends further sup-
left-sided heart failure. Occasionally, acute right-sided heart
port toward a deleterious effect of iron on the cardiovascular
failure may mimic acute abdomen and result in diagnostic
system.25-31 In advanced iron overload, a rust-brown myo-
delay.42 Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is common and almost
cardial appearance due to iron deposition preferentially in
invariably associated with myocardial dysfunction. Resto-
the subepicardial layers is a common autopsy finding. In-
ration of sinus rhythm per se usually does not reverse
volvement of the conduction system is less severe and
cardiomyopathy. Due to longer survival of thalassemic pa-
inhomogeneous.6,25,26 Cardiac hypertrophy, chamber dila-
tients, the incidence of this arrhythmia may increase in the
tion, and pericardial effusion along with focal myocardial
future and be rather age- and volume– overload- than
degeneration are invariably present.6 In patients with
cardiomyopathy-dependent. The clinical picture of the dis-
␤-thalassemia major and congestive heart failure, mild to
ease varies between a long-lasting course and, sometimes,
moderate fibrosis in the absence of inflammation was found,
complete remission to fulminant disease.6,10-12,43
whereas, on electron microscopy, disruption of the sarco-
meres together with iron-containing granules between myo-
fibrils were evident.27 Autopsy findings in less advanced
iron loading have been reported on ␤-thalassemia/hemoglo- Biventricular dilated cardiomyopathy
bin E patients with intermedia phenotype.28-31 The results of
these studies can probably be extrapolated to other ␤-thalas- This is the most common underlying pathophysiological
semia intermedia patients, by assuming qualitative similar- abnormality among heart failure patients with ␤-thalassemia
ities between these 2 less severe phenotypes. Cardiac iron major.10-12,43 Contractile dysfunction is accompanied by
deposition was reported to be usually slight despite severe low cardiac output and may demonstrate substantial long-
hepatic iron loading, to follow the same intramyocardial term variations (Figure 2). This is more likely explained by
distribution pattern and to spare the conduction system. At the extent of cardiac iron deposition or the myocardial
least moderate myocardial hypertrophy and left ventricular responsiveness to the intensified chelation therapy. In ad-
involvement were evident in most patients and attributed to vanced disease, a distinct hemodynamic pattern of severe
chronic anemia.28 In about half of unselected autopsies, right ventricular cardiomyopathy is evident.12 Ischemic car-
chronic pulmonary artery obstruction along with right ven- diomyopathy is notably very uncommon, due to the rare
tricular disease was found.29,31 Pulmonary vascular abnor- incidence of coronary artery disease both clinically44 and
malities resembled those in idiopathic pulmonary arterial angiographically (Kremastinos DT: unpublished data).
hypertension in many cases or may have resulted from
chronic embolic disease in other patients.29-32 Further au-
topsy findings included iron infiltration of the coronary Myocarditis/pericarditis
arterial walls, pericarditis, degenerative and rheumatic valve
disease.28,29 Of note, among Southeast Asian patients who In our series of 1048 patients, 4.5% of them with a mean age
suffered from nonheavily transfused ␤-thalassemia “major,” a of 15 years were diagnosed over a 9-year period to have left
mixed picture between less serious and advanced iron overload heart failure as a consequence of biopsy-proven myocardi-
was found.28,29 The aforementioned findings implicate a pos- tis.34 Almost half of the cases had a complete recovery,
sible pathological continuum between cardiac alterations in whereas 44% of the patients died. In a subsequent study, an
serious iron loading and iron-mediated, age-dependent28,29 association of heart failure with the major histocompatibil-
cardiovascular disorders in less severe ␤-thalassemia. ity in patients with ␤-thalassemia major was reported. This
960 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 118, No 9, September 2005

Figure 2 Recurrent, long-lasting heart failure in a patient with ␤-thalassemia major. Symptoms (New York Heart Association functional
classification), myocardial function, serum ferritin levels and quality of chelation therapy are depicted. Symptoms of heart failure were
severe in 1996-1997 as well as in 2000 (class III to IV). Improvement of chelation treatment resulted in lowering of serum feritin over the
ensuing 8 years. Despite the rather unpredictable change of ejection fraction (LVEF) and end-diastolic dimensions (LVIDD) with regard
to serum ferritin levels, a complete normalization both of cardiac function and clinical status of the patient were finally noted. (Normal
values: serum ferritin, 20-250 ng/mL [desirable ferritin levels in ␤-thalassemias: less than 1000 ng/ml]; left ventricular ejection fraction,
higher than 55%; left ventricular diameter at end-diastole, lower than 55 mm 11,53).

suggests an autoimmune pathophysiology of left-sided heart semic patients with congestive heart failure demonstrate a
failure in these patients.45 Similar to iron-induced cardio- restrictive type of left ventricular cardiomyopathy, in that
myopathy, genetic factors may therefore modulate predis- almost all of the aforementioned criteria are met with the
position of thalassemic patients to myocarditis.10,35,45 Fu- exception of the left ventricular contractility, which is al-
ture studies on thalassemic inflammatory cardiomyopathy ways impaired.10 Neither pure diastolic myocardial heart
should determine the prevalence of both immune-competent failure in the presence of preserved ventricular systolic
infiltrates and viral genomic materials in the myocardium by function nor right ventricular restrictive cardiomyopathy
biopsy-ascertained immune-histochemistry as well as mod- have, in our experience, been encountered in ␤-thalassemia
ern molecular techniques. major. In some patients, an echo-Doppler pattern of “left
Although very frequent in the past, pericarditis seems to restrictive-right dilated” cardiomyopathy in association with
have a decreasing incidence in the chelation era. The avail- pulmonary hypertension has been observed.10 In other pa-
able data, however, are contradictory and do not unani- tients, this finding probably reflects a timely disparate myo-
mously support this common experience.6,10,12,43 cardial behavior of the 2 ventricles in the absence of pul-
monary hypertension (Figure 3).12

Restrictive type of left ventricular

cardiomyopathy Pulmonary arterial hypertension
True restrictive cardiomyopathy is characterized by restric- Recent studies clearly demonstrated the absence of pulmo-
tive hemodynamics, nondilated ventricles and, at least ini- nary arterial hypertension among asymptomatic patients as
tially, near normal or normal contractility.46 Some thalas- well as in the vast majority of those with heart failure.11,12
Hahalis et al Heart failure in ␤-thalassemia syndromes 961

Figure 3 “Dilated-right/restrictive-left” cardiomyopathy in ␤-thalassemia major. This patient initially developed “dilated-right/restrictive-
left” cardiomyopathy and succumbed to “dilated-right/dilated-left” cardiomyopathy. M-mode tracings (A) depict nondilated, hypokinetic
left ventricle (LV) and right ventricular dilatation (RV). Two-dimensional echocardiogram (B) shows right heart dilatation. Biventricular
systolic function was depressed (ejection fraction: left ventricular, 42%; right ventriclular on first-pass radionuclide ventriculography, 27%).
Doppler of both mitral inflow (C) and tricuspid inflow (D) (high E/A ratio and short E-deceleration time) as well as the exclusively diastolic,
forward flow in the hepatic vein (E) indicate biventricular restrictive physiology along with inferior vena cava congestion (F). Hemodynamic
pattern (G) indicates equalized and elevated left and right ventricular end-diastolic pressures (arrows) and, in addition, relatively low
pulmonary artery systolic pressures (asterisks). On the electrocardiogram (H), PR prolongation, nonspecific ST/T changes, and right axis
deviation are evident.

Thus, previous reports were not confirmed,47,48 despite the with ␤-thalassemia major is not restrictive but rather undis-
attractive theoretical background.10,47-53 Exceptionally, turbed and compatible with increased preload.55 Moreover,
some older patients with high ferritin values do develop pul- the right-sided inflow features suggest impaired right ven-
monary hypertension10 and figures will probably increase in tricular relaxation and carry prognostic information.11
the future due to the growing population of aging patients.
Acute cor pulmonale, which is occasionally encountered, re- ␤-thalassemia intermedia
flects the increased thromboembolic risk of these patients.11,52
Aessopos et al recently reported on 110 Greek patients, half
of whom were splenectomized. In approximately 50% of the
Normal ventricular systolic function patients, at least mild pulmonary hypertension and pericar-
among asymptomatic patients dial thickening were evident on echocardiography. Pulmo-
nary pressures correlated with age and cardiac output,
In contrast to an older report,54 recent investigations11,53 whereas high-output pulmonary hypertension was found on
indicate that left ventricular filling in asymptomatic patients catheterization in all 6 patients with heart failure.5 A higher
962 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 118, No 9, September 2005

susceptibility for pulmonary hypertension in ␤-thalassemia in-

termedia appears plausible, although both thalassemia phe-
notypes share common predisposing factors5,11,32,48-53,56 in-
cluding hemolysis-mediated pulmonary hypertension:57
Compared with ␤-thalassemia major patients, those with
less severe phenotype both are older5,12 and suffer from
more serious anemia. As a result of sporadic only transfu-
sion requirements, patients with ␤-thalassemia intermedia
retain, in addition, almost 100% of their own erythrocytes,
which are potentially more procoagulant and associated
with a higher incidence of splenectomy.49,52

␤-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease
Figure 4 Beta-thalassemia major: recommendations for patient
management in relation to the clinical cardiac risk category.
Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality among trans-
fusion-dependent patients.30,58,59 Therefore, the major phe-
notype probably carries a comparable, although poorly de- a preclinical, high cardiac risk equivalent and, if detected,
fined, cardiac risk with that of the general ␤-thalassemia lead to timely intensified chelation therapy.65-76 However,
major patients. most investigated techniques suffer from lack of informa-
Patients with the intermedia phenotype may develop tion on their incremental prognostic value beyond that given
biventricular failure.59 Acute pericarditis is frequent, and by simple clinical parameters. This is an important draw-
chronic pericardial disease is found in some patients.29,30,59 back, because prognosis is influenced not only by the pres-
Degenerative valve disturbances are analogous to those de- ence and severity of cardiac involvement but also by the
scribed in Greek patients, whereas rheumatic valve disease extent of iron burden.10-12 We would therefore recommend
is the consequence of frequent streptococcal infections.5,28
that clinicians initially integrate hematological and cardiac
Pulmonary hypertension is well documented, largely in
information for screening and heart failure prognostication.
splenectomized patients with thrombocytosis and right heart
This simple approach helps broadly categorize the patient’s
failure, whereas accompanying hypoxemia is partially re-
cardiac risk. Hematological data include frequency and age
versed by aspirin administration.28,29,60-62 Pathophysiologi-
cally, the vascular perturbation in this disorder may reflect of onset of blood transfusions, ferritin levels, quality of
qualitative, but probably not quantitative, similarities with chelation therapy and extent of iron overload-induced co-
the general ␤-thalassemia intermedia patient, including he- morbidities. The accuracy of several measurements of se-
molysis, high output, hypoxia, postsplenectomy thrombocy- rum ferritin, although limited by co-existing liver disease,
tosis, activated endothelial cells, nucleated erythrocytes and has been prognostically validated.9,77 Assessment of cardiac
cytokine elevation, in the context of hypercoagulable state status is accomplished by considering past history of heart
and predisposition to thromboembolism.5,49,52,57-63 failure, functional class, rapidity of disease evolution and
severity of myocardial dysfunction. Echocardiography or
left ventricular rest/stress radionuclide ventriculography
should be used periodically for early detection of myocar-
Normal ventricular systolic function dial dysfunction. Such findings are alarming in the context
in asymptomatic patients of high iron loading.11,12 Liver biopsy is at present the
reference method for estimation of iron burden and cardiac
Chamber dilatation and eccentric hypertrophy follow the
degree of anemia, whereas myocardial function appears risk2 but is considered by many thalassemic patients as
normal61 similar to other ␤-thalasemia intermedia pa- cumbersome for serial examinations (Figure 4).
tients.5,64 Furthermore, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is a The need for noninvasive, precise risk determination in
relatively common cause of morbidity in these patients. thalassemia will probably be fulfilled by a new cardiovas-
cular T2-star magnetic resonance technique (T2*). Cardiac
T2* seems to accurately quantify cardiac iron-overload.76
Myocardial T2* correlated inversely with left ventricular
Screening for cardiac disease and risk ejection fraction but not with liver iron or ferritin levels.
stratification in heart failure Furthermore, presence of severe cardiac iron overload in
some patients despite moderate only hepatic iron loading76
␤-thalassemia major challenge the concept that cardiac iron overload is an un-
avoidably “late” phenomenon.75 Although promising, this
Myocardial dysfunction, which might have been obscured technique is costly and cannot be available in poor coun-
by the altered loading conditions in anemia, could represent tries, where the disease is very prevalent.
Hahalis et al Heart failure in ␤-thalassemia syndromes 963

␤-thalassemia intermedia and ␤-thalassemia/ that for each unit increase in the natural logarithm of the
hemoglobin E disease ratio of transfused iron to total desferrioxamine use (equiv-
alent to a quadrupling of serum ferritin), the relative risk for
Age, high ferritin levels, severity of anemia, need of cardiac disease was 9.9 and for death 12.6. Probability of
blood transfusions, and splenectomy pose even asymp- survival to at least the age of 25 years was 32% for patients
tomatic patients at increased, although as yet ill-defined, on ineffective chelation versus 100% for those on good
cardiovascular risk. Surveillance for heart disease is im- chelation therapy. Olivieri et al9 reported a survival proba-
perative, given the interpatient heterogeneity of iron bility without cardiac disease of 91% at 15 years among
loading, particularly in association with the splenectomy appropriately chelated patients. Even in high-risk patients,
status.78 Clinical information and regular echocardio- intensive intravenous chelation treatment resulted in an ac-
graphic monitoring, including investigation of pulmonary tuarial survival of 63% at 13 years.85
artery pressures, are therefore important tools for cardiac Thus, the long-term outlook of patients on optimal che-
risk stratification, whereas the role of magnetic resonance lation therapy is good. Furthermore, the dogma “it is never
techniques has yet to be determined.79 Moreover, heart too late” seems to apply to every patient with ␤-thalassemia
failure patients should undergo a thorough diagnostic major, because prognosis is largely determined by the cur-
workup for precise determination of the cause and sever- rent quality of chelation treatment.8,9,85
ity of the underlying cardiopulmonary disease.
Course of heart failure

In advanced cardiac iron overload states, outcome of heart

The role of chelation therapy in prevention
failure is dismal,6,43,86 with a reported 3-month mortality
and course of cardiac disease—therapeutic rate of 58% in the prechelation era.6,43 Recent findings from
implications Kremastinos et al indicate an improved prognosis over older
series. Five-year survival was 48% and positively associ-
␤-thalassemia major ated with left ventricular systolic function. All deaths oc-
curred among patients with biventricular cardiomyopathy,
In recent series, the prevalence of heart failure has been shortly after involvement of the nonfailing ventricle.10 Such
more than halved but is still 2.5% among well-treated pa- improved survival is explained by the widespread use of
tients.6,10,12,80,81 Even more, the age of onset of heart failure chelation treatment and possibly also by better management
could only modestly, by 1 decade, be prolonged, due to sub- of anemia and use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhib-
optimal chelation of many adolescents14 and possibly to other, itors.10,87 Thus, heart failure seems to have a milder course
as yet poorly characterized causes (eg, genetic susceptibility). among patients on adequate chelation, similar to that of the
Pump failure is the principal cause of mortality,6,8-14 while general population of heart failure patients.10,87 Further-
sudden death in ␤-thalassemia major is notably uncom- more, a substantial minority of these patients experience
mon10,12 despite data revealing a proarrhythmic substrate.82 reversal of cardiomyopathy after intensification of chela-
tion.11,12,85,88 In contrast, insufficient chelation therapy may
be associated with a fulminant course.12

Primary prevention
In the last 2 decades, nonrandomized studies assessed prog- Therapeutic implications
nosis in ␤-thalassemia major.8,9,23,83,84 These investigations
demonstrated a survival improvement, which was almost Intensification of chelation therapy is of paramount impor-
entirely due to cardiac disease prevention among patients on tance in asymptomatic high-risk patients as well as in pa-
optimal chelation therapy. tients with heart failure, because of its additional and pos-
Zurlo et al13 reported that the 5-year survival probability sibly also greater benefit as compared with current
after the first decade of life was 81% for subjects born in therapeutic modalities for systolic heart failure (Figure 1).
1960-1964 versus 97% for those born in 1970-1974. Modell By extrapolating current guidelines, such established treat-
et al14 showed that about 50% of patients with ␤-thalasse- ment options should also be recommended for thalassemic
mia died before the age of 35 years. The survival probability patients.89
of both the 1955-1964 and 1965-1974 birth cohorts was In face of the altered loading conditions in thalassemia,
50% at the age of 40 years and better than in older series. initiation of therapy with angiotensin-converting enzyme
Such outcome improvement, albeit modest, confirmed ob- inhibitors should be implemented early, for example when
servations made by the same investigators 2 decades earlier the left ventricular ejection fraction approaches a value of
on the survival benefit conferred by desferrioxamine. Ehlers 50%.12,90,91 Angiotensin II receptor blockers can alterna-
et al84 reported almost a doubling of survival for patients tively or additionally be used. Diuretics, including spirono-
placed on chelation therapy. Brittenham et al8 demonstrated lactone antagonists and digitalis glycosides, are necessary in
964 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 118, No 9, September 2005

required. Restoration of sinus rhythm usually should be

undertaken in appropriately prepared patients. Prophylactic
antithrombotic treatment is additionally recommended in
patients exposed to transient thromboembolic risk, includ-
ing surgery and prolonged immobilization.52
Advanced or complete atrioventricular block will neces-
sitate the implantation of a pacemaker device. Interestingly,
malignant ventricular tachyarrhythmias occur rarely.10-12
This may be partly related to recovery of myocardial func-
tion in some patients or rapid decline of pump function in
others.12 Implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator is
thereby rarely necessary. In exceptional cases, and when the
fate of dysfunctional myocardium has not been clarified,
automatic wearable defibrillators may be a therapeutic op-
tion. Finally, in carefully selected patients with end-stage
disease, heart transplantation has been recommended.94 In
fact, we are aware of one patient who is still alive 17 years
after heart transplantation.

␤-thalassemia intermedia

Primary prevention— course of heart failure—

therapeutic implications

Both the natural history and the optimal management of the

disease and its cardiac complications, as well as the etiology
of death, remain poorly understood.1,95 In our experience,
some patients who become transfusion dependent succumb
Figure 5 Causes of heart failure in ␤-thalassemia intermedia
and ␤-thalassemia major. Top: pulmonary arterial hypertension to dilated cardiomyopathy with or without concomitant pul-
with severe right chamber dilatation in a patient with ␤-thalasse- monary hypertension and appear to have a worse outcome
mia intermedia. Pulmonary angiogram revealed chronic thrombo- than those with isolated pulmonary hypertension. Clearly,
embolic disease. Bottom: Severe biventricular dilated cardiomy- future studies should clarify these issues and help establish
opathy with large thrombus in the left ventricular apex (arrows) in stricter transfusion and chelation criteria.1 At present, initi-
a patient with ␤-thalassemia major and fatal outcome. ation of treatment follows anemia severity, clinical infor-
mation regarding iron loading as well as cardiac complica-
tions, including atrial fibrillation, pulmonary hypertension,5
symptomatic patients, whereas beta-blocker therapy has to or cardiomyopathy. Antithrombotic prophylaxis has been
be considered in compensated patients.89 suggested for splenectomized patients at high transient
Patients with ␤-thalassemia major have a higher-than- thromboembolic risk (Figure 5).5,52 Anticoagulation should
average possibility of developing malignancies.13 Chelation adhere to the same guidelines as in patients with the major
therapy should be intensified in patients undergoing chemo- phenotype, whereas oxygen administration as well as di-
therapy with drugs known to exert an iron-mediated toxic- uretic and digitalis treatment should be individualized. In
ity, such as anthracyclines,92 in order to minimize the risk of documented pulmonary hypertension, a life-long therapy
fulminant cardiomyopathy.12 with vasodilators32 will be necessary.
Right ventricular involvement and the attending asyn-
chronous left ventricular contraction are frequent findings in
end-stage, thalassemic heart failure. Resynchronization of
contractility by means of atrial-synchronized biventricular ␤-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease
pacing both improves contractility and alleviates symptoms
in refractory systolic heart failure93 and should therefore be Primary prevention— course of heart failure—
considered in selected thalassemic patients. Anticoagulation therapeutic implications
is indicated in patients with atrial fibrillation, in the occa-
sional patient with ventricular thrombus, and in those with Patients with the major phenotype are probably indistin-
pulmonary hypertension (Figure 5). Due to coexisting he- guishable from other ␤-thalassemia major patients31 regard-
patic disease, a lower-than-average anticoagulant dose is ing iron loading and salutary effects of chelation treatment.
Hahalis et al Heart failure in ␤-thalassemia syndromes 965

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