Magnetic Conversation: Cheat Sheet

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There’s nothing wrong with small talk.

But that’s not going to get women interested in you.

You have to know how to tell good stories.

So how do you hold interesting conversations that get women attracted to

This cheat sheet reveals how to talk to women and never run out of things
to say. 

Lead With Your Passion

Passion is contagious and when you share things that are exciting to you,
you deliver it enthusiasm. That’s very attractive to women. 

Ask yourself, what are things that you can talk about all day that’s also
interesting to women?

Your preferred conversation topics ensure that you will always have
something to say. It’s also a great way to qualify women.

Relate With Her Emotionally

To help you understand this concept, you have to know the difference
between how men and women communicate.

Men look outwards and focus on logical things. They communicate to
gather information and look for evidence to see if they’re valid.

Women, on the other hand, look inwards and are very emotionally aware.
They seek out feelings.
You see the difference?

If you want to connect with women, you have to talk to them in a language
that they understand. 

More Statements, Less Questions

Make statements that lead perfectly to the kind of conversation you want
to talk about.

Give a cold read which is a positive assumption that’s true for most people.

Whether you get this right or not, it creates the illusion that you know each
other longer than you have which makes you seem more interesting. 

Explore Common Interests 

Familiarity builds comfort very quickly so create “me too” moments.
Explore common interests as much as you can in conversation. 

That’s how you build deep connection. 

Use the stories you came up with from the exercise earlier to share relevant
stories from your life so you can relate with her. 

Engage The Senses

A great story gets the listener really involved. Some people are visual,
others are kinaesthetic and the rest, auditory.

That’s why you want to include as many details as possible.

Engage all the senses when you tell your story by talking about what you
saw, smelled, heard, tasted and felt. 

Find A Pivot

Have you ever met a guy at a party where all he talked about was how
awesome his life is? 

It’s annoying isn’t it? 

People relate through struggles. That’s why people love cheering for the

Be vulnerable when you tell stories, especially if it’s about your life. Talk
about your struggles and how you overcome them. 

Vary Your Voice

Your voice is a powerful tool for telling good stories. It’s really easy to use.

When you’re excited and energetic, talk louder and faster. When you’re
telling sharing something serious and intimate, talk slower and softer.

Play around with this and with enough practice, you’ll sound a lot more

Dedicated to your success,

Myke Macapinlac is the Founder and Program Director of Social Man

His mission is to help shy guys become socially confident so they can
create the lifestyle they deserve. 

His work has been featured in Calgary Herald, Breakfast Television, Shaw
TV and Notable.

To get to know him personally, you can find out more about him on his
website at

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