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Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) goods are commonly named as consumer packaged

goods. Items in this category include all consumables people buy at regular periods. The most
common in the list are toilet soaps, detergents, milk powder, sugar, salt shampoos, toothpaste etc.
These items are meant for daily of frequent consumption and have a high return. Supply chain
management for FMCG industry plays a crucial role for organization to grow fast and smoothly.
Some of the key features of supply chain management like Inventory management, Order
management, Logistics and shipping status, forecasting play important role for the potential
growth of this sector. Meghna of Industries (MGI) established supply chain management
department in 2011. During that period supply chain management department only control
distribution. From 2013 procurement, inventory, production, planning, logistics, distribution,
management administer by supply chain management department to minimize the cost and
maximize the profit

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