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Chernobyl new discovery

In the past few years, Ukraine has been suffering from overpopulation and no local space
remaining for the construction of factories and buildings. Due to this, there are too many
people for such has no place where to work and this also increases unemployment and

Chernobyl disaster was one of the biggest disasters that made people, animals and plants
suffer and die from different kinds of diseases that came after the explosion of the nuclear.
years and years there hasn't been any kind of movement at that area due to the fact the
area may still be radioactive and dangerous for humans.

lately, there has been some scientists saying that they have found out that the place isn't
dangers for humans or animals anymore but hasn't been confirmed yet until yesterday night
when the government announced that the area is out of danger and can be a very potential
place for a new factory build there and lots of new jobs for the people .

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