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Newspaper cutting
Newspaper: SCMP youth post
Date: October 24, 2016
Topic: Instagram’s suicide button can help Hongkongers struggling with self-harm

This article is about the new tool of Instagram which can let user anonymously
flag their friend’s posts about self-harm or suicide, and the reporting tool has been
praised by a Hong Kong mental health charity.
When you see a photo you're concerned about, hit "Report" then "It's
inappropriate", and you can choose a reason for reporting this post: including self
injury, harm or violence. Instagram will then send a message to the vulnerable user
with a list of options, including contacting a friend, a helpline, or viewing further tips
and support.
This new tool allows users to send an alert about specific posts if they think a
friend or family member could be at risk.

Nowadays, more and more teens have considered self-harm or suicide. Some of
them may show there mind about suicide and self-harm on the social media, for
example facebook and Instagram. Sometimes we worried about our friends, but we
can do nothing. This new tool can greatly alert the teens who considered suicide.
But why the teens consider suicide? I am going to elaborate it in two main
points. First, the living environment. As the study syllabus is compact, and the system
nowadays is over focus in the results of students , causing the competition between
students. These give great stress on teens. Also, the spread of wrong and overstated
concept of suicide or self-harm by media may give a negative impact on teens.
Secondly , the interpersonal relationship of teens. Some parents may have a
over expectation on their child , while they have nearly no communicate with the
child. The parent-child relationship becomes worse and worse. With the mismatch
teaching methods, like too harsh or too laissez-faire, or pay no attention to them,
may let the child not knowing which course to follow. When they face some serious
problems, they dare not to tell parents as they are afraid of parents’ scold. They may
feel guilty or blaming themselves. These let the tees get on the path of no return,
On the other way, teens having bully at school, cannot get peer recognition, bad
relationship with teachers or sisters and brothers, do not have a well social
relationship network. May lost their rationalities and try using suicide to solve the
The teens suicide problem is serious in Hong Kong, the society should pay more
attention on it. Then how can we prevent it? Let me gives some suggestion.
Government can organize some talk about suicide and self-harm at school, let the
teens know that suicide cannot solve the problem. The teacher and parents can
show more cares on teens , share their stress and give some opinion to the teens. If
the teens have any problems, don’t worry that by yourself, try to find someone’s
Life is precious, everyone only have one time to life, don’t lost it easily. Suicide
cannot solve but increase problems. Don’t do such unwise activity. Heaven never
bars one’s way, don’t give up easily. Sometimes when you change your mind a little
bit, the whole world will be different.

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