The 12 Most Prestigious Competitions For High School Students - College Solutions

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8/9/2019 The 12 Most Prestigious Competitions for High School Students - College Solutions



Helping parents and students choose the right college.

The 12 Most Prestigious Competitions for High School

See the student that won the Intel Science Competition

High school students here are the 12 most prestigious and well-respected competitions. These offer
significant financial prizes and will make you more desirable to the most selective and prestigious
universities. More importantly by competing you will develop the skills in research, learning, diverse
thought, critical thinking and communication that all colleges and employers desire.

1. AAN Neuroscience Research Prize. ( investigating problems concerning the brain or the nervous system are invited to compete for monetary
prizes as well as all expenses paid trips to the AAN Annual Meeting, to present their work during a scientific poster session.
2. Davidson Fellows. ( prestigious scholarship annually awards up to $50,000 to
students, 18 and under, who have completed a “significant” piece of work in one of eight categories including Engineering, Mathematics,
Science, Literature, Music, Technology, Philosophy, and Outside the Box.
3. Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge. ( work in teams of 2 to 5 members to develop
solutions to some of the world’s most complex problems. Finalist teams compete for seed funding grants, investment opportunities, patent
support, business services and scholarships.
4. ExploraVision ( Jointly sponsored by Toshiba and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA),
ExploraVision encourages collaboration by restricting the competition to group projects. Although all participants win gifts and discounts, the
top four teams receive US Savings Bonds worth $10,000 for each student.
5. Google Science Fair. ( with online submissions, this competition invites young scientists
from all over the world to compete for up to $50,000 in scholarships as well as a trip to the Galapagos Islands sponsored by National
Geographic. Finalists are invited to Google Headquarters to present their projects before expert judges. To receive information on future
competitions, sign-up ( on the Google Science Fair website.
6. Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. ( Intel ISEF is possibly the world’s largest
international pre-college science competition, providing an annual forum for over 1,800 high school students from countries all over the world
who compete for approximately $4 million in awards. Competition begins at the high school level and culminates at the International Science
and Engineering Fair, held each year in different cities around the country.
7. International BioGENEius Challenge. ( competition is designed to
recognize outstanding research in biotechnology. Finalists showcase their talent and research before a prestigious panel of expert biotech
judges and have the opportunity to win cash awards.
8. Microsoft Imagine Cup ( Imagine Cup is a global competition for
computer science students who team up to use their creativity, passion and knowledge of technology to create applications and compete for
cash, travel and prizes. Sign up (
6d68f901757a%26brand%3dmicrosoft%26subbrand%3dprofile%2bcenter&id=74335&cbid=50861&mkt=en-us)on line to get notified when the
2018 season begins.
9. MIT THINK Scholars Program. ( THINK Scholars program is an initiative that promotes science,
technology, engineering and mathematics by supporting and funding projects developed by high school students. Finalists receive all-
expenses paid trips to MIT to attend XFair (MIT’s spring tech symposium) and winners receive up to $1000 to build their projects. Additional
scholarship prizes are also available.
10. National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. ( students compete for scholarships and recognition
by presenting the results of their original research before a panel of judges and an audience of their peers. Regional scholarships as well as
eight national top awards of up to $12,000 are among the prizes available. Different regions/states run on different schedules. 1/3
8/9/2019 The 12 Most Prestigious Competitions for High School Students - College Solutions
11. Regeneron Science Talent Search. ( Regeneron Science Talent Search invites the nation’s best
and brightest young scientists to present original research to nationally recognized professional scientists. Open only to high school seniors,
40 finalists are selected to come to Washington DC and compete for the top award of $250,000. The competition will open on August 1.All
applications will be due on November 15.
12. Siemens Competition in Math, Science, and Technology. ( 1999, the Siemens Foundation,
has provided young scientists with opportunities to win scholarships ranging from $1000 to $100,000 for original research in team and
individual categories.

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Larry Dannenberg on Fox25 - Financial Aid Advice

See College Solutions founder, Larry Dannenberg, on Fox 25 News.




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