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Name of the Student- Zareen Abbas

Name of the Agency- Centre for child and adolescent well being

Name of the Department supervisor- Mr Abhishek Thakur

Name of the Agency supervisor- Mrs Charu Sethi

Day and Date- Thursday, 7th feb 2019

Plan of the Day

 Visit masoom special school with my agency supervisor.

 Visit majnu ka tila community
 Look for the dropouts in the community and differently abled children
 Start session with children on physical fitness


 My agency supervisor called me and said that we will be visiting masoom special
school after sports day and I should go to community directly and meet her after my
work is over in the community.
 I visited majnu ka tila community and went to the area of chappan pahadi considered
as “Jhuggi” area of community. I went to the shelter home where I found drop out
children playing “stappu” they were total 7 children I introduced myself to them after
which we started introduction session in which they all introduced their name, age and
their home town village. After this I asked them how many of them had ever been to
school only 2 of them had studied till 1st standard they all wanted to study but of most
them don’t have any identity proof of themselves and even their parents had never
tried for their enrolment in any school.
 Chappan pahadi area is known as the remotest area of majnu ka tila community. I
searched for differently abled children in this area. I found shivani, a 7 year old girl
who resides in jhuggi no.124. She has a speech disorder. Her father named ranjeet
shared her reports of lok kalyan hospital and told that she don’t have disability
certificate and they are looking for her operation because of they had never applied
for the certificate. I guided them about the procedure of having a certificate from
nearest hospital and also informed them about how this certificate can help her in
admission and scholarship, free travel in buses, concession in railway fare and other
benefits. They want to enrol shivani into education but they don’t had any about the
special schools. I told about special schools and also guided them about the admission
procedure in masoom special school. I referred them for IQ test in our agency so that
we can proceed further for her admission.
 I started a series of session on physical fitness with children:
To help children develop habits that will last a lifetime, an active, healthy lifestyle
must start early in life. Physical activity has benefits at every age, and helps kids:
1. Keep their heart and lungs strong and healthy,
2. Become more flexible,
3. Develop strong bones,
4. Keep a healthy body weight,
5. Lower the risk of several diseases and health problems,
6. Improve their mood and self-esteem, and
7. Do better in school.

Why physical fitness is important?

Compared to kids who are inactive, physically active kids tend to be more physically fit, have
stronger bones and muscles, and feel better about themselves -- they may even have reduced
symptoms of anxiety and depression. They also have a lower risk of developing heart disease,
colon cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, regular physical activity helps kids of all ages
with weight control. In fact, when it comes to a healthy weight, being physically active is just
as important for kids as eating right. Regular physical activity helps control the percentage of
body fat in children and teens. Studies have shown that overweight and obese kids can reduce
their body fat by participating in 30 to 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity,
three to five days a week.

 We did basic exercise and running as this was our first physical fitness session and we
also discussed what kind of activity they all want to have in future sessions.

 “chappan pahadi” remotest area of majnu ka tila where I observed how people were
living in small jhuggies and these jhuggies are illegal. There is shelter home in this
area and students were playing outside the shelter home. The residents of the area
belongs to the labour class and there is one tap from which most of the people were
filling water, washing clothes and utensils. In this area there is a need for education
centre because most of the children in this area were dropouts.
 Lecture series on “physical fitness” developed children interest for being fit and also
created a feeling of competition to prove that they are better and fit as compared to
other children. This lecture series also motivated them to become an active member of
a group and to perform their best in every activity.
After exercises they all felt mentally relaxed and happy which also shows that how
some physical exercise can help in generating mental peace. Students also looked
excited for upcoming sessions.


 Education is the biggest tool for creating the empowerment in any community. There
are so many dropout cases in majnu ka tila and therefore there is a need for
establishing an education centre which can provide them some education by
alternative modes and can build confidence in them and also can help in their
admission in schools.
 Various kinds of physical activities help in developing the organic system and
functioning of the body. They also improve the abilities of human being to resist
fatigue, to remain active and perform efficiently. Physical activities help in
developing various kinds of intellectual qualities inherent in a child. Thus with the
help of physical education, it is possible to develop children intellectually. By
participating in various kinds of physical activities, children becomes emotionally
mature. More than one player participate in physical activity and when people’ of
different background and society come into personal contact with each-other, they
learn to work in groups, with utmost co-operation and co-ordination.

 Visit centre for child and adolescent well-being, help in preparation of the sports
day event
 Record and document sports day event.
 Help in the preparation of “Puppet show”

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