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Water Balance Paul G. Schmitz

Chapter Objectives

The student will discuss the role of water imbalance in the dysnatremias.
The student will discuss the mechanism responsible for the symptoms of hyponatremia
and the importance of rate of versus absolute decline in serum sodium concentration.
The student will construct an algorithm depicting the causes of the dysnatremias based
on volume status, urine sodium concentration, and urine osmolality.
The student will list of the major causes of SIADH and diabetes insipidus.
The student will discuss the pathophysiology and prevention of the osmotic demyelina-
tion syndrome.
The student will discuss the mechanisms and differential diagnosis of polyuria.

Water imbalance is required to produce minimize confusion as one analyzes an

changes in the Na+ concentration. Con- electrolyte problem.
versely, disorders of Na+ balance produce
The distinction between water and Na+ bal-
changes in total body volume.
ance can be further appreciated by recall-
However, there are several common clini- ing the body systems that defend against
cal settings, in which both water and Na+ changes in volume versus concentration.
disorders coexist. For example, hypona- The systems are specific and independ-
tremia and volume expansion coexist in pa- ent as outlined below.
tients with congestive heart failure. Aware-
The Defense of Concentration. Changes
ness of this clinical reality is essential to
in plasma osmolality alter the secretion of
ADH. ADH increases the water permeabil-

ity of the collecting duct. Unabated this
will eventually lower the Na+ concentration.
Unabated water loss will raise the Na+ con-
centration. Not surprisingly, hyponatremia
and hypernatremia are frequently accompa-
nied by changes in the blood level of ADH.

The Defense of Volume. Changes in

plasma volume elicits a complex neurohu-
moral response that alters renal Na+ trans-
port. Water will follow Na+ movement
(via passive diffusion) in an isosmotic
fashion. Therefore, Na+ transport per se
does not directly alter the concentration
of Na+. However, the attendant gain or loss
of water will expand or contract the total
body volume, respectively. Volume disor-
ders are virtually synonymous with altered
Na+ transport.

Clinical Example. Primary hyperaldosteronism is a

clinical condition characterized by an autonomous
increase in circulating aldosterone. Aldosterone pro-
motes Na+ reabsorption in the collecting duct via
ENaC. Clinically, these patients develop volume ex-
pansion and hypertension, but do not develop hy-


The plasma Na+ concentration in hospital- not decreased in this type of hyponatre-
ized patients is ~8 mEq/l less than that re- mia.
ported in the outpatient setting. It has a fre-
quency of 5-30% depending on the popu- True hyponatremia induces cell swelling,
lation studied (e.g., it is particularly preva- not shrinkage, because water moves into

lent among the elderly and nursing home the cellular compartment. The effects of hy-

patient). perglycemia on the serum Na+ concentra-

tion are fairly predictable. Thus, a 100 mg/
Laboratory Evaluation dl increase in glucose typically lowers the
sodium concentration by 1.5-2.0 mEq/l.
Definitive diagnosis of hyponatremia re-
quires laboratory determination of the se-
Pseudohyponatremia is caused by an in-
rum Na+ concentration. However, a falsely
crease in the concentration of proteins or
low serum Na+ concentration is observed
lipids (Figure 11.1). The decrease in
in two clinical scenarios:
plasma Na+ concentration occurs when

1. Hypertonic hyponatremia dilution-based methodologies are em-

ployed to measure the Na+ concentration.
2. Pseudohyponatremia Since the Na+ concentration in the
Hypertonic hyponatremia is caused by an aqueous-phase remains unchanged, the
increase in the plasma glucose concentra- osmolality is normal in pseudohyponatre-
tion. The rise in glucose concentration in- mia.
creases the plasma osmolality, which pro-
motes passive diffusion of water from the Symptoms of Hyponatremia
cellular compartment to the extracellular The principle manifestations of hyponatre-
compartment. The gain in extracellular wa- mia are due to altered cell volume. In par-
ter lowers the concentration of Na+. Impor- ticular, the inelastic cranium is associated
tantly, the plasma osmolality is increased, with a rise in intracerebral pressure when
brain cells swell beyond ~5%. Intracranial

Figure 11.1 Pseudohyponatremia
Laboratory measurement of the Na+ concentration using flame-photometry. A normal plasma sam-
ple (left) is comprised of an aqueous-phase (93%) and a solid-phase (7%, mostly proteins and lip-
ids). The aqueous-phase is isolated via ultracentrifugation (middle column) and diluted with a stan-
dard amount of diluent to achieve a standardized sample volume (right). The Na+ concentration in
the reconstituted sample is measured using an autoanalyzer. When the solid-phase compounds in-
crease (e.g., severe hyperlipidemia), the amount of diluent added must necessarily increase to
achieve a standard sample volume. Accordingly, the measured Na+ concentration decreases, al-
though, the Na+ concentration in the aqueous-phase is unaffected. This underestimation of Na+ con-
centration can be avoided by measurement of osmolality using freezing point depression.

pressure rises exponentially with as little Brain cells are endowed with intrinsic os-
as a 10% decrease in the plasma osmolal- motic regulatory systems that regulate cell
ity (Figure 11.2). Therefore, the cardinal volume. Cellular adaptation occurs acutely
clinical manifestations of hyponatremia are (within 24 hours), but several days are re-
the result of CNS swelling. These symp- quired to achieve near-normal cell volume.
toms include: In the complete absence of adaptation,
life-threatening cerebral edema may occur
✴ Nausea and vomiting
with as little as a 5-10% decrease in osmo-
✴ Behavioral changes lality.

✴ Decreased level of consciousness ad- Acute adaptation is secondary to extrusion

vancing to coma of intracellular Na+ and water. It is effec-
tive, albeit limited. Chronic adaptation de-
✴ Seizures

pends on the cell extrusion of organic com-
pounds known as osmolytes. Chronic ad-
aptation can completely normalize in-
tracerebral pressure. Therefore, the rate of
decrease in serum Na+ concentration is a
far more important factor governing symp-
toms than the absolute decline.

Clinical Implication. Even extreme decreases in the

serum Na+ concentration (<100 mEq/L) may be toler-
ated if the rate of decrease is slow. In addition,
these patients should not have their serum Na+ cor-
rected quickly because de-adaptation requires sev-
eral days. If the Na+ concentration is corrected rap-
idly, the myelin of axons and neurons may be irre-
versibly injured. This phenomenon is referred to as
the osmotic demyelination syndrome.

An increase in water input relative to water
output is a prerequisite for the develop-
ment of hyponatremia.

Water Input > Water Output 
Figure 11.2 CNS Effects of Hyponatremia
Understanding the factors that regulate wa-
Without cellular adaptation, the brain swells
considerably (panel A to B) producing cere- ter input and output underlies the physiol-
bral edema. Fortunately, brain cells adapt ogic classification of hyponatremia.
quickly to hyponatremia. Within hours, the
cells begin to extrude electrolytes and water,
The maximal urine flow rate is quite impres-
which minimizes the swelling (panel B to C).
Within several days, the brain volume returns sive under normal circumstances and pro-
to near normal (panel C to D), even with vides an extraordinary buffer against the
marked decreases in the serum Na+ concen- development of hyponatremia from water
tration, as organic osmolytes are extruded
from the cell. input alone. The maximal flow rate can be
calculated from knowledge of 2 variables:

✴ Maximum urine dilution (50 mOsm/l in
normal humans)

✴ The daily solute excretion (600

mOsm/day, which is comprised of Na+,
K+, Cl–, and urea).

A simple calculation yields a maximum

urine volume of 12 liters/day:

600 mOsm solute per day
50 mOsm solute in each liter of urine

Therefore, water intake must be prodigious

to generate hyponatremia without a con-
comitant defect in urine dilution or solute

Clinical Implication. It is possible to dramatically

limit free water output by restricting solute intake. Figure 11.3 Free Water Generation
Although relatively uncommon, such a phenomenon In step 1 Na+ and water are reabsorbed in
has been described in the elderly and the alcoholic the proximal tubule. Conditions that increase
in whom solute intake can be less than 100 mOsm/ proximal tubular fluid reabsorption reduce
day. Such a low output translates into a maximum the maximal renal generation of free water
of 1-2 liters of urine output per day. (low cardiac output states such as CHF). In
step 2 the urine undergoes dilution in the me-
Figure 11.3 depicts the steps involved in dullary thick ascending limb. Loop diuretics
interfere with maximal urinary dilution by in-
renal generation of free water. The majority
hibiting NKCC2. In step 3, water is either ex-
of hyponatremic states are characterized creted (suppressed ADH) or conserved (in-
by an increase in circulating ADH. The pre- creased ADH). Step 3 is the most important
step in renal handling of water.
vailing level of ADH reflects the effects of
multiple factors that may stimulate or in- as the syndrome of inappropriate ADH se-
hibit secretion (see Table 10.1). However, cretion (SIADH). In summary:
when the stimulus for ADH secretion is un-
known the clinical condition is referred to ✴ Water input must exceed water output
for hyponatremia to develop.

✴ Recognition of the factors that influ- Low ECV
ence water balance is essential to for- Four clinical syndromes account for the
mulate a logical differential diagnosis.
vast majority of these conditions (Figure -.
✴ Water drinking alone is unlikely to pro- -):
duce hyponatremia.
✴ Volume Contraction
✴ ADH plays a prominent role in water out-
put, and is, therefore, frequently impli- ✴ Cardiac failure
cated in the pathophysiology of hypona-
tremia. ✴ Nephrotic syndrome

Physiological Classification ✴ Cirrhosis.

We employ a simple 2 category classifica-
The total body volume may be increased
tion scheme based on the effective circulat-
or decreased depending on the underlying
ing volume (ECV) to reflect the underlying
pathophysiology. Regardless, since renal
perfusion is reduced the kidney will con-
1. Conditions associated with a low ECV serve Na+ (Urine Na+ <10 mEq/l)

2. Conditions associated with a normal Normal ECV

ECV The prototypical syndrome in this category

The distinction between total body vol- is SIADH. The total body volume is virtually
normal (euvolemia) in these patients (Fig-
ume and ECV is subtle, yet pivotal in
ure 11.5). Since the volume status and
this scheme. The total body volume re-
ECV are normal, the urine Na+ concentra-
flects the combined volume of all major
tion is typically >20 mEq/l. Therefore, the
body fluid compartments (intravascular, in-
urine Na+ concentration is helpful in differ-
terstitial, and intracellular). In contrast, the
entiating SIADH from conditions with a low
ECV reflects the arterial volume, and im-
plies perfusion to vital organs. It is possible
to develop volume expansion yet manifest
The Vasopressin Antagonists
a low ECV. For example, cardiac failure is Recently, V2R antagonists have emerged
accompanied by total volume expansion as a new approach to the management of
(i.e., edema) but is accompanied by a low

Figure 11.4 Pathophysiology of Hyponatremia in Low ECV Conditions
These four conditions account for nearly 75% of all hyponatremias. Each condition is characterized
by a low ECV and increased Na+ reabsorption in the proximal tubule. In addition, ADH secretion is
increased because of baroreceptor activation. Both effects impair free water excretion. Since cardiac
failure, nephrosis, and cirrhosis are characterized by Na+ retention, edema formation is also very
common in these settings. Volume contracted states yield a similar pathophysiology, although, the
physical exam reveals decreased volume, not edema. The urine Na+ is typically <10 mEq/L in these
conditions. The urine osmolality >300 mOsm because of the increase in circulating ADH. The low
ECV also stimulates water intake via ANG II. Therefore, water intake increases in tandem with a fall
in water output. ECV, effective circulating volume.

hyponatremia. These agents competitively V1Rb. V1Ra is expressed on vascular smooth mus-
cle cells (vasoconstriction), platelets (aggregation),
inhibit binding of ADH with V2R.
hepatocytes (glycogenolysis), and the myometrium
(uterine contractions). V1Rb is widely expressed in
Evolving Research. Three vasopressin receptors the brain, although, it’s exact role remains incom-
have been characterized over the past decade. V2R pletely understood.
mediates the effects of ADH on water permeability.
V1R is comprised of 2 receptor subtypes, V1Ra and

Conivaptan was the first agent approved patan is V2R-specific and is approved for
for use in the United States in 2006. Coni- use in SIADH as well as hyponatremia as-
vaptan is a non-selective vasopressin an- sociated with CHF and cirrhosis. Tolvaptan
tagonist (inhibiting V2R and V1Ra) only ap- is available as an oral formulation.
proved for use in SIADH. Conivaptan may
reduce blood pressure because of its ef- Clinical Diagnostic Approach
fect on V1Ra. It is contraindicated in pa- The clinicians approach to hyponatremia is
tients with heart failure and cirrhosis. Sev- weighted heavily on the volume assess-
eral newer agents with greater receptor se- ment. This appraoch works well at the bed-
lectivity have emerged. For example, tolva- side, since assessment of volume status is

Figure 11.5 Etiology of SIADH

SIADH accounts for about 20% of the hyponatremias. Three mechanisms are responsible for
these conditions: 1) increased hypothalamic/pituitary synthesis of ADH, 2) ectopic synthesis of
ADH, and 3) potentiation of the action of ADH. The most common causes are listed in the colored
bubbles. Cancers, brain lesions, pulmonary disease, and drugs are commonly implicated.

straightforward and convenient. The clini- ✴ Chronic administration of thiazide diuret-
cal history and urine chemistries (Uosm and ics is a common cause of hyponatremia
UNa+) aid the clinician in refining the diagno- in the elderly. The thiazide diuretics pro-
sis. mote volume contraction, which in-
creases ADH. Since the loop diuretics
The clinician should first establish that the interfere with urine concentration via
hyponatremia is not due to hyperglycemia
blockade of NKCC2 they are less com-
or pseudohyponatremia. If in doubt, meas-
monly associated with hyponatremia.
uring the plasma osmolality via freezing-
point depression will discriminate pseudo- ✴ Decreased intake of solute (electrolytes)
hyponatremia and hyperglycemic hypona- or protein (which is metabolized to urea)
tremia from hypoosmolar hyponatremia can markedly impair water excretion (as
(Figure -.-). noted above). This is common in the eld-
erly or the alcoholic. Since the circulat-
There are several causes of hyponatremia
ing level of ADH is not increased in
that are generally less common but should
these patients, the urine osmolality is
be also be considered:
usually <100-150 mOsm/L.
✴ Psychogenic water drinking has been
described in young women receiving
General Treatment
psychotropic agents. These individuals Treating the underlying disturbance is al-
often exhibit impaired maximal urine di- ways the optimal approach. Additionally,
lution as well. The mechanism of in- water restriction and judicious use of a va-
creased thirst is not well understood, al- sopressin antagonist may prove useful.
though the anticholinergic effect of psy-
Water restriction is difficult to enforce in pa-
chotropic drugs is often implicated.
tients with heart failure, nephrotic syn-
✴ Patients with adrenal insufficiency or hy- drome, or cirrhosis, since the disease state
pothyroidism can exhibit hyponatremia. is characterized by a marked increase in
Increased sensitivity to the action of circulating ANG II, which is a potent stimu-
ADH is thought to underlie the water re- lus of thirst.
tention in these conditions. Correction
Life-threatening (acute) hyponatremia, usu-
of the endocrine disturbance cures the
ally accompanied by coma, seizures, leth-

Figure 11.6 Clinical Approach to Hyponatremia
With the notable exception of two conditions (psychogenic polydipsia and low solute intake), all are
associated with an increase in ADH and, therefore, urine osmolality >300 mOsm/l. Two endocrine
disorders (adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism) must be considered, as they are treated with spe-
cific hormonal therapy. Note that the clinical volume assessment is a useful early step in the evalua-
tion of hyponatremia.

argy and confusion, requires a more ag- Loop diuretics have also been employed in
gressive initial strategy. Typically a modest this setting. Acutely, loop diuretics in-
(5-7 mEq/L) increase in serum Na+ is ade- crease water excretion because of their po-
quate to prevent permanent neurologic se- tent diuretic properties. However admini-
quelae. Careful intravenous administration stration of a loop diuretic must be moni-
of hypertonic saline (3-5% saline) is used tored carefully, since the simultaneous loss
to quickly raise the serum Na+ concentra- of volume can produce dehydration.

Clinical Paradox. Paradoxically, chronic daily ad-
ministration of diuretics is implicated in the develop-
ment of hyponatremia. Since these patients are
mildly volume contracted, the circulating level of
ADH and ANG II is increased, which increases water
retention and thirst, respectively.

Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome

It is vital to avoid rapid or over correction
of the serum Na+ concentration, because
aggressive correction has been associated
with myelin injury. This condition was origi-
nally coined “central pontine myelinolysis”
because the pattern of myelin injury was
confined to the central pons (Figure 11.7).
The classic clinical features included quad- Figure 11.7 Osmotic Injury
riparesis and pseudobulbar palsies. Magnetic resonance image at the level of
the central pons in a patient with osmotic de-
Recent evidence indicates that the lesions myelination. The T2-weighted image reveals
hyperintense (white) areas in the central
also involve extrapontine areas. Thus, the
pons (arrows). These lesions reflect in-
more general term osmotic demyelination creased water content in the area.
syndrome (ODS) has been adopted.
tients inadvertently subjected to rapid cor-
ODS was first described in alcohol abuse, rection must be monitored carefully.
but more recent studies have documented
this type of injury in many other disorders, Unfortunately, the treatment of sympto-
including liver transplantation, malnutrition, matic ODS is ineffective, although sponta-
and AIDS. Post-mortem studies indicate neous recovery has been reported in a
that the majority of cases are clinically as- small number of cases. Recent studies sug-
ymptomatic; therefore, the exact incidence gest that lowering the serum Na+ with wa-
is difficult to ascertain. The onset of symp- ter should be considered in patients in
toms is usually delayed, typically requiring whom the serum Na+ has increased rap-
24-48 hours to manifest. Therefore, pa- idly. Based on observational studies in pa-
tients and animal studies, a prudent ap-

proach to the correction of hyponatremia
is outlined below:

✴ Manage asymptomatic patients conser-


✴ A 5-7 mEq/L increase in plasma Na+

concentration should reverse cerebral

✴ The correction rate should not exceed

0.5-1.0 mEq/hour.

✴ The absolute correction should not ex-

ceed 10-12 mEq/day.

The above guidelines should be adhered

to strictly in high-risk groups including, the
alcoholic, liver transplant recipients, or
those with previous CNS disease.


The pathophysiology of hypernatremia is

conceptually analogous to hyponatremia,
since the prerequisite for developing this
disorder is an imbalance in water homeo-

Water Input < Water Output

Impaired thirst plays a critical role in the

pathogenesis of these disorders. The
regulation of thirst is complex, and in-
volves osmotic, hormonal, and neural input
(Figure 11.8).

Clinical Pearl. The importance of thirst is exempli-

fied in patients with diabetes insipidus (DI). These
individuals are ADH deficient or resistant to its ac-
tion, however they rarely develop hypernatremia.
They compensate for water losses by simply drink- Figure 11.8 Thirst Centers
ing more water. Indeed, patients with DI typically pre- Schematic depiction of the neural circuitry in-
sent with polyuria and polydipsia, not hypernatre- volved in regulating thirst. Neural signals ema-
mia. nating from hormonal (ANG II; atrial natriu-
retic peptide, ANP), hemodynamic (carotid
Altered thirst is particularly common in pa- and aortic baroreceptors, BR), and osmotic
signals converge in various regions of the lam-
tients with preexisting brain injury, demen- ina terminalis (LT). The signals are proc-
tia, mental impairment, or in early life (in- essed in the hypothalamus and cortex then
fancy). elicit a change in thirst. SFO, subfornical or-
gan; MnPO, median preoptic nucleus; OV, or-
ganum vasculosum.

Differential Diagnosis
Hypernatremia is classified into 3 major
groups based on the urine osmolality (Fig-
ure 11.9).

✴ Impaired Thirst

✴ Diabetes Insipidus

✴ Osmotic Diuresis

Occasionally, the urine osmolality falls

within a grey-zone (150-800 mOsm/l). This
is seen with partial variants of diabetes in- Figure 11.9 Etiology of Hypernatremia
sipidus, or the elderly, in whom, maximal A urine osmolality >800 mOsm indicates that
urine concentration and dilution are re- impaired thirst is responsible for hypernatre-
mia. A urine osmolality of <150 mOsm impli-
cates renal water loss, most likely diabetes
insipidus. A urine osmolality that is repeat-
Diabetes Insipidus edly ~300 mOsm/l suggests the presence of
Although the mechanism responsible for an osmotic agent (usually glucose or urea).
diabetes insipidus is relatively straightfor- Partial variants of diabetes insipidus and im-
paired countercurrent multiplication (CC) in-
ward (ADH deficiency or resistance), the eti- terfere with water conservation. The urine os-
ology is diverse (Figure 11.10). CNS condi- molality reflects the partial nature of these de-
tions, such as trauma, infection, or tumors, fects.

are common causes of central diabetes in-

sipidus (CDI). Conversely, certain drugs,
Since patients with diabetes insipidus ex-
electrolyte disturbances, or tubular injury
hibit polyuria more commonly than hyper-
are responsible for the nephrogenic vari-
natremia, the clinical evaluation of polyuria
ants of diabetes insipidus (NDI).
is relevant. A urine output in excess of 2.5
L/day is the generally accepted definition
Lithium as a Prototype. NDI has been described in
>40% of patients receiving Lithium for bipolar affec- of polyuria. Urine flow is governed by sol-
tive disorder. Lithium interferes with the expression ute (NaCl, urea, glucose or, rarely, drugs)
of AQP-2 in the collecting duct. Some, but not all, and water excretion.
resolve after discontinuing the drug.

Figure 11.10 Features and Etiology of Diabetes Insipidus
Clinical features and major causes of central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. CDI manifests as
a decrease in circulating ADH. These individuals should respond to exogenous vasopressin. NDI is
associated with resistance to the action of ADH and, therefore, the circulating levels are usually in-
creased. The most common causes are listed for both disorders.

Clinically, it is useful to classify polyuria Serum Na+

( )
Water Deficit = Current TBW × −1
into 3 categories based on the composi- 140

tion of the urine (Figure 11.11).

In addition, ongoing losses of water must
Management of Hypernatremia be accounted for by measuring urine out-
Treating the underlying disorder is the opti- put and estimating insensible losses.
mal approach. Since many of these indi-
Aqueous vasopressin (administered na-
viduals are not drinking enough water, one
sally or via the subcutaneous route) is use-
need simply provide sufficient water to re-
ful in patients with central diabetes insip-
place the deficit. Calculation of the water
idus, while the chronic administration of thi-
deficit provides a useful starting point for
azide diuretics reduce free water excretion
replacement fluids:
in patients with nephrogenic diabetes insip-

Figure 11.11 Evaluation of Polyuria
A urine output that exceeds 2.5 L/day is the typical threshold for diagnosing polyuria. The subse-
quent evaluation is directed toward establishing the mechanism of increased urine flow. A water
diuresis is characterized by dilute urine (typically <150 mOsm). Excessive water intake (aka psy-
chogenic polydipsia or diabetes insipidus) account for the majority of these cases. Solutes that can
mediate an increase in urine flow include, electrolytes, glucose, urea, and exogenous mannitol. Dif-
ferentiation of the salt-wasting variants from other osmotic agents requires both a calculation and
measurement of the urine osmolality. If the calculated osmolality is significantly less than the
measured osmolality, an osmotic agent should be suspected.

At the bench. Thiazide diuretics appear to exert Rapidly lowering the Na+ concentration
their effects via 2 mechanisms: 1) Mild volume con-
may precipitate cerebral edema as water
traction promotes increased water reabsorption in
the proximal tubule, thereby, decreasing water excre-
redistributes into the cellular compartment.
tion. 2) Recent studies demonstrate that thiazide diu- This can be avoided if the serum Na+ con-
retics increase expression of AQP-2 in the collecting centration is reduced gradually. Hence, the

following guidelines should be employed in
treatment of patients with hypernatremia:

✴ First restore volume contraction with

normal saline before initiating therapy
with dilute solutions. Correction of the
volume status is essential to prevent
cardiovascular collapse.

✴ Correct the water deficit at a rate not to

exceed 12 mEq/day or 0.5 mEq/hr (to
prevent life-threatening cerebral edema
with dilute saline solutions).

✴ Replace ongoing water and electrolyte

losses (urine, sweat) with an intrave-
nous solution of comparable tonicity.
This is particularly important when the
urine output or insensible losses are

Suggested Readings

1. Sterns RH. Disorders of plasma sodium

- causes, consequences, and correction.
N Engl J Med. 2015;372(1):55-65.

2. Danziger J, Zeidel ML. Osmotic Homeo-

stasis. Clinical Journal of the American
Society of Nephrology.

3. Knepper MA, Kwon T-H, Nielsen S. Mo-

lecular Physiology of Water Balance.
The New England journal of medicine.

Key Points

Hyponatremia and hypernatremia are Hypernatremia is almost always secon-

caused by water imbalance, not so- dary to impaired or abnormal thirst, al-
dium imbalance. though excessive water loss in the
urine may predispose the individual to
The symptoms of hyponatremia are sec- hypernatremia.
ondary to cerebral swelling and include
lethargy, confusion, seizures, and Diabetes insipidus is associated with
coma. polyuria and polydipsia, but is usually
not characterized by hypernatremia (un-
The rate of decrease in the serum so- less thirst is impaired or access to wa-
dium concentration is a superior predic- ter is limited).
tor of the severity of symptoms, com-
pared to the absolute decrease in so- Hypernatremia must be corrected over
dium concentration. 48-72 hours to prevent the develop-
ment of cerebral edema.
Hyponatremia is usually secondary to
one of five clinical syndromes: conges-
tive heart failure, nephrotic syndrome,
cirrhosis, volume contraction, and SI-
ADH. All of these conditions elicit an in-
crease in circulating ADH. The underly-
ing cause of each of these conditions is

Rapid correction of hyponatremia may

induce osmotic demyelination in the
brain. This syndrome is complicated by
permanent neurologic sequela that oc-
curs 24-48 hours after correction.


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